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SERVICE MANUAL Suzuki DT50, DT60 & DT65 (Prior to 1985)

SUZU KI DT50, DT60 AN 0 DT65

(Prior to 1985)


NOTE: Metric fasteners are used throughout outboard motor.


Hp/rpm: Cylinder Head:
DT50 ."." .............. " ....... " .50/4801)..5500 6mm ............... _.......... " _...... 8·12N-m
DT60 .... """,, ..... " . " . " ....... 60/4800·5500 (6·9 ft.·lbs.)
DT65 .. " .... " ...................... 65/4800·5500 10mm ............................... AO·60N-mt
Bore: (29-44 ftAbs.)
DT50 (Prior to 1984) ......................... 80mm Crankcase .............................. .40·60 N -mt
(3.15 in.) (29-44 ft.·lbs.)
DT50 (1984), DT60 & DT65 .................... 84 mm ExhaustCover ............................. 8·12N·m
(3.31 in.) . (6-9 fUbs.)
Stroke ...................................... 72mm FlywheelNut ........................... 200·210N·m
(2.83 in.) (145·152 ft.·lbs.)
Number of Cylinders ............................... 2 GearcasePinionNut ....................... 31)..40 N'm
Displacement: (22-29 ft.·lbs.)
DT50 (Prior to 1984) .......................... 723 cc Propeller Shaft Nut ........................ 50·60 N· m
(44.12 cu. in.) (36-44 ft.·lbs.)
DT50 (1984), DT60 & DTS5 .................... 798 cc Standard Screws:
(48.69 cu. in.) Unmarked or Marked "4"'
Spark Plug; 5mm ................................... 2·4N·m
:>rGK ..... " ............................... B8HS' (2·3 ft.·lbs.)
Electrode Gap ............. " ............ 0.8-0.9 mm 6mm ................................... 4·7N·m
(0.031·0.035 in.) (3·5 ft.·lbs.)
Ignition 1)'P" ............................ Breakerless 8mrn ................................. lO·16N-m
Carburetor: (7·12 ft.·lbs.)
Make ...................................... Mikuni 10mm ................................ 22·35N"m
Model ..................................... B40·32 (16·26 ft.·lbs.)
Fuel:Oil Ratio ........ " ....................... 50;1 t Stainless Steel
'1984 DT50 models use NGK B8HS·1O spark plugs with an 5mm ................................... 2·4N·m
electrode gap of 1 mm (0.040 in.). (2·3 ft.·lbs.)
t1984 DT50 and 1983 and 1984 DT60 models are equipped 6mm .................................. 6·ION-m
with oil injection. (6-7 ft.·lbs.)
gmm ................................. 15·20N-m
SIZES-CLEARANCES (11·15 ft. ·lbs.)
Piston Riug End Gap ....................... 0.2·0.4 mm lOmm ................................ 34·41N·m
(0.008-0.016 in.) (25·30 ft. ·lbs.)
Piston Pin Diameter ................. 19.995·20.oo0mm Marked "7" or SAE Grade 5
(0.7872·0.7874 in.) Omm ................................... 3·6N·m
Piston to Cylinder Wall Clearance: (2·5 ft.·lbs.)
DT50 (Prior to 1984) .................. 0.097·0.112 mm 6mm .................................. g·12N·m
(0.0038·0.0044 in.) (6·9 ft.·lbs.)
DT50(1984),DT60&DT65 ............ 0.112·0.127 mm 8mm ................................. 18·28N·m
(0.0044-0.0050 in.) (13·20 ft.·lbs.)
Max. Cranksbaft Runout at Main 10mm .................... '" ......... 40-60N·m
Bearing Journal ........................... 0.05mm (29-44 ftAbs.)
(0.002 in.)
Max. Connecting Rod Small End
Side Shake ................................. S.Omm tTorque values should be 46·54 N • m (34·39 ft. ·lbs.) on DT50
(0.20 in.) (1984) and DT60 models.

Suzuki OT50, OT60 & OT65 (Prior to 1985) OUTBOARD MOTOR

carburetor throttle valves must be oor-
The power head is lubricated by oil rectly synchronized to open as the igni-
mixed with the fuel. On models with· tion is advanced to obtain optimum per-
out oil it\iection! fuel:oH ratios should
be 30:1 during break-in of a new or
formance. To adjust the speed control
linkage, it is necessary to first check
rebuilt engine and 50:1 for normal servo (and adjust if required) the ignition max-
ice when using a NMMA certified TC- imum advance as outlined in the IGNI·
WII two-stroke engine on or Suzuki TION TIMING section. Disconneet car·
"CCI" oiL When using any other type buretor link (C~Fig. SZl4-l1) and
of two-stroke engine oil, fuel:oil ratios rotate speed control lever (L) toward
should be 20:1 during break-in and 30:1 maximum speed position until it con·
for nonnal service. On models equipped tacta maximum speed stop. Set car-
Fig. $%14-2-1«,.,., to htd tOt float ,.~ lA>
with oil injection, for the first 5 hours ,pec#flc.Uoos, burewr throttle plates completely open
of operation, mix fuel with oil in fuel then vary the length of carburetor link
tank at a ratio of 50: 1 if Suzuki "CCI" (C) until ball joint connector will just at·
oil or a NMMA certified TO-Wll two- tach. Move speed control lever to full
strokE' oil is used. Mix fuel:oil at a ratio retard position. Clearance (A) at car·
of 30: 1 if any other type of two-stroke should be used. Gearcase capacity is ap· buretor throttle shaft actuating levers
oil is used. Switch to straight fuel in fuel proximately 650 mL (22 oz.) of gear oil should be 0.5·1.0 mm (0.020,0.040 in.).
tank at the completion of the 5 hour and should be drained and refilled after
break-in period. Manufacturer recom- the first 10 hours of use and then after REED VALVES. The inlet reed
mends regular or no-lead automotive every 50 hours of liSe. Reinstall vent and valves (Fig. SZI4·3) are located on a
gasoline having an 85·95 octane rating. fill plugs securely. using a new gasket if reed plate between inlet manifold and
Gasoline and oil should be thoroughly needed, w ensure a watertight seal. crankease. The reed petals should seat
mixed in fuel tank when u.'ied on models very lightly against the reed plate
without oil injection and when used FUEL SYSTEM throughout their entire length with the
during break-in period on models least possible tension. 'rip of reed petal
equipped with oil injection. CARBURETOR. Mikuni type B40-32 must not stand open more than 0.2 mm
The lower unit gears and bearings are carburewrs are used on all models. (0.008 in.)from contact surface. Reed
lubricated by oil contained in the gear· Refer w Fig. SZ14·1 for exploded view. stop opening should be 7.6·8.0 mm
case. SAE 90 hypoid outboard gear oil Initial setting of pilot air screw (7) from (O.3().O.31 in.) on DT50 models and
a lightly seated position should be PI, 7.55·7.95 mm (0.30·0.31 in.) on DT60
w 2'/. turns on DT50 models prior w 19l14 and DT65 models.
and DT65 models and 1'Is to 2'/, turns Renew reeds if petals are broken,
on'i984 DT50 models and DT60 models. cracked, warped, rusted or bent. Never
Final carburtetor adjustment should be attempt w bend a reed petal or to
made with engine at normal operating straighten a damaged reed. Never in-
temperature and running in forward stall a bent or damaged reed. Seating
gear. Rotate timing adjustment screw surface of reed plate should be smooth
(B~Fig. SZ14·11) in small incrementa
until engine idles at approximately
650· 700 rpm. Adjust pilot air screw so
engine idles smoothly and will accelerate
cleanly without hesitation. If neeessary,
readjust timing adjustment screw to ob-
tain 650-700 rpm idle speed.
Main fuel metering is controlled by
main jet (10). Standard main jet size for
e' """"'1
normal operation is number 165 on
DT50 models prior to 1984, number 155
on 1984 DT50 models, number 160 on
DT60 models and number 167.5 on
DT65 models.
To cheek float level, remove float bowl
and invert carburetor. Distance (A - Fig.
SZ14·2) between main jet and bottom of
14·--4K float should be 16.5-18.5 mm (0.65-0.75
15 in.) on DT50 models prior to 1984 and
DT65 models, 16.5-18 mm (0.65·0.71 in.)
on 1984 DT50 models and 16-18 mm
(0.63-0.71 in.) on DT60 models. Adjust
Fig. SZ14·1-ExpIoded view of Mlkuni cal'bur. float level by bending float tang.
tors fyl1ical of ,,11 models.
To synchronize throttle plate opening 6
1. Body
2. Throttle stop serew
lL Spring
9. Main nouIe of top carburetor with bottom car· 1
3. Spri.'lg 10. Main jet buretor, use Suzuki carburetor balancer
4. PilotjM 11, lnkt valve Fig. SZ1.f..3- Exploftd yl.1M of Int.", nMn1iold
5. ThroW", llhaft 12. Float pin 09913·13121 or equivalent and make ad- lHld rHd valv. ....mbly.
connector 13.. FIQ8,t justment at throttle shaft connector 1. Manifold 4. Reed pet.als
6, Choke shaft <:OClneetol' 14. Gasket 2. Gasket 5. Reed stop
7. r'-IPt air screw 15. Fknit bow! (5-Fig. SZI4-1). :'t Reed plate 6. Gaskill:
SERVICE MANUAL Suzuki 0150, 0160 & 0165 (Prior to 1985)

Fig. SZ14.s- Use 011 pump .Ir biNd screw fA) to

bleed trapped air from 011 supply line or pump.

Flo. SZ1..... -lnlet manifold cap SCMW. should

be tightened In the HqU4»lc. shown above.
Fig. SZ14-S-Exploftd vSew of diaphragm type

and flat. When installing reeds or reed 2,

'"*1 pump and fuel flit., assemblies.
1. Cnwr
Dlaph""",, 9.Fuel filter body
stop, make sure that petals are centered 3. Body 10.Packing

4. Dmphragrn 11."0" ring
over the inlet holes in reed plate. and 5. SPring 12.Filter
that the reed stops are centered over Ii. Body 13.Bowl
reed petals, Apply a suitable high
temperature grease to inlet manifold
cap screw threads, then using sequence
"O~ rillgl>
lnsulator bhxk
1. 1Mt
O. OIIt:et
shown ill Fig, SZ14-4 tighten cap approximately five minutes, then stop
screws, engine. Disconnect oil pump control L
S,\ \ <"'\
cable (C - Fig, SZI4-7) at carburetor <; \
FUEL PUMP. A diaphragm type fuel throttle lever, Detech oil supply line at ,
pump is mounted on the side of power oil tank outlet, Connect oil gage
head cylinder block and is actuated by 09900-21602 to oil supply line, Fill oil
pressure and vacuum pulsations from gage with a recommended two-stroke oil
the engine crankcases, Refer to Fig, unit even with an upper reference mark.
SZ14-5 for exploded view of fuel pump With oil pump control cable (C) in re-
assembly, leased position, start engine and main~
When servicing pump, scribe @I
taln engine speed at 1500 rpm, Allow
reference marks aeross pump body to engine to run for five minutes. After five
aid in reassembly, Defective or ques- minutes, stop the engine and observe oil Fig_ SZ14-1-11lsconn.ct 011 pump conftol c.ble
tionable parts should be renewed, Dia- gage. Recommended oil consumption is (e) at carburetor thrQttle lev., and ,eler to fe.t
phragm should be renewed if air leaks or for checking 011 pump output
2,7-3,5 mL (0.09,0,12 oz,) in five minutes
cracks are found, or if deterioration is at 1500 rpm.
evident. To check oil pump at maximum output
position, repeat previous procedure ex- while the stator plate is fIxed on models
FUEL FILTER. A fuel filter (9 cept use a suitable tool and hold oil pump with electronic advance. Refer to Fig,
through 13- ~1g, SZ14-5) is mounted on control cable (C) in fully extended posi- SZ14-8 for a typical wiring diagram of
the side of power head cylinder block on tion, Recommended oil consumption is models with independent ignition.
all models, Filter should be disassembled 4,6-5.6 mL (O.16-l),19 oz,) in five minutes Models with simultaneous ignition
and cleaned after every 50 hours of use. at 1500 rpm, systems are similar.
Renew ·0" ring (11) if required. If the obtained oil consumption
measurements are not within the recom- IGNITION TIMING. On independent
OIL INJECTION mended limite. then oil pump must be ignition models, ignition timing should
renewed. he 4· ATDC at 1000 rpm and 21 0 BTDC
Models So Equipped on DT60 models and 25° BTDC on all
IGNITION other models at 5000 rpm. On
BLEEDING PUMP. To bleed simultaneous ignition models with
trapped air from oil supply line or pump. All models are equipped with either an mechanical advance, ignition timing
firs! make sure outboard motor is in an independent or simultaneous pointless should he 3° ATDC at 1000 rpm and 25°
upright position and oil tank is full. Open electronic ignition system, Simultaneous BTDC at 5000 rpm, On simultaneous ig-
oil pump air bleed screw (A - Fig. ignition system models are identified by nition models with electronic advance
SZ14-S) three or four turns to allow oil the use of one ignition coil while two ig- (fixed stator plate), ignition timing
to seep out around screw threads, After uition coils are used on models with an should be go BTDC at 1000 rpm and 25°
five seeouds or when no air bubbles are independent ignition system, Simultane- BTDC at 5000 rpm,
noticed, close air bleed screw (A), ous ignition models may have Iuitial setting of ignition timing on all
mechanical or electronic advance, Stator models with mechanical advance may be
CHECKING OIL PIJMP OUTLET. plate is movable on simultaneous igni- accomplished as follows: Set throttle at
Start engine and allow to warm·up for tion models with mechanical advance full advanL'C position, then align mark
Suzuki DT50, DT60 & DT65 (Prior to 1985) OUTBOARD MOTOR

C3 Bl

Fig. SZ14~- Typical wlrlrJ{l dJ.gram 101 models with independent Ignition. Other moftla
ItJ "Down~ solenoid
.r. similar,
GR. Gray
L Ignition switch 6. Overheat buuer 1l. Choke $(>lenO'id hi. Starter mowr LtBL Light blue
7. TIlt and trim 12. Regulator
2. Emergency swp 17. Starter 5Olenoid 22. Battery
!;witch ~itch 13. Reetif'w 18. Spark plugs B. Blad:
3. Hour roetlJt 8. 1'ilt and trim 14. CD iguitinn 19. Overheat sensor BL. Blue R a.d
4. Volt meter ~tm mod... 26, Neutral switch BR. Browll W, White
5. Tachom~tel' !f. ~Up" oolenoid 15, Stator 2}, 2U amp fuse G. Green Y. Yellow

(.\I-Fig. SZ14-9) on stator plate with vance ignition timing. run engine at rep<:>sitioning stator plate. On models
stationary mark (S) on upper seal hous- wide open throttle and note timing with electronic advance, reposition
ing. Loosen nut (N) on stator plate link marks. stator plate to adjust ignition timing.
to rep<Jsition stator plate. On models with mechanical advance,
Initial setting of ignition timing on all full reterd timing may be adjusted by TROUBLE-SHOOTING. If ignition
models with electronic advance may be turning bolt (B-Fig. SZl4-l1j in or out malfunction t){.'Curs, use only approved
accomplished by aligning mark (M - Fig. as requirad and full advance timing may procedures to prevent damage to the
SZ14-10) on stator plata with center of bo adjusted by loosening nut (N) and
stator plate retaining screw hole (H).
Final ignition timing check can be
made using a suitable power timing M
light. Immerse lower unit of outboard
motor in water and connect timing light
to upper spark plug. Set engine throttle
at full retard position and start engine.
Refer to ignition timing specifications
stated previously and check alignment
of flywheel timing marks with index
mark on electric starter cap on models
with mechanical ad1la.IlCe or v.ith index Fig. 5214-9-0n model. with meclulnlc.1 ad· Fig. SZ14·10-0n moeN/' ",Jth ./ecfronlc ad-
~anc., s.t Ignition ttmlng statically by 111I9nlnll fanee, Ht IfnWon timing .odlcally by aligning
mark on flywheel housing on models
with electronic advance. To check ad·
mark (AI) on st.ttor plahl with ,t.tlonary mark (S)
whe" ,,,,attl.
1$ In the full Itd~ance position.
m.rt (II) on .t.tor pl.,. wtth
hoi. (11).
ten"" of screw
SERVICE MANUAL Suzuki DTSO, DTGO & DTGS (Prior to 1985)
components. The fuel system should be -h.t4lr ChMlIl! Pubor Ground Stop :Iqtlj~;on To check condition of ignition coil,
checked first to make certain that faulty "'Tenter:
8 1uel Wt.:tel Blue! : Black! separate the black/white wire connector
running is not .caused by incorrect mix- le.d
'''' Rod
'''' : Whitt at coil and remove high tension wires
ture or contaminated fueL Make sure A A from spark plugs. Attach tester positive
malfunction is not due to spark plug, lead to black/white wire and nElb",tive
wiring or wiring connection failure. B B lead to coil ground. Primary coil re-
Trouble-shoot ignition circuit using C A sistance reading should be within the
Suzuki pocket tester number 09900- limits of 0.076-0.104 ohms. Attach a
25002 or ohmmeter as follows: A tester lead to each high tension wire.
C Secondary coil resistance reading should
Simultaneous Ignition Models_ On be within the limits of 2980-4030 ohms.
simultaneous ignition models with elec- Fig. SZ14·13-U.. chaff shown above and To check condition of CD ignition
tronic advance (fixed stator plate), check v.luesllsted In FiU. $Z14·12 to condition of module, use tester or ohmmeter in con-
CD Ignition module used on s/multanltOVs Igni.
condition of low-speed capacitor charge tlon models with mechanical sdYance.
junction with test chart shown in Fig_
coil by separating the redlblack wire SZ14·13. Renew CD ignition module if
eonnector at stator and attach a tester required.
lead. Attach the other tester lead to
engine ground. Low-speed charge coil charge coil may be considered satisfac- Independent Ignition Models_ On in-
may be considered satisfactory if tory if resistance reading is within the dependent ignition models, check condi-
resistance reading is within the limits of limits of 1.62-1.98 ohms. tion of capacitor charge coil by
112-149 ohms. Check condition of high- To check condition of ignition coil, separating the green wire connector and
speed charge coil by separating the separate the white/black wire connector black wire connector at stator and at-
redlblack wire connector and blue/red at coil and remove high tension wires tach a tester lead to each wire. Charge
wire connector at stator and attach a from spark plugs. Attach tester positive coil may be considered satisfactory if
tester lead to each wire. High-speed lead to white/black wire and negative resistance roading is within tbe limits of
lead to coil ground. Primary coil re- 225-275 ohms.
sistance reading should be within the Check condition of pulser coils by
limits of 0.28-0.38 ohms. Attach a tester separating the gray wire connector,
lead to each high tension wire. Second- pink wire connector and black wire con·
ary coil resistance reading should be nectar at stator. Attach tester positive
within the limits of 2980-4030 ohms. lead to black wire. Attach negative lead
To check condition of CD ignition to gray wire and note tester reading,
module, use tester or ohmmeter in con" then attach negative lead to pink wire
junction with test chart shovm in Fig_ and npte tJ;Ster reading. Resistance
SZ14-12. Renew CD ignition module if reading for each pulser coil should be
required. within the limits of 180-220 ohms.
On simultaneous ignition models with Check condition of each ignition coil as
mechanical advance, check condition of follows: Separate the orange wire con-
capacitor charge coil by separating the nector and blar.kiwhite -wire connector
blue/red connector and black wire con- at coil for top cylinder, then attach a
nector at stator and attach a tester lead tester lead to each wire and note tester
to each wire. Charge coil may be con- reading. Separate light blue wire con-
sidered satisfactory if resistance nector and black/white wire connector
reading is within tbe limits of 135-165 at coil for bottom cylinder, then attach a
ohms. tester lead to each wire and note tester
Check condition of pulser coil by reading. Primary coil resistance reading
separating the white/red wire connector should be within the limits of 0.87-1.17
and black wire connector at stator and ohms for each coil. Diseonnect high ten-
Fig. SZ14-U-VI.w
und on models with mechanical
0' .pHd contro'mane
attach a tester lead to each wire. Pulser sion wires from spark plugs. Attach
coil may be considered satisfactory if tester positive lead to high tension wire
Mod./s with .'ectronlc advanc. ("xed stator
pl.f.) are slmll,r.
resistance reading is within the limits of and negative lead to black/white wire.
7.29-8.91 ohms.
lee.d Pu """'go «000'1'''''''''
KI' St.p
fJ~ 1Whit.,

-+'r.... tu Sklel Rldl 8",.;
C.,.'O- Pulttr Ground Stop I.,ltion
hac'! R«I 81ae1c I 61.clo: A«I -..-Pink
CNir-ue Slut!
&pulw' ~td
~ 8 A A .._-
+T •• ter
lell<l Green Gr.... .,"" Glue
Rod Or• •

ChM~' RedT
~ ..~....
C I~ A A A Ch.r~ A A B C C C
."'."'"" p- I ..... ..~

.. C B A A "- artv B ~. B B B B B B
Grounoli Fig. SZ1.f.14-Use chart ad-
\'VhiU/ Jac.ttt and values tlsled In
'" C B C ~ C Fig. SZf4·12 to fest cotrdl·
B 8 "- B B B B B
I ~""I flon 01 CD illn't/on module
Rod A B A A ~ UNd on Independelff Ignl-
GJ:OtIn(! St""
.,,..} A A ~ A C C C
Fig. SZ14·12- U..
chart .how" aboN and
tts/un listed below to tft! condition of CD Ignl·
flon model.. s.... .od I B B B ~ B 8 B
tl<tn module und on .imulfaM0U4 ignition 0 .."" i
B B B B I B I~ 8 B
mQdBls with electronic . . .no..
C" Tester Medle alAAlld
B B B 8 B B "- B
A. lOOk ohms or leM
IIlmw deflection then
return tuwtlrtl inumtc .""'1
Whitt A A A A 8 A A ~
B. lOOk ooms Qr more remstalli*
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