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Moral Values(The Elephant Man)

Moral Values

-Dr.Treves stops Silcock from getting Merrick walk across the room when Dr.Treves first saw
Merrick.Dr.Treves also helped out Merrick after knowing the condition of Merrick with
Silcock.Dr.Treves helped Merrick by giving Merrick a new home in the hospital.Dr.Treves also did
bring Merrick out to the outside world and the countryside.

- Mr.Carr Gomm tells The Times readers that the leftover money meant for Merrick will be donated
to the hospital after Merrick’s unfortunate death.

3. Courageous
-Mr.Carr Gomm was willing to accept Merrick into the hospital and write about him publicly despite
people were afraid of Merrick and that the police were going after Merrick for scaring the
public.Besides,Dr.Treves was also courageous when he brought Merrick out to the hospital to
examine him.
Persoalan Justeru Impian Dijaring

1. Ketabahan menghadapi dugaan

-Syahir tabah menghadapi pelbagai dugaan dalam usahanya bergelar juara dunia dalam
permainan badminton.

2. Ketaatan pada perintah Tuhan

-Syahir sangat menjaga solat semasa latihan mahupun pertandingan. Dia juga akan
berpakaian menutup aurat semasa bermain badminton.

3.Memandang rendah kepada keupayaan orang lain

-Syed Amiri memandang rendah kepada Syahir kerana Syahir tidak layak ke Kejohanan
Badminton Antarabangsa.Apabila Gopinath ditimpa kemalangan dan Syahir layak ke
Kejohanan Badminton Antarabangsa,Syed Amiri senyum sinis kepada Syahir dan
menegaskan kepada Syahir bahawa Syahir layak ke Jakarta tetapi tidak mengikut jalan yang


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