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Yayo Fertilizer Factory

Comments on
Geotechnical Survey Report

Prepared: Brhane Weldeanenya Ygzaw (Ass. Professor in

Geotechnics and Geohazards, Practicing Professional Highway
and Material Engineer)

Addis Ababa, May 2018

1. Comments on the Geotechnical Investigation Survey of
Coal Fired Power Plant(Cooling Tower)
1.1. General
It is to be recalled that the Yayo Fertilizer factory is constructed in a land fill area where
there are different man made section in which different geotechnical phenomena being
happening. Some of these geotechnical phenomena are so difficult to tolerate. On the actual
site one can see that there are different cracks with various length, depth and width. On top of
this the cracks are on different areas of the project.
Following this failure, different investigation with various scales have been commenced by
different parties. From these investigations, the team of experts (joint investigation) from the
client, consultant and contractor was a very successful one where detail site investigations,
experts discussions and interpretations and finally a comprehensive report with mitigation
measures and working methodology was prepared.
To the satisfaction of the client, another investigation report which is focused only on the
cooling tower is prepared by the China Geo-Engineering Corporation. The comments in this
report is limited to the report prepared by China Geo-Engineering Corporation only.
1.2. Comments on the China Geo-Engineering Corporation Geotechnical
Investigation Report of the cooling tower
The report is prepared after the construction of the foundation of the cooling tower is
finished. Considering this the followings items can be forwarded.
 There is no clear article showing the cause of the cracks
 The cooling tower foundation is already constructed, and as per to the
recommendation of the referred report, friction pile are recommended. How can
these piles be constructed under a constructed foundation. There is no part of the
report showing the working methodology of these piles.
 There is no detailed structural design showing how the loads are transferred from the
cooling tower foundation to the piles
 How much Super structure load is considered for the cooling tower
 The lateral earth pressure developed due to the cooling tower foundation and the
ground rearrangements should be clearly specified
N.B: As a reference the team of experts who has studied the project has recommended Under
Pinning Piles, considering the stage of construction of the cooling tower and the condition of
the failure.

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