Wartenberg, Book 1945. 222.: Reviews

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the population which can have profound WARTENBERG, R. The examination of re-
sociological significance. Chapters on flexes. Chicago: Year Book Publish-
trait division, sex patterns, cultural dif- ers, 1945. Pp. 222.
ferences suggest that although the condi- This monograph comprises a series of
tions of modern civilization have tended to three articles which originally appeared
minimize biological differences between in the Archives of Neurology and Psy-
the sexes, women have been restrained chintry. Their publication was so favor-
from challenging masculine dominance ably received as to justify publication in
not only by innate factors but also by the book form. Students and clinicians have
fact that “All but a few women have long been bewildered by the confusing
wanted their men to be dominant.” This classifications of reflexes, some listed ac-
book can be heartily recommended as a cording to the point of elicitation and
well-documented reference work which others honoring the name of their dis-
should do much in dispelling the cloud of coverers. Here for the first time is a
superstition and wish-fulfilling thinking systematic synthesis of the basic princi-
which has permeated the field of sex diff- ples and methods nf elicitation of the
erences. more than 250 reflexes which have been
described in the literature. Twenty-four
SHERMAN, M. Intelligence and its devia- of the principal true deep muscle reflexes
tions. New York: Ronald Press, 1945. are evaluated with neurophysiological
Pp. 286. orientation and may be considered to be
The purpose of this book is to corre- the basic reflexes of which all athers are
late the psychological, medical and socio- merely variations. This book tremen-
logical aspects of intelligence and its de- dously simplifies neurological examina-
viations in a simply, easily readable style tion procedures and it is therefore rec-
suitable for students and clinicians. Two ommended as a “must” for all those whose
introductory chapters discuss definitions work requires them to be conversant with
of intelligence and curves of mental reflex phenomena. Students in physio-
growth. Chapters 3 to 6 present relation- logical and clinical psychology will find
ships between intelligence and physical this a valuable addition to their reference
development, environment, delinquency library.
and psychoses. Chapter 7 on the types
of mental deficiency includes a general LONDON, L. S. Libido and delusion.
discussion of various classifications such Washington : Mental Therapy Publica-
as that of Potter but omits the standard tions, 1945. Pp. 136.
classification of the American Psychiatric
Association. Separate chapters are de- It is the objective of this monograph
voted to correlations between the neuro- to present a theoretical orientation to the
pathology and clinical findings in mental psychology of the libido. London be-
deficiency, epilepsy, mongolism and cre- lieves that everyone’s libido may be sepa-
tinism. Concluding chapters deal with rated into four parts: the homosexual
mental testing, the adjustment of the de- component, the heterosexual component,
fective, genetic problems and intellectual the narcissistic component and the per-
superiority. An extensive bibliography verse component, all of which must be un-
(which includes only three titles later derstood in order to comprehend the me-
than 1939) and a short glossary conclude chanisms of the neuroses and psychoses.
the book. The book as a whole is ade- For London, the bisexual conflict is pres-
quate but not inspired. The nonpsycho- ent in everyone and where the homosexual
logical reader will perhaps be misled by component of the libidn is enlarged, the
the unorthodox presentation of such fac- resulting unbearable conflict may result
tual data as the classification in terms of in an escape into serious mental disorder.
I.Q. (P. 127) in which those with I.Q.’s It is important to study the ontogenetic
from 48-70 are classified as morons, 28- development of the libido in each patient
48 as imbeciles, and 0-28 as idiots. and this knowledge can be obtained only
NEWS 20 1

from the most intensive psychoanalysis. treatment. Whether or not one accepts
Included are thirty-nine abbreviated case theoretical psychoanalysis, the study of
summaries illustrating libido mechanisms analytically derived case material con-
in different psychopathological disorders tinues to be a required essential for any-
and two intensive reports of cases which one who presumes to understand modern
underwent several hundred hours of dynamic psychiatry.


Four tmo-year internships in clinical over a period of five years for the work
psychology are available at the Norwich of the Union-Westminster Character Re-
(Conn.) State Hospital in association search Project conducted under the di-
with the University of Connecticut. Ap- rection of DR. ERNEST M. LIGON,Chair-
plicants must have a bachelor's degree man of the Field of Psychology, Union
with a major in psychology and a good College, Schenectady, N. Y. The pur-
academic record. For further infornia- pose of the gift is to help construct cur-
tion, write to DR. ROBERTC. CHALLMAN,ricular materials and methods for develop-
Director of Psychological Laboratories, ing the character attitudes which were
Nlorwich State Hospital, Norwich, Conn. established during the first ten years of
r research. One or more post-doctoral re-
search fellowships will be established and
J. W. BOWLES,JR., formerly at Indiana perhaps some graduate scholarships.
University and recently discharged from f
the Army Air Forces, joined the staff of We regret that arrangements for pub-
the Wichita Guidance Center December lishing an annual educational survey of
15th as Psychological Examiner replacing
KATHERINEA. NIKOLAISENwho re- training ogy in
opportunities in clinical psychol-
this Journal as announced in the
turned to the University of Minnesota
October 1945 issue have been indefinitely
for further graduate work. delayed pending negotiations with the
Committee on Graduate and Professional
The Division of Psychology of West- Training of the APA concerning juris-
ern Reserve University announces two diction. In August 1945 this Journnl
Rorschach workshops to be given during evolved its own questionnaire to be sent
June 1946 under the direction of DR. to all graduate departments. This ques-
MARGUERITE R. HERTZ. An introduc- tionnaire was never distributed because
tory course will be given June 10-14, of an agreement reached with the Ofice
daily from 9:30-4:OO for 1 semester hour of Psychological Personnel which agreed
credit. An advanced course in the inter- to make the factual data available by
pretation of Rorschach records and clini- January 1, 1946. This material has not
cal applications will be given June 17-21, yet been made available and it is our un-
daily from 9:30-4:OO for 1 semester hour derstanding that the Committee on Gradu-
credit. Fee for each course is $20.00. ate and Professional Training will soon
For further information, please write to publish such a survey.
DR. CALVINS. HALL,Division of Psy- r
chology, Western Reserve University, The Wichita Guidance Center an-
Cleveland 6, Ohio. nounces one Junior and one Senior Es-
f ternship in C!inical Psychology is avail-
An anonymous donor has indicated his able. The Junior Externship provides a
intention of giving fifty thousand dollars supervised experience in the administra-

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