Unidad 4. Generalidades de La Programación de PLC Con SCL - TIA PORTAL V - 13

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History of transportation by Cristian Tamayo


2500 B.C. The homosapiens discovers the wheel, and discovered

the flotation adventages

2200 B.C. It is believed that the human being already used means of
transport by means of wheels. carts, carriages, I also use
floating means such as trunks, canoes and hook systems

2200 B.C. – 1820 A.C. Land transport did not change much. mobility systems
pulled by animals were adapted.
also ships and large ships were developed by sails.
the war and conquest of the new world helped the
development of this technology, which did not change
many hundreds of years

1820 Land transport improved little until 1820, the year in

which the British engineer George Stephenson
adapted a steam engine to a locomotive and initiated,
between Stockton and Darlington, in England, the first
steam railway. The firs system transportation
locomotive in the world borned in England.
1860 The first vehicle is created by internal combustion
engine with gasoline. It is divided into a series of stages
marked by the main technological milestones.

1890 the internal combustion engine was adapted to the

boats, and began to be used in cars and buses to move
people from one city to another

1903 The wright brothers discovered the way to fly by

making the first plane capable of transporting a person
between one place and another. This led to
developments in air transport

1945 During the Second World War the jet engine was
developed, and the airlines were created. it was
possible to fly from one city to another at low costs for
the community in general
1985 the concorde was manufactured. first supersonic plane
able to go from nuevayork to paris in 3 hours

2005 The a380 largest psajero plane in the world was built,
with capacity for up to 400 passengers

2018 Actually, developments are being carried out at the level of air and land
maritime transport, in order to optimize the efficiency, lower fuel consumption and
that are friendly to the environment.

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