Action Research Projects

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Description of Needs Assessment Outline of Action Evaluation

the Need Tool or Data Plan, Including (Describe how you will evaluate the
Source(s) the Goal and impact of each project and
determine success).

Project 1. During Assessment tool will be Goal: To provide Connect collaboration sessions
this school year, the Campus flexible learning are held once a month on the
teachers will Improvement Plan environments, last Tuesday. It is here that we
integrate technology (CIP) analysis in structures and discuss what we have learned,
resources to October, measuring 1) schedules that meet what we still need help with, and
stimulate and increase in the the needs of all 21st who to contact for continued
support enhanced integration of century learners by support. The SBDM committee
learning technology into piloting the Connect will evaluate student benchmark
opportunities in the instruction, curriculum 1:1 Technology tests scores in the Connect Class
classroom. and assessment, PK-4 Program for the first in October, 2018, after the first
as outlined in the year at Jensen district benchmark tests are
District Technology Elementary. completed.
Project 2. During The State requires that Goal: To relentlessly The project will be a success if I
this school year, a previous schools make pursue a culturally am able to reach 90% of the “no-
parental involvement an attempt to find out responsive approach to show” contact people and find
program will be where students have meaningful parental out reportable information
established and relocated to in the event engagement by concerning their reason for
implemented to that they do not show contacting 90% of no- leaving and their new school
increase collaborative up for the school to show families and location.
partnerships and which they are establishing reason for
encourage all parents registered on the first transferring by
to be active partners day. October 1, 2018.
in their children’s
Project 3. Hurricane The Campus Goal: To ensure vital The project will be deemed a
Harvey prevented Improvement Plan, and ongoing success if 50% or more of the
the Fall Festival Goal 5, Objective 1 is to relationships with our current student body attend in
from occurring last increase community business and some capacity. Surveys will be
year and my involvement in community partners by prepared as to how much the
principal has asked partnerships and expanding learning festival was enjoyed, how
me to organize this enhanced opportunities for connected the festival made
year’s event and communication. students in parents/guardians feel, and what
really try to gather school/community can be done to make next year’s
community support service and to promote event even better.
and attendance. student/parent/busines
s involvement through

Project 1: This project took up the majority of my internship hours and is an ongoing project for me, my
principal, our students, and our entire district. It has been an extremely laborious task but has been a
journey that I am glad I embarked upon. The students have developed a growth mind-set and have
become self-directed learners. They take their learning into their own hands and I know that I have
played a part in that accomplishment with them. Scores on the first benchmark exams showed academic
success so the program is a success in all areas of evaluation.

Project 2: The fears that led up to project 2 turned out to be without merit and we were all pleased to
learn that the high number of students that did not show up to school on the first day of school had not fled
out of fear of deportation. The goal of reaching 90% of them was reached and the vast majority of the
families had simply transferred to another district within Pasadena ISD. The remaining families
transferred to Houston ISD due to subsidized breakfast, lunches, and dinners sent home with each
student, as well as other surrounding districts for various reasons.

Project 3: The Fall Festival was a great success with record turn out and record ticket sales. Students,
parents, vendors and stakeholders who participated expressed high levels of satisfaction on survey results.
Suggestions for next year were collected and will be implemented where possible. A feeling of community
was achieved and parental involvement was at an all-time high.

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