Black Panther-Global Warming

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Running head: GLOBAL WARMING 1

Global Warming

Global Warming
Global warming is a condition of climate change which is caused by the increase in

average temperature level. Ever since the 1950s global warming has increased, and up to now the

temperature are still rising. Global warming may be caused by natural occurrences, but also man

is believed to contribute to the rising in average temperature. This paper some discuss the various

aspects of global warming, and suggest some of the solutions to global warming.

Causes of Global Warming

There has been a continuous change in climate over the years. Global warming occurs

due to the natural rotation of the sun, changes in the intensity of sunlight, and also the movement

of the sun closer to the earth. Also, another cause of global warming is the emission of

greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (Crutzen et al., 2016). Components of greenhouse gases

include sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. These gases capture and trap solar heat rays, thus

preventing them from escaping from the earth’s surface. As a result, this causes the average

temperature to increase.

Furthermore, another cause of global warming may be due to volcanic eruptions. For

instance on singe volcanic eruption injects large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The carbon dioxide traps sunlight rays thus increasing the general heat level. Lastly, methane

also causes global warming, this is because it is a greenhouse gas. Compared to carbon dioxide,

methane is quite more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere by as much as twenty times.

Hence, methane in excess can cause major levels of global warming.

Nonetheless, as the greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for many years, the

consequences on earth may be devastating. One effect of global warming is the melting of the ice

caps. The North Pole will melt as the temperature rises. As soon as it melts, this will cause a rise

in sea level, and this is because the melting glaciers become oceans. According to research of the

ice caps melt, the sea level today would increase with about 240 feet (Trenberth et al., 2014).

Thus, this may affect areas like Netherlands which are low lying areas.

In conclusion, the overall lesson learnt from this assignment is that the earth is sick. We

as human beings have the role and obligation of healing the world. This is because global

warming has caused major problems in our lives, and we humans are the same people who

trigger this event. Thousands of people have died due to natural disasters such as drought. Global

warming has also affected the economies of various nations. If we continue, destroying the

natural environment and emitting more greenhouse gases, the world will be destroyed, as there

would be no food or water left for survival.

Thus, one of the simplest ways to reduce global warming is through plating of trees, if

there are more trees this will reduce the occurrence of global warming. Trees use carbon dioxide

to create food, hence the trees will be absorbing most of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Since the level of carbon dioxide will be reduced, heat rays from the sun will be able to escape,

leaving the earth a cool place.



Crutzen, P. J., Mosier, A. R., Smith, K. A., & Winiwarter, W. (2016). N 2 O release from

agro-biofuel production negates global warming reduction by replacing fossil fuels. In Paul J.

Crutzen: A pioneer on atmospheric chemistry and climate change in the anthropocene (pp. 227-

238). Springer, Cham.

Trenberth, K. E., Dai, A., Van Der Schrier, G., Jones, P. D., Barichivich, J., Briffa, K. R.,

& Sheffield, J. (2014). Global warming and changes in drought. Nature Climate Change, 4(1),


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