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Name : Dita Yeni Rahmawati / 06 / XII IPA 7

A Film Review : Hachiko

Hachiko is one of the dramatic film that producted in Amerika Serikat and release in
International Film (Festival) Seattle on Juny 13 th 2009. The story was taken from a dog’s true
story named Hachiko. This film reproduct from Japan, “ Hachiko Monogatari” film at 1987.
This film also release in Japan on August 8th 2009. Lasse Hallstrom is the director for this
film that the actors and actrees are Richard Gere (Hachiko’s master named Parker Wilson) as
a teacher in the university, Joan Allen (Parker’s wife), Sarah Roemer (The daughter). On the
whole, the story of Hachiko is about a loyality. If compare with the other film that the story is
about loyal, it is Romeo and Juliet. The loyality in Romeo and Juliet is like the battery in a
clock. If the battery is on so the clock can work. If the battery is off, so the clock death and
can not work well. When Juliet death, Romeo decided to end his life because Romeo thought
that his life is only for Juliet, and the death of Juliet is also his death. But in Hachiko is like a
dry flower. Flower always needs water, without water it can’t l ive longer. It can live without
water, but not for a long time .
The film started when Ronnie told about his grand father’s dog named Hachiko.
Hachiko was a hero for him. Parker (Richard Gere) found the dog in a railway station. He
brought it home. In the house, Parker’s wife named Cate (Joan Allen) told her husband to not
keep the dog. But for a long time she watched the relatonship of Parker and Hachiko was
better, she and Andy (Sarah Roemer) decided to keep the dog also. Every day Hachiko played
together with Parker. The dog always accompanied him to go to the railway station and
waited him in there when Parker finished his work. He always did that activity. Finally many
people told about the dog’s activity. Once, when they played together, Hachi looked strange.
If Parker asked him to take the ball, he didn’t do it , it didn’t like other dog. But that was not
the problem for Parker. One day, Parker went to the station, but Hachi rejected to accompany
him. But in front of the station Hachi barked to Parker, brought a ball in his mouth. Then
Parker asked Hachi to play before he go. Unexpectedly, in university when he thaught, he get
heart attack and died. Hachi who waited in front of the railway station felt sad because Parker
was not appear yet. He didn’t know that Parker had died, he still waited every day in front of
the station. Until 10 years after Parker’s die d, Hachi got sick . Finally Hachi died in the
Station, place where he always waited Parker after work. For reminding the loyality of
Hachiko, people build a statue of hachiko in front of Shibuya Railway Station.
This film can warm feel for many people. In fact the people who doesn’t like dog also
drop some tears after watched this film. But. Hachiko film give a little boring when showing
Parker and Hachi’s activity in the station. But the director can give a better feel to the
audience from the film. Audience start to fell that Hachiko is a funny dog. And then in the
middle of the film, the audience fell emotionally from the loyality of Hachi to Parker and
unexpectedly sad with the Parker’s die. The supporting music make the audience feel deeper.
The whole of the film is good to be watched for all age. We are thaught to be loyal
with other and espescially to the God. For the people who like a sad and dramatic film, this
film is suitable for you but for the people who dislike the film like that, i advice to not watch

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