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Lesson Overview
This lesson is is built using PBS Extra and New York Engage Algebra 2 Module 4 Lessons
28-30. Students will learn how to evaluate two diffrent research on the same topic. They will
look at how bias impacts the data and how they can use mulitiple sources to create a more
bias free conclusion.

Common Core Math Standards
Evaluate reports based on data.

Prerequisite Knowledge
Students should be able to read graphical datain addition to recognize what is data. They
should also understand biasis.

Helpful Information for Teachers

Web Links
Michelle Alexander: More Black Men in Prison Than Were Enslaved in 1850
Criminal Justice Facts
Mass Incarceration, Visualized
Prison Population Counts

Instructional Plans
Engage 1 (15-20 min)
1. Engage Details
Engage Description:
Have the students watch
Mass Incarceration, Visualized
and then have them read
Michelle Alexander: More Black Men in Prison Than Were Enslaved in 1850
2. Formative Assessments

Explore 1 (10-15 min)

1. Explore Details
Explore Description:
Ask students if what they though about the article. Ask them for anything that stood out
to them. Ask them for any statistics that they saw. Write these statistics on the board.
Finally, ask them if their where any biasis.
2. Formative Assessments

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Teacher Prompt

Explain 1 (10-15 min)

1. Explain Details
Explain Description:
This article is bais because it focuses only on the black population in prision, but as we
know, they do not make up the whole population. Ask the students what more they
need to get a less bais view of the prision system.
2. Formative Assessments
Whole Class Discussion

Extend 1 (5-10 min)

1. Extend Details
Extend Description:
Have the studets research more sources on prision population for homework.
2. Formative Assessments
Elaborate on current Investigation

Engage 2 (5-10 min)

1. Engage Details
Engage Description:
Have students discuss in small groups the research that they have discovered from
their homework.
2. Formative Assessments

Explore 2 (15-20 min)

1. Explore Details
Explore Description:
Have students read Crimial Justice Facts. Then have them break into small groups to
discuss the diffrence between today and yesterday's research.
2. Formative Assessments

Explain 2 (15-20 min)

1. Explain Details
Explain Description:
Ask the students where the information camefrom. Is the source reputable? Why or
why not. How does it differ from the previous source? How do the sources compare?
2. Formative Assessments

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Whole Class Discussion

Extend 2 (5 min)
1. Extend Details
Extend Description:
Have students read "Prison Population Counts" (link in teacher resources) for
2. Formative Assessments

Explain 3 (30-45 min)

1. Explain Details
Explain Description:
Have the students create a presentation using the statistics that they have found on
prision poupulation. In their presentation the should have: The statistis of race and
gender, the over all population, and how they think they can help lower the population.
Have them present their research either the next day, or if students need more time to
work, in two days.
2. Formative Assessments
Oral Presentation

Contributed by:
Jennah Jacobs, Manhattan College, NY

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