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Generic/Trade Dosage Form Category Class Indication

acyclovir Injection: powder for Antiviral Viral DNA Herpes simplex
reconstitution Polymerase virus, HSV
(500 mg, 1000 mg), Inhibitor encephalitis
injection solution
(50 mg/mL in 10 ml or 20
mL vial)
amphotericin B Injection: powder for Antifungal Polyene Life threatening
conventional reconstitution (50 mg) fungal infections

amphotericin B Suspension: 5 mg/mL Antifungal Polyene Life threatening

lipid complex fungal infections
refractory to
Abelcet® conventional
amphotericin B
amphotericin B Injection: powder for Antifungal Polyene Life threatening
liposomal reconstitution (50 mg) fungal infections,
fungal infections in
AmBisome® patients with
neutropenia or renal
conventional use
ampicillin sodium/ Injection: powder for Antibiotic Penicillin Bacterial infections
sulbactam sodium reconstitution (1.5 g, Derivative; Beta-
3 g, 15 g bulk) lactamase Inhibitor

azithromycin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Macrolide Bacterial infections

Zithromax® (500 mg)
aztreonam Injection: powder for Antibiotic Monobactam Bacterial infections
Azactam® (1 g, 2 g), Infusion
solution in dextrose
(1 g/50mL, 2 g/50mL)
caspofungin Injection: powder for Antifungal Echinocandin Invasive fungal
acetate reconstitution infections
(50 mg, 70 mg)
cefazolin sodium Injection: powder for Antibiotic First Generation Bacterial infections
reconstitution Cephalosporin
(500 mg, 1 g, 10 g,
20 g, 100 g, 300 g),
Infusion solution in D5W
(1 g/50mL)
cefepime Injection: powder for Antibiotic Fourth Generation Bacterial infections
hydrochloride reconstitution Cephalosporin
(1 g, 2 g),
Maxipime® infusion iso-osmotic
dextrose solution
(1 g/50mL, 2 g/100mL)
cefotaxime sodium Injection: powder for Antibiotic Third Generation Bacterial infections
reconstitution Cephalosporin
(500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, 10 g),
infusion solution in D5W
(1 g/50mL, 2 g/50mL)

cefotetan disodium Injection: powder for Antibiotic Second Generation Bacterial infections
reconstitution Cephalosporin
Cefotan® (1 g, 2 g, 10 g)

cefoxitin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Second Generation Bacterial infections

sodium reconstitution Cephalosporin
(1 g, 2 g, 10 g),
Infusion solution
(1 g/50mL, 2 g/50mL)
ceftaroline fosamil Injection: powder for Antibiotic Fifth Generation Bacterial infections
reconstitution Cephalosporin
Teflaro® (400 mg, 600 mg)

ceftazidime Injection: powder for Antibiotic Third Generation Bacterial infections

reconstitution (500 mg, 1 Cephalosporin
Fortaz® g, 2 g, 6 g, 100 g),
infusion solution
Tazicef® (1 g/50mL, 2 g/50mL)
ceftazidime/ Injection: powder for Antibiotic Third Generation Bacterial infections
avibactam sodium reconstitution Cephalosporin;
(2 g ceftazidime/ Beta-lactamase
Avycaz® 0.5 g avibactam sodium) Inhibitor

ceftolozane sulfate/ Injection: powder for Antibiotic Fifth Generation Bacterial infections
tazobactam sodium reconstitution Cephalosporin;
(1 g ceftolozane/ Beta-lactamase
Zerbaxa® 0.5 g tazobactam) Inhibitor

ceftriaxone sodium Injection: powder for Antibiotic Third Generation Bacterial infections
reconstitution (250 mg, Cephalosporin
500 mg, 1 g, 2 g,10 g)
infusion solution
(1 g/50mL, 2 g/50mL)
cefuroxime sodium Injection: powder for Antibiotic Second Generation Bacterial infections
reconstitution, Cephalosporin
(750 mg, 1.5 g)

ciprofloxacin Premixed infusion Antibiotic Fluoroquinolone Bacterial infections

Cipro® (200 mg/100mL,
400 mg/200mL)
clindamycin Infusion solution Antibiotic Lincosamide Bacterial infections
phosphate (300 mg/ 2 mL, 600 mg/ 4
mL, 900 mg/ 6 mL)
dalbavancin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Glycopeptide Bacterial infections
hydrochloride reconstitution
(500 mg)
daptomycin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Lipopeptide Bacterial infections
Cubicin® (500 mg)

daptomycin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Lipopeptide Bacterial infections

Cubicin RF® (500 mg)

dopamine Infusion: solution Adrenergic Inotrope Inotropic support in

(0.8 mg/mL, 1.6 mg/mL, Agonist heart failure and
3.2 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL, 80 shock
mg/mL, 160 mg/mL)
ertapenem sodium Injection: powder for Antibiotic Carbapenem Bacterial infections
reconstitution (1 g)
esomeprazole Injection: powder for Gastrointestinal Proton Pump Short term treatment
sodium reconstitution Agent Inhibitor gastroesophageal
(20 mg, 40 mg) reflux disease.
NexIUM IV® Decreases risk of
bleeding post-
endoscopy for acute
gastric or duodenal

famotidine Infusion: solution Gastrointestinal Histamine H2 Short term treatment

(0.4 mg/mL in 50mL, 20 Agent Antagonist of gastroesophageal
mg/2 mL, 40 mg/4 mL, reflux disease
200 mg/20 mL-bulk),

fosphenytoin Injection: solution (100 Anticonvulsant Hydantoin Seizure

sodium mg PE/2 mL,
500 mg PE/10 mL)
furosemide Injection: solution Antihypertensiv Loop Diuretic Edema, hypertension
(10 mg/mL) e
gentamicin sulfate Injection: solution Antibiotic Aminoglycoside Bacterial infections
(10 mg/mL,
40 mg/mL)
heparin sodium Various concentrations Anticoagulant Indirect Thrombin Prophylaxis and
and manufacturers, Inhibitor treatment of
concentrations ranging thromboembolic
from disorders
1,000 to 20,000 units/mL.
Package sizes include 0.5-
1 mL ampules, prefilled
syringes, 1-30 mL single
or multi-dose vials.
Heparin lock flush dilute
solutions of 10 or
100 units/mL 1 mL, 5 mL
or 30mL vials (syringe
1 mL, 5 mL).
hydromorphone Injection: solution Analgesic Opioid Agonist Pain
hydrochloride (1 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL,
4 mg/mL, 10 mg/mL,
50 mg/5mL, 500 mg/mL),
infusion solution and
prefilled syringes of
varying concentrations
imipenem/ Injection: powder for Antibiotic Carbapenem Bacterial infections
cilastatin sodium reconstitution
(250 mg imipenem/
Primaxin® 250 mg cilastatin or

500 mg imipenem/
500mg cilastatin)

isavuconazonium Injection: powder for Antifungal Azole derivative Invasive fungal

sulfate reconstitution infections

levofloxacin Injection: solution Antibiotic Fluoroquinolone Bacterial infections
(25 mg/mL),
(250 mg/50 mL,
500 mg/100 mL,
750 mg/150 mL)
linezolid Infusion solution Antibiotic Oxazolidinone Bacterial infections
(2 mg/mL,100 or
Zyvox® 300 mL)
lorazepam Injection: solution Anticonvulsant Benzodiazepine Status epilepticus,
(2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL) amnesia, sedation

magnesium sulfate Injection: solution (50% = Anticonvulsant Magnesium Salt Hypomagnesemia,

4 mEq/mL), preeclampsia or
infusion solution in D5W eclampsia, torsade de
(1% = 0.081 mEq/mL, pointes
2% = 0.162 mEq/mL),
infusion sol. in water
(4% =
0.325 mEq/mL,
8% = 0.65 mEq/mL)
meropenem Injection: powder for Antibiotic Carbapenem Bacterial infections
Merrem® (500 mg, 1 g)
methylprednisolon Injection: powder for Anti- Systemic Auto immune and
e reconstitution (40 mg, inflammatory Corticosteroid inflammatory
sodium succinate 125 mg, 500 mg, conditions
1,000 mg)
SOLU-medrol® Solu-Medrol 2 g contains
benzyl alcohol
metronidazole Infusion: iso-osmotic Antibiotic Antiprotozoal Bacterial and
solution protozoal infections
(500 mg/100 mL)
micafungin sodium Injection: powder for Antifungal Echinocandin Fungal infections
Mycamine® (50 mg, 100 mg)
morphine sulfate Injection: extended Analgesic Opioid Agonist Pain
release liposomal
(10 mg/mL, 15 mg/1.5mL),
solution (1 mg/mL,
25 mg/ml, 50 mg/mL),
preservative free solution
(2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL,
5 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL,
10 mg/mL, 15 mg/mL),
solution microinfusion or
(200 mg/20mL,
500 mg/20mL)
norepinephrine Infusion solution Adrenergic Inotrope Hypotension, shock
bitartrate (1 mg/mL) Agonist

octreotide acetate Injection: solution Gastrointestinal Somatostatin Severe diarrhea
(50 mcg/mL, Agent Analog
SandoSTATIN® 100 mcg/mL,
200 mcg/mL,
500 mcg/mL,
1,000 mcg/mL)
ondansetron Injection: solution Antiemetic 5-HT3 Serotonin Nausea and vomiting
hydrochloride (4 mg/2mL, Receptor Antagonist
40 mg/20 mL)

oritavancin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Glycopeptide Bacterial infections

Orbactiv® (400 mg)
pantoprazole Injection: powder for Gastrointestinal Proton Pump Short term treatment
sodium reconstitution Agent Inhibitor of gastroesophageal
(40 mg) reflux disease

peramivir Injection: solution Antiviral Neuraminidase Treatment of

(200 mg/mL) Inhibitor influenza
phenytoin sodium Injection: solution Anticonvulsant Hydantoin Seizure
(50 mg/mL)

piperacillin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Penicillin Bacterial infections

sodium/tazobactam reconstitution (2.25 g, Derivative; Beta-
sodium 3.375 g, 4.5 g, 40 g-bulk), lactamase Inhibitor
Zosyn® iso-osmotic solution
(2.25 g, 3.375 g, 4.5 g)
potassium chloride Premixed with various Electrolyte Potassium Salt Hypokalemia
concentrations and Supplement
diluents: 5-40 mEq/mL,
package sizes include 10,
50, 250, 500, 1000 mL.
Injection: solution
concentrate (2 mEq/mL-5,
10, 15, 20, 30, 250,
500 mL)
propofol Injection: emulsion General Central Nervous Induction of
(10 mg/mL), products may Anesthetic System Depressant anesthesia in patient
Diprivan® contain egg, soy, benzyl > 3-year-old
alcohol, bisulfites
tedizolid phosphate Injection: powder for Antibiotic Oxazolidinone Bacterial infections
Sivextro® (200 mg)
telavancin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Glycopeptide Bacterial infections
Vibativ® (750 mg)
tobramycin sulfate Injection: solution Antibiotic Aminoglycoside Bacterial infections
(10 mg/mL,
40 mg/mL,
80 mg/2 mL,
1.2 g/30 mL),
powder for reconstitution
(1.2 g-bulk),
Infusion solution
(0.8 mg/mL-100 mL)
vancomycin Injection: powder for Antibiotic Glycopeptide Bacterial infections
hydrochloride reconstitution
(500 mg, 750 mg, 1 g, 5 g,
10 g),
infusion solution
(500 mg/100 mL,
750 mg/150 mL,
1 g/200 mL)
voriconazole Injection: powder for Antifungal Azole derivative Invasive fungal
reconstitution infections
Vfend IV® (200 mg)

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