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Compton 1

Argumentative Outline

Thesis Statement: ​Deforestation is necessary in all developed countries because it encourages

economic growth, it also creates jobs and products, and it provides more land expansion.

I. Encourages economic growth​​:

A. Profit from Cutting Trees

1. Cutting trees is a good benefit for making money for the government and


2. Logging is profitable for all businesses and chipper mills plus it clears

land for businesses to put a building on.

3. Money is always made in the business of Logging.

B. Profiting with the Building of Businesses

1. Firstloggers, the land must be cleared, by logging it, and graded.

2. Then the ownerconstruction of the building, or buildings, would take


3. The final step would be the construction of the parking lot and final

touches to the building.

C. The Benefit of paper

1. society needs paper to write on and to make copies of things that is used in

everyday society.
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2. Schools need paper so Teachers and Administrators can teach the students

that come through the school because computers can not be counted on all

the time.

3. Society needs paper.

II. It also creates jobs and products​​:

A. More jobs for people that may be in debt

1. All kinds of jobs come open when logging companies start clearing land.

2. You really do not need a college degree to log.

3. Plus there is good money in logging.

B. Different products being manufactured for the use of people

1. All kinds of things are being made when people start logging and

distributing wood.

2. When lumber is being cut the possibilities of what it will become is


3. Plus wood is used to make furniture, tables, and people sculpt a lot of

things out of wood.

C. Houses and Buildings being built

1. Most houses these days are made out of wood.

2. Some builds and houses are made from other things but most modular

homes and double wides are wood houses.

3. Plus buildings that is in a backyard is probably made of wood.

III. It provides more land expansion​​:

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A. More land to expand and build on

1. There is trees everywhere and them trees are on land if a logger cuts some

trees down the owner might need some land to build necessity buildings

on like a food store.

2. Land is everywhere expand on it.

3. If the community expands then society does not have to worry about this

world being over run by people.

B. More land expansion so people can plant more trees on the land than might have

been on it.

1. Extra land is everywhere that might have nothing on it plant trees that will

help the younger generation.

2. Land expansion is always good.

3. Planting trees after the trees are cut is a good positive thing to do also.

IV. Counter-argument:

A. Counter-argument point 1: Cutting trees is a bad thing for the ecosystem and for

the environment.

1. A ecosystem can be destroyed because the animals have nowhere to go

and logging can ruin a piece of land.

2. The environment can be hurt because to many trees cut at one time can kill

a environment.
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B. Counter-argument point 2: Don't waste paper

1. People say that people throw paper right in the trash and do not even think

of where it came from.

2. Paper is wasted everyday of the year.

C. Reply

1. A lot of ecosystems benefit when loggers trim or cut the trees back and

replant them like a lot of logging people do.

2. Just wonder how many pieces of paper mills can make out of a tree one

little piece dont hurt a whole tree.

Compton 5

Bret Compton

English IV Honors



Research Paper

Deforestation can be a good thing and how it also can discuss how people can benefit

from it. Deforestation is a big part of the world and it is necessary in all developed countries

because it encourages economic growth. It also creates jobs and products, and it provides more

land expansion. These examples are good ways that deforestation sets a good example and how it

benefits the government, the Earth, and the World.

It is a good way to make profits from deforestation and how the government benefits

from it. Also how it benefits buildings because what is needed to build things, WOOD. When

society talks about building things and businesses, deforestation is a good example because it

opens up more land to build the buildings. When talking about businesses, they benefit because

there are places like Lowe's, Max Kendall Lumber, or even Home Depot that all benefit because

they sell wood. It helps and provides for all schools because students use wooden pencils to write

with and paper to write on. These are necessary to society. They both are very beneficial to the

schools. When loggers go to clear a certain piece of land these people need workers and what
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does that do, that creates jobs for the people in the community or in surrounding communities.

This is a perfect way to create jobs because people need jobs in this day of time. All kinds of

products are being designed to use and they are made of wood. This would create a lot more jobs

because businesses will pop up all over wanting to manufacture products and that would be a big

plus for any community anywhere in the world. These businesses could be anything from a table,

cabinet, or any kind of furniture manufacturer and there are always jobs in things like that.

Houses are going up as we speak because there is always a demand for houses because people

are being born everyday and that is a big demand for houses. The clearing of land is a big part of

where anything might be built because businesses are going up everyday just like houses and yes

i understand that not all building are built from wood but most things are. Different things are

always being used for the use of the people and most things are made from wood, Woodworking

is one of america's most loved hobbies, society will tell you that 65% of things that come

through there shop is something that is wood related. Wood is a very beneficial piece of society

and when someone comes in contact with anything involving wood society should pursue and try

to learn something in that field because no one knows when a job comes open and might need to

use wood with a very important project on a house or in the workforce.

Deforestation encourages economic growth and how it is a big asset and big profit and

how the economy benefits from cutting trees. Cutting trees is a good benefit for making money

which is a benefit for the government and for the business or even if the person owns a logging

business which is a very good career and a big money maker. Logging is a multi million dollar

industry that involves a lot of major people. Logging has been a part of the world history for

hundreds of years and has always made money. From way back in the operations of slavery even
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on till now in the 20th century modern day. Logging may be a dirty job where the worker gets

roughed up a lot but in the long run it is very very beneficial. Sawmills are a big part of the

logging business if you did not have a sawmill to cut up those extra limbs or that extra wood that

is not needed then what is the point of having a logging company plus money is made in hauling

the chips off when that job is done. That is where plywood comes from which is probably on that

building in the backyard or even on the siding that is located on the side of the house. Logging

also gives people a chance to clear out some of that unneeded land that people have that may be

put to better use in the long run where a house or even a building can call that land its home.

That is how this land got started was because loggers, society would not be in the place that it is

now if it was not for loggers. Buildings and houses or any thing that is structural would not be

here because there would be no space for it because instead of that local food lion or walmart it

would be beautiful trees and shrubs. In this it will include the benefits of forest management.

“Logging is the process of cutting and processing trees to produce timber and pulp to

supply the world’s markets for furniture, construction, paper, and other products. The

practice of logging ranges from large-scale commercial timber plantations to individuals

harvesting fuelwood. While logging is important to regional economies and rural

communities, if not managed properly, it can contribute to deforestation and forest

degradation. As logging intensity (measured by m​3​ of industrial roundwood equivalent

per hectare) increases, overall animal species richness tends to decline, though the effects

on a particular species will differ, depending on the species’ environmental niche and its

adaptability to environmental disturbances. Habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to

biodiversity.’’ (Yale University)

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Money is always being made in the thing of logging form cutting those trees down on that piece

of land to going over it and shipping it to the chipper to then making lumber out of those trees

that were being cut down.

There is money to be lost if the person that is cutting does not know what they are doing.

Clearing land is a way better way to make money then just select cutting because the owner and

the company gets a lot more trees and money from clear cutting and if it is a long time since it

has been cut there can be a lot of money makers meaning big poplar trees to big oak trees which

is worth a lot of money when carried to the tree market or the tree buyer that is in the area like in

the area of Reidsville, Madison, or Mayodan there is big sawmills in all of those places. Just like

is in the research there is a planty of money to be made in the business of logging. Next in the

second claim there is a big profit with the building of different businesses all over the world.

First of all the logging company will clear land which means cut all the timber that is on the land.

Then next they will get all loads off the land and they all go in and clear any extra stuff left over

then they will go in and clear everything with a big excavator or backhoe or even a bobcat then it

will be time for the business to be built which is a big part of the after effect and big money

maker. The construction of the building what are houses made from? It is not brick any more it is

stud pieces of wood and plywood that is logs and the chips from the chippermill. That is

basically like cutting the tree and putting it back just in a cleaner fashion. Building a big building

is different because nowadays it is all mostly metal or some builds are made from Iron but the

researchers do not think that wood would stay up if the building was 10 stories or higher. The

block quote that is being inserted is explaining how different building are used for different

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“There is a school at the heart of every community. Parents select homes based on the

distance to the elementary school. Neighbors rally around the Friday night lights of the

local high school football team. Cities sell themselves to companies poised to select

headquarters by touting the reputation of the school district. On the other hand, most of

the schools are public buildings built with taxpayer money. Everything is balanced

against the cost of building and maintaining a school even as the population grows along

with the demand for new school buildings.’’ (Whirlwind Team)

When talking about building businesses people need a lot of accessories to go on the outside like

a parking lot or things on the outside like decorations that would help with the construction of

things. This is a small thing that was mentioned that is a benefit of paper and the pencil because

face it wood is the provider of both of those things and this is a major part of the society and

modern day school society.

Next in the research, logging creates jobs and many products that is beneficial to the

world and society. More jobs would be put into place for people that may be in debt and all kinds

of jobs come open when logging companies start clearing out land. This is one of the major parts

of being on a logging crew is that it is very good money, but it is a very big risk but it pays for

itself in the end. Plus workers really do not need a college degree to log or be on a crew of

loggers, it is just very hard work for some pay or a big payout it all depends on the company and

how what grade of wood is being harvested. There is always big money in logging when it

comes down to it, it all depends on the people or person that employees you and the amount of

wood gets cut and most of all the quality of the wood. The products being manufactured for the

use of different people and the use of other things not just the overall society sometimes
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worldwide. All kinds of things are manufactured when people start logging and distributing

wood from firewood to even lumber because a lot of people make their own lumber. Wood is

also known to be made to make furniture, tables, and people all the time sculpt things but the

major parts are the overall tables and most of all is that nice couch in the living room or that real

nice recliner. All of these examples that is named off is all for the use of the everyday person or

overall all of the people in the whole world. All furniture stores count on that wood that comes

in. Also some of the best designed sculptures have been designed out of wood and that to me is

one of the coolest things. This also creates houses and buildings being built. Most houses these

days are made from wood and plywood. Most of all buildings are made from iron or most of the

time them heavy metals. The building in the backyard is wood.

In the very last claim in the research is it provides more land expansion and more man to

expand and build on. There are trees everywhere on land if loggers cut those trees down people

need that land to build there next house or even that close Food Lion or Walmart where the

groceries are being purchased. Land is everywhere people just need to buy it and harvest the

trees from it and construct the next house that is wanting to be built. Also if people expand then

there are babies being born everyday that means they will have a place when they are older.

More land expansion so you can plant more trees on the land than might have been on it. Extra

land is everywhere that might have nothing on it, plant trees, that will help the younger

generation by giving them that role to do it when they get older. Planting trees after the trees are

cut is a positive thing to do to because if the person does that, then that gives the plants and the

trees time to replenish to be harvested by the next generation.

The Counterargument explains how cutting trees is a bad thing for the environment and
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how we do not need to waste paper like a bunch of people do. An ecosystem can be destroyed

because the animals have nowhere to go and you can ruin a piece of land. The environment can

be hurt because to many trees cut at one time can kill an environment. Do not waste and many

People say that people throw paper right in the trash and do not even think of where it came

from. Paper is wasted everyday of the year. The reply includes that a lot of ecosystems benefit

when you trim or cut the trees back and replant them like a lot of logging people do. Plus, just

think of how many pieces of paper you can make out of a tree one little piece do not hurt a

whole tree.
Compton 12

Works Cited

Golden Witness. “Forests.” ​Illegal Logging and Deforestation,​ Golden Witness , 2018,

National Geographic. “Deforestation .” ​Deforestation Facts, Information, and Effects,​

National Geographic ,

OSHA. “Overview .” ​Logging ​, Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

“Overview.” ​Logging​, Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

Ronica, Debra. “How Deforestation Works.” ​Causes of Deforestation,​ Howstuffworks,

Science Daily. “Logging.” ​Logging ​, Science Daily , 2018,

Whirlwind Team. “What Are the Benefits of Metal School Building .” ​What Are the Benefits
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of Metal School Building?,​ Whirlwind Team, 16 May 2018,


WWF. “Illegal Logging.” ​Illegal Logging ​, WWF, 2017,

Yale University. “Logging.” ​Global Forest Atlas,​ 2018,

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