Answer Key Review Test Units 1 4

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Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________


1 Underline the correct verb forms.

My husband and I (0) decided / have decided to learn Chinese a year ago. We (1) never went / ’ve never
been to China, but we (2) want / are wanting to go there next year. We (3) advised / were advised to have
lessons and we (4) ’re studying / ’ve been studying with a private teacher for three months – we (5)
usually give / ’re usually given some homework to do every week. I (6) was starting / started mine after I
got back from work last night. I (7) know / ’m knowing that my grammar isn’t very good yet, but while I (8)
read / was reading my coursebook I recognised a lot of Chinese characters so I (9) think / ’m thinking my
vocabulary (10) gets / is getting better. My husband often (11) works / is working late so he can’t study
much, but he (12) has / ’s having a few days’ holiday at the moment so he can do a bit more. Our teacher
says that we (13) ’re learning / ’ve learned a lot since September. We (14) ’ve been / were pleased when
she (15) was telling / told us that! Before we (16) started / had started having lessons we (17) ’ve never
spoken / ’d never spoken any Chinese at all!

___/17 marks

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Page 1

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps in this conversation with a positive or negative auxiliary. Use
contractions where possible.
A: Hi, Paul! (0) Did you go to that talk this morning?
B: Yes, I (1) did, but I (2) didn’t enjoy it very much.
A: Oh, (3) didn’t you? I’m glad I missed it then.
B: (4) Were you working in the library?
A: No, I (5) was sleeping. I’m exhausted and I (6) do hate getting up early!
B: There (7) ’s / has been a lot to do this week, (8) hasn’t there?
A: Yes, there (9) has. You know, I (10) was going to try and finish my project this week, but I (11) haven’t
done anything yet!
B: Don’t worry, neither (12) have I.
A: That makes me feel a bit better. By the way, (13) are you going to George’s party next Saturday?
B: No, I (14) ’m / am not. Actually, I (15) don’t usually like parties much, although I (16) did enjoy that one
we went to last month.
A: You mean Brian’s? Yes, so (17) did I. I (18) didn’t get home till 4 a.m.!
B: A lot of people find Brian a bit unfriendly, but I (19) don’t.
A: No, neither (20) do I. I think he’s really nice.
B: Me too. Anyway, I must go. See you.

___/20 marks

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Page 2

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

3 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.
0 I’m needing a better computer.
I need a better computer.
0 I’ve been studying English for years.
1 My brother refused speaking French.
My brother refused to speak French.
2 I was driving home when he called.
3 We ended up to eat in a seafood restaurant.
We ended up eating in a seafood restaurant.
4 She persuaded me to go to her yoga class.
5 When I arrived, the film already finished.
When I arrived, the film had already finished.

6 The way English is taught has changed a lot.

7 We plan visiting New York next year.
We plan to visit New York next year.
8 We stopped to get some petrol.
9 Jo’s parents didn’t go to college, but mine are.
Jo’s parents didn’t go to college, but mine did.

10 He’s riding his motorbike for three months.

He’s been riding his motorbike for three months.
11 What course do you study at the moment?
What course are you studying at the moment?

12 I’m really liking your new shoes.

I really like your new shoes.
13 You should tell your parents what happened.
14 Lee regrets study history at university.
Lee regrets studying history at university.

___/14 marks

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Page 3

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Look at these sentences. Are both verb forms possible? If not, underline the
correct one.
0 When I was young, I used to be / ’d be very shy.
1 We used to go / went to Spain on holiday last year.
2 During the summer we used to play / ’d play in the woods for hours.
3 My mother is always complaining / always complains about how much everything costs.
4 When Adela was younger, she used to have / ’d have a pet rabbit.
5 Our kids will play / play their music too loudly − it drives me crazy!.

6 My father didn’t use to / used to like cooking.

7 Once I used to try / tried to write a novel, but I never finished it.
8 Uncle Harry never used to like / liked gardening.

9 Every day when I get home, I ’ll have / ’m having a packet of biscuits.
10 When I was a child, I wanted / ’d want to be famous.
11 My neighbours will park / are always parking their car in front of my house!
12 What did you use to / used to do during the school holidays?

___/12 marks

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Page 4

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps with the correct positive, negative or question form of used
5 to, be used to or get used to. Sometimes there is more than one possible
0 When I was younger, I used to eat a lot of burgers.
1 I grew up in the country so when I first came to London I wasn’t used to city life.
2 I don’t think I ’ll/will / ’d/could ever get used to speaking English all the time!
3 We’ve just moved to Australia, we ’re/are slowly getting used to the different customs.
4 My grandparents didn’t use to drive − they preferred to walk.
5 Are / Have you used to / you got used to living in such a hot country yet?
6 Were did you use to live when you were at college?

7 The office used to be very noisy, but it’s much quieter now.
8 Nick works as a waiter in the evenings, so he ’s/is used to going to bed late.

9 John’s only been in Germany a few days so he still hasn’t got used to / isn’t used to driving on the
10 Walking to work this morning was tiring because I ’m/am used to / ’ve/have got used to / ’ve/have
been used to taking the bus every day.
11 I don’t think I could ever get used to speaking a foreign language every day.

___/22 marks

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Page 5

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

6 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.
0 More often than no he gets to work late.
More often than not he gets to work late.
0 I’ve been to Italy twice in my life.
1 It took me years to be used to the cold winters.
It took me years to get used to the cold winters.
2 He ended up working as an English teacher.
3 He’s needing some help with his homework.
He needs some help with his homework.
4 Last week we’ve seen a great film on TV.
Last week we saw a great film on TV.
5 He’s been working in that office since March.

6 I don’t remember to meet him before.

I don’t remember meeting him before.
7 They forgot to pick up the car from the garage.
8 He’s stopped to play football professionally.
He’s stopped playing football professionally.
9 It’s been a long time since we met, isn’t it?
It’s been a long time since we met, hasn’t it?

10 My father is bilingual at French and Spanish.

My father is bilingual in French and Spanish.
11 You’d better go or you’ll be late.

12 I picked out some French on holiday.

I picked up some French on holiday.
13 Lots of people went to the lecture, but I wasn’t.
Lots of people went to the lecture, but I didn’t.

___/13 marks

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Page 6

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Complete these second conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
0 If I found (find) a mobile phone on a train, I ’d take (take) it to the lost property office.
1 Imagine you had (have) the chance to travel for six months, where would you go (go)?
2 Assuming I was / were able (be able to) go wherever I wanted, I ’d / would go (go) to South America.
3 Supposing you didn’t have (not have) enough money to get home, what would you do (do)?
4 John would buy (buy) himself a sports car if he had (has) enough money.
5 If you were (be) really hungry, would you steal (steal) some food?
6 If I found (find) a bit of money on the street, I think I ’d / would keep (keep) it.

___/12 marks

Complete these third conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
0 Emma would have been (be) terrified if she ’d been (be) there when the thief broke in.
1 If I ’d / had seen (see) the accident, I would have called (call) the police.
2 We wouldn’t have been (not be) late if the car hadn’t broken down (not break down).
3 How would you have got (get) home if Gary hadn’t lent (not lend) you his car?
4 Our journey might have been (might be) quicker if we ’d / had taken (take) the train.
5 If I ’d / had known (know) it was a secret, I wouldn’t have told (not tell) anyone.

___/10 marks

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Page 7

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

9 Put these words in the correct order. Add a comma if necessary.

0 you / very / would / round / If / rich / the / were / you / world / go / ?
If you were very rich, would you go round the world?
1 ’d / for / If / I / working / this / enjoy / look / another / I / for / didn’t / job / company / .
If I didn’t enjoy working for this company, I’d look for another job.
2 friends / somewhere / stay / a / Imagine / give / your / to / room / needed / you / them / would / ?
Imagine your friends needed somewhere to stay, would you give them a room?
3 worried / hadn’t / been / my / would / If / phoned / we / have / parents / .
If we hadn’t phoned, my parents would have been worried.
4 done / you / if / police / What / have / arrived / would / the / hadn’t / ?
What would you have done if the police hadn’t arrived?
5 free flight / I / wouldn’t / even / me / there / if / offered / go / again / somebody / a / .
I wouldn’t go there again even if somebody offered me a free flight.
6 hadn’t / have / time / We / got / if / traffic / ’d / we / there / got / in / on / stuck / .
We’d have got there on time if we hadn’t got stuck in traffic.

___/12 marks

10 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs.

feel tell not remember stop have decide wait want run
take drive lie see break help stay save get out

I (0) was feeling bored one morning last week so I (1) decided to go to a nearby lake. While I (2) was
driving there, I (3) saw a man lying at the side of the road. I (4) stopped the car and (5) got out to see if he
was all right. The man explained that he (6) ’d / had been running along the road and then suddenly
collapsed. He (7) didn’t / couldn’t remember how long he (8) ’d / had been lying / ’d / had lain there, but
he thought that he (9) ’d / had broken his leg. I (10) helped him into the car and (11) took him to the
nearest hospital. I (12) stayed there because I (13) wanted to see if he was all right. After I (14) ’d / had
been waiting for an hour and a half, the doctor came and (15) told me that the man (16) had had a heart
attack and I (17) ’d / had saved his life.

___/17 marks

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Page 8

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps with who, that, which, whose and where if necessary. Put [-] if
no word is needed.
A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary novel (0) that brought its author, Haruki Murakami, to public
attention. The book, (1) which is set in Japan, begins simply enough. A young man (2) who / that works for
an advertising agency gets a postcard from a friend. He decides to use the postcard, (3) which shows a
photo of a country scene, for an advertisement (4) ─ / that / which his company is making. However, he
doesn’t notice that in the photo there is a sheep (5) that / which has a star on its back. This photo attracts
the attention of a strange man in black, (6) who offers him a choice − find the sheep or lose everything. The
search for the sheep takes the main character, (7) whose name is never revealed, from Tokyo to the
mountains of northern Japan, (8) where he has to face a number of dangers. Haruki Murakami, (9) whose
other books are available in English, is now one of Japan’s best-known writers.

___/9 marks

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Page 9

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

12 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.
0 The plane had taken off before we were arriving at the airport.
The plane had taken off before we arrived at the airport.
0 I’m convinced that’s the right decision.
1 He arrived in London on a day where the buses were on strike.
He arrived in London on a day when the buses were on strike.
2 He always insists on coming with us.
3 I didn’t realise the film was based in a true story.
I didn’t realise the film was based on a true story.
4 If he took his mobile phone last night, he could have called us.
If he ’d / had taken his mobile phone last night, he could have called us.
5 The two men were charged for burglary.
The men were charged with burglary.

6 Would it help if I drove you to the station?

7 If I met someone famous, I wouldn’t know what to say.
8 We still haven’t got used to work at weekends.
We still haven’t got used to working at weekends.
9 Where did you use to go to school?

10 This village is famous with its chocolate cakes.

This village is famous for its chocolate cakes.

___/10 marks

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Page 10

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________


13 Fill in the gaps with one word.

0 My first language is Spanish.
1 I’m quite fluent in Arabic now.
2 Did you pick up any Portuguese when you were in Brazil?
3 Sue’s reasonably good at languages.
4 I did French at school, but it’s a bit rusty now.
5 He knows a few words of Hungarian.
6 My boss can get by in German.
7 Joe is bilingual in French and English.
8 Anna can have a conversation in Polish.
9 Mum can’t speak a word of Italian.

___/9 marks

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Page 11

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

14 Write these words/phrases connected to education.

0 a written report saying whether a student is improving or not a progress report
1 the amount of money you pay to go to a private school or a university fees
2 a short piece of writing on a particular subject an essay
3 somebody who has a first degree from a university or college a graduate
4 a teacher who works with one student or a small group of students a tutor
5 a talk on a subject, especially at university or college a lecture

6 the money that a student borrows from a bank while at university a student loan
7 somebody who is studying for their first degree at university or college an undergraduate
8 somebody who has a first degree and is now studying for a higher a postgraduate
9 money paid by a university, etc. to a student with ability but not much a scholarship
10 a class in which a small group of students discuss a particular subject a seminar
11 a piece of work given to someone as part of their studies or job an assignment

12 somebody who teaches at a university or college a lecturer

13 a teacher of the highest level in a university department a professor

14 an advanced university degree a Master’s (degree)

___/14 marks

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Page 12

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

15 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0 She loves going (go) to the cinema.
1 He doesn’t mind helping (help) me.
2 I’d rather study (study) at home.
3 Could you stop making (make) that noise?
4 I remember taking (take) my driving test.
5 I think you’d better get (get) some sleep.

6 Did you remember to buy (buy) some milk?

7 My dad made me choose (choose) this course.
8 I stopped to help (help) a girl who had fallen off her bike.

9 My older brother taught me to drive (drive).

10 Your sister doesn’t seem to like (like) me!
11 I encouraged him to learn (learn) Spanish.
12 Julie finished doing (do) her homework.
13 I forced him to tell (tell) me his name.
14 I might stay (stay) in tonight.
15 We avoided talking (talk) to them.

___/15 marks

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Page 13

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Correct the word order in these sentences. There is sometimes more than
one possible answer.
0 I drink occasionally coffee.
I occasionally drink coffee.
1 She walks from her flat to the city centre seldom.
She seldom walks from her flat to the city centre.
2 Jan goes once in a while to visit her sister.
Once in a while Jan goes to visit her sister. / Jan goes to visit her sister once in a while.

3 I read every so often the newspaper.

Every so often I read the newspaper. / I read the newspaper every so often.
4 He most weeks goes to the gym.
Most weeks he goes to the gym. / He goes to the gym most weeks.
5 We have most of the time a healthy diet.
Most of the time we have a healthy diet. / We have a healthy diet most of the time.
6 Tom stays rarely at work after 5.30.
Tom rarely stays at work after 5.30.

7 Alice every now and again sends me an email.

Every now and again Alice sends me an email. / Alice sends me an email every now and again.

8 I more often than not do some work at the weekend.

More often than not I do some work at the weekend. / I do some work at the weekend more often
than not.

___/8 marks

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Page 14

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

17 Underline the correct prepositions.

0 I’m not very interested of / in politics.

1 Australia is famous about / for its beaches.

2 My mum is terrified for / of big dogs.
3 We were really disappointed of / in our hotel.
4 She was very satisfied with / for the course.
5 Were you aware in / of the problem?

6 I’m not sure with / about the colour of that tie.

7 Anna was shocked for / by the standard of driving.
8 I was very fond of / about music as a child.
9 I was fascinated in / by the local culture.

10 Is Tim excited about / with going to Japan?

11 My tutor was impressed by / for my exam results.
12 Frank is sick of / with driving to work every day.

___/12 marks

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Page 15

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

18 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these words.

improve real (x2) convince (x2) weak origin
conclude prefer criticise responsible recognise

0 I’ve seen a great improvement in your work.

1 He needs to take responsibility for his actions.
2 I think it would be preferable to buy a new car, not a second-hand one.
3 It’s an interesting article, but I don’t agree with the writer’s conclusion.

4 We originally planned to go to the USA, but in the end we went to Italy instead.
5 My only criticism of the restaurant is that the music was too loud.
6 If we change our minds, people will see it as a sign of weakness.
7 I didn’t think his reason for being late was very convincing. Did you believe him?
8 Do you think he really meant it?

9 Despite wearing a hat and dark glasses, Madonna was immediately recognisable to everyone.
10 Try to plan your time more realistically. You can’t do everything in one day.
11 I wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do, but in the end I was convinced by his arguments.

___/22 marks

19 Complete the table with crimes, criminals or verbs.

Crime Criminal Verb
looting (0) looter loot
(1) robbery robber (2) rob
burglary (3) burglar (4) burgle
(5) kidnapping (6) kidnapper kidnap
(7) theft thief (8) steal
(9) mugging mugger mug
shoplifting (10) shoplifter (11) shoplift
(12) bribery − bribe
vandalism (13) vandal (14) vandalise
arson (15) arsonist −

___/15 marks

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Page 16

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

20 Fill in the gaps with one word.

0 The police arrested three men last night.
1 Two boys were charged with vandalism.
2 She has been sentenced to eight years in prison.
3 Why did he commit such a terrible crime?
4 The thief was fined £350.
5 The first witness gave evidence in the trial today.

6 The man was acquitted of all charges and was allowed to go home.
7 He was taken to court for stealing a car.
8 The jury found the man guilty and he was sent to prison for five years.

9 She’s been convicted of a serious crime.

10 My cousin was arrested for shoplifting.

___/11 marks

21 Underline the correct prepositions.

0 I’m shocked of / by / with what I read in the papers.
1 He always insists on / in / at driving the car himself.
2 I want to apologise to / for / with everyone by / for / to behaving so badly.

3 Our company has succeeded on / with / in making a profit in its first year of business.
4 I’m not sure I can cope of / at / with all the extra work I’ve got.
5 I complained to / for / at the manager with / by / about the terrible food.
6 She decided to apply of / for / to the same bank for / to / after a different job.
7 The film is based of / in / on a very successful novel.
8 There’s a demonstration tomorrow to protest against / for / about the cuts in salary.
9 The coat I wanted to buy has been reduced at / with / to half price.
10 They’ve named the baby for / after / of the town she was born in.
11 Tony’s parents never worry for / with / about money.
12 Maria managed to convince everyone about / of / with her innocence.

___/15 marks

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Page 17

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

22 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.
0 He got a lot of critical for what he did.
He got a lot of criticism for what he did.
0 My grandfather used to be a doctor.
1 I can get by in Russian and Japanese.
2 Were you hearing all that noise last night?
Did you hear all that noise last night?
3 I wish she wasn’t so judgement about other people.
I wish she wasn’t so judgemental about other people.
4 I go running in the park every so often.
5 I wasn’t aware at the dangers.
I wasn’t aware of the dangers.

6 You must try to behave more responsible!

You must try to behave more responsibly!
7 He’s travelling round Europe since July.
He’s been travelling round Europe since July.
8 Did you remember buying some stamps? I need one for this letter.
Did you remember to buy some stamps? I need one for this letter.
9 Dave can’t get used to working at night.

10 The thief robbed £2,000 from my bank account.

The thief stole £2,000 from my bank account.
11 He’s always leaving the front door open.

12 I’m really sick for working so hard.

I’m really sick of working so hard.
13 I can’t really see the point of going there.
14 I didn’t used to enjoy going to school.
I didn’t use to enjoy going to school.

___/14 marks

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Page 18

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

23 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of a phrasal verb.

0 Could you pass this message on to the rest of your classmates?
1 When you drive around the farm, be careful that you don’t run over any chickens.
2 I couldn’t work out why everyone was looking at me.
3 I used to be quite good at boxing, but then one day somebody knocked me out and I didn’t come round
for about ten minutes.
4 We’ve just heard that a bomb has gone off near the airport.
5 I didn’t really want to go to the wedding, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.
6 I always get really nervous when the plane is just about to take off.
7 I was really scared so I ran away as fast as I could.
8 Don’t worry, this isn’t a true story, I’m just making it up.

___/18 marks

24 Write the words/phrases connected to books and reading.

0 a person who writes novels a novelist
1 information about a book, written to attract interest blurb

2 the story of a book, film, play, etc. the plot

3 a type of novel about women’s lives today chick lit
4 walk around a shop, but without planning to buy anything browse
5 details of exactly what and where information can be found inside a the contents page
6 a book that has a cover made of thin card a paperback
7 look quickly at the pages of a book, magazine, etc. flick through
8 a book that is extremely popular with the public a bestseller
9 literature that has the same style or subject a literary genre

___/9 marks

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Page 19

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

25 Complete the sentences with these connecting words.

because of However despite instead of even though
as due to apart from whereas

0 She didn’t go for a walk because of the rain.

1 We decided to go on the trip even though it was terribly expensive.
2 He ate everything apart from the vegetables!
3 They decided to stay at home instead of going abroad this summer.
4 The concert in the park was cancelled as the singer was ill.
5 Dan loves jazz, whereas his girlfriend only likes classical music.
6 The style of the novel is simple. However, the ideas in it are quite complex.
7 They managed to climb to the top of the mountain despite the thick snow.
8 Many trains were cancelled due to problems on the railway.

___/8 marks

26 Write these phrases used for exaggerating.

0 I’m very thirsty. I’m dying for a drink.
1 I’m very happy. I’m over the moon.
2 I’m very frightened. I’m scared stiff.
3 I’m very hungry. I’m starving.
4 I’m very worried. I’m going out of my mind.

5 I’m very shocked, surprised or angry. I’m speechless.

6 It’s very expensive. It costs a fortune.
7 It’s very heavy. It weighs a ton.
8 It takes a very long time. It takes forever.

9 It’s a very difficult situation. It’s a nightmare.

10 It’s very painful. It’s killing me.

___/20 marks

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Page 20

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Real World

27 Fill in the gaps in this conversation with these words/phrases.

’s that ’s it going for (x2) what way ’s he like come
sort of with as what exactly else

A: Hi, Jill! How are you?

B: Not great actually.
A: Oh! Why (0) ’s that?
B: It’s my course. I’m not enjoying it any more.
A: How (1) come? You loved it when you started.
B: I know. I think it’s the teacher really.
A: Why? What (2) ’s he like?
B: He’s a bit boring so I don’t listen properly and then I don’t do well in the coursework. I need to sort my life
out a bit.
A: In (3) what way?
B: I don’t know. Do something different.
A: Like (4) what exactly?
B: Join a study group and do some exciting things in my free time.
A: What (5) sort of things?
B: Acting, for example. I am studying drama, after all! By the way, did I tell you that I’m writing a play?
A: Really? How (6) ’s it going?
B: Very slowly. I’ve had to do a lot of research into twentieth century politics.
A: What (7) for?
B: My play’s about a Canadian politician. In fact I’m going to Canada soon.
A: Who (8) with?
B: My friend John. We’re travelling around and visiting a few different places.
A: Such (9) as?
B: Montreal, first of all. There’s a film festival there.
A: That sounds fun. Where (10) else are you going?
B: Well, we’re going hiking in the Rockies.
A: How long (11) for?
B: Oh, about a month.
A: Fantastic!

___/11 marks

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Page 21

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

28 Fill in the gaps in the conversation with these words/phrases.

about that be right there wouldn’t say got a point there
suppose that’s true you think so argue with that see the point of
a good point still not convinced you mean your point

A: I don’t think children should eat fast food like burgers.

B: Oh, I don’t know (0) about that. Surely, if it’s not allowed they’ll just want to eat it more, won’t they?

A: That’s (1) a good point, but fatty food is so bad for children.

B: I see what (2) you mean, but not if they only get a little bit now and again.
C: You might (3) be right there, Tim. I give my kids burgers or pizzas on Saturdays, but they eat healthy
food quite happily all the other days, which is what all parents want.
A: Well, I can’t (4) argue with that. What about fizzy drinks?
C: I let mine have what they like, you know, lemonade, cola. I can’t really (5) see the point of forcing them
to drink water all day. A bit of sugar gives them energy and it doesn’t do any harm.
B: Oh, do (6) you think so? Sugar makes children fat.
A: I suppose you’ve (7) got a point there.

C: Well, I’m (8) still not convinced. My kids run about all day and they’re not overweight.

B: Yes, I see (9) your point. But what about all the chemicals they put in those drinks? Some of them are
very bad for you, I think.
A: Oh, I (10) wouldn’t say that. Most of that stuff is harmless. If it was dangerous, they couldn’t put it in
drinks, could they?
B: I (11) suppose that’s true, actually.

___/11 marks

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Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

29 Fill in the gaps in the conversation with these words/phrases.

Let me would you like me to be a great help for offering wouldn’t mind
Why don’t I be wonderful if you could What if I
if you like can manage Would it help if I you don’t mind

A: What’s the matter, Jo? You look awful.

B: I’m not feeling well and I’ve got people coming to stay.
A: Oh dear, poor you. (0) Let me help you get ready.
B: Are you sure you (1) wouldn’t mind?
A: No, not at all. (2) Would it help if I tidied the living room?
B: Well, it’d (3) be wonderful if you could.
A: Then (4) would you like me to go to the supermarket for you?
B: Thanks, that’d (5) be a great help.
A: Have you got a list of the stuff you need?
B: Yes, it’s over there on the fridge.
A: Oh yeah, I see. (6) Why don’t I cook dinner when I get back?
B: No, that’s OK. I (7) can manage.
A: What about the kids? I’ll look after them this evening, (8) if you like.
B: That’d be fantastic. They’d love that − as long as (9) you don’t mind.
A: No, of course not. (10) Would it help if I collected them from school first?
B: No, Fiona’s doing that on her way home from college, but thanks (11) for offering.

___/11 marks

Total: _________ / 391

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Page 23

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