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34 points

1. Go to the website –

2. Under “Take a Test” click on Jung Typology Test (Free)

3. Click on “Do It”

4. Take test, when you have finished responding to the 72 questions, click on “Score It”

5. Your 4 Letter code is: ___ENTJ________________________ (2 points)

6. According to the “Qualitative analysis of your type formula” you are: (4 points)

a. __moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (31%)

b. __slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (9%)
c. ___marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)
d. ____slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)

7. Click on description by J. Butt and read the description of your personality type. Give 5
traits of your Myers- Briggs Profile (5 points)
a. E is for Extravert, and I have a moderate performance of that over
b. N is for Intuitive and I have more of that over sensing
c. T is for thinking and I think more then I feel
d. J is for Judging and I do that more than perceiving
e. ________________________________________________________________________

8. List 5 famous people who share your profile (5 points)

a. _Steve Jobs __________________________________________________________
b. _Dave Letterman __________________________________________________________
c. _Jim Carrey __________________________________________________________
d. _Franklin D Roosevelt
e. ___Steve martin ________________________________________________________

9. Review the information on your profile type. How and why does this profile match you? If it
doesn’t, why not? (4 points) I think it does because I think about everything a lot and in the
moment I think if we are doing the right thing or not and do more of that then listening to my

10. How can this information help you as a business person? (6 points)

I could take advantage of some of the stuff I naturally do and use it like my thinking.

11. Is it fair that companies issue this test to prospective employees? Why or Why not? (6
points) I think yes because they can see what your like and how you behave. It's not right for
them to not hire you because of your personality but it can benefit the business by having their
employers to their Fullest

What did you like/dislike about this personality assessment? (2 points)

It’s kind of general and some questions are hard to understand.

It was a good assessment, asked good questions but some were just general and hard to

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