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Post-Lesson Self-Reflections

Teacher Name Mr. Crow Date of Lesson 11 / 15 / 18

Focus of lesson Sectionals Date of Reflection 11 / 16 / 18
Describe in detail reflections concerning the following topics. Cite specific examples from your
observation as seen on the video recording and recalled moments experienced while teaching.

Assessment Considerations:
___ teaching pedagogy ___ comprehensive lesson plan
___ proximity to students ___ posture
___ communication through facial characteristics ___ nonverbal interaction
___ effective interaction with students ___ interactive class assessment
___ audible and articulate speech ___ use and accuracy of modeling
___ eye contact to all students ___ verbal/activity ratio
___ appropriateness of teaching strategies ___ positive leadership
___ conducting gestures ___ professional appearance

1. As I reflect on the lesson, to what extent were the students actively engaged? How do I

The students were generally actively engaged. Most of the time all of the students were
playing. Students listened keenly to instruction. I could also tell students were engaged
because of the quick pacing. I could have made the students more engaged by using them to
help each other as I was working with a different group within the section.

2. Did the students learn what I had intended? Were my instructional goals and objectives met?
What is my evidence?

The students did learn what I intended. My instructional goals and objectives were met. My
evidence of this is the fact that the students improved from the beginning of the sectional to
the end. Students also seemed to understand what was necessary to in order to do the things
we consistently addressed.

3. Did I alter my goals, strategies, activities, student grouping and/or assessment as I taught the
lesson for individual needs? If so, what changes did I make and why did I make these

I did alter the strategies and activities I might have applied while working with certain
members in the section. Once, I realized the level at which some of the students were at I
determined what would take too long to work on and what could give them confidence.

4. Were my strategies and activities effective? What is my evidence?

My strategies were effective because students became more familiar with the piece and were
able to perform it more comfortably because they knew what it needed (pitch, articulation,
dynamic – wise, etc.)
5. To what extent did the classroom environment (Respect and Rapport, Culture for Learning,
Classroom Procedures, Appropriate Student Behavior, the Physical Environment) contribute
to student learning? What is my evidence?

By starting with the entry activity of getting to know the students know contributed greatly to
the student learning. This was evident due to the respect and rapport it established. The
classroom environ was also transformed by me (the teacher) moving around and being
genuine/fun/light-hearted with the students. By not making it too serious students were more
open to learning because it was not this big task.

6. Was my assessment effective and useful to my students and me? Describe an instance in
which my feedback positively affected a student’s learning.

My assessment was more effective for me than my students. My positive, encouraging

feedback positively affected the students by giving them confidence in their abilities.

7. If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again, what might I do differently? Why?

I could have put more responsibility on the students. By providing them more ownership in
the learning process. Their ability to assess what they learned would have become much
more real, personal, and active. For instance, I could have asked students to tell me what
needed to happen here, as opposed to telling them.

8. Describe future teaching strategies, presentational changes, etc.

One future strategy I would employ would be involving more unique activities that would
stick with students. Something different than simply rehearsing.

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