Lesson Plan 21-11-2018 - g2

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Lesson Plan Template

Student-Teacher: Mawada Mohammed

Date: 21-11-2018
Grade Level: grade 2

Subject: English –Sciences (integrated curriculum).


Learning Outcome:

-Students will be able to identify some common body parts.

- Students will be knows body parts in English.

Resources (what materials/equipment

Primary will you and the
Lesson Plan Template Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
students use? Be specific) class?).

-Big empty panel. - Marker. -Glues. -Print cards with body parts word.

-Cards with body parts word. - Colors. - Scissors. -Print cards with body parts word for activity 2.

-Cards with body parts word for activity 2. -print dice with names of body parts.

-Empty paper. Key vocabulary

Head- arms-legs- chest- hands-feet-knee

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

--Starting with basic steps before each class (greeting, what day is today? what month are we in? who is absent today?)
Whole Group

Dice games

-Play with whole class with dice, ask questions about body parts.

-Introduce the activities to the students.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher) Low level

- Teacher will give each student one worksheet (I have ….).

Small Group

-Ask student to try to do it by themselves.


- Teacher will read with them question after question with explanation.

-The teacher will make sure each student understand all body parts names.

-Review with student all body parts with flash cards for grade 1and 2.
Independent Experience (two different groups each group 4-5 students) Middle level

-Teacher will give each student one worksheet and one empty paper, scissors, glues and cards (with body parts word),
and colors.

-I will ask student to cut and paste the body parts in the right place.

- Then student will place the cards (with body parts word) in the right place.

-Of the end student who is finished can color the worksheet.

- The teacher will corrected worksheet, if the teacher found cards in wrong place she will explain more until the learner

Independent Experience (two different groups each group 4-5 students) Middle level

-Teacher will give each student one worksheet and one empty paper, scissors, glues and cards (with body parts word),
and colors.

-I will ask student to cut and paste the body parts in the right place.

- Then student will place the cards (with body parts word) in the right place.

-Of the end student who is finished can color the worksheet.

- The teacher will corrected worksheet, if the teacher found cards in wrong place she will explain more until the learner

Independent Experience (small group activity 3) High level

-Ask one group to set on the carpet.

-The teacher will give them big empty panel, marker, cards (with body parts word), and colors.

-Ask one student to lay on the big panel, and another student will draws the student body by marker.

-Student will draw the rest of the body details.

-As teamwork they will place the cards (with body parts word) in the right place.


-Chick if student they complete the tasks.

IF I HAVE EXTRA TIME(formative assessment )

Whole Group

If I have time I will apply a responses cards strategy (true and false ) it will be grouped activity

-I will give each group a responses card true and false.

-The teacher presents a correct or incorrect statement.

- then the teacher will ask them to think about the answer for one second then the teacher will ask them to raise the
answer .

-Have students complete the Your Body worksheet.

-Collect the worksheet once they're done working. Review it to assess their understanding.
-Display students' work on the walls of the classroom.

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