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Leptin and chronic kidney diseases

Song Mao, Li Fang, Fen Liu, Siqiong Jiang, Liangxia Wu & Jianhua Zhang

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(2018): Leptin and chronic kidney diseases, Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction, DOI:

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Published online: 01 Feb 2018.

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Leptin and chronic kidney diseases

Song Maoa, Li Fanga, Fen Liua, Siqiong Jianga, Liangxia Wua and Jianhua Zhangb
Department of Pediatrics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China; bDepartment of Pediatrics,
Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China


Chronic kidney diseases (CKD), a common outcome of various kidney diseases, cause a series of refrac- Received 7 September 2017
tory complications, which lead to great economic burdens on patients. The clinical outcomes of CKD Revised 14 January 2018
depend on various factors, including metabolic disorders. Leptin, a peptide hormone, produced in adi- Accepted 16 January 2018
pose tissues, plays an important role in regulating food consumption and energy expenditure. Leptin
also influences the immune system and hematopoiesis. Increased leptin status is observed in CKD, lep- Chronic kidney diseases;
tin deficiency attenuates the immune response in nephritis. Conversely, leptin inhibits the development leptin; prognosis
of obesity, which is closely associated glomerular disorder. Now, the precise role of leptin in CKD
remains elusive. This review will give an integrated understanding of the potential role of leptin and
its interactions with other signal molecules in CKD.

1. Introduction between leptin and the risk and progression of CKD [8–10].
However, the integrated study of the relationship between
Chronic kidney diseases (CKD) are a common clinical out-
leptin and CKD was rare. With the accumulated evidence, we,
come of almost all the glomerular diseases [1]. A number of
therefore, wrote this review to yield an updated understand-
CKD cases progress to end-stage renal diseases (ESRD), which
ing of the association between CKD and leptin, as well as the
often requires long-term dialysis or even renal transplant-
signaling pathways of leptin and the role of the possible
ation. Due to the high prevalence and harms of CKD, early
interactions between leptin and its associated molecules
intervention and monitoring is imperative for CKD therapy.
in CKD.
On the other hand, CKD is likely to be complicated with
some severe disorders, such as cardiovascular and metabolic
diseases [2], which result in increased morbidity and mortal- 2. Leptin
ity. Hence, identification of signaling molecules involved in
the development of CKD and its complications is of signifi- Leptin, a 167-amino acid protein, secreted mainly by adipo-
cant importance. cytes, regulates energy metabolism and induces different
Leptin, a messenger protein, is secreted from adipocytes outcomes in various tissues of human body. Leptin exerts
and exerts effects in cellular mechanisms, particularly meta- effects on food intake, coagulation processes, angiogenesis,
bolic signaling pathways [3]. Leptin plays an important role in insulin-related functions and vascular remodeling [11], which
the nutrition, energy balance, immune regulation and inflam- are involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases
mation [4], which are closely associated with the risk and pro- and dyslipidemia. Leptin also promotes the metastasis of
gress of glomerular diseases. Overexpression of leptin can cancers [12]. Besides the regulation of energy balance
induce the production of type I collagen [5]. Leptin in the body and nutriton, leptin also functions as a proinflammatory
is mainly cleared by kidney [6]. The decreased glomerular filtra- molecule [13].
tion rate in CKD may cause the increase of leptin status. On the Leptin is mainly cleared by the kidney through glomerular
other hand, leptin also induces oxidative stress and endothelial filtration and metabolic degradation in renal tubules.
dysfunction [7], which may result in cardiovascular disorders, Increased status of leptin may indicate poor kidney function.
an important complication of CKD. Hence, leptin may be a Administration of leptin is likely to lead to higher blood pres-
potential therapeutic target in CKD. Due to the multiple effects sure and proteinuria [14]. Leptin also plays an important role
of leptin on CKD, an in-depth and comprehensive view of the in systemic inflammatory response [15], which can promote
role of leptin and its associated signaling molecules on CKD is the progression of glomerular diseases. Positive association
of significant importance. was also observed between leptin status and cardiovascular
In the past decades, a number of investigations and injury parameters, such as arterial rigidity and atherosclerosis
reviews have been performed to study the association [16], which often occur in the late stage of glomerular

CONTACT Siqiong Jiang; Liangxia Wu Department of Pediatrics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth
People’s Hospital, Shanghai China; Jianhua Zhang Department of Pediatrics, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of
Medicine, Shanghai, China
These authors contributed equally to this study.
ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

MFN2, Sam68, HSP90,



proliferation neuronal system

hypoganodism ROS
disorder IL-6,matrix
AKT-ATF2 metalloproteinases,
density, JAK/STAT3


Figure 1. Signaling pathways for leptin regulation.

diseases. Leptin status is positively associated with endothe- Overexpression of leptin may increase the risk of kidney dis-
lial dysfunction [17], which is an indicator of cardiovascular eases by promoting inflammation. Leptin status was closely
disorders. Leptin also promotes oxidative stress [18], which associated with hypertension [25], which is a common symp-
contributes to the kidney injury. tom of glomerular diseases, particularly in serious kidney
Based on the above-mentioned evidence, leptin is a risk injury. Leptin promotes metastatic potential and stemness in
factor for the onset and progression of glomerular diseases. breast cancer via TGF-b1 pathway [26], which can lead to the
renal fibrosis. Leptin promotes osteoblast differentiation of
human aortic VICS in an Akt and ERK dependent manner
3. Leptin signaling pathways [27]. Leptin inhibited peroxisome-proliferator activated recep-
In the past, a lot of studies have been conducted to focus on tor c (PPARc) expression through GATA binding protein 2
the signaling pathways of leptin. The putative physiological (GATA2) binding to a site around -2323 in PPARc1 promoter
and pathological role of leptin depends partly on its signal- [28]. PPARc1 can inhibit the oxidative stress, reduce the ROS.
ing pathways. Leptin expression is regulated by various sig- Downregulation of PPARc1 expression of hepatic stellate cells
naling molecules and leptin also modulates the expression of plays a role in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis [29]. Leptin
lots of genes. Additionally, the interaction between leptin enhances the expression and secretion of certain matrix met-
and other proteins may influence the role of leptin in the alloproteinases in human gingival fibroblasts [30]. Leptin
glomerular diseases. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the differ- inhibits megalin expression and activates cell signaling path-
ent signaling pathways that have been reported to be linked ways that upregulates fibrotic protein expression [31]. Wnt
to the regulation of leptin. signaling plays a role in embryogenesis and tumorigenesis,
Leptin acts upon neuronal system controlling gonado- including the regulation of cell proliferation, survival and dif-
tropin releasing hormone [19]. Increased status of leptin ferentiation [32]. Wnt pathway in the hypothalamus is regu-
plays a role in the development of hypoganodism [20], which lated by diet and leptin [33]. Bone density and bone mineral
is likely to occur in the late stage of glomerular diseases. content are regulated by leptin acting via the sympathetic
Leptin exerts effects in adventitial pericyte growth, survival, nervous system [34]. Administration of leptin increased the
migration and promotion of endothelial network formation duration of hypothalamic JAK/STAT3 signaling [35].
[21]. The vascular proliferation contributes to the onset of High levels of leptin in circulation and leptin receptor muta-
cardiovascular disorders, which is a common complication of tion are associated with prostate cancer risk in human
glomerular diseases and exacerbate its prognosis. Leptin pro- patients [36].
motes the secretion of IL-6 in osteoarthritis patients [22]. On the other hand, a number of signaling molecules also
Leptin promotes IL-18 expression in breast cancer cells via regulates the expression of leptin. MFN2 mutations lead to
the PI3K/AKT-ATF2 signaling pathway [23]. Inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, upper body adipose hyperplasia
infection are commonly observed in glomerular diseases [24]. and inhibition of leptin expression [37]. Mitochondrial


oxidative inflammation endothelial nutritonal testosterone

stress lipids disorder dysfunction status bone


Figure 2. The potential mechanism of the role of leptin in CKD.

dysfunction decreases the energy production. Decrease of events are the common complications, and the leading
leptin status may be a compensatory mechanism. Sam68 causes of morbidity and mortality of CKD [46]. Leptin pro-
mediates the regulation of leptin signaling in breast cancer motes the vascular proliferations, which contributes to the
cells, regulating the cell survival, proliferation and growth cardiovascular disorders in CKD. On the other hand, leptin
[38]. Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a molecular chaperone increases platelet aggregation and promotes endothelial dys-
involving in regulating cellular homeostasis [39]. HSP90 inhib- function [47], which plays an important role in the develop-
ition attenuated leptin-induced JAK2 and STAT3 signaling, ment of atherothrombosis. A positive association between
modulating leptin signal transduction [40]. Class I phosphino- leptin and IL-6 was observed [48], and LPS injection caused
sitide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are important positive regulators of an increase of serum leptin status [49]. Leptin was also asso-
metabolism [41]. Inhibition of PI3K-C2a induces leptin resist- ciated with inflammatory-associated cachexia [50]. Leptin
ance [42]. C-reactive protein (CRP) hinders the access of lep- may promote the infection and inflammation, which contrib-
tin to the central nervous system, and elevation of human ute to the risk and progression of CKD. Leptin may be
CRP within the CNS has a negative impact on the physio- involved in the development of insulin resistance and glu-
logical actions of leptin [43]. Protein kinase A (PKA) modu- cose disorder, which are more prevalent as renal function
lates leptin sensitivity and adiposity [35]. PKA contributes to deteriorates. CKD patients are often complicated with mineral
renal fibrosis [44], the characteristic of CKD. and bone disorders, particularly during hemodialysis. Leptin
In a word, leptin is a metabolic regulator. It keeps the is produced by osteoblasts and influences the bone and lip-
homeostasis of energy production. Leptin interacts with ids metabolism.
many signaling molecules to play a role in the regulation of Based on the above-mentioned data, it is reasonable to
inflammation, oxidative stress and proliferation. High level of speculate that leptin may play a role in the development of
leptin is closely associated with poor renal function. Leptin CKD, increased level of leptin may predict a poor prognosis.
might be a therapeutic target of glomerular diseases. Several facts may account for our speculations. First, leptin is
mainly cleared by the kidney, poor kidney function indicates
the accumulation of leptin. Increased level of leptin promotes
4. Leptin and CKD
the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, which is
The relationship between leptin and CKD has attracted the involved in the pathogenesis of CKD [51]. Inflammation and
attention of researchers. A number of studies have indicated lipids disorder are also induced by the overexpression of lep-
that leptin is involved in the susceptibility and progression of tin. Second, leptin induces the endothelial dysfunction and
CKD. Leptin promotes the oxidative stress, inflammation and vascular proliferation, which contributes to the cardiovascular
lipids disorder, which contribute to the risk of CKD. The mul- events in CKD [52]. Finally, CKD, particularly the late stage of
tiple functions of leptin also affect the prognosis and compli- CKD, is closely associated with protein-energy wasting, which
cations of CKD. For example, hypogonadism is a common is a state of decreased body stores of protein and energy
endocrine disorder in men with CKD, adiposity and leptin fuels, and leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Leptin
contributes to the deficiency of testosterone, which leads to inhibits appetite and increases energy expenditure, which
the susceptibility to hypogonadism [45]. Cardiovascular contributes to the exacerbation of nutritional status, and

even leading to anorexia and malnutrition in CKD patients, leptin. Meanwhile, persistent raise of leptin levels may lead
particularly maintenance hemodialysis cases [53]. Hence, lep- to anorexia, or even cachexia. Hence, it may be more appro-
tin is also regarded as an important cause of uremic priate to target leptin in CKD with a close monitoring of
cachexia. nutritional status.
In addition to the adverse effects of leptin on CKD, we Future generation of leptin / mice or mice overexpress-
should pay more attention to the inhibitory effects of leptin ing leptin gene will promote the understanding of the role
in obesity, which is a double-edge sword. Obesity itself of leptin in the development and progression of CKD and
increases the burden on the kidneys and is a risk factor for discover the novel functions of leptin. Human clinical trials
kidney injury [54]. Also, obesity contributes to the metabolic will yield a more deepening understanding of the effects of
disorders [55], which are closely associated with the progres- leptin in CKD. Based on the researches, leptin is an potential
sion of glomerular diseases. In this sense, due to the inhibi- therapeutic target and biomarker of CKD prognosis.
tory effects on obesity, leptin may protect against the renal
injury. Experimental studies showed that leptin decreased
caloric intake and glucose levels in diabetic rats [56]. Therapy Disclosure statement
of leptin and pioglitazone attenuates the pathologic changes There is no conflict of interest for all authors.
of brain in transgenic Alzheimer’s disease mouse [57].
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reduces body weight and daily insulin dose in type 1 dia-
betes mellitus [58]. Metreleptin exerts therapeutic effects in This study was supported by Grant from the National Natural Science
lipodystrophy [59], which indicated that leptin is likely to be Foundation of China [grant number 81600578].
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