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Dreaming body inhabits a different world, that happens to have an informational link (agreed-

on eye-movement signal) in the world outside.

Metzinger on different states of psychological disorder.

Borges – contamination of the real world by a dream

In a retinal image, the substance (content) of the image is also the vehicle. I can’t see the
image (on the retina) – I can only see what’s outside.

Opacity of the system to itself, cannot recognize itself as representational

(phrased by metzinger as “transparency”

You have to have a representation of the self to make blame/credit effective – to register the
impact of

Confuses representation of self with the self, just like it confuses the image on its retina with
the world

The self is the systems representation of itself, but it does not belong to the system (it belongs
to know one. It cannot be controlled, it is not property)

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