Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

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Desa Segodorejo Kecamatan Sumobito - Jombang Telp. 0321-495587


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018
Kelas : VIII Waktu : 60 menit


TEXT 1 : Observe the conversation below for questions no. 1 - 3!

1. The dialogue is mainly talking about ....

A. lesson in the classroom C. using English in English class
B. English D. English teacher
2. How many person are there in the dialogue?
A. six B. five C. four D. three
3. "Everybody, may I have your attention, please?"
The utterance is expression of ...
A. thanking B. intention C. greeting D. opening the English class
4. Observe the picture and find out the right statement!

A. The baby is crying on the bed

B. The baby is crying in the hospital
C. The baby is crying because he is hungry
D. The baby is crying because he wants his mother

5. Nina : ...
Eno : Yes, what's the matter, Nin?
Nina : Today is our English teacher birthday.
Eno : Wow, let's meet him.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ...
A. Hello B. Sorry to bother you C. Happy birthday D. Congratulation
TEXT 2 : Learn the text for no. 6 - 8!

Hello, my name is Shiva. I am 6. What is Shiva?

a student and now I am in the A. He is a student C. He is our friend
eight year. My hobby is cycling. I B. He has magic bicycle D. He is an actor
like to go everywhere by my 7. How is his bicycle?
wonderful bicycle. It's great and A. Wonderful, great and useless
helpful for everyone. B. Wonderful, great and helpful
C. He goes everywhere by his bicycle
D. It's great and helpful for everyone
8. " It's great and helpful for everyone."
The underlined word refers to ...
A. Shiva B. Shiva's bicycle C. Shiva and his bicycle D. Shiva's hobby
9. Hilma : Rin, what do you think about our school?
Rina : Oh, it's clean and beautiful. It makes us love our school very much.
The undelined expression is about ...
A. asking opinion B. asking agreement C. asking for help D. showing appreciation
10. The baby ... in the room so please don't make noisy. If he wakes up and cries, we can't do anything. His mother is
going for milk.
A. plays B. is sleeping C. sleep D. playing


TEXT 3 : The following dialogue is for questions 11 - 12
Erlin : “I can’t use my bicycle. Brother, do you think you can refit the chain please?
Edwin : “Yes, I think so. I have done it before.
Erlin : “Thanks so much.”
Edwin : “No problem.”
11. Who is Erlin?
A. Edwin’s cousin B. Edwin’s sister C. Edwin’s aunt D. Edwin’s friend
12. What is Erlin’s problem?
A. Her bicycle’s chain has loosened. C. She asks Edwin to give her a ride.
B. She cannot repair Edwin’s bicycle. D. She would like to use Edwin’s bicycle.
TEXT 4 : The following dialogue is for no. 13 - 14
Raisha : Do you understand the homework?
Syafi'i : No, I don't. How about you? Do you understand it?
Raisha : Yes, I do.
13. Does Raisha understand the homework?
A. Yes, she do B. Yes, she does C. No, she don't D. No, she doesn't
14. "...Do you understand it? ..."
The word "it" refers to ...
A. Raisha B. Syafi'i C. homework D. Raisha and her homework
15. Farah : I like my picture you painted. It is so great!
Giman : Yeach! It's my sister's work.
What does the underlined sentence mean?
A. Giving opinion B. Giving appreciation C. Asking permission D. Getting someone's attention
16. Adi : All I can say is thank you. You are so kind to me.
Ima : ...
A. Good and well B. Thanks C. Good luck D. You are welcome
17. Look at the picture and which statement is the best for it!
A. Ginting is badminton player and he can't play badminton
B. Ginting is tennis player and he can play badminton well
C. Ginting cannot play badminton
D. Ginting can play badminton

18. Medita : Will you win the science competition?

Rio : I have a lot of experience in facing such competition.
From the dialogue Rio thinks ... to win the competition.
A. he is doubt B. he is pessimistic C. he is able D. he is eager
TEXT 5 : Complete the dialogue with the correct expressions!
Manager : I need a person who can type fast.
Ms.Salsa : ... (19)
Manager : Good. Please type this contract in five minutes correctly. I need to send it immmediately.
Ms.Salsa : Yes, Sir.
Manager : By the way, ... (20) bring your work to my office, please?
Ms.Salsa : Sure.
19. A. I can do it, Sir B. I don't know, Sir C. Let me call her D. I can teach you how to do it
20. A. shall we B. will she C. is she willing to D. are you willing to


1. Observe the pictures and make the correct statements of them!

2. Reporter :Miss Ella, what do you think about your students?

Miss Ella :I'm very proud of my students. They are disciplined, spend their time effectively, obey school rules
and respect their teachers. They are able to do all their tasks well and on time. As the result they won
many competitions. So our school is one of the best school in town this year. It makes us proud of our
school very much. We hope we are able to maintain the achievements and even improve on them.
Reporter : Oh, I see. Congratulation.
Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!
a. Why does Miss Ella fell veru proud of their students?
b. What did Miss Ella's students get?


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