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Making your Supporting our

voice heard in local
Parliament community

MP Annual Report
Wes Streeting MP's 2017-18 report Produced and delivered at no cost to the taxpayer!

touch -
I don't just call at

election time!

Since my election as
your MP, I've been
out and about


knocking on doors,
holding my advice
surgeries, visiting
local schools and
community groups
and attending local
Tackling burglary and crime, defending NHS services, supporting Keeping in touch with
our schools and dealing with the housing crisis are my priorities you is important to
me, because it
This is my third annual
directly informs my
report as your MP and I work on your behalf
continue to love every part and helps me to
of my job supporting local prioritise the issues I
residents and representing raise in Parliament.
our community.
Since the local
These are remarkable and elections this year,
worrying times in politics. we've had some great
With so much uncertainty Labour councillors
around, I have kept my
focus on the issues that
elected in
matter locally. I see through Aldborough,
my casework the Barkingside, Clayhall,
consequences of cuts to Fullwell, Hainault,
our police, the housing Churchfields and
crisis and pressure on NHS South Woodford.
and local council services. They're determined
to tackle lots of local
This report provides an issues that we all care
overview of my work locally about.
and nationally. Feel free to
be in touch about issues
that matter to you or if you Please do keep in
need my support. You're touch with me. I'm
my boss! here to help. We may
not always agree, but
you'll always know
where I stand.
Campaigning to save King George A&E - read more inside!

   020 3475 7901

Sadiq Khan is investing in additional police officers, but he's swimming against the tide of Tory cuts

Working with London's

Mayor to tackle burglary
This has been my top priority this year following a spike in crime across our community

I've made tackling rising rising crime. London has operation put in place to Police about burglary, Sadiq Khan is putting
crime my priority this been hit harder than any tackle burglary, has anti-social behaviour, additional officers on our
year, working with Mayor other part of the country delivered some fantastic knife crime and gang streets, but he is
of London Sadiq Khan, - losing £700 million from results - burglary levels in crime. I recently swimming against the
who has invested in the Metropolitan Police Redbridge have fallen convened a meeting with tide of Tory cuts. The
additional police officers budget with a further sharply during the last the Police and local Government should cut
for our community. £300 million set to six months - but I'm not authority about gang crime, not the police.
follow. complacent. crime and drug dealing in
Government cuts to the Borough, particularly
Police budgets are Operation Mexico, the I keep in regular affecting young people.
having an impact on dedicated Police communication with the

Wes Streeting MP - Standing up for Ilford North

Supporting local
community events
I'm always out and about at community events.
Here are some highlights...

I'm proud to be a patron

of the Fairlop Heritage
Group. Their annual
remembrance event is
always a poignant
Fairlop Remembrance
Fairlop Waters

I joined Cancer Research

UK at their shop in
Barkingside to support
their stand up to cancer
Talking to front line NHS staff with Ilford South MP Mike Gapes campaign - including

Defending our local

delicious cake!
Stand up to cancer

NHS services - now I joined the Mayor of

and in the future

Redbridge at St Peter's
Church for their
spectacular annual
flower festival.
St Peter's Flower Festival
Since my election as your MP, I have struggling to get access to see a GP. I Aldborough Hatch
fought consistently to save the A&E at am worried about the impact of cuts
King George Hospital - organising in funding to social care for adults.

Year in numbers...
rallies, a demonstration and a 10,000-
strong parliamentary petition. Issues I've raised in Parliament during
the last year include funding,
We won a review of the original recruitment, cancer treatment, GP Helped almost 8,000 residents
closure decision and we were told that access, mental health - including • My small, but brilliant, casework team work hard
the A&E closure plan would no longer children's mental health - and care for to help residents and I review each case
be going ahead. With changes in the elderly. I regularly meet with senior
senior personnel at our local NHS leaders in the local NHS, the Council
Trust and at the NHS Clinical and patient groups.
Spoken in 96 debates in Parliament
Commissioning Group, I am not
complacent. I have met with the new • Well above average among MPs and on a range
team and look forward to seeing their of local, national and international issues
plans for the future King George
Hospital - including an A&E service - to Delivered 50,000 newsletters
reassure the public about the • I keep in touch throughout the year through
direction of travel for our local newsletters, as well as regular updates on my
hospital. ''I am relieved that Facebook page

More generally, I am deeply concerned

about the state of local NHS services.
the original plan to Knocked on 10,000 doors
• I have a great team of volunteers and we're out
Although we have seen some
considerable improvements thanks to
close King George A&E in all weathers knocking on doors to listen to
residents' feedback
the hard work of our dedicated NHS
staff and leadership, it has been a case
isn't going ahead, but 17 Labour councillors elected
of 'two steps forward, one step back'.
Our local Trust has gone into financial I'm not complacent • Following the local elections there are 17 brilliant
Labour councillors across Ilford North. I also work
special measures. I receive large
numbers of complaints about people about the future.'' with opposition councillors wherever possible

Produced and delivered at no cost to the taxpayer!

MP Annual Report

Supporting our local

schools to succeed
We have great schools,
but Tory cuts are biting
I regularly visit our local raise school funding in
schools to talk to pupils Parliament on a regular
about democracy and to basis. I am also pressing for
listen to teachers, funding to refurbish some of
governors and pupils our older school buildings.
about what's happening
Education had a
in education.
transformational impact on
my own life - allowing a
Our schools have been council estate boy from
achieving fantastic Stepney to make it to the
results, turning out young House of Commons. I am
people well-equipped for passionate about making
work or further study, but sure that every child gets the
I share head teachers' best start in life.
concerns about the
impact that Government
cuts are having on school

''I am
With pupils at Gearies (top), Coppice (below left) and Gilbert Colvin (below right) primary schools budgets. In particular, I
am concerned by larger
class sizes, fewer subject
choices, more expensive
school trips and fewer about making
staff - including support
sure that every
for children with Special
Educational Needs.
child gets the
Please rest assured that I best start in life''
raise school funding in
Parliament on a regular

For peace, democracy

and human rights
I can't pretend to solve the spoken up in Parliament the humanitarian crisis in
world's problems alone, about the Rohingya Gaza and the persecution
but I do try to be a voice refugee crisis and ongoing of Christians.
for peace, democracy and atrocities in Myanmar, the
human rights - especially humanitarian crisis in I've also spoken up about
on issues that matter to Yemen, illegal settlement the appalling actions of
people locally. expansion and our own Government
demolitions of Palestinian towards the Windrush
During the past year, I've homes in the West Bank, generation.

Wes Streeting MP - Standing up for Ilford North

Kaleigh Lau
I'd like to thank everyone in the community who supported
my bravest young constituent, Kaleigh Lau, in her battle
against DIPG - a rare brain tumour affecting children.

Team Kaleigh raised hundreds of thousands of pounds to

help Kaleigh access life-extending treatment, creating
memories that her family will treasure forever. We're going
to take up Kaleigh's challenge to find a cure for DIPG. That
would truly be a fitting legacy for Kaleigh and her
wonderful family.

I've been a leading voice campaigning for a Brexit deal that protects our economy and jobs

Brexit: people should

decide on final deal
We're just months away makes our country security and on issues like
from leaving the stronger, safer and better scientific research and
European Union. off. tackling climate change.
Whether you voted Leave
or Remain, we should all As a member of the It is now clear that the
be worried about the House of Commons promises made by the
state of the negotiations Treasury Committee, I've Leave campaign cannot
and where this leaves been campaigning for a be delivered.
our country. deal that protects jobs
and the economy, That's why I believe that
The Prime Minister arguing that we should people should be given a
couldn't even get be part of the European say on the final deal. Find
agreement with single market and out more at
members of her Cabinet. customs union. I believe
At this stage it is hard to that we should also
see how she will be able maintain strong co-
Ray Lodge pupil Kaleigh Lau to secure a deal that operation on defence and

Standing up for local

As chair of the All Party Parliamentary border hiring, a cap on private hire
Group for Taxis I've kept issues facing vehicles in London and a definition of
the trade on Parliament's agenda, plying for hire in law.
building cross-party support for
London's iconic black taxi industry. At the time of writing, we're expecting
to hear from the Government about
I secured a Budget commitment to their proposed actions in response to
scrapping vehicle excise duty the report we published on the future
supplement for the new electric taxi of the taxi industry last year.
and I've pressed for reforms to cross-

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My Hosting a Big Iftar
average in Parliament with
During the past
Speaker Bercow
three years I've
found there's no
such thing! I was proud to host Parliament's first-ever Big Iftar
with Speaker Bercow as chair of the All Party
I'm usually in Parliamentary Group for British Muslims.
Parliament from
Monday to
Wednesday - raising The Big Iftar was the pinnacle of a whole year of
questions to activity for our cross-party group. We launched two
ministers, taking part reports - 'A Very Merry Muslim Christmas' and 'Faith
in debates on issues as the Fourth Emergency Service' - to raise
that matter to local
people and meeting awareness of the enormous voluntary and
with a range of charitable contribution that Muslims make to life in
external Britain.
organisations. I sit on
the House of We also launched a major inquiry into Islamophobia
Commons Treasury
Committee twice a in Britain, with the aim of coming up with a statutory
week, questioning definition that can be used by Government. I have
people like the also condemned Boris Johnson and other
Chancellor and the Conservatives for Islamophobia within the
Governor of the Bank Conservative Party and supported calls from
of England about the
economy. Baroness Warsi, the Muslim Council of Britain and
With Speaker Bercow, hosting Parliament's first ever Big Iftar
others for an independent inquiry.
I live locally and work
out of my
constituency office on
Thursdays and Parliament commemorates 1984 Massacre
Fridays, meeting
residents, visiting
schools, community I continue to work closely with our
groups and Along with other MPs, I signed a book
of remembrance for victims of the local Sikh community by supporting
businesses and
seeing people who 1984 Golden Temple massacre, which community events and supporting
need my help at my saw many thousands of Sikhs the Atam Academy.
advice surgery. I murdered, beaten and abused. As a
usually go out I've also supported the campaign to
knocking on doors at member of the All Party Parliamentary
the weekend and Group for British Sikhs, I continue to ensure that Sikhism is properly
attend weekend support calls for an inquiry into recorded on the next census as an
events. It's definitely a Britain's role in the dark events of that ethnicity, not simply as a religion.
six day a week job - I year.
try to keep my
Sundays for family -
but sometimes I work

Supporting Avanti Court pupils' campaign for

seven days a week! I
love what I do so I'm
not complaining!

The costs of running

Hindu secondary school in Redbridge
my office are Avanti Court is a great primary school and Sikh secondary schools, I am
published. The term
'expenses' is slightly in Barkingside with a Hindu ethos, supportive of a new Hindu secondary
misleading as the which welcomes pupils from all school.
£147k spent on staff backgrounds. The pupils there receive
goes directly on outstanding results and I visit the In Parliament, I'm a member of the All
salaries for my
casework team and
school regularly. Party Parliamentary Group on British
researcher and £32k Hindus and enjoy visiting local temples
spent on my office So when the School Council invited me throughout the year to mark
goes directly on rent, in to discuss their campaign for a important festivals.
IT, printing and Hindu secondary school, I was only
stationary etc. It
certainly doesn't go too pleased to listen. I was really
into my pocket! impressed with the case made by the
pupils. Given we have Christian, Jewish

Wes Streeting MP - Standing up for Ilford North

Wes Streeting MP - Standing up for Ilford North

Campaigning for
disabled people
Support for disabled people
just isn't good enough

We've had some real indignity and work

success on disabled capability assessments
transport locally. The and poor decision
Mayor of London agreed making that leaves
to fund step-free access disabled people living
at Newbury Park and below the poverty line.
South Woodford Getting people into
stations. Redbridge decent, accessible
Council has agreed to housing is also a major
place a greater emphasis challenge.
on disability access in
regeneration schemes Ultimately, we need a
and has re-opened change of Government
public toilets, which help to fix our broken system,
people with a range of but in the meantime I do
conditions. my best to help in
individual cases. With the local Guide Dogs (above), Transport for All (bottom left) and community roundtable (bottom right)
But in my casework, I see
evidence of disabled ''I do my best to
people being badly let help in
down. Social care cuts
mean that people aren't individual cases.
getting the full level of
support they need. I've
The system is
been to the Department completely
for Work and Pensions to
complain about the

Calling out
This has been a truly have been fearless and and I am proud that
terrible year for the Labour uncompromising in calling Redbridge Council adopted
Party's relationship with the out antisemitism at the the IHRA definition on
Jewish community. I can highest levels of the Labour antisemitism without
only apologise for the Party and our failure to reservation. I've enjoyed
appalling state of affairs. properly address it. working closely with Jewish
schools and community
As your MP and co-chair of Locally, I have been groups.
the All Party Parliamentary supported on this issue by
Group on British Jews, I Ilford North Labour Party

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Get in

Wes Streeting MP
 Showing a
school group
 020 3475 7901 around
 @wesstreeting Parliament
Like 'Wes Streeting MP' on on one of the
Facebook! many
Whether you visits I've
need my help or this year

want to know my
views on an issue
that matters to
Join me on a community
tour of Parliament!
you, please do
feel free to get in
touch. I can't
promise to solve I love showing schools and
community groups around
formal tours organised by
Parliament or personal tours
tour through the tours office
for smaller groups or the
a Thursday evening.

every problem, Parliament. As the heart of that I conduct myself. Education Service for HOW TO BOOK
our democracy it belongs to schools. These take place
but I'll do my best! all of us - and I want The story of Parliament is the throughout the year and Simply e-mail
We won't always everyone to be able to make
the most of it!
story of the evolution of our
democracy. I love showing
school visits are directly
linked to the curriculum.
or call 020 3475 7901 for
agree, but I'll people around the House of more information.
During the past three years Commons, House of Lords, If you're part of a local
always let you I've taken a wide range of Westminster Hall and the community group and want Tickets for Prime Minister's
know where I community and school
groups on tours of
royal galleries. to bring a group of around 20
people, I will gladly take you
Questions are also available
on a first-come, first-served
stand. Parliament - either through My office can help arrange a around on a personal tour on basis.
Promoted by Matthew Goddin on behalf of Wes Streeting both at 12a Highview Parade, Woodford Avenue, Ilford, IG4 5EP. Printed by UNP The I.O Centre, Unit 7, Skeffington Street, London, SE18 6SR

I want to know about your priorities for our area.

What could Labour do to improve things in our area?


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Promoted by Matthew Goddin on behalf of Wes Streeting both at 12a Highview Parade, Woodford Avenue, Ilford, IG4 5EP. Printed by UNP The I.O Centre, Unit 7, Skeffington Street, London, SE18 6SR

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