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German Student Visa Interview

Questions with Answers

1) Questions That Test Whether You Have
Done Some Research About Germany
This is the first category of questions that you are likely to encounter. The main purpose of this
category of questions is to determine if you are really motivated to study and live in Germany.
If you really love to be in another country, you go out of your way to gather every information
you can about that country. If you fail to do this, it shows you are not enthusiastic about being in
that country and there is a high chance you won't be successful there.
You should demonstrate to the consular officer that you are really passionate about Germany as a
country and have made the effort to get acquainted with some basic information that is expected
from someone who is serious about studying there.
Below are some of the questions that you are likely to encounter in this category and some
perfect responses given by a student.

a) Why do you want to study in Germany and not Canada or USA?

I will like to study in Germany because the educational system is top class and combines
theoretical learning and practical training. It is as such no surprise that it has been able to
produce world-class scholars like Albert Einstein and Max Planck.
b) Where will you stay in Germany?
I will be staying in Duisburg since it only takes one hour by train to get to my school.
c) What is the population of Germany?
Currently, the population of Germany is almost 82 million.
d) How have you been preparing for your stay in Germany?
I have succeeded in securing accommodation and this will make things a little easier once I
arrive. I have also made an effort to learn the language so that I can integrate easily into the
German society.
e) Who is the President of Germany?
The current President of Germany is Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
f) Who is the Chancellor of Germany?
The current Chancellor of Germany is Angela Merkel.
g) Can you name any important tourist attraction sites in Germany?
The Cologne Cathedral, Brandenburg Gate (Berlin), Heidelberg Old City, Hohenzollern Castle,
Rugen Cliffs, Old Town Hall (Bamberg), Harz Mountains, Aachen Cathedral and Schwerin
h) How many borders does Germany have and with which countries?
Germany has 9 borders with the following countries: Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic,
Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
i) How many states are there in Germany and can you name some of them?
There are 16 federal states in Germany and they are Baden-Würtemberg, Bayern, Berlin,
Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein,
and Thüringen.
j) Who told you about Germany?
I found out about Germany on my own whilst I was researching about possible countries to
pursue my master’s degree.

2) Questions That Test Your Seriousness as a

This is the second category of questions that the visa officer will throw at you and it is the most
important of all the four categories. Since your main goal of going to Germany is to study, it is
very important that you master these questions.
If you are unable to answer these questions convincingly, it is highly likely you will not leave a
favorable impression in the mind of the consular officer.
Since these questions are very significant, about 50% of the questions asked during your
interview will cover this category. They basically cover your university and your program of
Below are some likely questions in this category and some excellent answers given by a student.

a) What program did you apply for?

I applied for a master’s program in Computer Science.
b) Why did you choose this particular program?
The computer science program ranks very high as compared to other computer science programs
at other universities.
c) What is the name of your university?
The name of my university is Technical University of Munich
d) How many universities did you apply to?
I applied to 5 universities, all in the field of computer science.
e) Why this university?
I chose this university because it provides an excellent learning and working environment that
creates the necessary framework for a short period of study and high level of success.
f) Can you tell me some facts about your university?
My university, TU Munich, was founded by King Ludwig II in 1868. It was granted the right to
award doctorates in 1901. It is one of the most successful universities in Germany’s excellence
g) Can you describe your course structure?
Semesters 1 and 2 impart technological know-how in the form of lectures, tutorials, and
laboratory courses. In semester 3, case studies are carried out in small teams of three to five
students. In semester 4, the program is concluded with the Master's thesis.
h) Can you name some of the modules that you will be studying?
Continuum mechanics, structural mechanics, the theory of stability, functional analysis,
programming and software engineering.
i) What is the duration of your program?
The duration of my program is 2 years.
j) When did you complete your undergraduate degree?
I completed my undergraduate degree in 2013.
k) What have you been doing after completing your undergraduate degree?
I have been working as a software developer.
l) Is this program relevant to your previous studies?
My bachelor degree was in computer science and I was privileged to work on a project on
Robotics during my final year. I therefore believe I have the necessary background and
knowledge to be successful in this master's program.
m) Can you name some famous German researchers in your field?
Rudolph Bayer who is professor emeritus of Informatics at the Technical University of Munich
and Wilfried Brauer who was also a German computer scientist and professor emeritus at the
Technical University of Munich.
n) What benefit will you derive from this course?
Graduates of this program have excellent opportunities for starting their careers and will
continue to have good prospects in the future.
o) Is the course taught in English or German?
The course is completely taught in English.
p) Can you tell me your final scores in your bachelor’s degree, high school diploma, and
your IELTS score?
I had a percentage of 75 in my bachelor’s degree. My 10th and 12th class percentages are 70 and
80 respectively. My IELTS score is 6.5.
q) How did you find out about your school?
I found out about my school as I was researching on the DAAD website.
r) What is the name of the city where your school is located?
s) Can you tell me a little bit about the city where you will be studying?
Munich is the capital and largest city of the German state of Bavaria. Munich is the third largest
city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg, and the 12th biggest city of the European Union,
with a population of around 1.5 million. The name of the city is derived from the Old/Middle
High German term Munichen, meaning "by the monks".

3) Questions That Test if Your True Intention is

to Study
This category usually comprises of trick questions and it is designed to find out if you are using
studies as a possible immigration route. The German embassy is well aware that a high
percentage of students completely abandon their studies when they arrive in Germany and take
up jobs. They therefore use this category of questions to fish out such type of students.
It is important to note that even though most students will like to stay permanently in Germany
once they complete their studies, this is not the vision of the German government. The German
government only wants an exceptional few to stay. They are hoping that a large majority of
students would use the knowledge that they have acquired to positively impact their home
countries. You should therefore be careful of your response to this category of questions.
Below are some likely questions in this category and some excellent answers given by a student.
a) Is this course available in your home country? If so, why don’t you study it in your home
The course is currently not being offered in my country.
Note: Please don’t lie. If the course is available in your home country, answer “yes”. You never
know what resource the visa officer has to verify your answer. If you say no and the visa officer
checks and finds out the course is indeed offered in your home country, you might as well gather
your documents and leave the interview.
If you answer “yes”, a perfect reason you might give is, “The level of infrastructure and the
quality of education offered in my home country cannot be compared to that in Germany. I
believe doing this program in Germany will help me be a better-prepared graduate for the
international world. Also, I get the opportunity to learn a new culture and language".
b) What will you do after completing your studies?
My main goal after the completion of my degree program is to come back home and use the
knowledge and skills that I have acquired to positively impact my country. I plan on venturing
into the private sector and establishing my own company that emphasizes on renewable energy
production. Various German companies like EnD-I AG, Energiebau, and MP-Tech who are into
solar and wind energy have expressed their preparation to partner with the private sector in
c) What will you do with your degree in your home country?
I plan on venturing into the private sector and establishing my own company that emphasizes on
renewable energy production.
d) Do you wish to remain in Germany after completing your studies or return to your home
I intend to return to my home country and use my knowledge and skills that I have learned to
make a positive impact in my community.
e) Have you applied for a visa at the German Embassy or any of the Schengen countries
No, I haven’t.
Note: Be truthful here. They have all your details at the Embassy. The Schengen zone has a
unified system and share information. If you applied and were refused a visa for let’s say the
Netherlands, the German Embassy automatically gets that information. So, be truthful. The fact
that you have been denied a visa before doesn’t mean your current visa will be refused.
f) Do you have any relatives in Germany?
No, I don’t have any relatives there.
Note: It is advisable to just answer “No”.
g) What do you plan on doing during your semester breaks?
I plan on visiting some tourist attraction sites in Germany.
Note: It is advisable not to mention you plan on working during the holidays.
h) Do you plan to work in Germany?
No. My sole purpose is to study and complete my master’s degree within the given duration.
i) How much will you be able to earn after completing your studies?
I haven’t conducted any research into that since my main goal after completing my studies is to
return home and use my acquired knowledge to make a difference in my country.
j) Are you aware of the post-study work norms?
No, please I am not aware.

4) Questions to Assess if You are Financially

Sound to Survive in Germany
Even though tuition is free in most German universities, you still need to be in a good financial
standing to be able to survive in Germany.
The Embassy places a huge significance on the financial capability of students. It does not want
students to enter Germany and get stranded because they are unable to cope financially. This can
force students to neglect their studies altogether and take up jobs. Some may even be forced to
venture into crime. Hence, it is important that students prepare well for this category of questions
and answer them to the best of their ability.

Below are some possible questions you might encounter in this category and answers given by a

a) How will you fund your studies?

I have blocked an amount of 8640 Euros for one year. My sponsor is willing to support my studies
and provide me with 8640 Euros every year for the entire duration of my studies.
b) Who is sponsoring you?

My uncle is sponsoring me.

c) What line of work is your sponsor in?

My uncle is the Managing Director of Unilever Ghana Limited. He also runs other private businesses.

d) Where does your sponsor live?

My sponsor lives in Accra, Ghana.

e) What does your Dad do?

My Dad is a farmer.
f) What does your mom do?
My mom is a teacher and teaches English at the elementary level.

g) Do you have any siblings and what do they do?

I have only one sister and she runs her own printing business.

h) Why aren’t your parents sponsoring you?

My Dad played a key role in the financing of the education of my uncle when he was young. Once
my uncle had completed his studies and had gained good financial standing, he took it upon himself
to also finance one of my Dad’s kids. He specifically chose me because of my good academic
background and has been sponsoring my education since I was 6 years.
i) What is the annual salary of your sponsor?

The annual salary of my sponsor is around 100,000 Euros.

j) Does your sponsor have any dependents?

Yes, my sponsor currently has one dependent. However, his salary is more than enough to cater for
both me and his other dependent.

k) What are the living expenses in your city for one year?

The living expenses in Duisburg for one year is around 8500 Euros.
l) What plans have you made once your blocked account gets finished after one year?
My sponsor has made adequate preparations to immediately fund my account with 8640 Euros even
before the money in my blocked account gets as low as 2000 Euros.

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