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Thankyou for choosinga motorcycleof thecompany.May you enjoydding all thetime.

The manualcontainsthe necessarybstuctions and guidancewith respectto the opemtionand maintenanc€of the motorcycle,and BE SURETO READ IT CARI-
FULLY BEFOREYOU RIDE THE MOTORCYCLE. Properoperationand maintenancecanguaranteea saferiding to minimize troublesofthe motorcycleandkeepit in
a soundcondition,whichcanextendtheengineservicelife. Yourdealerwill provideyou with technicalinquiryandafter-sales service.
Thetechnicaldatainthemanualarethelatest,andwereserveabsoluterightto amendthem. The manualis subjectto changewithoutnotice.Pleasecheckcarefully
the productnameplate,VIN recordandenginecod€in the motorcycle,which you havebought,andthey arehelpful for you to get the motorcyclea licenseplate andfor future
Important Notice
Operator and passenger
This motorcycleis designedto carry the opemtorand one passenger.Never exceedtbe maximum loadingcapacityas specifiedin the manual-
Maximum load
This motorcycleis designedto be usedonly on the road.
. Pay specialattentionto statementsprecededby the following words:
Indicat€sa strongpossibilityof sever€personalinjury or deathifinstructions are not followed.
Indicatesa possibilityofpersonalinjury or equipmenldamag€if instructionsare not followed.
Note: Civeshelpful information.
This manualshouldbe considercdasa permanentpart ofthe motorcycleandshouldremainwith the motorcyclewhenresold.

Safe Riding Rules 2 Instruments and Indicator
ProtectiveCloths 2 HaDdlebarContsols
Refitting 2 Clutch Lever
LoadingandAccessories 2 GearshiftPedal
Front Bmke Lever
Parts Location 3 FuelFillerCap 5
VIN Record 4 Fuel Cock
SteeringLock Selection
S€atCushion Check and Replace
HelmetLock Adjustmentof Front Bruke
RemovingofRight SideCover Adjusment of RearBrake
R€ar ShockAbso.ber Adjustrn€ntofBlake Light Switch
PRX-RIDD LNSPECTION How to UseBrake WearIndicaton 13
Brake System CheckofBrakeFluid fevel 13
Leak ofBrak€ Fluid ReplacementofBrake
Clutch Adjustmentof Clutch
Thrcttle Grip 6 DriveChain t4
Engine Oil 6 Checkof Lubdcation ofcables l4
Chain '7
Lubrication of ChokeCableand Clurch Lever l4
Wheel RearBrak€ and G€arshiftPedal
Parts,{Fastene$ Front Brake and Clutch Lever
Lights 7 SideStand
Switches ,7
Battery ,7
Check ofFrcnt Fork
Fuel Adjustmed ofRear Shock Absorber
OPERATION GUIDE Checkof SteeringDevice
Startingthe Engine Wheel Beaxing 15
StartingProcedureof WarmedEngine Battery 15
Gearshifting 9 Fuse 16
Breaking-in 9 Replacementof HeadlightBulb 16
Riding 9 Dismantlementof Front Wheel l6
Braking 9 Mounting of Fmnt Wheel t7
Pa*ing 9 Dismantlementof Rearmeel l7
MAINTENANCE 10 Mounting ofRear Wleel I7
Tool Kit l0 Troubleshooting t'7
Maintenance Schedule 10 TroubleshootingBlock Diagram 17
Torsion Specification l0 CleaDing l7
Engineoil ll StorugeGuide l8
AiI Cleaner 11 Removalftom Storage..... t8
Adjushnentof Thrcttle Cable I2 REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS 20
SparkPlug 12 CDIAGRAM 2l
Motorcycle riding requir€s special efforts on your part to ensure your safety. Knorv these requirements below befbre you ride.
l.Always make a pre-ride inspection before yolr start the engine. You may prevent accident or cquipment darnage.
your motorcycle to an inexperiencedrider.
3.Many automobilc/motorcycleaccidentshappenbecausethe aulomobile driver docs not "see" the motorcyclist.
Make yourscllconspicuous to help avoid the accidcnt that wrsn't your fault:
a Wear bdghl or reflective clothing-
aDon't ride in anothcr motorist's "blind spo."
4-Obey all national and local laws and regulations.
Exccssivespeed is a facto. in nany accidenis. Obey the speedlimits, and NEVER tmvel faster than condilions wanant.
Signal belore you makc a tum or lane changeto draw othcr nlotorists' attention..
5.Don't let other motorists surpriseyou.
Use extncaulion at intersections,parkirg lot entrancesand exits, and always remember to ride with both hands and keep borh feet on llrc ridcr foorrestswhile the
passengergrasp the rear handrail with both feet on thc passengerfootrests.
clothing that fully covers your legs.
3.Do not wear loose clothing that could catch on the controi leve$, kick-stater, footrestsor wheels.
Relitting ofthe motorcycle,or r€movalof original parts,may makethe vehicleunsafeor ill€gal.Obey all nationaland localequipmentregulations.
To preventan accident,takeextremecarelvhenadding.ccessories and cargoand riding with them. Additionofaccessories and cargomay reducea
motorcycle'sstability'performanceand safeoperatingspeed.Remembertheseperlbrmancesmay be reducedby installationofthe rccessories not producedby
the company,improper loading,worn tyre and overall motorcycleconditions,poor road or weatherconditions. Thesegeneralguidelinesmay help you d€cide
whetheror how to equipyour motorcycle,and how to load it safely.
l.Keepcalgoandaccessory weightlow andcloseto the centerofthe motorcycle.Lod weightequallyon bothsidesto nlininize imbalance.As weightis locatedfurthcr
liom themotorcycle's cenlerofgravity,handlingis proportionally
2.Adjusit)'rcprcssureandrearsuspension to suitloadwcightandriding conditions.
r.\'ehicle handling and stabiliry can be adverselyaffectcd by loosc cargo. Rcchcck cargo sccurity and accessorymounts frequently.
.1.Donot attach items to the handlebars,Iork, or fcndcr. Unstable handling or slow steeringresponsemay produce.

ce[uine accessoriesofthe company havc bccn spccifically designed and testcd on the motorcycle. Becausethe factory cannol tesl all other acccssories.you are
personallyresponsiblefor seleciion. installation.and use ofaccesso es not produced by the company. Always lollow lhe guidelinesunder loading, and thesebelow:
LCarefully inspect the a
inslall fairings that decreasccooling air flowing to the engine.
i.Accessories may increasethe tirne lhat hands of feet operatccontrols, resulting in incrcascdrcaction time in an emergency.
.+.DoDot add electical equipmcnt that will cxcccd the motorcycle's electrical system capacity.
i.This motorcycle is not designedto pull a sidecaror trailcr. Handling may be seriously impaired if so equipped.


PARTSLOCATION (Fig. l-l , 1-2&l-3)

Fig.1-1 Fig. l-2

G) Taillight/Brake
light O Reartum signallamp @ Seatcushion @ Headlight @ Fuel tank [0Helmcl holdcr ORearwheel
@,A.ircleaner 6Front tum signallamp @)Rearbrakepedal eil Footrest @lMain switch @Ceurshilt pedal @Front wheel
A1lvayssct the main switch is OFF and renlovc the key rvhen the motorcycle
is not kept in use-
f,tClutch level INSTRUMENTS
@ Handlebar switch s,/l\ Description Function
@ M.t..
L J qI r O n t b r a K e l e ! e f o Turnsignalindicator

!9 Tlfoulc grip at Neutralindicalor Lishts$henlhetnnsmission

is in neutnl.
HighbeanindicatorL ighlswhentheheadlighl
isonhilh beam.
VIN RECORD (Fig. 2 & 3) @ Odomelcr Showsaccumuldred
mileagc. Q) Turn signal indicator
O Ncutral indicator
Please fill the VIN and engine code ofyour motorcycle in blank below. T d pm e l e l Shows mileagcpertrip. l3i High beam indicator
They will help order spare parts and find out the vehicle once stolen.
knobResetthetripmcterlo 0. @ odometer
Fig.2 Fig.3
Ovnt tlrrrngrnecooc HANDLEBAR CONTROLS (Fig. 6 & 7) r u I n f m e t e ff e s e tk n o b
Passing Lamp Button
Depressthe button to control the passinglamp.
vIN: *m*
S e t t h e d i m m e r t o - i t ( H I ) t o s e l e c th i g h b e a m
CODE:*fTfT_fT_I-f-[-l * :i 10selectlow beaD.
NOTE Turn Signal Button
fD The VIN is slampedon the steeringpipe (Fig. 2). Move the button to <- (L) to signal a left turn and to
O The engine code is slampedon the crankcase(Fig. 3). -"."f (R) to signal a right turn. Releasing the button. lct il
O The vehicle naneplate is fixed on the let ofthc steeringpipe. retum to center position. By depressingthe button. the sig-
OHcadlight dimmer
nal lighl is put out.
CONTROL FUNCTION Horn Button E I u n l s l g D r lsl w r r c n
MAIN SWITCH (Fig. 4) Pressthc butlon |<r- to sound the hom. @ Hom button
The main switch is used for controlling ignition aDdillumina- trmergency Switch
tion systems,the control is as follows: In an emcrgency,depressingthe switch to "8" (OFF)
ry" (OFF): meansthat (he circuit is off, and the key can be removed. will stall the cngine at once; in normal case.set the swilch at
(ON): means that the circuit is on, engine can be operatedand -o" (oN).
the key cannot be removed. Light Snitch
PARKING P::The taillight, position lightand insfirment lights arc brjght
Iltaillight andpositionlight are on. othercircuit shouldbe off, for which ii: Theheadlightandthesaidlightsarebrighr Fig.7
purpose: Electric Starter Button @ Emcrgency switch
Setthe key to OFF,andprcssit into the ignitionswitchandreleascthe key Depress thebutfonO to startup theengine. (0 Light switch
Thisdone,tum thekey counterclockwise to PARKINGpositionandtakcit out. To I\WARNINC O Electricstarcrbutlon
cancelparkjngposition,tum tbekey clockwise. Refer to relatedinstructionsbelbrestarting fhe engine.
CLUTCII LE\'ER engine is in seNice or oul ofservice. Fuel should bc fillcd il'the tuel tank is empty.
The tuel cock should be set to ON wben the engine has is startcd.
Locatcd on the left handlebaf, the clutch levcr bears siarting s'vitch. Hold
liImly the lcvcr to the handlebar,disengagethe clutch, while loose the lcver to en-
.ragethe clutch. Thc fuel cock will function undff vacuum by the engine when thc former is
set to ON or RES. llthc pipe is not connectedwith thc carburetor and its intake
GEARSIIIFT PEDAL (Fig. 8) manifold. or leakageofixel occuls. the fucl cock will work improperly.
With 5 speed,the gearshiftpedallocatcdon the left of
CHOKE LEVER (Fig. 1l) F::-:---l
thetransmissionis operated.. The chokc lever is positioned on lhe lcfl handlebar. It is - -ilrr lf"l-l
designedto help stating lhc cngine in cool condition, for rvhich -"rdE?
The fiont bmkc lcvcr is fitted on the right handlebar. Fig. li
Opcratc it will stop the front wheel-
puryose, put thc knob to left. When the enginc is warmed up.
the lever is back to odginal position- rw
O Gearshifi pedal STEERINGLOCK (Fig. 12) F i g .l 1
REAR BRAKE PEDAL N. Neutral To lock the steering head, hrrn the handlebar to right as O
The pedal is locatedon the right sidc ofvehicle. Depressingthe pedal by foot,
the rear brake will work.
far as it will go, then insert thc lock into key slol and turn il
counterclockwisc by l/8 ofa revolution. To open thc stccring Z-rst
lnscrt thc key, tum ii cloclflvise by 1/4 ofa revolution, the
lock,just tum the key clockwise.
To remove the seatcushion.unscrew the bolt. To reinstall
' {l
cap may Deopeneo. the seat cushion. insert the lug ofseat into the holc in the main Fig.12
CLOSE fiame, then tighten up the bolt. O Steeringlock
Coverthecapandinscrtthekey.tum itto originalposition. qe. 9 NOTE
Awenntuc Glo'cn Makc sure that the he seat cushion is mounted securely. ]'--_---1t
The fuel filler cap must be locked bcfore the motorcycle is used. HELMET LOCK (Fig. 14) l! -'la.l
FUEL COCK (Fig. 10)
Fuel in ihe fuel tank is iiltered via thc vacuum cock to
To open the helmel lock, insert fhe key into lock slot. and ]\rVl
tum it as shown in fig. 14. To lock it. just turn the key io original
cnterinlo the carburetor-The fuel cockhas 3 positionsas follows: pPsrron. Fig.13
ON ,/l\WARNINC f.\l,Va
With the fucl cock in the ON position, tuel will flow from Do not ride th€ motorcycle if the helmet is locked to-
getherwith it, otheriyise, the helmet may knock something to
the main luel supply to the carburetor. lfthe cngjne is not in
use.tuelwill notflow.
Fig.lo caus€ the vehicle to be out ofcontrol or happen an accident.
Meansrcscrvctucl. with the fuel cockin the RESposition.fuel will flow
from theresewefuel supplyto the carburetor.Usethe reservcfuel only whenthe
rnainsupplyis gone,for whichpurpose,setthe coct to PRI positionandstartthc
Pull out the cover as shown in Fig. 16, then. remove it by
slipping frontward.
To install ihe cover, fit thc ring ofthe side cover onto the
engine.thentum it to RESposilion.Refill thetankassoonaspossibleafterswitch- hook of main 1iame,ihen put it to positior.
ing to RES. This done,thetuel cockshouldbc sctto ON
PRI (fil1ing)
With lhc l'uclcockin lhis positiod,firelmayflow in thesystemwhenever
the 5 Thc shock absorberhas 5 adjustmcnl positions for differ
ent loads or idirg conditions. For iirthcr dclail. reler to ADJUSTMENT OF Check the front brake lever and rear brakc pcdal ibr proper free play. Adjust
REAR SIIOCK ABSORBER hereinaticr. thern iIDecessary. Check the brake systcm at low speedjust the vehicle is started.
Fig.15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 lfyou feel soft *'hen operatingthe b.akc lever, it rneansthe bmke systemis in
O) Stana O edju"t.' dangerouscondition. In fhis casc contact your dealer for assistancc.
Check thc brake fluid for 1evel.add it ifneccssary.
Brake fluid rccornmended:DOT#4
.Iffluid DOT#4is unavailable.
I\WARNING aCheckthe lining ofdisc brakc.
lf the Pre-ridc inspection is not perlbrmed, sevcre personal iniury or ve-
aChcck thc brake shoe.
hicle damage may result. aContact your dealcr for assistanceifyou cannot corrcct thc problem.
lnspect your nrotorcycle every day before you ridc it. The items listed here
will only take a fcw mirutes to inspect. and in thc long run they can save tinc, LEAK OF'BRAKE FLUID (FRONT)
expcnsc,and possibly yorr life. Check the brakc systemfbr leakagefro pipc uni! or blake cylinclerby apply-
ing the brake lor fe$' minutes.
Front brake Checkit forproperfunction.
ofbrakel'luid.Add Brake fluid may cause irritation, Avoid contacfing \lifh skin or eyes. In
DOT#l)ifnecessary. case ofcontact, flush thoroughly with water and call a doctor ifyour eyes were
Rearbrake C h e c \i r f o r f u r ,r i o l J n df r c cp l c l ,d J t u . . r i n < c e . s d n . c x p o s e d .K E E P O L I T O F R f , A C H O F C H I L D R E N .
Clutch Checkit ibr funclionandfreeplay,adjustit ifnecessary. C-4.UTION
Throttlelever ( h c J kr r l o " . m o o r ho p e rr g . o r ie r w , c a d l L rd: rn d. r b - . " r ei r . a H a n d l e b r a k e f l u i d w i t h c a r e b e c a u s ei t c a n d a m a g e p l a s t i c a n d p a i n l e d
E n s i n co i l C h c c ku I l e ! e l ,r d d r h eo r l i f n e c e s $ r y .
oWhen adding brake fluid, be sure the brake fluid tank is horizontal before the
Dri!echain Checkrtfortroperrension. oradiLrst ir ifnecessrry.
cap is removed, or brake fluid may spill ouf.
Tye/uheel Checkitforprcssurc, won, damage andspoke lighiness. oUse only specified brake fluid from a sealed container.
cable Theoperation shouldbesmoolh,orlubricdteit i[necessary. ONever allow contaminants such as dirt or water to entcr the brake fluid tank,
Brake& gearslrift
pin T h eo p e r a r i osnh o J l db e . m u o l f .o f I r b - c x r el r t I e .L c , r f ) .
Brake& clutchcol]trolpi|otTheoperationshoxldb€smooth,or llrbricalcit ifnecessary.
Check the clutch lever for propcr lrcc play and tunctioning- Adjust the frcc
I h e o n e ? r i o 'nh o u l db c s r n o o r o h r, 1 - b r i ( d ricl i l n e c e , d - \ . play ifnecessary.
( h L c (J l l u l l h en .o r l r f l - r e nu no r a ou s rr h en i ' n c c c q . a n .
Fueltank C h e c kt u e la m o u n o t .r a d di t i I n c c c s \ i 4 .
Turning the grjp. check it for pfoper ftrnctioning and lrcc play. Adjust the
f i g h t sa n di r g n a l a m p Checkthen forproperirnciioning. fiee play ifnecessary.
Batlcry Chccktheelectrolyte amount, or adddistilledwaterif necessary. Make surc that the grip is back to original position actuatedby torsion spring.
NOTE Ifnot so, contact your dealer for adjustment.
Concct any discrepancybelbre you ridc. Contact your dealerfor assistanceif ENGINE OIL (Fig. 18)
you cannot correct thc problen. The qualiiy ofthc engine oii piays a vitalrole in dcciding the engine perfbr-
BRAKE SYSTEM mance and servicc lile. Engine oil must be sclcctcd in accordancewith the rules
BRAKE LEVER AND PEDAL belorv and othcr oils, such as ordinary machine oil. gear oii and vegetableoi1, are
lbrbiddcnto bc used. tyre reliability may be impaired.
Engineoil rccommended: gasolineengineoil Class almproper tyre inflationwill causeabnormaltread wear
SAEI5W/40-SE or classSE, SF,SC from API Service and createa safetyhazard.Under inflation may result
Classification. in the tyre slippingon, or comingoff from the rim caus-
Thevehiclehasbeerfilled with thc cngincoil Class ing tyre deflationthat may resultin a lossof vehicle
SAEl5W40-SEbeforedelivcrcd.anddrelubricantis only control.
F i g .l 9
rangcfrom40C to -10'c. Ifother
\ itableat a temperature aOperationwith excessively worn tyresis hazardousand
engineoil is 10beusedinstead,thealtemative
mustbetech OTread depth
will adverselyaffecttraction and handling. g sidewall
n i c a l l y c q u i v a l e n ti n e v e r y r e s p e c t .V i s c o s i t yv a r i e sw i t h Fig.l8 oThe useof tvres other than thoselisted on the table 1
O Min. tread line
regionsand tempcraturcs,so the lubricant has to be selectedaccordingto our rccom, may advers€ly atlecthandling.
m c n d a t i o n( s e eF i g . l 8 ) . l f t h e g a s o l i n ee i g i n e o i l C l a s sS A E 1 5 W 4 0 - S E c a nn o t b e Whcn thc trcad dcpth in the middle section oftyres (F'ig. l9) reaches the
obtained when in nced, the gasoline engine oil No.HQB-l0 (or No.HQB-6 in re, limits in table 2 below, pteasereplacetyres.
gions wherc the lenperature is -10"C or lower ) may be uscd. Table 2
Belbre replacing the Lubricant,pleasedrain the oil out completely remaining Tread limits
in thc cmnkcase,and cleanthe inside by cleansingkerosene,then iill new one instead. WHEEL
Oil amount: Total: L8L Change oil: l.4L Oil filter: l.6L AwLnNlNc
CAUTION T h e w h e e l o l b a s i c m o d e l i s d e s i g n e dn o t t o u s e t u b e l e s st y r e . N e v e r
R u n n i n g t h e e n g i n e w i t h i n s u f i i c i e n t o i l c a n c a u s es e r i o u s d a m a g e t o altempt to employ tubeless tyre as basic model.
engine, For good feature, long serviceand safe conirol. pay attention to as follows:
CHAIN l.Check thc whccl for crack, bending or deformation. Iffound any. contact your
Check the chain for conditions and tensionbelbre using the motorcycle. Ad- dealer for help.
just and lubricate it ifnecessary. 2.If.eplace one oftyres or whccls, make sure that wlreel baiance is kept. Ifnot so,
TYRT operationmay be difficult and the servicelife oltyre may be shortened.
3.A11ermounting the tyre, you should ride the motorcycle evenly so as to let the tyre
will providemaximum stability.
ridingcomfbrtandtlre life.
fit to rim. Othenvise. trouble may occur, even rcsult in injury or damage-
Checktyrepressure frequentlyandadjustifnecessary.
S€lecttherightreplacementlyresin accordance
with thcspecificationsshown PARTSiTASTENERS
in the table L Table 1 Check chassisparts and faslenersfor fitling tightness.
Checkto seethat the headlight,tail/brakelight, tum signals,etc. function
of >90ks)| 200 225
Checkto seethat hcadlightswitch,tum signalswitch,brakeswitch,horn
Tyre pressureshould be chccked before you ride while the tyres are "cold".
Chcck the tyres for cuts, embeddednails, or olher sbary objects. Check the rims for BATTERY
dents or defonnation. See your dealer for change ofdamagcd tyrcs or punctured Check the batteryelecirol)'tcfor propcr lcvcl. Add distilled water ifnecessary.
i n n e rf u b c s . FUEL
l\$ARNrNc Chcck to scc thal l'uel in the fuel tank is enough.
aDo notattemptto patchr damage.d_gre Z
i Fuel Selection carbon nonoxide (CO) gas that can cause loss of consciousnessand lead to
Fuel is a key factor in deciding the exhaust emissions ftom the engine, so d€ath.
sel€ction offuel mustfollow therulesbelow. aAttempting to start the engine with the transmission in gear and the clufch
Selected fuel mustbe unleadedor lowleadedgasolinewith theoctaneNO. engaged may result in injury or damage.
RQ-90or higher. Preparation
_ The fuel tankcapacityis 12.I L includingthereservesupplyof 2.6L . NOTE
AWARNING Checkthe clutchfor functionbeforeconductinssteDs
aGasolineis exlremelyflammableand is explosiveunder cerfain conditions. Checktheclutchfor function
Refuel in a rvell-ventilatedareawith the enginestopped. Do not smokeor
allow flamesor sparksin the areai,vheregasolineis storedor wherethe fuel If thetransmission
is in neuhal If rhe rransmissionis ensased
tank is refueled.
aBefore refueling,makesureto filter fuel first. Theenginewill be startedby de-
aDo not overfill the tank (there should be no fuel in the filler neck). After pressingthe start button By holdingthe clutchleverand
refueling,makesure the fuel filler csp is closeds€curely. depressing the startbutton,the
oBe careful not to spill fuel when refueling. Spilled fuel or fuel vrpor may Withdrawthe sidestand,engage enginewill be started.
ignite. If any fuel is spilled, make sure the area is dry before starting the thetransmission
OAvoidrepeatedor prolongedcontactwith skin or bre|thing o{ vapor. KEEP Allow to ride the motorcycle Allow ro ridethemotorcycle
OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. l set the tuel cock to ON.
With the tuel cockin the RESposition,tuel will flow from the reservetuel 2.Set the main switch to ON, put the engine stop switch to (ON).
supplyto the carburetor.Usethe reservefuel only whenthe mainsupplyis gone. 3.Slip the gearshift into NEUTRAL (neutral indicator light on).
R.efillth€tankassoonaspossibleafterswitchingto RES. 4.Push the choke lever all the way to its fully closed position and close the throttle
AWARNING grip tully.
aTo avoid running out offuel that may result in a suddenstop,learn how to 5.Start the engine by start button.
operatethe fuel cockwh€n fiding the motorcycle. NOTE
aBe carefulnot touch any hot engin€pa s while operatingthe fuel cock, For protecting the battery, do not use the electric starter for more than 5
NOTE secondsat a time. Releasethe starter button for approximately 10 secondsbefore
Remember to checkthatthe fuel cockis in ON positioneachtimeyou ride. pressingit again.
lfthe cockis left in RESposition,you mayrun out of tuel with no rcsenie. 6.After starting the engine,keep it at a speedof2500 - 3500 r/min by adjusting the
throttle lever.
The engine should be wa.med up for prolonging its service life. Don't
NOTE forcefully accelemtethe engine.
Youshouldbefull familiarwiih all ofcontrolsandftnctions.Ifanv Droblem. 7.Push
thechokeleverall thewayto itsopenposition uptheengine.
pleasecontactyoLud€alerfor help. NOTE
STARTING THE ENGINE As a rule, with the choke in full closed condition, if the engine responds to the
, Alwaysfollow theproperstartingprcceduredescribed
below. choke, it means that the engine is warmed up.
oNever run the enginein sn enclosedarca. The exhaustcontrinspoisonous *; To rellarl a warm ensine. do not use the chole.
CAUTION This sequcnceis repeatedto progressivelyshifl to 3rd,4rh and 5rh (top) gears.
aSnappingthe throttle or fast idling for morethan abont5 minutesnt normal 5. Coordinate the throttle with brukes for smooth deceleraiion.
air temperaturemay causeexhaustpipe discoloration. 6- Both front and rear brakes should be used at thc same time and should not be
aE\tendeduseolthc chokemay impair pistonand cvlinderwall lubrication applicd strongly enough to lock the wheel, or braking cffectiveness will be re-
and damagethe engine. duced and control ofthe motorcycle be difficult.
Thegearshiftis desjgnedto controlthemotorcycleat givenspeedlor starting, It is forbidden to gearshift up or down when the throtfle is still not
rcceleratingandclimb. To shiftthetransrnission intoneutral.reDeatedlv
steDon the descreasedand the chufch is in,otherwise,damage to the enginej drive chain or
: <"-shilipedxlun l ir rcaches
l\r gear.then.lrghtl)stcnon rhefearfedalroneutral olher parrl may happen.
'Don'trlipthe v e h i c l e i n e r t l y l o r l o n g t i m e , e v e n w i t h t h e t r a n s m i s s i o ni n l.Fornornalbraking,gradualtyapplyboththefrontandrearbrakeswhiledown-,
n€utral when the engine is closed. Bccruse the gearshift may be properly s h i f t i n gt o s u i t y o u r i o a d s p e e d .
lubricated as the engine runs. Operation with insufficient lubrication will 2. For maximum dccelemtion,close thc throttle and apply the front and rear brakes
damage the gearshift firmly. Pull in the clutch lever beforc coming to a complete stoF to prcvent srall-
a A h v a y s u s e t h e c l u t c h d u r i n g g e a r s h i f t i n g . l f n o a s o , m e c h a n i c a ld a m a g e
^ ing theengine.
mry occur, becausethe engine, gearshift and drive system.an not be subjecl I\WARNING
to shockdue to forcegear-shifting. alndependent use ofonly the ftonf or rear brake reducesstopping performance.
BREAKING-IN E x t r e m e b r a k i n g m a y c a u s ee i t h e r w h e e l t o l o c k , r e d u c i n q c o n t r o l o f t h e
Help assureyour motorcycle's futurc reliability and pcrformance by paying motorclcle.
exlra altcrtron to how you ride during the first 1000 km. a W h e n p o s s i b l € ,r e d u c e s p e e d o r b r a k e b e f o r € e n t e r i n g a t u r n ; c l o s i n g t h e
During this period, avoid firll thrortle riding and loading the engjne heaviiy, throttle or braking in mid-turn may cause ryheet slip. Wheel slip will reduce
be surc to drive at a speed not more than 60% ofcach gear and to keep changing control of the motorcvcle.
oWhen riding in wet or rainy conditions, or on loose snrfaces, the ability to
maneuver and stop will be reduced. All ofyour actionsshould be smoolh
u n d e r f h e s ec o n d i t i o n s . R a p i d a c c e l e r a t i o n ,b r a k i n g o r t u r n i n g m r y c a u s e
After the tunning-in period, be surc to conduct maintenanceaccording to the
loss ofcontrol. For your safety, exercise extreme caution when braking, ac-
maintenance schedule so as to keep the motorcycle at an optimal statc with high
c e l e r a l i n go r t u r n i n g .
pcrfbrmance.which will extend the service life ofthe enginc obviously.
a W h e n d e s c e n d i n ga l o n g , s t e e pg r a d e , u s e e n g i n e c o m p r e s s i o nb r a k i n g b y
RIDING downshifting, with intermittent use ofboth brakes. Continuous brake appli-
1\w'rnr,{INc cation can overheat the brakes and reduce their effectiveness.
Review MOTORCYCLE SAFE RIDtNc before you ride. aRiding with your foot resting on the brake pedat or your hands on the brake
I Afier the engiie has been warmed up. thc motorcycle is ready lbr riding. lever may actuate the brake light, giving a fatse indication to oaher drivers. tt
I While the engine is idling, pull in the clulch lever and ircad rhe gearshiftpedal to may also overheat thc brake, reducing €ffectiveness.
shift into lst (low) gear. PARJqNG
I Slolvly relcase the clutch lcver and at thc sane time gradually increaseengine
L After stoppirgthemotorcycle,shiftthetransmission into neutral,tum thesteer-
sfeed by opening the throttle. Coordination ofthe throttlc wjth clutch levcr will
ing barfully to theright,andthenlockthc steeringlock,at last,removethc key.
assurea smooth and posiiive sta .
2. Usethesidestandto supportthemotorcyclewhilc parked.
1 \\rhen the motorcycle attains a steady spccd, close the ihrottle, pull in the clutch
lcver and shift to 2nd gear by treading the gcarshift pedat.
9 Parkthemotorcycle on thefirm, levelgroundto preventit from f:tllingover.
I\WARNING Fuelfilter Checkfor condition.reDlaceifnecessarv
Park the motorcycleaway from foot passengerand children as far as E n g i noei l Replace(pre-warm up the engine before
possible,becaus€the exhaustmumer is very hot evena long time after stopping
(_) a o
the engine. Oittilter* Replace
MAINTENANCE Front brake* Ch€ckior functronand leak, adjustfnec-
TheMaintenance Schedule how oftenyou shouldhaveyourmotor-
specifies Rearbrake Check lbr funchon,
cycleserved,andwhatthingsneedattention.lt is essential thatyourmotorcycle be Clutch Check forfunction.
se ed asscheduled to retainits high levelofsafety,dependability,
andemission Keararmprvot" Ch€ck lor looseness,
correctrt necessary.
controlperfomance. Refitit every12000kmorl2 months+*
Thescinstructionsarebasedon the assumption thatthe motorcyclewill be lneck tur balance,damage,dlameterrun-
usedexclusivelyfor its designedpurpose.Sustainedhigh speedoperation,or opera- out. reDairifnecessarv
o o
tion in unusuallywet or dustyconditions,will requiremorefrequertserviceihan W h e e l b e a r i n s * Checktbr looseness.reDlaceif necessarv o
specifiedin theMAINTENANCESCHEDULE.Consultyorr dealerfor rccommen- Steenngbearrng' uDecKlor looseness, conectri necessary.
Refit it every I 2000km or 12months**t
o o o
dationsapplicableto your individualneedsanduse.
tiont lork* Lneckrcrrunclon,leaK,
Kepafrl neces-
rool, KIT (Fig.20) o o
Someroadsiderepairs,minoradjustments andpartreplacement
canbe per- RearshockabsorbertL h€cklor lunctlon,leak. Kepal.li neces-
c a
formedwith thetoolscontained
in the kit.
O Screwdriverhandle @ open-ended spanner
llx 15 Drivechain Checkfbrslack. Adiustifnecessary Every500km
@ Double-end screwdriver @ Open-ended spanner
l?x t 9 Checkall of them.Repairif necessary
O spdrk urenth
tbx 8 @ AlenkeyNo.5O€XO@O@OqO@O O Sidestand* Chec}for function.Repairifnecessary
Battery* LnecKelecrolye rcr sp€cncgmvlF/,cneck
l,!'' ,ilr rtrf
12x l4 (? Toolbae
the duct for function. Corect ifnecessarv
o o


MAINTENA}ICE SCHEDULE FiS.2O **Copperdisulphidegrease ***Lithium grease
The following MainteDanceSchedulespecifies all maintenaDcerequired to NOTES
keep your motorcycle in a somd condition. Maintenarce work should be perfomed l.Se icemorefiequentlywhenridingin unusuallywet or dustyarcas.
b y p r o p e r l ) n a r n e da n d e q u i p p e dI e c h n i c i a n s 2.At higherodometer
still follow thefiequencyintervalestablished
By using a torsion wrench, tighten up items below. We rccommend ihat these
irems should be checked,especially before long tour.
N m Kg In
Plus of oil filter

Fixingboltoffront wheelaxle 20 2.0
t t - " - . ; _l ';1' " . - ' n
Y ft== l-d ar-l
ll#l'*,4 |l:--=E=@]]"@@l
/ QDrainplugl lOorarnplr-s | l'" ry4-'\ |
Runtring theenginewith insulTicieni oil cancauseserious inginedamage.
CHECKOF OIL LEVEL(Fig.22) aWhen runningin very dustyconditions,oil changesshouldbe pedomed more
l.Place the motorcycle on the even grourd and keep it in frequentlythanspecifiedin themaintenance schedule.
vertical position- Then siart the engine and run it at idle a Pleasedisposeof usedengineoil in a mannerthat is conpatiblewith the
spcedfbr a lbw minutes- environment.We suggest you takeit in a s€aledcontainer to your localrecycling
Lstop the engine so as to let the oil level be stable, then, centeror servicestationfor reclamation. Do not throw it in the rubbishor pour it
check the oil level through the check window [ocatedon Fig.22 on the$ound or downa drair.
thc lower part ofright crankshaftcase. O Checkwindow AIR CLEANER (Fig.26,27,28,29,30 & 3l)
I.The level must be maintained between the upper and lower @ Upperlevel mark Theair cleanershouldbeserviced at regularintenalsasspecifiedin themain-
level marks. Add the engine oil ifnecessary. @ Lower level mark tenanceschedule.Servicemorelrequentlywhenriding in unusuallywet or dusty
CILA.NGEOF ENGINE OIL AI{D OIL FILTER (Fig. 23,24& 25) arcas.Seeyourdealerfor furtherinformation.
Thequaliryof engine
oil is thechieffactor
life- Maintaintheair cleanerin thefollowinssequencel
a hange the engine oil as specified in the maintenanceschedule. LLoosentheclamp(Fig.26).
NOTE 2.Remove thebolt(Fig.2?).
Change the engine oil with the engine at normal operating temperatureand 3.Takeoul thehoseandthe air cleanercasing(Fig.28).
lhe motorcycle on the stand to assurecomplete and rapid draining. 4.Remove thecover(Fig.29)-
Lstart the engine and run it at idle speedfor a few minutes,then stall it. s.Alongtheguiderod,withdrawthefilt€r €lement(Fig.30), washit with clean,non-
I To dlain the oil, place an empty oil tray under the engine, and remove the filter flammableor high flashpoint solvent.This done,squeezeit to removethe re
I\WARNING 6-Soakthe air cleanerfilter elementin gasolineengineoil of 15W40QE until
A warmed-up engine and the oil in it are hot; be careful not lo burn saturated,and th€n squeezeout the excessoil so as to let it keepwet without
tourselL drainins(Fis.3
I ).
l.Tum offthe drain plug

f ---;-_t11 i: -.i-
-l.Takeout the filter element.
5.Reinstallthe drain plug with a torque of34N.m (3.4kg.m). l.lt I lw'l
6 lnstall a new filter element and O,ring, then fit the cover to original position and t>sl ll

secureit with bolts. Fig.26 Fig.28
Torque ofoil filter bolt: 7N.m (0.7kg m) Oscrew O screw - tY,
M r k e . u f e r h a l l h c O r i n g f s f i r p r o p e f l ).
\dd specified engine oil il necessar).
. . \ l " n l h e e n g i n e f o r fae \ m i n u r e . t. h e c k i r f o r l e a k o r o i l . l f a n v . . r a l li l a n d f i n d
_'- -il
I G{

- Fig. 30
O Filterelement
rhc(ause. Fig.29OHose O cuiderod Fig.31
Neverusegasolineor low flashpoint solventsfor cleaningthe afucle|ner. LDisconnecl rhesparkplugcapfiomrhe.parkplug.
A fire or explosioncould result. | =l
2.Clean an) dlrr fiomaroundrhesparkplugba.e.Remore rhe I r =l
T..Installtheremovedpartsin thercveneorderofremoval. sparkpluguirngtheplugwrenchcontaining in theroolkir. lo 147 I
NOTE l.lncpecrtheelectrodes andcenrerporcelain for deposirs.ero | | |
^ Make surethat the elementis fit properly in the filter casing. sionor carbonfouling. Ifthe erosionor depositis heavy,re- F*'34
I\WARNING placetheplug. Cleana carbonor wet-fouledplugwith a plug pluggap
Never operatethe €nginewithout filter element,otherwise,the piston/ cleaner.or usea wire brush.
cylinderwall may be worn excessively. 4.Checkthe spa* plug gapusinga wire-tlpe feelergauge.Ifadjustmentis necessary,
IDLE SPEED(Fig. 32) The sparkplug gapshouldbe 0.6 - 0.7 mm.
The engine must be at normal operating temperahfe Makesuretheplugwasheris in goodcondition.
for accurateidle speedadjustment- s.Withthe plug washerattached, thrcadthe sparkplug in by handfirst to prevent
NOlE crossthreading, andthenby thesparkplugwrench.
Do not attemptto compensatefor faults in other sys- Torqueofsparkplug: l3N.m (1.3kg.m)
temsby adjustingidle speed.Seeyour d€alerfor regularly 6.Reinstall thesparkplug cap.
scheduled carbuetoradiustments. @ Throttlefixingscrew NOTE
l.Wam up theengine,shift to neuhalandplacethemotorcycleon its centerstand. Ifthere is no torquewrenchwhen fitting the sparkplug, followingway is
2.Adjustidle speedwith the throttlestopscrewto setidle speedat about1250- availablertightenthesparkplugby your hand,thentum it additionally by l/4 - 1/
135Or/min. 2 ofa revolution.The sparkplug shouldbetightenedto specifiedtorqueassoonas
Tum the throttle fixing screwclockwise(in the directionofthe arrowheadA) dristool is obtained.
will increaseidlespeedwhilewill decrcase it tumingcounterclockwise (in thedirec- CAUTION
aThe spark plug must be securelytighlened. An improperly tightenedplug
tion of thearrowhead B)-
can becomevery hot and possiblydamagethe €ngine.
3.Whenthe enginehasno idle speedor runsat a decrcased speed,setthe throttle oNever usea spark plug with an improper heatnnge, otherwisesevereengine
stopscrewin themiddlebetweenthetwo limit positionsto helpmix air andfuel. damagecol|ld result.
ADJUSTMENT oF THROTTLE CABLE (Fig.33) As fte brake pads wear, brake fluid level dmps. There is
NOTE no adjustmentto perform, but fluid level and pad wear must be
The idle speedmust be set before adjusting the ftee play inspected pedodically. The system must be inspected ftequently
of thrcttle cable. to ensuretherc are no fluid leaks. Ifthe bnke lever free Dlav
l.Check the thrcttle gdp for smooth rotation from the tully open becomese\cessive and lbe braftepad\ are nol wom beyond ii'
l o l h e f u l l y c l o \ e d p o s i r i o oa l b o L hf u l l \ r e e r i n gp o s i r i o n s . O Lock nut
minimum depth, there is probably air in the brake systemand it
2.Measurc the throttle grip ftee play at the throttle gdp flange. must be bled. Seeyour dealer for this service.
Oaalser to- ls mm
The standardfree play should be approx.: 3 - 5rnm. The lree play offront bmke rod end should be 2 - 5 mm. Adjustit asfollows:
To adjust the tee play, loosen the lock nut and tum the Ol-ock nut l.Unscrew the lock nut.
adjuster. @ Adjusler play
Free of l0 - 15mm beforethe
2.Tumthe adjustersoasto shifttherod enda clearance
adjusterbearsagainstthepistonofmain cylinder.
SELECTION Checkthe free Dlavofbrake rod. and makesurethat the brakerod functions
\DJUSTMENT OF REAR BRAKE (Fig. 36, 37 & 38) contact,llusb thoroughlywith water and catt a doctor if your eycswere
\. ,tI rrposed,
we rccommended
thatihe itemshouldbe conducted
by yourdcaler 'Kf,EP-OUT oF REACH OF CHILDREN.
t lluid$irhcarebccause
i( candamase
:'l::i":' , 4)
. - SS
2 Pcddrherghl: .. mm ,ffi::lr*p,r l"Xl,l;,:-u"
,j{,ff- - Olock nur awhen addingbrakefluid.besurerhebrakefluidtrnk h horizontrtbeforerhe
()Ficenli):20'J0mm lX:",:ll"::-'
- ^.r"',.'
I c s pi \ r e m o r e do.r b r a l en u i dm a vi o i o u t ,
PIII)AL HEIGHT ause only specified brake fluial from ;sealed container.
llnscrcw the lock nut rig:r aNever allow contaminants such as dirt or warer to €nter the brake fluid tank.
f ,E--_!11
] *l lOedJr.'.r L L o c . f l e ' h c \ e h r ( t e bi \r s s r d c . r a n d o n t"e v c t g r o u n dr h. e n . c r
, . c r r h e n c d c l p o s i r i o r. | - |
| lt tl I
.,sr.,e,,up,herL,L.knur. j j . l ] ; l ; } ' ' " " " " t e | ' n r h e l c v c r p o \ i r i o n b v c o rner r o r rFr n
€ s- A l
| /il:{ I
2.Throuihther iew windowIn rhebrakcmarncytrndcr to see
The liee playol brakepcdalshouldbc adjustedafterthepedatheightis ser. the brakeftuid lcvel; if the fluid level js belowthc L0 w ER
fluid"., o"
rumthe 5",ilfii};ll:"r"JiJ,;'ltow'
^lrusterclockwiseto decrcase
the frcc play. while lum it counterclockwise
*,0 "",
to in- 3.Tumlooscthescrewsandthenremovethecytindercover.addbrakefuid up to the
.fd.rsethefreeplay. uppER lcvelmarkofihe vicw window.
I hepcdalheightshouldbe checkedafterthe chainrsfeinstattcd REPLACEMENT OF BRAKE FLUID
or udrusred.
I Replacementof alI brakefluid should bc caniedout by your dealer.
i Thebrakelighishoul<lbechecked for properiun"n."r"g ut". tir"tr"r." ". "at,.r.t"a. -- ';fjTi:;l",;;i':"*i1"":.11tr""r" * -"-
\DrusrMENr oFBRAKE LrcHrswriclririg.js) J,fJ;,,r*:""i?',il$:j',:[:iT*""
Adjustthc brakeli8ht switchbv shifnng r.Reptaccall;f therubberri,rgseuei,2 ycars.
:hcbrakepedal,forwhichpurpose:tum thc a{i- t-tal l ",^ ".
ll, .,p, , lXa"::., b.Replaceall ofrhe hose.u".i+ yeais.
rustins nutwlrileholdinsthebodyuntilthetishr Ii&, ," IH:?"v.
' qlilhl JU-rl'clorcrhebrdlc.rad.engacrng. nul
Z)Adlu'trng ADJUSTMENT OF C-LUTCH (F ig.42 & 43)
l !! ) rreepravatthecrutch
rever leverflanserherieeprav
How ro usE BRAKE WEAR TNDtcAToRS (Fig. 40) "n",,oYii"J'iti'r",i,11,"h
The front and rear brakes
are equippedrvith brake
'':'li!liJi",t"*f f _.- t-lJ To make adjusrmenr,tum loose the lock nur at rhe top ofrhc clurch cabte of

,sdpp,ied,apoinrera,rached.to ] /4 ] ::,lH*,'l;i::*#:f"'."JjlF,:,:;lJ.H:".H""1i:mff:*li.:l:",:
:.Lnake.*novesiowardareferenccmarkonthebraxe r e q r i r e m c n t t, b i s d o n e ; t i g h t e nu p t h e l o c k ; u t
'r.icover. lfthe pointcr ^ .^l^;1 |
aligns with the refe.enccmark Fig.40 I v- | NOTE
': lullapplicationofthe brake.thebrakeshoesmusthe G) Brakewearindicator
-::.lrced. Ifsuch adjustment
is still unsatisfactory,
contactyour dealerfor hclp.
@ Limirline
( HECK t,*;;;*
FLLTD (Fis.4r
LEVEL ) f$l ",, lhj];l lE l:
| 1 U @ A u r - , r r r E In. ue ,c p t a .f f i
. B r a t e f l u i dm a t c a u s ier r i r a r i o nA. v o i d c o n r a c * i r h s t i n o r e y eIsn.c a s e o f 1 3 t0 15rr , i
::'- l/2\Adju'lin8nul
DRN'E CHAIN s.Checkthe drivechainslack.
The sewicelife ofthe drive chainis dependent uponproperltrbricationand 6-Oncethealrivechainslackis changed, it is necessarytorclocat€therearwheel,for
adjustment,Poormaintenance cancauseprematurewearor damageto the drive adjustmentwill affect the rear brakepedalftee play.
chainandsprockets. LUBRJCATION
The drive chain shouldbe checkedand lubricat€das Dartofthe Pre-ride Useengineoil or a commerciallyprepareddrive chainlubricantsill pr€fer-
inspeclion.Undersevere usage. or whenLhemolorcyclersndde; in unuluall)dust) enceto machineoil or otherlubricants.Saturateeachchainlinljoint so that the
or muddy areas,more ftequentmaintenancewill be necessary. lubricantpenetrates betweenthe link plates,pins,bushings, androllers.
INSPECTION (Fis. 44) men the drive chainbecomesdirty, it shouldbe removedandcleanedprior to
NOTE lubrication.
By tuming thewheel,find the mosttight part,wherecheck l.With the engrneoff, caretullyremovethechainclip.
for slack. 2.Cleanthe drive chainin high flash-pointsolventandallow it to dry. Inspectthe
Lstall the engine,placeboth wheelson the groundwith the ddve chainfor possiblewearor damage.Replaceany chainthat hasdamaged
motorcyclein thev€rticalposition,andshifttheEansmissionFig.4l^- rollen, loosefitting links, or appeaNunse.viceable.
into neutral. a. l0 20 rnm
3.Inspectthesprocketteethforpossiblewearor damage.Replaceifnecessary.Never
2.Checkslackin the lowerdrivechainrun midwaybetweenthe sprockets. usea new ddve chain on badly wom sprockets.Both chainand sprocketsmustbe
Ddve chainslackshouldbe adjustedto allow the followi[g verticalmove- in goodconditioqor thenewr€placement chainor sprocketwill wearrapidly.
mentby hand:I 0 - 20 mm 4.Lubricatethedrivechain.
3.Rotatethe rearwheelandthen stop. Checkthe drive chainslack. Repeatthis s.Passthe chainover the sprocketsandjoin the endsoftbe chainwith the master
procedureseveraltimes.Drive chain slackshouldremainconstant. Ifthe chain is link. For easeofassembly,hold the chainendsagainstadjacentrearsprocketteeth
slackonly in certainsections,somelinksarekinkedandbinding.
Binding andkinking can fiequently be eliminatedby lubdcation. .whileinsertingthemast€rlink.
4.Insp€ct thesprocketteethfor possibleweardamage.Replaceifnecessary. Install the chainclip sothat th€ closedend ofth€ clip will facethe direc-
s.Ifthe drivechainor sprccketsareexcessively wom or damaged, they shouldbe tion of fonvard {heel rutation.
replaced.Neverusea new chainwith wom sprockets;rapidchainwearwill result.
6.Adjust the drive chain and rearbrakepedalfree play.
Drive chainslackshouldbe checkedandadjusted, ifnecessary, every1,000 CAUTION
km. When opemtedat sustainedhigh speedsor under conditionsof frequentrapid Damaged flexible tube may causecorrosion inside, which affects the move-
acceleration,the chain may require morc ftequentadjustment. ment ofthe cable. Check the brake cable for kinks or signs ofwear that could cause
Ifthe drivechainrequiresadjustment, the procedure is asfollows: sticking or failure. In this case th€ flexible cable should be replaced as soon as
l.Loosentheadjusterofrear brake. posslole,
2.Loosenthe a,{leDut. Lubricate the cable with a cornrnercially available cable lubricant to prcvent
3.Loosenthe locknutsfor thedrivechainadjusters. premature wear and corrosion.
4.Tum both adjustingbolts at the sametime until both left and right adjustersalign
Contact your dealer for help if you cannot conect the problem
with the indexmark,andthenreinstallthe axlenut. To keepa correctconcentriciry,
Recommendedlubricant: engine oil Class l5W40Q
rctationofboth adjustenshouldbeidentical.Chainslackshouldbe 10^,20 mm.
io"oli^,* ElqlU,Sl A"A"'""' To lubricate the moving part ofthe choke, remov€ the scrc% hold the end of
rnd slight pull it out, then
cable and then apply
apply few
few drops
drops of lubricant
lubricant to it.
l--t$ .lSPl Qeajuster To lubricate the throttle gdp cable, fiIst disassemblethe grip, then coat the
| (\\ 1_-.,/^d p j (:l, Lock nur
h .---o<-' g , (O Inde\ rnarr surfacesofthrottle gip with g€neml-purpose grease.
Themovingpartssuchaspivotsandpinsshouldbe lubricated. CHECK OF STEERING DEVICE (Fig. 49)
Recommendedlubricant: engineoil of l5w40e Periodically check tfie sleeri0gdevice for funclioning. Op-
emtronwlh the \4om or loosesleeringbearingis dangercus.Make
FRONT BRAKE AND CLUTCH LEVER the check as tottowst suppon lhe motorcycle on the stand.Iin up
Themovingpartssuchaspivotsandpinsshouldbe lubricated. the fronr wheel otl the gound. Attempt io move the fioni rtreei p;q,49
Recommendedlubricant:€ngineoil of l5w40e to andfro while holdingit. Contactthedealerfor helpifany freeplay is present.
SIDESTAND Removingofthe ftont wheelwill helpthecheck.
Tle movingpa(s suchaspivotsandpinsshouldbe lubricated.Checkto see WHEEL BEARING
rhatthemovementofsid€ standis smooth. T h e $ r ' h e e lb e a r i n g s h o u l d b e c h e c k e d a s p e r t h e M A I N T E N A N C E
Recommended lubricanr engineoil of l5w40e ,-
SCHEDULE. Contact the dealer for assistanceif any_backlashin the ftont or r€ar
CAUTION wheel bearing is found or whe€l rotation is uneven.
Contactyour dealerfor help if the side standfunctionsimproperlv.
Themovingpartssuchaspivotsandpinsshouldbe lubricated. Batteryelechol)1eis poisonous,so be surenot to discardit at will. Handl€in
Recommendedlubricant:lithiumgrease. accordance with nationalor localenvironmental protectionrul€s.
Mainrainthebalteryin accordance

wilh lhe mainlenance schedule in the
CHECK oF FRONT FORK (Fig. 4?) manual. The batteryelectrolytelevel shouldbe betweenthe UppER level mark and
CAUTION the.LOWERlevel mark. Ilbattery electrol)4elevet is belowthe LOWER level mark,
Thevehicleshouldbe supported
firmly againstbeing addproperdistilledwaterup ro theUPPERtevelmark.

Lcheck the tubefor scratches

or oilhack fiom ftont

fork. Fig.51
2.Placethe motorcycl€ on the smooth ground with it in vertical position. aD_ O Upper level mark
ply the &ont brakese\ eml times.and thenswing rhe front fork up and down repearedly. (2)Lower level mark
Contact the dealer for assistance if any damage or uneven movement in the awhen the motorcycleis to be storedfor atr extendedperiod oftime. r€move
iiont fork is found. the barrer]from the mororcycle and chrrgeit fuUy:and then sto;€ii in a
cool,dry place. If the bat'teryis to b€ left in the moiorcycle,disconnectthe
ADJUSTMENT OF REAR SHOCK ABSORBER(Fig. 48) negativelead from tbe battery t€rminal first and then cometo the Dositive
The shockabsorberis providedwith lead.
preloadedspring adjuster. To adjust the aThe vent hoseshouldbe placedproperly when the batteryis checked.Ifnot
springto load which you except,tum the so.gasesfrom the baitery or electrolyteleakage$ill causecorrosionof the
adjusterin (D direction to increasepr€load, "main frame and damageits surfaces.
while turn it in @ direction to d;crease I\WARNING
preload. aThe batterygivesoffexplosivegases:keepsparks,llames,eod cigarenesawav.
Prorideadequate venrilationwhenchargingor usingrhebatt]erlin an en_
The shockabsorbers shouldbe setto Fig. 48 O decrease O Incr€ase aThe batt€ry containssulfuric acid (electrolyte).Contactingwith skin or eyes
lhe samepreload,otherwise, it maycauseout ofconhol or problem. may causes€vereburns. Wear protectiveclothingand a faceshi€ld.
lfelectrolyte getsin your skin, flush rvith water.
If el€ctrolyteg€tsin your eyes,flush with water for tt least 15 minutes
and call r physicianimmediately.
If swallowed,drink largequantitiesof water or milk
aflectrol)'te is poisonous.
and follow with milk of magnesiaor vegetableoil and call a physician.
Wl *rr*cab,e
W EF,.x?i,:$
4. Remove
FUSE to clampthefiictionliningwhenwithdrawthebrake
The vehicle is equipped with a self-recovercd overload protector. The protec- discftom the clipperAssy.

tor will cut offthe circuit automatically in the case oftroubles such as a short circuit MOUNTING OF FRONT WHEEL (Fig. 55)
or an overload troubl€, and it will switch on the circuit automatically a lew seconds Reinstallationshouldbe carriedout in the reverseorder
later after you tum on the power switch in the case of houbleshooling. of dismantlement,but pay attentionto points below:
The fuse may be used repeatedlyforlhousands times. l.Make sulethat the wheelcas€shouldbe engagedwith the
geardeviceof speedometer properly.
REPLACEMENTOF HEADLIGHT BULB (Fig.s2 & s3) 2.Theclearancebetweenthe linings shouldbe enoughbefore Fig.55
If the headtightbulb is bumt out, replacementshouldbe doneasfollows: thebrakediscis fit to position.

3.Makesurethatthe sloi in the outsideof gearshouldbe en-
gagewith thebossofftonlleft shockabsorber properly.

L Loosenoffthe screwfrom th€headlightAssy.
4.Tighlen up tbeaxlenurro .pecified torsion
Torsionofftont wheelaxl€:5.8N.m(5.skg'm)
s.Checkthe ftont foik for proper functioningbeforc fixing the clamp bolt.
6.Tigltenup thebolt to specifiedtorsioD-
2. Tum offthe leadingwire ofheadlight, take the headlightAssy out ofthe bracket, Tolsionof clampbolt: 20N.m(2.okg.m)
ihen removethe chimney,
3. R€movethe socketby tuming it counterclockwise,withdraw the damagedbulb. DISMANTLEMENT OF REAR WHEEL @ig. s6 & 57)
Be car€ful not to bum yourselfand keep flammablematerialsaway becaus€ We recornnend ihat this item should be done by your dealer
the bulb is very hot during operation
4. Fit a newbulb to positionandsecureit with socketspring. W'ffiAH Fig.57
O Nut ofaxle

5. Reinstallthe chimneyand headlightAssy. @ Lock nut
Contactthe dealerfor helpifthe light beamneedto be adjusted. @ Adjuster
Contactthe dealerfor assistance,iffiont wheel needto be repaired.
Pleasesupportthe vehiclewith a standto preventit from falling over.
Pleasesupport tbe vehiclewith a standto prev€ntit from falling ov€r. 1.Placea blockundertie engineto misetherearwheel.
l. Removethe alrivecableofspeedometer fromthe sideoffront wheel. 2.Putout thesplitpin ftom thebmketie-rod,unscrewthenut andtie-rodbolt.
2. Loosenthebolt andaxle. 3.Removethe bmke adjusterandrcd.
3. Put a block underthe engiDeto mise the fiont wheel offthe ground. 4.Loosen the lock nuts and chain adjustersat both sides.
Withdraw the wheel a-xleand remove the wheel Assy.
The chain may not be dismantledwhen the rear whe€l is dismounted.
Reinstaliationshouldbe caried out in the reverseorderofdismantlement.but lDamoed
Hi I
payaftentron to pointsbelow:
LAdjustthe drivechain.
Lcheck to seeifthe partsbelow aretightenedpropetly, andsecuredwiih a new split
Torsionofaxle nur 80N.m(8.0kg.m)
Torsionoftie-rodbotr 20N.m(2.0kg.m)
l.Adjust therearbrake-
Checkrhe brakelight for function after adjustingthe rear brake.
Troublemay occurduringoperationthoughthe motorcyclehasb€eninspected
strictly beforedelivery. Any problem from fuel, compressionand ignition sistems
! \ i l l c a u s ea b n o r m a ll o s so f p o l r e r . T h e r r o u b l e s h o o t r ntga b l eg i v i s p r o d u c e s
rnorng the rne reasons- pteasecontact
reasons. Please contacl your deal€rdealer ifthe
iflhe vehrcle needslo be reDaired CAUTION
Do not dismstrtle or maintain the vehicte without the Drof$sional
Aumqrxc knonledge.
Do not smokeor allow flamesor sparksin th€ areawhereth€ fuel svstem
is subjectto check. CLEANING
Cleanyour motorcycleregularlyto protectthe surfacefinishesandinspectfor
damage,wear, and oil or blake fluid leakage,and to prolong servicelife ofparts.
High-pressur€ water (or air) can damagecertrin parts of the motorcvcle.
Avo;dspmyinghigl-pres"ure waterat rhefollowinsareas.
WheelHubs.lgnitionSwilch.Carbureror. tnstrumintr. Handtebar Su irches,
Muffler Outlets,Under FuetTank,Ddve Chain, Under Seat,etc.
I.Washthevehiclecompletely with a geat dealofwater
Cleanthe headlightlensand otherplasticpartsusing a cloth or spongedamp-
], COMPRESSION enedwith a solution of mild deteryentand water.
2.Dry up the motorcycle,startthe engine,and let it run for severalminutes.
Braking €fficiencymsy b€ temporarily impaired just aft€r washinqthe
longerstoppingdistanceto avoid a possibl€accialent.
3.Testthe bmkes before riding the motorcycle. Several applicationsmay be neces- SPECIFICATIONS 250//125-C
s a D t o r e \ t o r en o r m a lb m k i n gp e r l o r m a n c e .
4.Lubricate the drive chain immediately after washing and drying the motorcycle. DIMENSIONS
STORAGEGUIDE Ovemll length 2215mm
Somemeasuresshouldbe takenfor storing a long term-unusedvehicle so as Overallwidth 780mm
to reducethe bad influenceon its performance.Beforc the storage,mak€necessary Overallheight 1140mm
maintenanceto ensDrethe vehicle higl performanceaft€r-storage. Seatheight 685mm
Storage Groundclearance 150mm
Lclean and dry up the vehicle and wax its surface. Min. tum circledia. 5600mm
2.Emptythe fuel inside the f el tank and carburetor,spray someantirust. Wheelbase 1495mm
I\WARNING Steeringbar angle
Gasolineis €xtremelyflammable and is explosiveund€r certain conditions,
Max-speed > 90 km/h
Perform this operationin a well-ventilatedarer with the engile stopped.Do
Gradeability > 18"
not smokeor allow flamesor sparksin the ar€a wheregasolineis drained or
storedand wherethe fuel tank is refueled. WEIGHT
3.Drive off the sparkplug to fill a spoonof engineoil (about I 5 - 20 millilite) into Dry weight 137kgll l42kg
the cylinder;turn offthe ignition switch andrun the engineseveraltimesby prcss- CAPACITIES
ing the starterbuttonto scatterevedy drc oil insidethe cylinder, andthen reinstall Passenger capacity Operatorand one passenger
thespa* plug. Max. weight capacity 150kg
4.Cleanand oil the drive chain. ENGINE
5.Dismantle the batteryandstorcin a dry, cool andwell-ventilated placewithout Model 2V49FMM // 2V4IFMI
being shonedirectly. Type 4-stroke,V-twin cylinderwith air-cooled
Borc and stroke 4 9 x 6 6 m m l l 4 l x 4 ' 7m m
When dismantlingthe batt€ry,dismantleth€ negativeleadfirst, and then
the positivelead,When installingit, the procedureis just opposite.During the Compression ratio 10tl ll 10.2:1
operationsabove,the ignition srvitchmust be turned off. Displacement 248 cm3/l 124.1cnnl
6.Sealthe muffler outlet with plastic cloth to preventthe fomer ftom moisture. Startmode El€ctric starter
?.Coverthemotorcycle(don'tuseplasticor oth€rcoatedmaterials) andstorein an Lubrication Press/splash
unheatedarea,ftee of dampness.Do not storc the motorcyclein direct sunlight. Carburetortpe/No. BD526/1
LTakeoff thecovershieldingth€vehicleandcleanit. Sparkplug gap 0.6-0.7 mm
2.Chargethe battery asrequired. Install the battery Ignitionsystem CDt (digital)
3.Clearawaythe antirustinside the fuel tank, and fill fresh gasolineinstead. ENGINE OIL
4.Performall Pre-rideInspectionchecks. Try the motorcycleat low speedsin a safe Type/Class classor SFAlowl0-St class
ridine areaawav from hamc,
OIL CAPACITY Casrerangle 32.05'
Regularreplacementof oil 1.4L ELECTRICAL
Replacement ofoil in filter 1 . 6L Batterytype GMl0-3A-2
Total 1 . 8L Battery capacity 12V-10A
FUEL Magneio Permanentmagn€tic
OctaneNo. RQ-90andhigher LIGHTS
Fuel tank capaciry 9.5L Headlight 12V-3sW35W// 12V-60W55W
Reservesupply 2.6L Tail,/brakelight l2v -3sw/2rw // 12y-5w/2rw
SUSPENSION Tum signal light l2y-t5w l/ t2v-2tw
Tyresize,front 3.00-18 lnstrumentindicator I2V-1.7W// t2V-3W
T)Tesize,rear 5.00-18 Neutral light 12v-1.1W
Frcnt braket,?e Disc tlpe by hand,RH High beamindicator l2v-3w
Rearbrak€t pe Drum t ?e by foot, RH Sub-headlight 12V-3W
Front suspension Telescopicfork tlpe OTHER
Rearsuspension Swing axlnfr?e Air cleaner Wet-element fi/pe
Frontshockabsorb€r Hydraulic drive Tyre pr€ssure ( in cold position)
Rearshockabsorber SPring,thydraulicdrive Max. load (without vehicl€ weight) I 50 kg
POWIR TRANSMISSION Load distributionA+ 0-90kg
Clutch l,T'e Wef type and multi-plated Front wheel 175KPa
Transmission Five-speed,gearbox Rearwheel 200 Kpa
Primaryrcdrction system Spurgear Load dishibution B* 90 - 150kg
Primaryreduction 3.130t/ 3.4 Frontwheel 200 Kpa
Secondreductionsystem Chah driving Rearwheel 225 Kpa
Secondreduction 2.812/t3.615 Not€ : The load meansgoods,alriver/passenger
and other.
Gearratio, lst 2.642
2nd 1.684
3rd |.260
4th r.000
5th 0.821
Main ftame Dual-tubecraalle

wish you manyyears

Thankyou for choosingLifan bmnd.Ourgoal is to offer valuebasodpowenportsprcductsofexceptionquality andcraftsmanship.We
of safeandreliableuseofyour vehicle.

to theNationalHighway Traffic SafetyAdminishation,wearerequiredto provideour consumeNwith the following informationon reporting

In accordance

Ifyou beli€vethatyour vehiclehasa defectwhich could causea crashor could causeirjury or death,youshouldimmedlatelyinform theNationalHighway
Traffrc SafetyAdminishation (NHTSA) in additionto notiffing Americar Lifan Industry,lnc.

IfNHTSA rcceivessimilar complalnts,itmay openan investigation,andifit finds that a safetydefectexistsin a goup ofvehicles,it may ordera recall and
H l SA camot becomeinvolved in any individual problens betweenyouJour dealer,orAmericanLifan Industry,Inc.

To contactNHTSA you may eithercall the Auto SafetyHotline toll-free at l-800-424-9393(366-0123in Washington,Dcarea)or \a'riteto:
You canalso obtainother informationaboutmotor vehicle safetyform the Hotline.

dmier Pissirylisht Enqine

Is|liti0i s$itch
rnr-r] m M H El --1 ffifi
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[etttfr] indlcotof | /e ul/21N/5lr
12V1,711 G

FmntNiiter, Rll *1iKer,Rll

i2yl0r1 PVIOl1


sllitch fltsher

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