Assessment Cover Page: Student Name: Fatma Ebrahim

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Course Name: Theories of Teaching Preschool Course Code:

ECE 2503

Instructor Name: Khadija Aljassmi

Task Title:
Project Output
Due Date: Week 13 Date Submitted:

Student Name: Fatma Ebrahim

Student ID: H00353655 Section:

Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work submitted 1
working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3
days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalties
for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty Policy, Student

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in the text and
listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted this work to the HCT. I un-
derstand that I may be orally examined on my submission.


I did my Teaching practice of semester four in the Creative Science International School;
they follow the EYFS British curriculum, this curriculum follows four principles which are:

1- “Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capa-
ble, confident and self-assured.” (Early Years Foundation Stage, 2017)

2- “Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.” (Early

Years Foundation Stage, 2017)

3- “Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experi-
ences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between prac-
titioners and parents and/or carers.” (Early Years Foundation Stage, 2017)

4- “Children embrace learning and development in different ways and at different rates.
The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision,
including children with special educational needs and disabilities.” (Early Years
Foundation Stage, 2017)

I did change my way of teaching because of the curriculum requirements as I mentioned in

my phonics lesson reflection I didn’t like the way they teach phonics it has a very long step
and I think it’s boring.
My MCT recommended me to add more objectives in my lesson because the students were
able to do more so in this lessons I did add more objectives than I would usually do.

Lesson Plan 1:

Date Subject Number of students Grade

November 7, 2018 English 26 KG 2 O

PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

I want to improve my time management.

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Students will be able to recognize the sound th.
Introduction: Smart board, pen.
Students will be able to write the sound th. LC1: popsicles, clothing clips, marker.
LC2: popsicle, laminated papers, magnetic letters,
Students will be able to differentiate between healthy marker.
and non- healthy food. LC3: teeth pictures, healthy and non- healthy food
LC4: papers, paint, paint brush.

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time___15 minutes____
Links to real life: (Bullet points)
Opening/Introduction (warm up): (Bullet points)  I will ask the students to think of words that
starts with the sound th.
 I will start the lesson by playing a video of a
story called The ravenous beast.
 Then I will introduce the healthy and non-
healthy food.

Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

 I will introduce the sound th by doing My Turn
Your Turn.
 I will show the students pictures that starts with
the sound th.

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

KG 2 O I feel hungry.
I can eat all of the sandwiches in the school and all the fruits and vegetables in the market.
Do you feel hungry?
How about we watch this video and see if the monster is eating healthy or non-healthy food.
During the video I will ask them (Oh my god can we eat that?)
(would you like to eat this?)
(do you think this food is healthy?)
After the video we will discuss about healthy and non-healthy food.

I will introduce the sound (th).
I will use the RWI method.
After that we will all write the sound in the air, then on the board and I will ask each student to go and write the
After they finish writing I will ask them to get back at the mat and I will use the green words. We will start blend-
ing. Now you can make words using the cards, I will tell them the word and they will make it using the sound
I will keep a small paper on the board that includes the RWI steps.

Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time15 – 20 min.

Say it, make it, write it: Find the missing vowel:
The students will have a laminated sheet that has 3 Students will be given popsicles with words but the
parts. First is to choose a popsicle, and each popsicle vowel will be missing, the low ability will have a pic-
has a word written on it, after choosing one they will ture to help them find the vowel. They will need to pick
have to put it and say the word then in the making part a cloth clip and clip it where the vowel is missing.
they will be given magnetic letters and they will make (each cloth clip has a different vowel).
the word using it, and in the last part they will have to
write it.

Healthy & non-healthy: Let’s paint on the wall!:

I will print out two pictures one of a healthy tooth and This activity will be outdoors, there will be large sheets
one of a sad and unhealthy tooth, there will be also pic- stick on the wall and the students will have to write the
tures of healthy and non-healthy food and the students sound th, after that they can paint whatever they want.
will have to sort them according to healthy and non-

Closing activity: Time: 5-7 minutes

I will sing clean up and turn on and off the lights and the students will start cleaning up and sit back at the mat.

Assessment for Learning:

I will assess the students during the activities using a checklist.

Reflection Lesson 1:

Phonics lesson & healthy and non-healthy food.

November 7, 2018

Today lesson was about phonics I taught the students the sound th and healthy and non-
healthy food. I used the EYFS curriculum way which is RWI it stands for Read Write Inc. I
didn’t enjoy the lesson because it has very long steps, and I found it difficult to remember
them in order even though I’ve been observing the RWI since I started my TP this semester.
Even the teachers don’t remember all the steps in order, so my MST told me before the les-
son its okay if I flipped between the steps.

I started my lesson by reminding the students of the behavior that I expect to see from them
on the mat, and they were all sitting quietly and listening carefully to the video that I played.
It was a story called The ravenous beast. During the story, they were engaged and answered
any question I ask them. After the video ended I asked them if that food was healthy or not
healthy and all of them agreed that it is not healthy, I asked them if they would like to eat
what the animals ate in the video they all laughed and said no! I explained to them the activi-
ties that I will put for them in the centers, and I moved to the sound (in the EYFS curriculum
they move from one topic to another without getting in too many details because they want
the children to explore by themselves). I started by saying the sound, but I have to admit that
the sound was hard for them, they got confused between f, s, and th they were telling the f
and s sounds mostly until I showed them exactly how to put their tongues between their teeth
to produce the correct sound.

After they learned how to produce the sound I asked them to tell me some words that start
with the sound th or ends with it and they were able to do that, and that was one of my objec-
tives, to be able to recognize the sound th.
After that, I showed them some pictures of things that have the sound th. Then we all wrote
the sound in the air, and then we blend a few words, and I sent them to try and write the
sound th, then they came back to the mat, and I asked them to do the word thin, thumb, sat,
pat, they had to do it in pairs using the sound cards.

I explained to them the activities and sent them to play.

I placed four different activities in the classroom. I had the painting area outside; the students
had to write the sound th, then they can draw whatever they like this activity is an IB activity
because students get to experience the freedom to choose. The next activity was healthy and
non- healthy food I printed out some healthy and non-heathy food pictures with healthy teeth
and a non - healthy tooth so they can experiment the healthy and non-healthy at the same
time practice the sound th. The third activity the children had popsicles that have different
words written on them, and they had to put it on the laminated paper that they have, and they
have to say it then they have to make it using the magnetic letters and the last step is to write
it. The last activity was to find the missing vowel and clip it in the correct place. The kids en-
joyed all the activities they were all fun and joyful, and if I had to change one thing in
the lesson, then I would change the RWI because I don’t feel the fun vibe while teaching us-
ing it but the MST told me that they are not allowed to change it.
But still, the activities went well and fun.

Lesson Plan 2:

Date Subject Number of students Grade

November 12, English 26 KG 2 O

PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

I want to try using different sounds while reading a story.

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Introduction: Smart board or a book.
Students will be able to identify 5 animals from the LC1: Montessori based activity: matching: Lami-
story: Penguin, Giraffe, Buffalo, Monkey, Seal. nated pictures of animals, toy animals, basket.
LC2: Roll & move game: Dice, laminated animal
Students will be able to use the following language: pictures.
“can you do it?” “I can do it”. LC3: design your own animal: animal outline, paint,
grass, woods, cotton, aprons, glitter, glue.
LC4: Tell the story on your way: sticks that have
animal pictures stick on.
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time___15 minutes____ Links to real life: (Bullet points)
 I will ask the students if they have ever went to
Opening/Introduction (warm up): (Bullet points) the zoo and have seen any of those animals.
 I will start by showing the students some pic-  If yes, then which one of it and what color was
tures of the animals in the story to get them fa- it.
miliar with the new vocabs.
 I will introduce the story and read it to them
with different voices.

Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

 At the carpet I will read the story to the children
with different voices.
 I will ask one child from the circle to try to do
what we are reading about e.g. stomp your foot.

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

I will start by showing the students some pictures of the animals that is in the story.
* What can you see in this picture?
* Do you know their sounds?
* Who can try and do what this animal is doing?
I will read the story and change my voice for each animal.

After I read the story I will practice with the student the sentence structure e.g. I will keep the pictures of the ani-
mals on the board and I will say I’m a penguin I can turn my head can you do it? and the students should respond I
can do it.
Then I will ask few students to come up and use the same sentence structure.
I will explain the activities.
I will use counting method to move the students from the mat to the activities.
I will let each group try out the four activities.

Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time15 – 20 min.

The matching game: Roll & move:

The students will have pictures of the animals they have Students will have a dice that has four sides, and each
seen in the story, and they have to match them to the side has an animal from the story with the move that
plastic animals in the basket and read out their names. they did. The child should roll the dice and do the
movement that is on the side that they have.

Design your animal: Tell your story!:

I will print out the outline of each animal I want them to Students will have sticks that have animals on it, and
learn about (Penguin, Giraffe, Buffalo, Monkey, Seal) each child will have to pick a stick and try to tell a story
and the students can color them or draw on them they from his/her mind.
can design it in any way they like and then stick it on
the reading area.

Closing activity: Time: 5-7 minutes

I will sing the cleanup song and turn on and off the lights, and the students will start cleaning up and sit back at
the carpet.

Assessment for Learning:

I will assess the students during the activities using a checklist.
I will also ask them at the end of the class about the animals they learned today and can they tell me what they
can do.

Reflection Lesson 2:

Story (From Head to Toe)

November 12, 2018

Today I read a story for my students I did a shared reading, I opened the story on the smart
board and reminded the students of the behavior that I want to see. Before I started reading
the story, I asked the students what do they think the story is going to be about?
They said animals because the book cover had a picture of a gorilla, they had a mixture of an-
swers, but all of them mentioned animals in their answers.
I started reading the story with lots of facial expressions and changing my voice when it’s a
cat I use a low and sharp voice when it’s a camel I use a loud and manly voice which made
the students laugh a lot!
I asked the students to try and move the same way each animal did we tried all of the moves,
but I wanted to concentrate on the penguin, seal, giraffe, buffalo and, monkey. They were the
five animals that I wanted the students to learn.
During the story I asked the students if they have seen a real monkey and most of them did,
one of the students (Mahra) was able to name for me two different kinds of monkeys that she
has seen in real life.
The students didn’t know what a buffalo is so I asked them to go on the internet and search
about it when its play time and they did and came up with lots of information such as where
they can find it etc.
I placed four different activities in the classroom. The first was the matching game, students
had pictures of the animals, and plastic animals and they had to find each animal and match
between them, this activity is based on the Montessori curriculum because children will have
both the animals and pictures in front of them and they will have to think and compare. The
second was rolling the dice, I got a dice and stuck the photos of the five animals that I want
them to learn about on the dice, and they had to roll the dice and do the movement that the
animal did in the story. The third activity was to design their animals, I printed out the out-
lines of the animals, and they had paint, crayons, glitters and lots of resources that they can
choose from freely.
The last activity was telling your story in this activity I wanted to focus on the child ability to
tell a story and use their imagination, I gave them popsicles that had the pictures of the ani-
mals, and they had to tell a story using them. This activity is based on the IB curriculum be-
cause the child will explore by himself.
Most of the students were able to achieve the lesson objectives because they were smooth and
straight to the point.
The whole lesson was successful the children had so much fun so did I, I loved how they
were creative with all of the activities, they all did all of the activities, they were sharing
ideas of what they knew about each animal in the story, they also went and searched on the
internet about other animals, which is again adapted from the IB curriculum.
There is nothing that I want to change, and nothing didn’t go well.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). (2017, March 3). Retrieved from http://www.erid-

Montessori Method (Montessori). (2017, February 04). Retrieved from https://www.learning-

Robinson, G. (2016, March 9). What is International Baccalaureate? Retrieved from


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