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Emily Costello

1105 Maiden Lane Ct #102, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  (248) 404-7531
University of Michigan School of Public Health Ann Arbor, MI
Master of Public Health in Health Behavior and Health Education Expected: April 2020
 Graduate Certificate in Health Informatics
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
Bachelor of Science in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience April 2018
 Member of Health Science Scholars Program
 GPA 3.33/4.00

WORK EXPERIENCE__________________________________________________________________________
Independent Medical Networks, Inc. Ypsilanti, MI
St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor Medicaid Advisor February 2018-Present
 Identify, screen, and apply for Medicaid for uninsured and underinsured emergency department patients in
order to reduce financial burden on St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
 Collaborate with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to bridge gap in acquiring patient
socioeconomic data pertinent to Medicaid application approval
University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI
Standardized Patient November 2016-Present
 Analyze performance and provide constructive feedback to medical students about their communications skills
to enhance patient provider relationships in the next generation of clinicians
 Grade performance of medical students in high stakes assessments to better prepare students for their board

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE_______________________________________________________________________
Michigan Medicine: Department of Pediatric Urology Ann Arbor, MI
Research Assistant September 2015-August 2016
 Explored factors influencing expectant mothers to elect circumcision or not for their newborn sons to compare
to the 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics statement on circumcision
 Recruited 200+ expectant mothers in a clinical setting and performed follow up phone calls to collect qualitative
data about mother’s decision-making process

Women in Health Leadership Ann Arbor, MI
Summit Committee Member October 2018- Present
 Collaborate with 6 peers to put on a conference for female empowerment in the health professions
 Apply for and secure funding in order to support the event
Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates Urubamba, Cusco, Peru
Student Participant July 2017-August 2017
 Traveled to Peru with 15 university students to engage in service and cultural exchange
 Built stoves in rural communities in order to reduce smoke inhalation and related negative health impacts in
community members
 Created murals at elementary schools in rural communities that promoted hygiene and healthy choices
Michigan Active Citizens: Alternative Spring Break Ann Arbor, MI
Participant, Site Leader, Lead Team Member November 2014-April 2018
 Engaged in three separate week-long service trips focusing on various social justice topics
 Formed and strengthened mutually beneficial community partnerships with service sites
 Managed $100,000 budget in order to support 300 students going on 25 different trips

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