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Running head: ESSAY 1

Common Core Essay

Marissa Bradshaw

Salt Lake Community College

Math 2010
Running head: ESSAY 2

Collaborative learning contributes to the common core standards because it allows the

students to work in groups which is a part of the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP).

SMP requires communication, connections, problem solving, reasoning and proof, and

representation (Dolan; Williamson; Muri, 2015). All of which are easier to find answers to when

discussing in a group, which is why it make sense to use collaborative learning with the common

core standards. Another reason collaborative learning contributes is because working collectively

allows attention to precision (Dolan; Williamson; Muri, 2015).

Collaborative learning differs from traditional teaching methods because with

collaborative learning the students are doing to teaching and the teacher is the guide. Instead of

the teacher getting up and showing how to produce an answer to the problem and having the

students practice several problems the kids get put in groups (Dolan; Williamson; Muri, 2015).

When they are in groups the teacher gives a problem and has the students work through it. The

teacher goes around the room from group to group seeing who needs help and asks the students

strategic questions when they are stuck (Dolan; Williamson; Muri, 2015).

An example of a concept I would use would be a first grade algebraic thinking and

operations problem. The problem would go as follows Julie has 5 apples. Lucy has 3 apples.

How many more apples does Julie have than Lucy? OR How many fewer apples does Lucy have

than Julie? I would introduce this problem by putting the students in groups. I would have them

read through the problem themselves and I would walk around the room seeing who needs help

getting started. This collaborative learning will help them better understand the problem because

they will be able to discuss with the group what they are confused about and hopefully it will

help them to be more self- confident when solving problems.

Running head: ESSAY 3

The common core standards in this activity are: Standard 1.OA.1 Use addition and

subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from,

putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions. For example, use

objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the

problem, 1.OA.2 Solve word problems with three addends whose sum is 20 or less, 1.OA.3

Apply properties of operations as strategies, 1.OA.4 Understand subtraction as an unknown-

addend problem, 1.OA.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction, 1.OA.6a Add and subtract

within 20 using a variety of strategies, 1.OA.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign, 1.OA.8

Determine the unknown number in an addition or subtraction equation.

Running head: ESSAY 4


Dolan, D., Williamson, J., & Muri, M. (2015). Mathematics Activities for Elementary Teachers .

Boston: Pearson .

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