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Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...


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Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

2 of 8 18-04-2018, 21:16
Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

Fig. 1 - Circuit Diagram (Click on image to enlarge)

You should choose R1 depending on the gate current requirements of the triac. It must also have a sufficiently high power dissipation rating. Usually, the
instantaneous power may be very high. But since current flows through the resistor for only 250us (1/40 of a 50Hz half cycle), the average power is
small enough. Usually, 2W resistors should suffice.

Let’s assume we’re using a BT139-600 triac. The maximum required trigger current is 35mA. Although the typical trigger current is lower, we should
consider the maximum required trigger current. This is 35mA for quadrants I, II and III. We will only be firing in quadrants I and III. So, that is ok for us –
we need to consider 35mA current.

If you aren’t sure what quadrants are, here’s a short description. First take a look at this diagram:

Fig. 2 - Triac Triggering Quadrants

If you look back again at the diagram, you’ll see that we’re driving gate from MT2. So, we can say that, with respect to MT1, when MT2 is positive, so is
the gate. With respect to MT1, when MT2 is negative, so is the gate. From the diagram above, you can see that these two cases are in quadrants I and
III. This is what I meant when I mentioned that we’re driving only in quadrants I and III.

The driver in the circuit is the MOC3021. This is a random phase optically isolated triac output driver. When the LED is turned on, the triac in the
MOC3021 turns on and drives the main triac in the circuit. It is a “random phase” driver meaning that it can be driven on at any time during the drive
signal, as is required for phase angle control. There are other drivers that only allow drive at the zero-crossing. These cannot be used for phase angle
control as phase angle control requires drive after zero-crossing. For guaranteeing that the triac is latched, the LED side of the MOC3021 must be
driven with at least 15mA current. The maximum current rating for the LED is 60mA. The peak current rating for the triac is 1A. You should find that we
have stayed within these limits in the design.

Here’s the output waveform with 800µs delay (all PORTB/PINB pins high : DIP-switch state = 0):

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Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

Fig. 3 - Triac firing with 800µs delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

You can clearly see that before the gate driving signal is applied, there is no output (illustrated by the flat yellow line).When the gate driving signal is
applied, the triac turns on. There is an output and the triac stays on till the next zero crossing. After this again, there is no output till the next gate drive
signal is applied.

Now I’ll show you a few more waveforms, with other initial delays.

Here, the gate is driven 1.6ms after the zero-crossing (only PORTB0/PINB0 low : DIP-switch state = 1):

Fig. 4 - Triac firing with 1.6 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Here, the gate is driven 2.4ms a�er the zero­crossing (only PORTB1/PINB1 low : DIP­switch state = 2):

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Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

Fig. 5 - Triac firing with 2.4 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Here, the gate is driven 3.2ms after the zero-crossing (PORTB0/PINB0 and PORTB1/PINB1 low : DIP-switch state = 3):

Fig. 6 - Triac firing with 3.2 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Here, the gate is driven 4ms after the zero-crossing (only PORTB2/PINB2 low : DIP-switch state = 4):

Fig. 7 - Triac firing with 4 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Here, the gate is driven 4.8ms after the zero-crossing (PORTB2/PINB2 and PORTB0/PINB0 low : DIP-switch state = 5):

5 of 8 18-04-2018, 21:16
Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

Fig. 8 - Triac firing with 4.8 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Here, the gate is driven 5.6ms after the zero-crossing (PORTB2/PINB2 and PORTB1/PINB1 low : DIP-switch state = 6):

Fig. 9 - Triac firing with 5.6 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Here, the gate is driven 6.4ms after the zero-crossing (PORTB2/PINB2, PORTB1/PINB1 and PORTB0/PINB0 all low : DIP-switch state = 7):

Fig. 10 - Triac firing with 6.4 ms delay

Green: Input AC
Yellow: AC Output after phase angle control
Pink: Gate Drive signal

Now, to finish things off, I’ll show you how to find the RMS value of the output voltage.

We first need to know how to relate the firing delay with firing angle. We know that one complete sine wave is 360°. That is 2π radians. We then need to
know that the firing angle α = ωt, where ω = 2πf. Since, we’re working with 50Hz here, f=50Hz. Thus, ω = 100π. Just to test this relationship, let’s use t
= 0.020 seconds (20ms). Thus α = 100π * 0.020 = 2π, as told before.

So, if we’re firing at a delay of 4ms, that is 4ms after the zero crossing, the firing angle α = 100 π * (4/1000) = 0.4 π (in radians obviously).

The RMS output voltage is found from the relationship:

So, if we are firing after 4ms, (α = 0.4 π), the output RMS voltage is:

Remember, at the beginning, I mentioned that the voltage output is not linearly correlated with the firing angle? This is what I meant. Here, the delay is
4ms. So, the triac is on for 60% of the cycle. But the output RMS voltage is 183.2V - 83% of the input voltage. The lack of direct proportionality is evident
here. The reason behind this is the shape of the AC - sinusoidal.

6 of 8 18-04-2018, 21:16
Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

Now, I give you the task of finding the RMS voltage for the other cases mentioned in this tutorial.

If you want to then find power, you can use the relationship P = V 2/R to find the power. The assumption here is that the resistance is constant, as was
assumed at the beginning of the tutorial. If the resistance is not constant, power will still vary will resistance, just not directly proportionally.

Here in this article, I’ve talked about phase angle control with some background information on triacs. I’ve shown how to implement phase angle control
with an AVR and also how to calculate the RMS voltage of the output. I hope I’ve been able to explain this extremely important topic to you clearly and
hope that you can now successfully build your own power control circuits using phase angle control with triacs.

Reference Book:
One of the best books for understanding the theory behind phase angle control is "POWER ELECTRONICS - CIRCUITS, DEVICES AND
APPLICATIONS" by Muhammad H. Rashid. If you want to learn more about thyristors or phase angle control, I recommend reading this book for more

Posted by Tahmid at 4:45 AM


Anonymous November 13, 2013 at 6:56 AM

you have just written load, could you tell what kind of load you have used


Tahmid July 14, 2014 at 9:39 PM

You can use a resistive load as is. For an inductive load, remember to place a snubber across the triac.


Anonymous December 8, 2013 at 3:51 AM

Dear plz interface the lcd with controller and then display the status and firing angle of triac if you can

prabhakar yalamanchali February 1, 2014 at 9:28 AM

i am gettng an error in proteus ":step time too small" wat shall i do tell me the load u r using

Sushant Wanjari February 4, 2014 at 4:28 PM

Can this same circuit be used to trigger SCR instead of TRIAC?? and Is it required to give a pulse train of certain frequency at the gate for
successful triggering of SCR through an Opto-isolator?

Anonymous April 25, 2015 at 1:31 AM

will you plz mail the same code written in codevision avr compiler...??
we are not able to implement it...we are using atmega16

Anonymous August 28, 2015 at 12:39 AM

Hi Thamid,
Thank You so much for this artcle ,
As i am using attiny series can you please mail the same code for AVR compiler ,
i am getting errors can u kindly help me ..Kindly mail me

Anonymous August 28, 2015 at 2:04 AM

Hi Thamid,
Thank You so much for this artcle ,
As i am using attiny series can you please mail the same code for AVR compiler ,
i am getting errors can u kindly help me ..Kindly mail me at

Karthi Keyan May 9, 2016 at 3:05 PM

Hi Thamid,
Nice article, i need one help how to sense three phase Ac supply phase sequence please tell some ideas.................. my mail id


Greens Solar Co December 5, 2016 at 2:36 AM

friend kindly me if you have Solar GTI circuits with source coding

Anonymous March 1, 2017 at 8:34 AM

did you place a ground in the main circuit in proteus?

7 of 8 18-04-2018, 21:16
Tahmid's blog: AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control wit...

ivar April 14, 2017 at 4:44 AM

Hello Tahmid,
Can you tell me if your circuit can be used with 12F675 chip? If yes then are there any changes in the programme. Have you the HEX code with
you? Will you share the HEX code.


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