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Sinarwati MS
In today's world, having the knowledge and skills to
operate computers is a key factor in starting success.
Therefore, this lab is designed to provide strong basic
knowledge and skills in word processing tools such as
Microsoft Word. By completing this lab will help
students acquire Office skills that are likely to be used in
everyday life.



Table of Contents...................................................................................................................... 2

Lab rules ................................................................................................................................... 3

1.0 Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.0 Pre-Assessment .............................................................................................................. 4

3.0 Introduction to Microsoft Word ..................................................................................... 7

4.0 Word Practice ................................................................................................................. 7

5.0 Post-assessment ............................................................................................................10

References ................................................................................................................................13


• Sign in and out your attendance
• Be punctual
• Participate in all learning activities
• Shut down the computer after complete the lab session
• Read and understand the lab instruction
• Practice the activities during lab session
• Ask the lab demonstrator if you do not understand

• Eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab
• Enter the lab demonstrator’s area
• Play games such as dota, clash and clan etc
• Watch YouTube unless instructed
• Check your online media social (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
• Check personal email, unless course-related
• Install new software on the lab computers unless instructed
• Use cell phones or converse loudly in the lab

• Discuss with your friends
• Move around to see your friend’s work


After completing the lab session, the students will be able to:

• Creating a document using MS Word

• Editing and formatting documents or texts
• Produce documents such as posters, report papers, official letters and so on based on the

You will be challenged to dig deeper into your prior knowledge and previous experiences about
one of the commonly used word processing software which is Microsoft Word. This phase will
guide you in assessing yourself by answering questions and many other types of evaluation for
you to further explore the basics of word processing.


Instruction: Listed below are some of the most important skills that you must gain for this course.
Read the skills carefully and then write “NO”, if you are not really familiar, “NEED PRACTICE
(NP)” if you need practicing more and “YES” if you understand. Feel free to answer each skill.
Write your answers in Pre column provided.

Create new document
I know how to create a new document using Microsoft Word
Display a document PRE POST
I know how to display documents in various ways such as print
layout, full screen reading, web layout, outline and draft
Setting Page Setup PRE POST
I know how to change page orientation
I know how to change Page Size
I know how to format a Page Margin

Enter text PRE POST

I know how to type using the keyboard
I know the usefulness Insertion Point
I know when using the Backspace key
I know when using the Delete key

I know when using the Enter key
I know when using the Caps Lock key
I know when using the Shift key
Save the document PRE POST
I know using instructions “Save As”
I know using instructions “Save”
I know how to save the documents in Word 97-2003 format
I know how to store documents in PDF (Save As PDF)format
Print the document PRE POST
I know how to make a display on Print Pane
I know how to make a display on Quick Print
Editing document PRE POST
I know how to copy, cut and paste
I know how to Drag and drop the text
I know how to change font face
I know how to change Font size
I know how to change font color
I know how to change font style
I know how to change text case – example UPPERCASE
I know how to change Highlight text
Formatting text layouts and paragraph PRE POST
To produce alignment left
To produce alignment center
To produce alignment right
To produce an alignment justify
To produce alignment right
To produce alignment left
To produce 1.5 line spacing
To use Add Space Before Paragraph
To use Remove Space After Paragraph
Use of border and shading

To generate column
Insert image
Knowing the location of the image is stored
Knowing how to insert the image
Knowing how to edit an image that has been entered
Insert the clip art
Insert the shapes (drawing toolbar)
I know how to insert shapes
I know how to format the entered shapes
Insert the word art
I know how to use a drop cap
I know to insert the list such as bullet, numbering
I know how to create a table
I know how to insert Smart Art and when I used it
I know how to create a document from template
I know how to format the template
I know how to add a header, footer, and page numbers
I know how to use the grammar and spell checker
I know how to do reference and citation
I know how to use “find and replace” function
I know how to set page margin
I know how to apply watermark in the document

Notes: For this self-assessment (Pre and Post) is useful for you as guidance in a way to get to know
the skill do you have before and after you complete this lab session. This assessment can be done
before and after the lab session or if you have leisure time. You can add the skills that are not
listed in the table for your own reference. No submission is required.

Microsoft Word is the word processing software available in the Microsoft Office package.
This software was created by Microsoft Corporation Company located in Carlifonia, USA.
Microsoft Word is the world's most widely used word processing software. This is because of the
ability of the software to enable the user to include almost all the alphabet, numbers, letters and
symbols besides processing, organizing, editing, designing, printing and storing documents typed
through the keyboard. In addition, texts typed using word processing software can be formatted
according to the needs of users. Documents saved in files or folders can be recovered by knowing
the correct file extension. The file extension for Microsoft Word is a .doc at the beginning of its
existence. Since there are various versions of Microsoft Word including Word 95, Word 97, Word
95, Word 2000, Word 2002, Word 2003, Word 2007, Word 2010 and latest are Word 2013, such as
Microsoft Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013 and Word 2016 makes the extension of the file is
.docx. However, for users who are still using Word 2003 versions, they can be adapted in the new

Typically, Microsoft Word software is used to create documents such as letters, memos,
workdays, meeting minutes, brochures, reports, poster, flyer, brochure and so on. It aims to
simplify the daily affairs and tasks of the users more efficiently and professionally.


Computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and
manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how
the data is to be processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data
(including the program, which is also a form of data) for some necessary duration. A
program may be invariable and built into the computer (and called logic circuitry as it is
on microprocessors) or different programs may be provided to the computer (loaded into
its storage and then started by an administrator or user). Today's computers have both
kinds of programming.

1. Open a blank MS Word document and type in the above text.

2. Copy the last sentence Today's computers have both kinds of programming. to the
beginning of the first paragraph.

3. Change the typeface of the entire document to 11 point Verdana.
4. Change all the word occurrences of computer to workstation.
5. Use Indent for the first paragraph : the first line must be little bit left
Note: You can also use “Hanging” by clicking dialog box launcher on Paragraph.
6. Change the spacing of the entire document from single spacing to 1.5.
7. Change the alignment of the entire document to Justify.
8. Set the phrases logic circuitry and microprocessors in Italic.
9. Insert a text box and move the whole paragraph into the text box.
10. Fill the text box with Blue colour.
11. Create a cover page that precedes the document. Set the title: What is a computer? in
26 point Tahoma, Bold and Centre it.
12. Drop Cap the first letter of “Todays” and it should drop 2 lines of the paragraph.
13. Highlight the “Complex computers” with green color.
14. Insert any “WordArt” and a symbol to your document.
15. Insert a clipart in the middle of your document.
16. Set the header as PRX 1042 Information Communication Technology - MS Word Lab
in 10 point Tahoma.
17. Set the footer as Pre-University Studies UNIMAS in 10 point Tahoma.
18. Insert page numbers.
19. Add following lines to your document
Power Supply
Mother Board
20. Insert the following table into your document
Title of Course Course Code Status of Course Credit Hours
Information PRX1010 Generic 2
Technology PRX1042
Chemistry PRK1016 Core 6

Table 1

21. Add the borders and shading as shown in Table 1.

22. Insert 1 row in between Information Technology and Chemistry. Then, fill for
Mathematics details
23. Insert the footnote after Table 1 and write as Details course for Pre- Universiy
Studies UNIMAS Student
24. Insert the reference and citation for the first sentence of paragraph.
25. Apply watermark up to your own style.
26. Insert flowchart and fill in the text then groups all the flowchart shapes as show

27. Set page margin all 2.3 cm.

28. Save your file as Lab1_your matric number.docx. Please show your work to
representative lab demonstrator. Otherwise no mark will be given.


In previous section, you have learned about basic skills in word proceeding using MS Word 2016.
Now, using the learned skills, you can modify the template document in word. Templates are pre-
designed documents that can be used to generate documents quickly without having to think
about formatting and designing. In this lesson, you will learn how to create a new document with
a template and insert text, symbol, picture, etc. into it. Templates can help you create more
professional and attractive documents. With multiple options in Word templates, you will
probably find a template that suits your needs whether you're making a business card, an easy
gift certificate, flyer and brochure or poster. To use templates, you need to know how to create a
new document with template and how to modified the chosen template based on your need. Here
are the steps for creating a new document using a template

To open a template in Word 2016:

1. Click File, then click New.

2. Click and choose a template and click Create.

3. To search for a template, type the description of the template in the Search
window and press Enter on the keyboard. Then click the template and click Create.

To save the template you’ve worked on as a new document in Microsoft Word 2016:

1. Click File, and then click Save a Copy.

2. Type a name for the file.
3. Choose a document type; consider the .docx entry.
4. Click Save.


Choose the template you want for example poster, flyer, brochure, letter, memo, resume and so on
by downloading the template. Then, using the knowledge and skills learned from the previous
unit, to modify the document.

Note: To align with Project 1 requirement, you need to think an attractive poster for
your group project by using knowledge and skills learned.

Canva is a tool that makes it possible to design anything and publish anywhere. With its user-
friendly drag and drop tool and thousands of customizable templates. To meet a Project 1
requirement which is to produce a poster, Canva can be used to help you to produce an interesting
document for not just poster only, but some types of document can be used with Canva. You can
start exploring this Canva for your project.

Start the Canva

1. Go to this link

2. Choose Education (teacher or student)

3. If you have Google account you just sign up with Google account or sign up with email.

4. You will have the first page of Canva as shown below

5. Then you can choose document templates and do modification on it. It is time for you to try
this tool in order to complete Project 1 task by producing an attractive poster.

In the section 2, you already fill the Pre column to assess your prior knowledge for this lab
session. Now, you need to evaluate your knowledge based on what you have learnt from this lab
session. This is called as Post-Assessment.

Instruction: Use the same assessment sheet in Section 2. Then, in the Post column write “No”, if
you are not really familiar, “Need Practice” if you need practicing more and “Yes” if you
understand, after completing the lab session. Feel free to answer each skill.

Canva. (n.d.). Retrieved from Simply great design for you and your team:


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