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The Management of Organizational Justice

Article  in  Academy of Management Executive · November 2007

DOI: 10.5465/AMP.2007.27895338

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3 authors, including:

Russell Cropanzano Stephen W Gilliland

University of Colorado Boulder The University of Arizona


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34 Academy of Management Perspectives November


The Management of Organizational Justice

by Russell Cropanzano, David E. Bowen, and Stephen W. Gilliland

Executive Overview
Organizational justice has the potential to create powerful benefits for organizations and employees alike.
These include greater trust and commitment, improved job performance, more helpful citizenship behav-
iors, improved customer satisfaction, and diminished conflict. We demonstrate the management of
organizational justice with some suggestions for building fairness into widely used managerial activities.
These include hiring, performance appraisal, reward systems, conflict management, and downsizing.

Justice, Sir, is the greatest interest of man on earth Businesses certainly are economic institutions,
—Daniel Webster but they are not only economic institutions. In-
deed, adherence to this paradigm without consid-

usiness organizations are generally understood
to be economic institutions. Sometimes im- eration of other possibilities can have problematic
plicitly, other times explicitly, this “rational” side effects. Merit pay is sometimes ineffective
perspective has shaped the relationship that many (Pfeffer & Sutton, 2006), downsizing often has
employers have with their workforce (Ashforth & pernicious long-term effects (Pfeffer, 1998), and
Humphrey, 1995). Many organizations, for exam- bureaucratic management can straitjacket workers
ple, emphasize the quid pro quo exchange of mon- and reduce innovation. We should attend to eco-
etary payment for the performance of concrete nomic matters, but also to the sense of duty that
tasks (Barley & Kunda, 1992). These tasks are goes beyond narrowly defined quid pro quo ex-
often rationally described via job analysis and changes. It includes the ethical obligations that
formally appraised by a supervisor. Hierarchical one party has to the other. Members may want a
authority of this type is legitimized based upon the lot of benefits, but they also want something more.
manager’s special knowledge or expertise (Miller Organizational justice—members’ sense of the
& O’Leary, 1989). Employee motivation is viewed moral propriety of how they are treated—is the
as a quest for personal economic gain, so individ- “glue” that allows people to work together effec-
ual merit pay is presumed to be effective. Using tively. Justice defines the very essence of individ-
the rational model, one can make a case for down- uals’ relationship to employers. In contrast, injus-
sizing workers who are not contributing ade- tice is like a corrosive solvent that can dissolve
quately to the “bottom line.” And the rational bonds within the community. Injustice is hurtful
model is found at the heart of the short-term to individuals and harmful to organizations.
uptick in the stock price of firms that carry out In this paper we will discuss organizational jus-
aggressive cost-cutting measures (Pfeffer, 1998). tice, with an emphasis on how it can be brought to
* Russell Cropanzano ( is a Professor of Management at the Eller College of Management, the University of
David E. Bowen ( is the G. Robert & Katherine Herberger Chair in Global Management at the Thunderbird School
of Global Management.
Stephen W. Gilliland ( is Arnold Lesk Chair in Leadership, Professor, and Head of the Department of Management
and Organizations at the Eller College of Management, the University of Arizona.

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2007 Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland 35

the workplace. We first define justice, paying care- Why Employees Care About Justice
ful attention to its three core dimensions: distrib- Managers too often assume that justice, in the
utive, procedural, and interactional. We then ex- minds of employees, means only that they receive
amine why justice is important; we will consider desirable outcomes. These managers are confusing
various criterion variables that justice favorably outcome favorability with outcome justice. The
influences. Once we understand the nature of former is a judgment of personal worth or value;
justice we will be in a better position to describe the latter is a judgment of moral propriety. Evi-
how it can be brought about. The lesson here is dence shows that outcome justice and outcome
that organizational justice actually has to be man- favorability are distinct (Skitka, Winquist, &
aged. This paper will provide specific techniques Hutchinson, 2003) and correlated between .19
and recommendations for doing so. and .49, depending on where and how the vari-
ables are measured (Cohen-Charash & Spector,
2001). In so many words, it’s important to get
What Is Organizational Justice?
what you want, but other things matter as well.
Prescription vs. Description For this reason it is useful to consider three reasons

hilosophers and social commentators were justice matters to people (for details, see Cropan-
writing about justice long before management zano, Rupp, Mohler, & Schminke, 2001).
scientists were. Among the ancient Greeks, for Long-range benefits. People often “sign on” for
example, Herodotus’ History and Plutarch’s Lives the long haul. Consequently, they need to esti-
described the achievements of the lawgiver Solon, mate now how they are likely to be treated over
who reformed Athenian government. These are time. A just organization makes this prediction
the prescriptive approaches, since they seek to log- easy. According to the “control model,” employ-
ically determine what sorts of actions truly are just. ees prefer justice because it allows them to predict
As such, they reside comfortably within the do- and control the outcomes they are likely to re-
main of business ethics. ceive from organizations. According to the con-
While organizational justice borrows from trol model of justice, appropriate personnel poli-
these older traditions, it has its own distinctions. cies signal that things are likely to work out
Unlike the work of philosophers and attorneys, eventually. Most of us understand that every per-
managerial scientists are less concerned with what sonnel decision cannot go our way, but justice
is just and more concerned with what people be- provides us with more certainty regarding our fu-
lieve to be just. In other words, these researchers ture benefits.
are pursuing a descriptive agenda. They seek to For this reason the control model proposes that
understand why people view certain events as just, people are often motivated by economic and qua-
as well as the consequences that follow from these si-economic interests (cf. Tyler & Smith, 1998).
evaluations. In this regard, justice is a subjective People want fairness because fairness provides
and descriptive concept in that it captures what things they like. There is more than a little truth
individuals believe to be right, rather than an to this idea. For instance, when individuals are
objective reality or a prescriptive moral code. As rewarded for successfully completing a task they
defined here, organizational justice is a personal report being happy (Weiss, Suckow, & Cropan-
evaluation about the ethical and moral standing zano, 1999) and having pride in their performance
of managerial conduct. It follows from this ap- (Krehbiel & Cropanzano, 2000). This is so even
proach that producing justice requires manage- when their success resulted from cheating. At the
ment to take the perspective of an employee. That same time, these individuals also report feeling
is, they need to understand what sorts of events guilty for their unfair behavior, suggesting that
engender this subjective feeling of organizational individuals can recognize and react to injustice,
justice. On this important competency, many fall even when it is personally beneficial.
short. There is sometimes a certain tension between
36 Academy of Management Perspectives November

getting what we want and playing by the rules. we are treated unfairly. Brockner, Tyler, and Coo-
The two tend to go together, but less so than per-Schneider (1992) assessed the commitment of
many believe. For example, pay satisfaction is only a group of employees before a layoff occurred.
modestly correlated with perceptions of pay jus- After the downsizing those people who were ini-
tice (Williams, McDaniel, & Nguyen, 2006). If tially the most committed responded the most neg-
“justice” were based exclusively on obtaining ben- atively to the downsizing. When we treat workers
efits, then one would expect a higher association. unfairly, we may end up doing the most harm to
Later we shall discuss evidence suggesting that those who are most loyal.
individuals can accept an unfortunate outcome as Ethical considerations. People also care about
long as the process is fair and they are treated with justice because they believe it is the morally ap-
interpersonal dignity (e.g., Goldman, 2003; Skar- propriate way others should be treated (Folger,
licki & Folger, 1997). 2001). When individuals witness an event they
Social considerations. People are social animals. believe is ethically inappropriate, they are likely
We wish to be accepted and valued by important to take considerable risks in the hopes of extract-
others while not being exploited or harmed by ing retribution (Bies & Tripp, 2001, 2002). Such
powerful decision-makers. In the “group-value unfortunate (from the organization’s point of
model,” just treatment tells us that we are re- view) reactions may occur even when an em-
spected and esteemed by the larger group. We are
ployee simply witnesses the harm and is not per-
also at less risk for mistreatment. This sense of
sonally wronged (Ellard & Skarlicki, 2002; Spen-
belonging is important to us even apart from the
cer & Rupp, 2006). Consider, for example, a day-
economic benefits it can bring (Tyler & Blader,
to-day problem faced by many service workers.
2000; Tyler & Smith, 1998). As you might ex-
When these employees see a customer treating
pect, this can pose a potential problem for orga-
nizations. To the extent that justice signals our one of their coworkers unfairly, the observing
value to an employer, the more we care about the worker is apt to experience stress symptoms.
organization the more distressed we become when Through this mechanism, injustice may spread ill
will throughout a workgroup.
Table 1
Components of Organizational Justice
Three Components of Justice
1. Distributive Justice: Appropriateness of outcomes.

esearch has shown that employees appraise
● Equity: Rewarding employees based on their contributions.
three families of workplace events. They ex-
● Equality: Providing each employee roughly the same compensation.
amine the justice of outcomes (distributive
● Need: Providing a benefit based on one’s personal requirements.
justice), the justice of the formal allocation pro-
2. Procedural Justice: Appropriateness of the allocation process.
cesses (procedural justice), and the justice of in-
● Consistency: All employees are treated the same.
terpersonal transactions they encounter with oth-
● Lack of Bias: No person or group is singled out for discrimination or ill-
treatment. ers (interactional justice). These are shown in
● Accuracy: Decisions are based on accurate information.
Table 1.
● Representation of All Concerned: Appropriate stakeholders have input into
Distributive, procedural, and interactional jus-
a decision. tice tend to be correlated. They can be meaning-
● Correction: There is an appeals process or other mechanism for fixing fully treated as three components of overall fair-
mistakes. ness (Ambrose & Arnaud, 2005; Ambrose &
● Ethics: Norms of professional conduct are not violated. Schminke, 2007), and the three components can
3. Interactional Justice: Appropriateness of the treatment one receives from work together. However, if one’s goal is to pro-
authority figures. mote workplace justice, it is useful to consider
● Interpersonal Justice: Treating an employee with dignity, courtesy, and them separately and in detail. This is because each
respect. component is engendered in distinct ways, arising
● Informational Justice: Sharing relevant information with employees. from different managerial actions.
2007 Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland 37

Distributive Justice organization. These consequences often do not

Researchers call the first component of justice occur to managers, but they make good sense in
distributive justice because it has to do with the light of equity theory. But by far the most famous
allocations or outcomes that some get and others prediction from equity theory is the “over-reward
do not. Distributive justice is concerned with the effect”—that is, what happens when the equation
reality that not all workers are treated alike; the is unbalanced in one’s own favor.
allocation of outcomes is differentiated in the According to equity theory, when one is over-
workplace. Individuals are concerned with paid the two sides of the ratios are misaligned.
whether or not they received their “just share.” Consequently, one must work harder (i.e., in-
Sometimes things are distributively just, as when crease inputs) in order to be equitable. These
the most qualified person gets promoted. Other effects seem to occur. Greenberg (1988) studied
times they are not, as when advancement goes to managers who were temporarily moved to higher-
corporate “insiders” with a political relationship or lower-status offices than their position actually
to upper management. warranted. Those moved to higher-status offices
Equity theory. Perhaps the earliest theory of boosted performance, whereas those moved to
distributive justice can be attributed to Aristotle. lower-status offices showed decrements. These
In his Nicomachean Ethics, the philosopher main- gains and losses later disappeared when individu-
tained that just distribution involved “something als were returned to status-appropriate office
proportionate,” which he defined as “equality of spaces. Apart from its impact on performance,
ratios.” Specification, and a bit of rearrangement, inequity can also cause workplace sabotage (Am-
led Adams (1965) to represent his influential eq- brose, Seabright, & Schminke, 2002) and em-
uity theory of distributive justice with the follow- ployee theft (Greenberg, 1993). It is personally
ing equation: painful for employees, as distributive injustice is
associated with stress symptoms (Cropanzano,
O1 O2 Goldman, & Benson, 2005).
⫽ Recent advances in distributive justice. As Table 1
I1 I2
makes clear, there is more to distributive justice
According to equity theory, we are interested than simple equity. These different standards can
in how much we get (outcomes or O1) relative to be in conflict with one another. Generally speak-
how much we contribute (inputs or I1). Such a ing, we can distinguish three allocation rules that
ratio is meaningless, however, unless anchored can lead to distributive justice if they are applied
against some standard. To accomplish this, we appropriately: equality (to each the same), equity
examine the outcomes (O2) and inputs (I2) of (to each in accordance with contributions), and
some referent. Usually, though not necessarily, need (to each in accordance with the most ur-
this is another person who is similar to us. Things gency). These rules map onto Aristotle’s famous
are “equitable” when the ratios, not the individual dictum that all men wish to be treated like all
terms, are in agreement. When the ratios are out other people (equality), like some other people
of alignment, employees may feel uneasy. They are (equity), and like no other person (need). While
motivated to “balance” the equation by modifying it is no mean task to find the correct alchemistic
the terms. For example, one who is underpaid combination among these three allocation rules,
might reduce inputs by a corresponding amount. there are three basic suggestions that can be help-
This simple equation leads to a number of ful.
predictions, some of which are not obvious. For First, it is useful to consider one’s strategic goals
example, an individual who earns less than an- (Colquitt, Greenberg, & Zapata-Phelan, 2005).
other may still be satisfied, as long as he or she also Equity tends to provide individual rewards for
contributes less. Likewise, a person who is paid high performance, whereas equality tends to build
equally to another may feel unjustly treated if he esprit de corps among teammates. If one desires to
or she also contributes substantially more to the stimulate individual motivation, err toward eq-
38 Academy of Management Perspectives November

uity. If one desires to build group cohesion, err able, and consistent with ethical norms. Though
toward equality. We shall return to this issue later surprising to some, research has shown that just
when we discuss reward systems. procedures can mitigate the ill effects of unfavor-
Second, organizations can balance these con- able outcomes. Researchers have named this the
siderations by mixing equality and equity to- “fair process effect.”
gether. It need not be either-or. Experiments with To illustrate let us consider the case of strategic
work groups suggest that it is often best to provide planning. Kim and Mauborgne (1991, 1993) re-
team members with a basic minimum of benefit. ported that when managers believed that their
This is analogous to equality. Above that mini- headquarters used a fair planning process, they
mum, however, it can be useful to reward based on were more supportive of the plan, trusted their
performance. This is analogous to equity. This sort leaders more, and were more committed to their
of hybrid approach has been adopted by many employers. In their well-known book, Blue Ocean
organizations. Their compensation systems con- Strategy, Kim and Mauborgne (2005) explain why.
tain a “fixed” base; everyone in a particular job Fair processes lead to intellectual and emotional
class and with a particular tenure receives this recognition. This, in turn, creates the trust and
base. Employees are also encouraged to go beyond commitment that build voluntary cooperation in
this minimum, earning additional pay through the strategy execution. Procedural injustice, on the
allocation of merit bonuses (Milkovich & New- other hand, produces “intellectual and emotional
man, 2005, see especially Chapters 9 and 10). indignation,” resulting in “distrust and resent-
Third, different rewards should be provided in ment” (p. 183). Ultimately, this reduces coopera-
accordance with different rules. Equity works well tion in strategy execution.
for some things, such as money, but less well for We can go further. Procedural justice seems to
others, such as status symbols. Among American be essential to maintaining institutional legiti-
managers, it is often seen as fair to allocate eco- macy. When personnel decisions are made, indi-
nomic benefits in accordance with equity (i.e., viduals are likely to receive certain outcomes. For
those who perform better might earn more). On instance, one may or may not be promoted. Ac-
the other hand, social-emotional benefits, such as cording to Tyler and Blader (2000), outcome fa-
reserved parking places, are best allocated equally vorability tends to affect satisfaction with the par-
(Martin & Harder, 1994). Employees often see ticular decision. This is not surprising. What is
themselves and their peers as belonging to a group more interesting is that procedural justice affects
or, in the most beneficial case, a community. what workers believe about the organization as a
Allocating social-emotional rewards equally sig- whole. If the process is perceived as just, employ-
nals that everyone in the organization matters and ees show greater loyalty and more willingness to
is worthy of respect. behave in an organization’s best interests. They
are also less likely to betray the institution and its
Procedural Justice leaders.
Procedural justice refers to the means by which
outcomes are allocated, but not specifically to the Interactional Justice
outcomes themselves. Procedural justice estab- In a sense, interactional justice may be the simplest
lishes certain principles specifying and governing of the three components. It refers to how one
the roles of participants within the decision-mak- person treats another. A person is interactionally
ing processes. In three papers, Leventhal and his just if he or she appropriately shares information
colleagues (Leventhal, 1976, 1980; Leventhal, and avoids rude or cruel remarks. In other words,
Karuza, & Fry, 1980) established some core at- there are two aspects of interactional justice
tributes that make procedures just; these are dis- (Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter, & Ng, 2001).
played in Table 1. A just process is one that is The first part, sometimes called informational jus-
applied consistently to all, free of bias, accurate, tice refers to whether one is truthful and provides
representative of relevant stakeholders, correct- adequate justifications when things go badly. The
2007 Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland 39

second part, sometimes called interpersonal justice, The Impact of Organizational Justice

refers to the respect and dignity with which one ver the past few decades a considerable body
treats another. As shown in Table 1, both are of research has investigated the consequences
important. of just and unjust treatment by work organi-
Because interactional justice emphasizes one- zations. This literature has been summarized in
on-one transactions, employees often seek it from three different meta-analytic reviews (Cohen-
their supervisors. This presents an opportunity for Charash & Spector, 2001; Colquitt et al., 2001;
organizations. In a quasi-experimental study, Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002). While these quanti-
Skarlicki and Latham (1996) trained union lead- tative reviews differ in some specifics, they all
ers to behave more justly. Among other things, underscore the propitious effects of workplace jus-
these leaders were taught to provide explanations tice. We will look at each of the findings individ-
and apologies (informational justice) and to treat ually.
their reports with courtesy and respect (interper-
sonal justice). When work groups were examined Justice Builds Trust and Commitment
three months later, individuals who reported to Trust is a willingness to become vulnerable with
trained leaders exhibited more helpful citizenship respect to another party. As one might expect
behaviors than individuals who reported to un- given our comments so far, Colquitt and his col-
trained leaders. leagues (2001) found that all three components of
justice (distributive, procedural, and interac-
Working Together: The Three Components of tional) predict trust. These relationships can be
Justice Interact quite strong. For example, the association be-
Maintaining the three components of justice si- tween perceptions of just procedures and trust can
multaneously is a worthwhile task, but it may also be as high as .60. In a like fashion, justly treated
seem daunting. Fortunately, there is good news. employees are also more committed to their em-
Evidence suggests that the three components of ployers. Findings again vary somewhat with how
justice interact (Cropanzano, Slaughter, & Ba- justice is measured, but the correlation of per-
chiochi, 2005; Skarlicki & Folger, 1997). Though ceived justice and affective commitment can
this interaction can be described in different ways, range between .37 and .43 (Cohen-Charash &
the key point is this: The ill effects of injustice can Spector, 2001).
be at least partially mitigated if at least one com-
ponent of justice is maintained. For example, a Justice Improves Job Performance
distributive and a procedural injustice will have As is true for other scholars, we use the term
fewer negative effects if interactional justice is “job performance” to refer to formal job duties,
high. assigned by organizational authorities and eval-
To understand this phenomenon one can look uated during performance appraisals (for a sim-
at a study by Goldman (2003). Goldman studied ilar discussion, see Organ, 1988). Workplace
the relationship between justice and filing legal justice predicts the effectiveness with which
claims for alleged workplace discrimination. He workers discharge their job duties (Colquitt et
found that claimants were most likely to purse al., 2001), though more so in field settings and
litigation when distributive, procedural, and inter- less so in the undergraduate laboratory (Cohen-
actional justice were all low. If just one compo- Charash & Spector, 2001). As Lerner (2003)
nent of justice was judged to be high, the likeli- observed, justice effects are often strongest in
hood of a legal claim dropped. This is good news, real life. In part, this is because, over time,
because it suggests that organizations have three fairness leads to strong interpersonal relation-
bites at the apple. If they can get at least one ships. In two studies, Cropanzano, Prehar, and
component of justice right, some important ben- Chen (2002) and Rupp and Cropanzano (2002)
efits should result. We will consider the beneficial examined whether supervisors treated their re-
consequences of justice in our next section. ports with interactional justice. When they did,
40 Academy of Management Perspectives November

the leader and the subordinate had a higher- Justice Builds Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
quality relationship. This strong relationship, in Justice-inspired employee OCBs, such as behaving
turn, motivated employees to higher job perfor- altruistically toward others, sound much like em-
mance. Supervisors worried that just pay and ployee customer service– oriented behaviors, such
process are expensive and time-consuming as helping others and listening carefully to their
might take heart. These costs may be partially needs. Building on this, Bowen, Gilliland and
defrayed by higher productivity. Folger (1999) suggested that just treatment of
employees would lead to OCBs that “spill over” to
Justice Fosters Employee Organizational
customers. This “just play” results in customers
feeling appropriately treated, thereby yielding cus-
Citizenship Behaviors
tomer satisfaction and loyalty. These types of in-
Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) are ternal-external relationships have been empiri-
employee behaviors that go beyond the call of cally validated by such scholars as Masterson
duty (Organ, 1988). Several studies have found (2001) and Maxham and Netemyer (2003). For
that justly treated employees are more likely to example, Masterson (2001) asked a large group of
comply with workplace policies, show extra con- university instructors how they were being
scientiousness, and behave altruistically toward treated. When teachers felt that they received
others (Cohen-Charash & Spector, 2001). In- distributive and procedural justice they tended to
deed, workers tend to tailor their citizenship be- report higher organizational commitment. This
haviors carefully, doling them out to those groups commitment, in turn, improved student responses
or individuals who have treated them justly and toward the instructor. Since small gains in cus-
withholding them from those who have not. tomer loyalty can translate into much larger gains
To illustrate this point, consider the case of in profitability (e.g., Heskett, Sasser, &
temporary employees. A contingent worker is Schlesinger, 1997; Smith, Bolton, & Wagner,
likely to be associated with two different organi- 1999), these are very potent effects.
zations—the temporary agency and the organiza-
tion that contracts with it. In an interesting study, Thoughts Before Moving On
Liden, Wayne, Kraimer, and Sparrowe (2003) sur- More broadly, we suggest that justice can be a core
veyed contingent workers who were assigned to a value that defines an organization’s identity with
Fortune 500 manufacturing firm. Liden and his its stakeholders, both internally and externally.
colleagues discovered that citizenship behaviors When justice is espoused as a core value of an
toward this manufacturing organization were in- organization’s management philosophy and en-
fluenced by the procedural fairness with which the acted through a set of internally consistent man-
manufacturing company treated the workers. agement practices, it can build a “culture of jus-
Contingent employees who received just processes tice,” a system-wide commitment that is valuable
from the contracting organization (the manufac- and unique in the eyes of employees and custom-
turing firm) performed more OCBs. However, the ers, and tough to copy in the minds of competi-
procedural justice these workers received from the tors. And that can translate into the makings of
employment agency did nothing to boost citizen- sustainable competitive advantage. In our next
ship behaviors toward the manufacturing firm. In section, we will look at management practices
other words, individuals repaid procedural justice that can help develop a culture of justice.
with hard work, but they reciprocated only to the
organization that treated them justly in the first How to Create Perceptions of Justice

place. The manufacturing firm did not benefit e will now turn to common and important
from the temporary agency’s efforts at procedural workplace situations, discussing a variety of
justice. If you want justice to work to your benefit, managerial and personnel functions. These
you have to do it yourself. are displayed in Table 2. In each case, we will
2007 Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland 41

provide a lesson for promoting justice, including contact with job candidates up to and including
some normative recommendations regarding how extending an offer and rejecting an individual for
individuals should be treated. And in each case we a job (Gilliland & Hale, 2005). In terms of pro-
will return to one or more of our conceptual cedural justice, research has identified two broad
observations, such as the fair process effect and sets of concerns:
the two-factor model, illustrating how these phe-
● Appropriate questions and criteria are critical for
nomena affect real-life organizations.
procedural justice. Job candidates expect inter-
view questions and screening tests to be related
Selection Procedures: Positive Job Candidates
to the job, or at least to appear to be related to
For most job candidates, the recruiting and selec- the job (Gilliland, 1994; Ryan & Chan, 1999).
tion process is their first introduction to an orga- Overly personal interview questions and some
nization. How they are treated at this time can screening tests, such as honesty tests, are often
have ramifications later. Applicants who feel seen as inappropriate and an invasion of candi-
justly treated are more likely to form positive dates’ privacy (Bies & Moag, 1986; Kravitz,
impressions of the organization (Bauer et al., Stinson, & Chavez, 1996).
2001) and recommend it to their friends (Smither, ● Adequate opportunity to perform during the selec-
Reilly, Millsap, Pearlman, & Stoffey, 1993). And tion process means giving job candidates the
the flip side is also true. When applicants feel chances to make a case for themselves and
unjustly treated they are more likely to consider allowing sufficient time in interviews (Truxillo,
litigation as a potential remedy (Bauer et al., Bauer, & Sanchez, 2001). If standardized tests
2001). This research suggests that it pays for or- are used to screen applicants, justice can be
ganizations to put their best foot forward. By treat- enhanced by allowing candidates to retest if
ing applicants justly in the hiring process, organi- they feel they did not perform their best (Trux-
zations are setting the foundation for a illo et al., 2001).
relationship of justice and trust when those appli-
cants become employees. On the face, these two criteria seem reasonable
The research on job candidates’ reactions to and pretty straightforward. However, when com-
recruiting and hiring processes suggests that it is pared with recommended hiring practices, man-
about much more than whether or not someone agers are often faced with a “justice paradox”
gets the job. Further, because applicants don’t (Folger & Cropanzano, 1998). That is, many of
often know why they didn’t get the job or the the selection procedures with the highest predic-
qualifications of the person who did, distributive tive validity—those that are the best screening
justice is less of a concern in selection. However, tools—are unfortunately those that fail to satisfy
managers do need to be mindful of procedural and these justice concerns. Consider cognitive ability
interactional justice. It is also important to realize and personality tests. These screening methods
that the selection process begins with recruiting have high demonstrated validity (Schmidt &
and initial communication, and encompasses all Hunter, 1998), but both are seen by job applicants
as not particularly fair (Steiner & Gilliland,
1996). Questions on these tests are often not
Table 2 related to the job, and applicants don’t feel they
Building Justice Into Management Systems have an opportunity to present their true abilities.
1. Positive Job Candidates: The Justice Paradox in Selection Procedures. The converse is also observed with the justice
2. Justly Balancing Multiple Goals: The Two-Factor Model in Just Reward paradox. Traditional unstructured interviews have
Systems long demonstrated weak predictive validity, not
3. You Don’t Have to Win: How the Process by Outcome Interaction Helps Us much better than chance (Huffcutt & Arthur,
Resolve Conflicts 1994). However, job applicants perceive these
4. Softening Hardship: The Fair Process Effect in Layoffs interviews as having high procedural justice be-
5. Keeping Score Fairly: A Due Process Approach to Performance Appraisal. cause they are able to demonstrate their qualifi-
42 Academy of Management Perspectives November

cations (Latham & Finnegan, 1993). Adding spur individual effort. But the resulting inequality
structured situations and questions to the inter- that is likely to occur can be disruptive. In a study
view increases predictive validity, but decreases of academic faculty, Pfeffer and Langton (1993)
perceptions of procedural justice. examined wage dispersion in their home depart-
So how can this justice paradox be managed ments. When wage dispersion was high, faculty
effectively? We have three suggestions. First, there reported less satisfaction and less collaboration
are some screening tools that have both predictive with colleagues. Overall research productivity
validity and procedural justice. Work sample tests dropped as well. This is not what merit pay is
and performance-based simulations demonstrate supposed to do.
reasonable predictive validity (Roth, Bobko, & Paying everyone the same thing, though, is not
McFarland, 2005) and are also seen as procedur- the answer either. Indeed, equality distributions
ally just (Steiner & Gilliland, 1996). A second can boost group harmony, but they bring troubles
solution is to modify existing screening tools to of their own. A key problem is one of external
increase job applicants’ perceived procedural jus- equity. High-performing employees, or those with
tice. Smither and colleagues (1993) found that rare skills, may be worth more in the external
cognitive ability tests with concrete, rather than marketplace. If their salaries are “capped” to main-
abstract, items tended to be viewed more posi- tain internal equality, these workers may seek
tively by job applicants. Based on the observation employment elsewhere. This is just another way of
that applicants perceive greater justice in unstruc- saying that no matter how people are paid, not
tured interviews, Gilliland and Steiner (1999) everyone will be satisfied.
suggest a combined interview that has both struc- How then to position rewards? The research
tured behavioral questions to maximize predictive discussed earlier underscores an opportunity. To
validity and unstructured questions to allow ap- be sure, individuals who do not receive the com-
plicants the “opportunity to perform.” pensation they desire will want more. However,
The third suggestion is based on our earlier they often remain loyal to their employer if the
discussion of interactional justice. Recall that in- pay administration procedures are viewed as fair.
teractional justice can attenuate the negative ef- Consequently, if an organization needs to main-
fects of procedural injustice. Research has demon- tain external equity, it can do so and risk internal
strated that interactional justice is very important inequality, but only as long as the allocation pro-
for job candidates (Bies & Moag, 1986; Gilliland, cess is just. To illustrate, McFarlin and Sweeney
1995). With attention to considerate interper- (1992) surveyed more than 600 banking employ-
sonal treatment, honest information, and timely ees. As expected, when distributive justice was
feedback, organizations can create hiring processes low, workers reported less pay satisfaction and less
that embody interactional justice. Research has job satisfaction. This is bad news, but it is partially
demonstrated that the informational components compensated for by the procedural justice results.
are particularly important if there are unantici- When procedural justice was high, workers expe-
pated delays or unusual screening procedures in- rienced higher organizational commitment and a
volved in the process (Rynes, Bretz, & Gerhart, positive reaction to their supervisors. This is the
1991). two-factor model in action. Individuals who were
not necessarily satisfied with their pay were still
Reward Systems: Justly Balancing Multiple Goals unlikely to derogate the organization when the
At the most basic level, rewards systems need to procedures were just.
accomplish two goals: They need to motivate in- In addition to procedural justice, interactional
dividual performance, and they need to maintain justice can be helpful in administering pay fairly.
group cohesion. While both goals are worthwhile, To illustrate this point, let us consider a situation
distributive justice research tells us that it is dif- that everyone dislikes: pay cuts. Greenberg (1993)
ficult to accomplish them simultaneously. Equity found that differences in how pay cuts were man-
allocations, which reward for performance, can aged at two manufacturing plants produced dra-
2007 Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland 43

matically different outcomes. The key is interper- more effectively if justice is taken into account.
sonal treatment. In one, an executive politely, but Even a reader willing to indulge our arguments so
quickly in about 15 minutes, announced a 15% far might be wondering whether justice helps
pay cut. In the other, an executive spent about an when something really bad happens.
hour and a half speaking, taking questions, and Among common management situations that
expressing regrets about making an identical pay affect employees, downsizing is among the worst
cut. During a subsequent 10-week period, em- (Richman, 1993). Layoffs have pernicious effects,
ployee theft was about 80% lower in the second harming the victims while undermining the mo-
case, and employees in that plant were 15 times rale of survivors who remain employed. Though
less likely to resign. No one wanted to have his or downsizing is a widely used cost-cutting strategy, it
her pay cut. But workers understood why it hap- is highly risky. The costs of workforce reductions
pened, appreciated the supportive interpersonal often outweigh the benefits (Kammeyer-Mueller,
treatment, and did not vent their ire on the orga- Liao, & Arvey, 2001). In these circumstances
nization. people not only lose, they lose big. The event can
be so negative that a sense of distributive injustice
Conflict Management: You Don’t Have to Win is virtually a given. Can the guidelines suggested
Thomas and Schmidt (1976) tell us that managers in this paper do any good at all?
may spend about 20% of their time settling dis- As a matter of fact, they can. When a layoff is
putes among employees, and they are not always handled with procedural and interactional justice,
successful (Schoorman & Champagne, 1994). victims are less likely to derogate their former
Conflict resolution is likely to be most difficult employers (Brockner et al., 1994, Study 1). In-
when one or both parties is intransigent. At this deed, justice can have direct bottom-line effects.
point the manager may listen to both disputants, Lind, Greenberg, Scott, and Welchans (2000) in-
but will need to impose a settlement on them. terviewed a large number of layoff victims. Many
This is called arbitration, and it is ultimately au- of these individuals considered legal action fol-
tocratic. As a result, arbitration may sound risky lowing their downsizing, and almost a quarter of
because it hazards a distributive injustice; the set- the victims went so far as to speak to an attorney.
tlement is imposed and not approved in advance The single best predictor of willingness to take
by other parties. legal action was the justice of the treatment they
There is good news, however. If any compo- received at the time of their discharge. Among
nent of justice is present during arbitration (dis- those who felt unjustly treated, Lind and his col-
tributive or procedural or interactional), the over- leagues found that a full 66% contemplated liti-
all appraisal of the situation will be improved gation. Among those who felt justly treated, this
(Goldman, 2003). Because arbitration preserves dropped to just 16%. These are impressive find-
procedural justice, an unfortunate outcome is less ings. Although managers are often coached by
destructive than one might imagine. Or, we might attorneys or HR representatives to avoid apologiz-
say, managers can make hard choices, but they ing—an apology can be seen as an admission of
have to make them justly (for details see Folger & guilt—these results suggest that an apology may
Cropanzano, 1998). This illustrates a simple yet help promote the feelings of interactional justice
powerful lesson from research on conflict resolu- that actually reduce the risk of litigation. Justice,
tion: If you can’t give people the outcome they it would seem, provides a useful way to survive a
want, at least give them a fair process. crisis with one’s business reputation intact.
While we have so far discussed the victims of
Layoffs: Softening Hardship layoffs, workforce reductions also affect survivors.
So far we have reviewed evidence pertaining to Those left behind, though retaining their jobs,
justice in the context of hiring, reward systems, tend to suffer from “survivor guilt” (Brockner &
and conflict resolution. These are everyday events Greenberg, 1990). However, if organizations pro-
in a large organization, and each will function vide a good explanation as to why the downsizing
44 Academy of Management Perspectives November

is necessary—an aspect of interactional justice— taken a broader perspective, emphasizing the so-
the remaining employees respond much less neg- cial setting (Levy & Williams, 2004) and input
atively (Brockner, DeWitt, Grover, & Reed, from multiple sources (Smither, London, &
1990). Providing unemployment benefits is also Reilly, 2005). In this vein, Cawley, Keeping, and
advantageous, as one might expect. However, if Levy (1998) meta-analyzed 27 field studies, each
these benefits are lacking, an advance warning of which examined employee participation in per-
that a layoff is about to occur will blunt the formance appraisal. They found that when em-
negative reactions that might otherwise transpire ployees had a voice they were more satisfied, saw
(Brockner et al., 1994, Studies 2 and 3). the process as more fair, and were more motivated
to do better. This is interesting, but probably not
Performance Appraisals: Keeping Score Fairly terribly surprising. The really impressive finding
In order to assign rewards, identify candidates for was that these effects occurred even when partic-
promotion, and develop human capital, most large ipation could not affect the rating. Simply being
organizations conduct performance evaluations. able to speak one’s mind (what Cawley and coau-
While these appraisals are useful, concerns re- thors termed “value-expressive” participation)
main, and their implementation is often troubled. caused employees to be more favorable toward the
For example, scholars have observed a phenome- performance appraisal system. Notice how these
non called the “vanishing performance appraisal” findings are consistent with the fair process effect
(for a review, see Folger & Cropanzano, 1998). mentioned earlier.
When surveyed, most managers reported having Research on organizational justice is providing
provided performance reviews, while many of a new paradigm for understanding performance
their subordinates reported never receiving one. review. Consistent with Folger, Konovsky, and
Other research suggests that evaluations are af- Cropanzano (1992), we call this the due process
fected by political considerations (Longenecker, approach to performance appraisal. Adopting a
Gioia, & Sims, 1987), cognitive processing limi- due process metaphor sensitizes one to the distinct
tations of the rater (DeNisi & Williams, 1988), interpretations, potential conflicts of interest, and
and the social context in which they are con- legitimate disagreement about facts. The due pro-
ducted (Levy & Williams, 2004). These concerns cess approach to performance review has three
tell us that the performance appraisal process of- core elements: adequate notice, just hearing, and
ten contains a good deal of ambiguity as well as judgment based on evidence.
room for reasonable people to disagree.
For this reason, it is helpful to approach per- ● Adequate notice, as one might expect, involves
formance evaluations with an eye to their subjec- letting people know in advance when they will
tivity. Historically, much of the advice academics be appraised and on what criteria they will be
provided to practitioners encouraged them to appraised. However, from a justice point of
think of the performance review as a sort of test, view, it goes beyond this. It is also useful to
whereby the central task is to assign a valid rating have workers involved in devising performance
to a more-or-less objective quantity. For example, standards and making these widely available. Of
raters have been advised to “become expert at course, it follows that feedback should be pro-
applying principles of test development” (Banks vided regularly.
& Roberson, 1985, p. 129) and that “psychomet- ● Just hearing means limiting the feedback review
ric issues surrounding performance measurement to “admissible” evidence, such as worker perfor-
[are] more relevant than ever” (DeVries, Morri- mance rather than personal attacks. It also
son, Shullman, & Gerlach, 1981). This venerable, means providing workers with a chance to pro-
measurement-oriented understanding of perfor- vide their own interpretation of events, includ-
mance appraisal has been termed the “test meta- ing disagreeing with the supervisor where this is
phor” (Folger, Konovsky, & Cropanzano, 1992). appropriate.
More recent performance appraisal work has ● Judgment based on evidence means that the stan-
2007 Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland 45

dards should be accurate, data should be gath- designed appropriately, they could create more
ered, and decisions should be based on this problems than they solve.
formal process. Steps should be taken to provide
rater training, so as to improve accuracy and to
keep the process free of political influence. Concluding Thoughts

here are two sides to the justice coin. On the
Taylor, Tracy, Renard, Harrison, and Carroll negative side, the absence of justice is likely to
(1995) redesigned the performance appraisal sys- provide problems for organizations. There is
tem of a large state agency so that it included strong evidence that injustice can provoke retali-
these principles of due process. They discovered ation, lower performance, and harm morale (Co-
that workers preferred the new system, finding it hen-Charash & Spector, 2001; Colquitt et al.,
fairer and more effective. Managers liked it as 2001; Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002). On the posi-
well, believing that it allowed them to be honest tive side, justice can do more than forestall these
and feeling that it was more effective for solving unfortunate outcomes. Justice acts as a sort of
work problems. This occurred even though work- buffer, allowing employees to maintain respect
ers in the due process system received lower ratings and trust for an organization even when things do
than did workers under the older approach. not go as they would have liked (Brockner &
This is all to the good, but there are risks Wiesenfeld, 1996). It is inevitable in life that
involved. Adequate notice, just hearing, and judg- things will not always go our way. However, the
ment based on evidence are complicated to ad- negative effects of an unfortunate event are less
minister. A key problem is that they may raise severe if an organization is able to maintain pro-
expectations while simultaneously providing em- cedural and interactional justice (Goldman, 2003;
ployees with a set of tools for making their dis- Skarlicki & Folger, 1997).
content felt. Consider the case of two companies Justice provides an excellent business opportu-
studied over six years by Mesch and Dalton nity, from reaping specific returns such as stronger
(1992). Each firm was in the same region, and employee commitment to gaining an overall
workers in each were represented by the same tough-to-copy competitive edge that resides in a
union. In fact, grievances at both organizations “culture of justice.” In this paper we have exam-
were assigned to the same union local. After 36 ined justice from the perspective of five manage-
months, one of the firms decided to improve its rial tasks: hiring, reward systems, conflict manage-
grievance process by adding a fact-finding inter- ment, layoffs, and performance appraisals. These
vention. Before the grievance process began, both tasks are diverse, but they all involve a degree of
the union and management provided a “fact risk. Each has the potential to designate some as
finder” to determine the merits of the case, pre- “winners” and others as “losers.” After all, there
vent concealment of information, and encourage will always be people who fail to get the job,
negotiated settlements. This provided an addi- receive a lower than expected performance ap-
tional stage of process protection. The result? The praisal, or are downsized in the face of business
number of grievances filed skyrocketed at the firm exigencies. As a result, organizations hazard the ill
with the new procedural safeguard, but stayed will of employees simply because they are making
roughly constant at the other organization. After the sorts of decisions necessary to run their busi-
about two years, the fact-finding intervention was nesses. Organizational justice allows managers to
abandoned, and the grievance rate returned to make these tough decisions more smoothly. Just
normal. The new intervention seems to have play certainly does not guarantee all parties what
raised expectations and thereby encouraged work- they want. However, it does hold out the possi-
ers to complain about real and imagined ill-treat- bility that power will be used in accordance with
ment. In the long run this was counterproductive. normative principles that respect the dignity of all
The implications of Mesch and Dalton’s (1992) involved. This is sound business advice. It is also
study need to be appreciated. If procedures are not the right thing to do.
46 Academy of Management Perspectives November

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