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Responsibilities of Mentor

1. Meet with the student for at least twelve hours to assist and to assess progress.
(It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact.)
2. Provide information and guidance specific to the student’s chosen topic.
3. Advise the student in developing the project.
4. Evaluate the project on end-of-project survey and return via email to the student’s English
5. Notify the student of any change in your status or availability.
6. Notify the student’s teacher of any concerns.

Student’s English Teacher: Nick Maynard

Phone Number: 828-697-4768
Email Address:


I agree to serve as a mentor for ________​Dharma Larto​_____________________ during the

complete process of the Graduation Project from _​November-December​________________.
(Specify the months you will be working with student.)
Mentor Name: _________​Tessa Sternbach​___________________________
(Please print)
Day Phone Number: ____________________________________________
Evening Phone Number: _________________________________________
Email Address: ________​​____________________ ​[REQUIRED]

Statement of Ethics for Mentor:

Participation as a mentor requires fairness in grading the student’s workmanship as well as

professionalism on the final product. The mentor agrees to score work on all evaluative
statements honestly, disregarding personal opinions about the student or the project process.
The English 4 teacher relies upon the mentor’s thoughtful assessment of quality, not simply
completion, of the project.

I have read and understand my responsibilities as an evaluator and certify that I am at least
21 years old and of no close familial relationship to the student​.

Signature of Mentor: _____​​Tessa Sternbach​​_______________________ Date _​​11/4/18_

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