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Social aspects of new technology


The evolutions of modern technology have formed the basis of human evolution which is

beneficial to modern social lives of human beings. Some of the achievements human beings have

been capable to accomplish in their life could not be realized without the incorporation of

modern systems within technological background (Winston). The development can be

considered to increase more freedom among human beings and their comprehensive social

experiences as it has increased the levels of choice and freedom that are essential to human

interactions and relations. However, the same development to some extent may be considered to

incorporate some of the virtues which are not to the benefits of human beings and the entire

social perceptive which are inclusive and developmental in the same manner. Some of the

conspicuous social imbalances which are attributed by technological development include

innovation of materials for social destruction and depletion of resources in an equal manner.

Apparently, human beings have been able to use modern technology to overcome some

of the shortcomings they tend to encounter in their society. By doing so, they are able to focus on

important aspects of life which prevail in the systems of governance and management of

individual companies (Kozma). This approach is achieved by streamlining the manner of making
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decisions which are based on mutual agreements and comprise of benefits to the entire society.

Therefore, the paper will discuss and evaluate the benefits of technological development,

domestication of technology systems, future development in the sector and social impact of

technology on the modern society.

Benefits of Technological Development

Modern technology is considered to have comprehensive impacts to human life; it should

be considered that most human activities and interactions involve the development of technology

in order to achieve the best results in the market. Therefore, according to the journal

technological development have improved on the methods of treatment among the members of

the society compared to the past few years when technology had the least impact on human life

(Winston). As a result, people have been able to understand different methods and procedures to

combat some of the dangerous viruses and bacteria which led to the loss of human life.

Apparently, through the innovation and invention of modern systems that use computer

systems have been considered to contribute greatly to the success of human activities and their

entire activities which they engage in their daily life. More communication companies and

industries have been able to develop and improve on methods of communication which have

facilitated the overall aspects of human social, political and economic interactions (Kozma).

Further, people from one continent or region of the world to the other have been able to create

social families a practice that was not used in the past generations. Through interactions of social

platforms, human beings and organizations have increased the understanding of social patterns

and development by incorporating diversity and cultural understanding.

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However, despite the benefits which are associated with technological development, there

are some shortcomings which human beings ought to understand. The perception will help in

reducing and mitigating the current problems being experienced from one country to the other.

Some of these outcomes are that social life has increased the tendency of depending too much on

the information which is provided in various networks. Ultimately, the trend has increased

instances where social beings are limited to think in order to overcome some of the challenges

they are facing. Further, the development has affected mutual understanding among the members

of the society as there no rules and regulations which are used to control the applications of

technologies. Eventually, it has led to manufacturing destructive atomic bombs and chemicals

which have been responsible for the loss of life.

Domestication of Modern Technology Systems

The perception of technological domestications incorporates the instances the

organizations and the respective institutions are able to contain the impacts of technology. By

doing so, they will be able to shape the social life and comprehensive human activities which are

currently dependent on technology to achieve end results (Lall). The history of domestication can

be traced to the initial period of computing systems in the early development ages of

technological development (Gupta and David). Moreover, the approach will enhance the manner

through which governments and respective organizations will make the services more accessible

to the general public.

The modern approach to domesticate the modern systems of technology has been

considered to be dependent on the users of the services. These are because modern technologies

have been integrated into social life and perceptive which are under the domain of human forces
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and effort. Moreover, the users of technology according to the journal is influenced by the

manner in which people are able to adapt to the changing environment to mitigate on the impacts

it holds in social life (Gupta and David). The approach will enable proper methods of shaping the

use of technology services with the aim of shaping future generation and comprehensive

activities which are equally essential for human social life interactions and accomplishments of

desired activities.

Proper methods of adoption comprise in the manner under which the users of the services

are able to understand appropriate mechanisms to control social impacts the development has on

human life and respective outcomes in life (Winston). By emphasizing the approach, it would

result in beneficial innovations in the sector translating from levels of consumption and

understanding. This would incorporate household applications and respective consumption

within the industry and the entire world.

Impacts of Technology in Modern Society

According to (Latour) the demand for improved technological services is on the rise in

the modern human society. These have translated to events that have led human being to depend

on the application of information systems to enhance and improve their way of life. Some of the

areas where technology is widely used include the modes of communication, learning of various

concepts and developing the agendas of their business (Lall). The aim is to generate sufficient

profits and comforts to consumers in order to promote consumer loyalty.

Poor application of the innovation in modern society have resulted in increased levels of

pollution which are the points outlined by the journal. Further, this has demonstrated high

challenge to individuals on understanding and determining the technology that will simplify their
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way of life without necessarily creating a scenario of discomfort and inappropriate application of

the systems across the world. The research has provided various ways through which internet

users and applications can affect the present ways of life and future development in major

industries of the world. However, the impacts as demonstrated by the development of services

within a community can translate to the positive or negative outcome to the social life of the

human being (Latour). Some of the benefits include improving the method of manufacturing and

communication while the negative outcome includes the shift of quality services and eroding of

the moral values of the society.


In modern communities and societies, application and use of technology have been

considered to improve the production rate of farmers. These are because the innovation has

contributed to mechanization of agricultural activities which has increased the rate food growth

among the farmer. The ultimate outcome has been increased availability of food materials which

are of high quality compared to past period when technology had least impacts on human way of

life. Further, the levels of transportation have improved with overall activities focusing on the

mobility of material and people from one region of the world to the other.
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Work cited

Gupta, Ashok K., and David L. Wilemon. "Accelerating the development of technology-based

new products." California management review 32.2 (1990): 24-44.

Kozma, Robert B. "A reply: Media and methods." Educational Technology Research and

Development 42.3 (2014): 11-14.

Lall, Sanjaya. "Competitiveness, technology and skills." Books(2015).

Latour, Bruno. "Technology is society made durable." The Sociological Review 38.1_suppl

(2010): 103-131.

Winston, Brian. Media, technology and society: A history: From the telegraph to the Internet.

Routledge, 2012.

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