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Biology Reflection

I personally enjoyed the experience of writing the signature assignment for this

course. I was able to pick a topic that is relevant in my personal life and connects the

course material. My mother in law is in the advanced stages of multiple sclerosis and

this assignment brought a new level of understanding about her disease, treatments,

and symptoms.

I have written many papers but this style of paper was a new experience for me.

Typically, my experience of writing is based on opinion with a splash of evidence for

how my opinion was formed. This paper was exclusively about the data relevant to the

topic and my opinion was irrelevant to the subject matter. I found this to be meaningful

because it provided experience in a writing style where I lacked experience. I plan on

pursuing a degree in law and writing fact-based, unbiased material will likely be

abundant through that career.

This assignment did help me see the connection between other fields of

education and biology. I was able to utilize the knowledge I obtained through other

courses to have a clear understanding of my topic and write a paper that reflected what

I learned.

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