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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Student teacher’s name: Mariam M. Grade Level: 1

Unit/Lesson: English Date: 24/10/2018

Competency Area E G S M U
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)

Professionalism X
Planning for learning X
(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)
Implementing and Managing Learning X
(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)
Assessment X
Reflection on Practice X
Overview of the lesson:

8:30- “Today our lesson is about…” Mariam put a video on that had the letter g. She clicked on the
letter and the students made the g sound and said the word. ( you should have given students
directions for what you wanted them to do with the video. Model an example and then have them
follow with the next one.)

“I will read the word and you will repeat me.” Mariam gave the sounds of g and o. The powerpoint
had pictures and words on it. She said the word and the students repeated it. “We have hard g and
soft g. Say g and j.” Students repeated after her. “Goat is hard g or soft g? Raise your hand? Are you
agree or disagree?”

8:35- Mariam moved students to their tables. She called them by table number and students began
to move. Mariam went to each group and gave directions.
Center: Students were given pictures with words and they had to match them. Students were then
given a large paper and they had to glue them on their under the sound.

Center: Students were given sticks with words and they had to match them with the correct picture.

Center: Students had papers with the letter g and o on it. They were taking cotton and stickers to
make the letters.

Mariam you did a lot of walking around without purpose. When students are in centers, you should
be engaging with them.
8:51- Mariam handed the group that was finished a sheet where they had to connect the pictures
with the letter/word they belonged with.

8:53- “Its time to clean up.” Students got very noisy and were not listening (use behavior
management during this time so the process goes smoothly.)

Mariam began counting down and gave one group a point. The remaining groups were still shouting.
The MST helped calm them down.

8:56- “Who can tell me what this is?” Mariam had a photo in the front and students had to select the
correct letter the photo started with. Students were called on and then they would say the letter it
started with. Then Mariam would ask students if they agree or disagree. Many students during this
were not paying attention. This would be a good time to let them turn and talk and then call on them.
Maybe have students hold up numbers that correspond (1-g and 2-o) to make sure all students were
engaged in the lesson.

9:01- “Now I will give you pictures. You will flip the picture and write your name here.” Mariam
passed out the pictures. Students wrote their names on the pictures. “You have two minutes. You will
talk to your partner about what is the first of the picture.”
“Now I will ask a student to come and put the paper that they have in the right basket.”


- Teaching students g has two sounds hard and soft

- Power point with visuals

- Sounding out the words for the students

- Hands on activities

- Putting up the two letters you were teaching

- Providing additional activities

- MST observation

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