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Sydney Christensen

Math 1040

Tiffany Hilton


Skittles Project Part 7

Throughout the semester in Professor Hiltons class we have taken the concepts from

each section and applied them to our individual skittles project. On the first week of the class,

we were asked to purchase a bag of skittles and count how many of each color was in our bag.

We combined the data from each students’ skittles bag and used it for each part of the project.

This was to help us to fully understand each concept with something as familiar to us as a bag

of skittles.

Each part of the project has given me a better understanding of how to collect data,

interpret it, and why it is important. It is important because the data that is collected can be

easily misinterpreted and lead to false assumptions and claims if the data is collected

incorrectly. I now understand that graphs can be misleading, and how important when doing

your research on a topic, to pay close attention to what I am looking at.

In our world today we are constantly being advertised to on social media, tv, radio, etc. I

feel after taking this class, I am more aware and cautious when buying different products that

claim to have a certain success rate. I am excited to be able to utilize these skills throughout

my career and daily life.

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