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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 46 (2018) 3–7

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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia

Original Contribution

Spinal versus general anesthesia for lumbar spine surgery in high risk
patients: Perioperative hemodynamic stability, complications and costs
Michael Finsterwald, MD a,⁎, Marco Muster, MMed b, Mazda Farshad, MD, MPH a, Andrea Saporito, MD, MHA c,
Muriel Brada, MMed b, José A. Aguirre, MD, MSc b
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Balgrist University Hospital, Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland
Division of Anesthesiology, Balgrist University Hospital, Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland
Anesthesiology Department, Bellinzona Regional Hospital, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: More stable perioperative hemodynamic conditions, lower costs and a lower perioperative complica-
Received 6 November 2017 tion rate were reported in young healthy patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery in spinal anesthesia (SA)
Received in revised form 19 December 2017 compared to general anesthesia (GA). However, the benefits of SA in high risk patients (ASA ≥ II suffering from
Accepted 4 January 2018 cardiovascular and/or pulmonary pathologies) undergoing this surgery are unclear. Our objective was to analyze
Available online xxxx
whether SA leads to an improved perioperative hemodynamic stability and to a more cost-effective management
compared to GA in high risk patients undergoing this surgery.
Spinal anesthesia
Methods: In a retrospective analysis 146 ASA II-III patients who underwent lumbar spine surgery in SA were com-
Lumbar spine surgery pared with 292 ASA I-III patients who were operated in GA between 2000 and 2014. Hemodynamic effects, hos-
High risk patients pitalization times, complications, and costs according to the Swiss billing system were assessed. The data
Hemodynamic stability extraction was conducted according to Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
Costs (STROBE) initiative for cohort studies.
Results: The patients in the SA group were older (75 years (±9.6) vs 69 (±11.5), p b 0.001), had a lower BMI
(25.8 kg/m2 (±4.8) vs 27.2 (±4.7), p = 0.003) and showed a higher ASA score (3 vs 2, p b 0.001). However,
SA was associated with significantly better perioperative hemodynamic stability with less need for intraoperative
vasopressors (15% vs 57%, p b 0.001), volume supplementation (1113 ml ±458 vs 1589 ± 644, p b 0.001) and
transfusions (0% vs 4%, p b 0.001). Additionally, the number of hypotension episodes was lower in the SA
group (15% vs 47%, p b 0.001). Furthermore, the SA group showed a significantly shorter duration of surgery
(70 min (± 1.2) vs 91 (± 41), p b 0.001), lower postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) (4% vs 28%, p b
0.001) and pain in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) (visual analogue scale (VAS) 2.3 (±1.1) vs 0.8 (±0.8),
p b 0.001), whereas pain after 24 h did not differ (VAS 0.9 (±1) vs 0.8 (±1.1), p = ns). The postoperative com-
plication (7% vs 5%, p = 0.286) and revision rates (4% vs 5%, p = 0.626) were similar in both groups. Total costs
(United States Dollars (USD) 6377 (±2332) vs 7018 (±4056), p = 0.003) and PACU time were significantly
lower in the SA group (35 min (±12) vs 109 (±173), p b 0.001).
Conclusions: Lumbar spine surgery in cardiovascular high risk patients with SA is safe, allows good perioperative
hemodynamic stability and might lead to lower health care costs. Further prospective studies are needed to con-
firm these findings.
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The increasing proportion of elderly patients and their comorbidities

[35] have modified the perioperative risk profile and perioperative he-
modynamic and cardio-pulmonary stability have become of pivotal im-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Balgrist University portance [13]. Spinal anesthesia for lumbar spine surgery has been
Hospital, Forchstrasse 340, CH-8008 Zurich, Switzerland. associated with a greater hemodynamic stability compared to general
E-mail addresses: (M. Finsterwald), (M. Muster),
anesthesia [18]. However, these findings are controversially discussed
(M. Farshad), (A. Saporito), by other authors [29]. Additionally, the increasing economical restraints
(M. Brada), (J.A. Aguirre). force hospitals to increase their productivity by lowering procedure-
0952-8180/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
4 M. Finsterwald et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 46 (2018) 3–7

specific costs and avoiding complications [31,37]. Regional anesthesia The data extraction was conducted according to Strengthening the
has been shown to reduce perioperative costs by reducing drug con- Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) initiative
sumption, decreasing or bypassing PACU stay and allowing earlier am- for cohort studies. Our inclusion criteria were adult patients of both
bulation. [30,32,33,44] Furthermore, multiple studies have shown that sexes undergoing elective lumbar spine surgery of a duration of
spinal anesthesia might lead to a reduction in analgesic use, shorter an- b90 min. For the SA group this surgery was performed in spinal anes-
esthesia and surgery time, reduced blood loss, less PONV, a lower com- thesia due to a cardiovascular and/or pulmonary high risk situation
plication rate and reduced costs [1,5,17,18,22,29,36,41,42]. However, (ASA II-IV). General anesthesia was performed for any ASA category
some possible drawbacks of spinal anesthesia like longer PACU stay (ASA I-III). Exclusion criterion was the written patient refusal to use
and lower surgeon satisfaction have also been reported [18,22]. her/his records for research. Our primary outcome was the hemody-
To our knowledge, the impact of spinal anesthesia for lumbar spine namic stability (hypotension episodes, intraoperative vasopressor/vol-
surgery on hemodynamic stability and costs has not been analyzed in ume use). Additionally, we compared costs, perioperative anesthetic/
high risk patients [11]. The aim of this retrospective study was to ana- surgical complications, blood loss, pain (at PACU arrival and at 24 h),
lyze these outcomes comparing a cardiovascular or pulmonary high length of PACU stay, length of hospitalization and the revision rate. All
risk (ASA ≥ II suffering from cardiovascular and/or pulmonary patholo- surgeries were performed by a spine fellow or a staff surgeon and all
gies) population which in our institution is usually operated in spinal data were collected, collated and analyzed by four independent
anesthesia with a relatively low risk population usually operated in gen- researchers.
eral anesthesia for lumbar spine surgery. After intravascular access and standard monitoring (electrocardiog-
raphy, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring and peripheral oxygen
2. Methods saturation monitoring) spinal anesthesia was performed in the lateral
decubitus position using plain bupivacaine 0.5% (5–10 mg) with imme-
After approval by the Ethical Committee (Kantonale diate positioning first into the supine position until a sensory level be-
Ethikkommission des Kantons Zürich, EK: 2015-0526) we retrospec- tween T6 to T8 was achieved. Then, patients were turned into the
tively analyzed the medical charts of all patients undergoing lumbar prone, flat position. Oxygen administration was provided by nasal can-
spine surgery in the period 01.01.2000 – 31.12.2014. To avoid selection nula at a flow of 2 l/min. Mild to moderate sedation defined according to
bias we checked all patients with lumbar spine surgery during this peri- Standards, Guidelines and Statements of the American Society of Anes-
od and extracted 146 patients who underwent surgery with spinal an- thesiologists [4] was performed using a propofol and remifentanil
esthesia (SA). We compared these patients to a group of 292 patients targeted-controlled infusion (TCI). Sedation depth was monitored
operated in the same time period in general anesthesia (GA) (Fig. 1). using the modified Observer's Assessment of alertness/sedation scale

5330 lumbar spine surgeries in GA 146 lumbar spine surgeries


identified in database performed in SA according to

anesthesia records

5476 patient records screened


- 4480 records excluded as primary

spondylodesis, scoliosis surgery or
thoraco-lumbar intervention
- 152 records excluded as no written
research consent present
- 406 records excluded as surgery time
scheduled > 90 min

438 records included in

statistical evaluation

GA = general anesthesia; SA = spinal anesthesia

Fig. 1. Flowchart according to the STROBE guidelines.

M. Finsterwald et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 46 (2018) 3–7 5

(OAAS; score 4 (lethargic responses to name in normal tone) corre- adjustments to inflation rate were undertaken as it would not influence
sponds to mild sedation, score 3 (responds only after name is called the cost difference between the groups.
loudly and/or repeatedly) corresponds to moderate sedation level) [15].
General anesthesia was induced and maintained using propofol and 2.1. Statistical analysis
remifentanil TCI with additional fentanyl for analgesia according to
patient's need. Neuromuscular relaxation was provided with Unpaired t-test was used for parametric data null hypothesis testing,
rocuronium according to neuromuscular monitoring. The inspired oxy- whereas Mann-Whitney U test was applied to nonparametric data. A p-
gen fraction (FiO2) varied between 30 and 50% according to patient's value b 0.05 was considered statistically significant (95% confidence in-
need and endexpiratory CO2 (ETCO2) levels were maintained between terval). Results are shown as means and standard deviations for normal-
35 and 45 mm Hg. The prone position was adopted as soon as possible ly distributed parameters and medians for not normally distributed
in the case of hemodynamic stability. Treatment for cardiovascular parameters. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (IBM, USA)
problems was according anesthesiologist's choice using vasopressors and Numbers ‘09 2.1 version (Apple Inc., USA) software.
and/or volume.
All patients were discharged with spontaneous breathing to the 3. Results
PACU with 2 l/min oxygen through a nasal cannula.
Hypotension was defined as a decrease in the systolic blood pressure The patients and surgical characteristics are shown in Table 1. Sur-
(SAP) of 20% or more from the preoperative blood pressure at baseline gery was successfully completed in all cases and no spinal anesthesia
(prior to anesthesia induction) for more than one minute [7]. The had to be converted into general anesthesia. Overall, the patients in
amount of vasopressors used and volume of fluids infused intraopera- the SA group were older, had a lower BMI and showed a higher ASA
tively was recorded. score. (Tables 1 & 2) Lumbar decompression surgery of 1–2 levels was
Surgical time (time from incision to placement of the surgical dress- performed in all patients of the GA group and in 93% (n = 136) of the
ing) was documented. To calculate a theoretical PACU bypass according SA group. Eight patients in the SA group had a 3–4 level decompression
to the data registered we used an established score which incorporates and 2 patients required additional instrumentation. (Table 1).
the essential elements of the modified Aldrete system (usual score for The hemodynamic alterations were more accentuated in the GA
PACU discharge), [3] as well as an assessment of pain and emesis. group which was associated to a higher number of hypotension epi-
PACU bypass was considered possible if a score of ≥ 12 was achieved sodes, a higher use of vasopressors and more volume supplementation
(with no score b 1 in any individual category) [43]. The standard criteria compared to the SA group. Blood loss did not differ significantly be-
for PACU discharge according to our protocol were VAS b 30 (on a scale tween the groups but more transfusions were performed in the GA
0 to 100), bilateral regression of sensory block below T10 level and a group. Spinal anesthesia was associated to significantly shorter duration
modified Aldrete score of ≥9 [3]. of surgery, lower postoperative PONV and pain during the PACU stay,
The recorded postoperative variables included heart rate and systol- whereas pain after 24 h did not differ between the groups (Table 3).
ic arterial pressure on admission into the PACU and every 10 min there- The postoperative complication and revision rate were similar in
after until discharge. Patient complaints of pain or nausea/vomiting and both groups. Revision surgery was done for postoperative hematoma
the corresponding treatment were recorded. Total stay in the PACU and, (SA: 3% (4/146) vs GA: 4% (11/292)), dural tear (SA: 1% (1/146) vs
after transfer to the ward, the length of hospital stay (LOS) was assessed. GA: 1% (3/292)) and for one recurrent disc herniation with neurological
Postoperative complications including spinal headache, urinary reten- symptoms in the SA group and one spondylodiscitis in the GA group.
tion, pulmonary dysfunction (respiratory insufficiency, hypoxia, pneu- (Table 4).
monia), gastrointestinal dysfunction and neurologic impairment, were The theoretical PACU bypass rate was higher in the SA group. More-
examined in both groups. The patient records were assessed until the over, PACU time was significantly shorter in the SA group which was as-
6 months postoperative clinical follow up. sociated to reduce total costs compared to the general anesthesia group.
For the costs calculation we included the fix costs and personnel Length of hospital stay did not differ between the groups. (Tables 3 & 5).
costs in the operating theatre (OR), PACU and ward (top-down tech-
nique) and used the following values: operating room costs: USD 4. Discussion
27.21/min; PACU costs: USD 2.43/min; ward nursing costs: USD 1.66/
min and ward hotel costs (catering, cleaning, laundry: non-medical Spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia are both reasonable anes-
ward costs): USD 103.36/day. Due to the minimal changes in the fix thetic approaches for lumbar spinal surgery and there seems to be no
costs in the Swiss health system during the studied time frame, no clearly superior technique in terms of morbidity and mortality. [8,11]

Table 1
Demographic profile and associated comorbidities of the patients.

Variables Group GA (n = 292) Group SA (n = 146) p-Value

Age (y) 69 ± 11.5 75 ± 9.6 p b 0.001

Gender (m:f) 146:146 82:64 p b 0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 27.2 ± 4.7 25.8 ± 4.8 p = 0.003
Surgery 1–2 level lumbar decompression 1–2 level lumbar decompression
(7 × 3 level, 1 × 4 level, 2× instrumentation)
Comorbidities (%/n)
- Art. hypertension 39% (n = 113) 77% (n = 112)
- CAD 21% (60) 49% (71)
- Valv. HD 3% (8) 12% (18)
- PAD 7% (20) 18% (26) all p b 0.05
- CVD 7% (20) 12% (18)
- COPD/rest. PD 12% (36) 35% (51)
- DM 23% (68) 61% (89)
- CRI 11% (32) 36% (53)

GA = general anesthesia; SA = spinal anesthesia; BMI = body mass index; CAD = coronary artery disease; Valv. HD = valvular heart disease; PAD = peripheral arterial occlusive disease;
CVD = cerebrovascular disease; COPD/rest. PD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/restrictive lung disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; CRI = chronic renal insufficiency.
6 M. Finsterwald et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 46 (2018) 3–7

Table 2 Table 4
ASA status. Complications.

Variables Group GA (n = 292) Group SA (n = 146) p-Value Variables Group GA Group SA p-Value
(n = 292) (n = 146)
ASA-Score 2 3 p b 0.001
ASA 1: n = 41 ASA 2: n = 50 Wound problems/hematoma 2% (7/292) 5% (8/146) p = 0.286
ASA 2: n = 171 ASA 3: n = 96 Dural tear 1% (3/292) 0.7% (1/146) p = ns
ASA 3: n = 30 Spondylodiscitis 0.3% (1/292) – p = ns
Recurrent disc herniation – 0.7% (1/146) p = ns
ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists; GA = general anesthesia; SA = spinal
Surgical revision rate 5% (15/292) 4% (6/146) p = 0.626

However, the studies reviewed by De Rojas et al. [11] and the studies of hypertension as seen under GA [17,18] which can increase blood loss.
published thereafter [1,18,36,41,42] mostly included ASA I-II patients However, due to the retrospective design of our study, the use of vaso-
and did not focus on cardiovascular and/or pulmonary high risk pa- pressors, volume and blood management were not standardized. This
tients. Although, in most of the above mentioned studies a greater he- might have led to treatment of hypotension with volume leading to co-
modynamic stability was found in the SA groups. [11] Only the agulation disorders or dilution with the need for transfusion. Therefore,
randomized controlled study by Sadrolsadat et al. [29] showed more possible associations concerning transfusion to the anesthesia regimen
perioperative hypotensive events in the SA group (24%) compared to have to be taken with a pinch of salt.
the GA group (12%, p b 0.001) with no difference in the episodes of in- The existence of a residual sensory blockade after SA might be an ex-
traoperative bradycardia. However, there was no difference in the intra- planation for less postoperative pain in the SA group [5] which has also
operative blood loss and need for fluids between the groups. New been described by other authors [5,10,17,18,22,23]. Additionally, de-
evidence suggests that perioperative hemodynamic stability might creased pain scores in the SA group might be due to regional
have an impact on patient outcome. [2,13,26,34] Moreover, anemia, anesthesia's more selective inhibition of afferent nociceptive sensitiza-
hypoxemia, increased myocardial oxygen demand, ventricular overload tion pathways [5,16].
or underload, systolic or diastolic dysfunction and neuroendocrine re- We could show that the incidence of PONV is lower in the SA group,
sponses to the stresses of surgery all contribute to the decreased ische- which is in accordance with other studies [11,25]. A possible explana-
mic cardiac threshold early after surgery. [21] Therefore, the impact of tion is that gastric emptying is inhibited by GA leading to increased nau-
the anesthesia chosen for cardiovascular high risk patients is of utmost sea and vomiting. [24].
importance [9]. According to current literature, improved hemodynam- We found no differences in the number of surgical complications be-
ic stability of regional anesthesia (RA) over GA might be a result of intra- tween the groups and the rate of incidental durotomy is in accordance
operatively inhibited release of stress hormones, leading to less with previous publications [38,40].
elevation and fluctuations of the mean arterial pressure and heart rate With the chosen top down technique we assumed that standardized
[5,6]. Additionally, the use of plain bupivacaine as in our study has spinal- and general anesthesia procedures would need the same
been shown to improve hemodynamic stability compared to hyperbaric amount of time for successful induction with insignificant cost differ-
bupivacaine [39]. Interestingly, our study shows a greater hemodynam- ence between the drugs used. However, this fact is controversially
ic stability with less vasopressor and volume requirement in the SA discussed in the current literature [5,22,23,29]. The most important
group despite the fact, that this group included high risk patients com- cost-saving factor was the reduced PACU time, which has also been de-
pared to the healthier GA group. Additionally, the need for transfusion scribed [12]. However, other studies did not report a difference in the
was lower in the SA group. However, all transfusions in the GA group PACU time comparing SA to GA which mainly depends on the local an-
were performed in ASA III patients. esthetic (long-lasting vs short-acting), its dosage and baricity, the tech-
This positive impact of SA on blood loss during lumbar spinal surgery nique (unilateral spinal anesthesia) used for SA and the discharge
has previously been described. [5,17,18] It has been argued that RA criteria (defining spontaneous voiding as a discharge criteria or not)
leads to decreased blood loss because of vasodilation and hypotension [5,29]. The faster PACU time did not translate into earlier discharge
caused by RA's sympathetic blockade while maintaining spontaneous home time in our study which is also in accordance with other studies
ventilation, which leads to lower intrathoracic pressure and, as a result, [5,28]. Cost analysis of previous authors show that SA has an important
less distension of epidural veins [19,27]. This observation has been also positive effect on costs reducing operating costs, indirect costs and total
reported in other studies for lumbar spine surgery [5,12,14,17,20]. Addi- costs due to shorter hospital stay, shorter duration of anesthesia, shorter
tionally, the better intraoperative hemodynamic stability avoids phases duration of operation and lower estimated blood loss [1,18,36,41,42].
Due to the experience in our department and the results of this ret-
rospective study, we recommend the use of spinal anesthesia for spine
Table 3 surgery with a duration of b90 min in patients with cardiovascular
Intraoperative and postoperative variables.
risk factors (arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, peripheral
Variables Group GA Group SA p-Value arterial occlusive disease, diabetes mellitus with renal/vascular compli-
(n = 292) (n = 146) cations, cerebrovascular disease with or without history of stroke) and/
Duration of surgery (min) 91 ± 41 70 ± 1.2 p b 0.001 or pulmonary risk factors (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or
Hypotension 47% 15% p b 0.001
Vasopressor use (% of cases) 57% 15% p b 0.001
Crystalloids administered (ml) 1589 ± 644 1113 ± 458 p b 0.001 Table 5
Blood loss (ml) 226 ± 170 177 ± 159 p = 0.003 Comparison of costs.
Transfusion rate 4% 0% p b 0.001
Variables Group GA (n = 292) Group SA (n = 146) p- value
VAS PACU 2.3 ± 1.1 0.8 ± 0.8 p b 0.001
VAS 24 h 0.8 ± 1.1 0.9 ± 1 p = 0.781 Cost OR (USD) 3463 (±1560) 2894 (±457) p b 0.001
PONV 28% 4% p b 0.001 Cost PACU (USD) 264 (±420) 84 (±29) p b 0.001
PACU time (min) 109 ± 173 35 ± 12 p b 0.001 Cost ward (USD) 3291 (±2075) 3400 (±1847) p = 0.591
PACU bypass (theor.) 0.7% 89% p b 0.001 Cost total (USD) 7018 (±4056) 6377 (±2332) p = 0.003
LOS (d) 8.4 8.2 p = 0.590
GA = general anesthesia; OR = operating room; PACU = post anesthesia care unit; SA =
GA = general anesthesia; SA = spinal anesthesia; VAS = visual analogue scale (0−10); spinal anesthesia.
PACU = post anesthesia care unit; PONV = postoperative nausea and vomiting; LOS = Costs were converted to USD at a conversion rate of 1 CHF (Swiss Franc) = 1.02 USD (US
length of (hospital) stay. Dollar).
M. Finsterwald et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 46 (2018) 3–7 7

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