Lesson Plan Template: Sas Al Nakhl School Shamma Faisal Alhammadi

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EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Lesson Plan Template

School: Sas Al Nakhl School Date: 19/11/2018

PST: Shamma Faisal Alhammadi Time:

MST: Ruby Malik Unit: Math: number line

Class: Grade 1 Number of 22 students


Prior Knowledge: What knowledge are you building on?

- The student has the knowledge of counting the numbers from 1-20.
- Adding and subtracting the numbers from 1-10.
- The students has the knowledge of comparing between True and False with given the full

- In this lesson I will give the students a new idea of using adding and subtracting by using the
number line.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:

- At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use fils to count on and find the
- Use a number line to help find the sum.
- Use the doubles to add strategy to help find the sum.
Lesson Activities: What will students do in the lesson?

- In first 10 min I will let the students to sit on carpet and I will write a question such as
Q: 5+5=?
Q: 4+3=?
Then I will let the student to solve the question, after that I will draw a number line from 1-
10 and give an example in how to solve the number line by starting with greatest number and
I will let some students to come on the board and solve the question to get the idea of the
number line concept also to teach the students how the number line work and its helpful to
find the answer of the question.

- Then I will give each student an activity to work with number line in 15 min, this activity
shows how to add by given the number line.

EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

- After that when the student finishes the activity, he can move to the math book and solve the
questions from page 224-226 in 20 min.

Evaluation / Assessment: How will you know your students have achieved the goal?

- While the students are on task, I will ask each group a question based on the number line
and check if the student understanding.
Personal focus: Related to PDP

In this lesson I am working on my managing the time, and classroom management where the
students’ needs to work silently in their activity.

EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

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