Big Small Land Water Water Six Pets Water Many Fire Plants Animals Waste Air

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Marks: Subject : EVS Date: 19/09/2018

Std: 1- Time: 90 Mins.

Roll No. Class: 1 Marks

Supervisor’s Examiner’s Checker’s Parent’s
Signature Signature Signature Signature

(A) Fill in the Blanks

1. Some animals are big and some are small .

2. Some animals live both on land and in water .

3. Fish can live only in water .

4. Insects have six legs.

5. We should care for our pets .

6. All living things need water .

7. We use water in many ways.

8. Water helps us to put out fire .

9. Plants and animals also need water.

10. We should not waste water.

11. Air is all around us.

12. We cannot see air.

13. We can feel air.

14. Moving air is called wind .

15. A soft wind is called breeze .

16. Safety means not being in .

17. We should not let into the house.

18. While travelling, we should not the driver.

19. We should cross the road with a .

20. We should not play after dark.

21. A is something we do often.

22. We should try to form habits.

23. Taking a everyday helps us to stay clean.

24. We should wish our family members when

we wake up.

25. We should say if we hurt someone.

26. In a family, we help one another in many ways.

27. Mother and Father work to earn Money .

28. Grandfather tells me story .

29. I try to help my family in small ways.

30. In school we do many things together .

31. A family lives together .

32. Families can be big or small .

33. Deepak is Meera’s father.

34. Mrs Amrita Shah is Meera’s mother .

35. I see with my eyes.

36. I smell with my nose.

37. I hear with my ears.

38. I feel with my skin.

39. I taste with my tongue.

40. Most grown-ups have identity cards.

(B) Write T for true or F for false.

1 All animals live on land.

2 Some animals live in water.

3 Some animals live on trees.

4 Birds Swim in water.

5 Pets become our good friends.

6 Only people need water.

7 We need water for drinking.

8 Farmers do not need water

9 We get water only from rain.

10 We can drink dirty water.

11 We can see air.

12 Moving air is called a storm.

13 Tyres are filled with water.

14 There is air in our lungs.

15 Air is always clean.

16 Houses keep us safe from rain and storms.

17 Pucca houses are found in villages.

18 In the hills we find houses with sloping roofs.

19 We all live alone in our homes.

20 All houses have two rooms.

21 We rest in the bathroom.

22 We cook food in the kitchen.

23 It is alright if our home is dirty.

24 It is not important to follow safety rules.

25 Playing with electric switches is not dangerous.

26 We should not put our head or arms out of a bus

or car window.
27 The red traffic light means “STOP”.

28 Playing rough games is safe.

29 We should brush our teeth once a week.

30 Letting our nails grow long is a clean habit.

31 We should only be polite to people we like.

32 We should say “Thank you” when someone does

something for us.
33 It is alright to tell lies sometimes.

34 All families are small.

35 Meera’s family is a joint family.

36 Your father’s father is your uncle.

37 Your mother’s mother is your grandmother.

38 Rahul Sharma’s family is a joint family.

39 We are the same as each other in every way.

40 We have 10 fingers on our fee.

41 Our senses are related to our sense organs.

42 We see with our skin.

43 We taste with our tongue.

44 Meera loves playing football.

45 Children are given identity card by their friends.

46 We should keep our identity cards safely.

(C) Choose the correct answer.

1.We have two
(a)faces (b)noses (c)tongues (d)hands

2.We have one

(a)eye (b)nose (c)hand (d)foot

3. Each part of our body is

(a)useless (b)useful (c)the same (d)none

4.We have five

(a)sense organs (b)eyes (c)ears (d)hands

5.Our sense organs tell us about

(a)Colours (b)Sounds (c)Good and (d)All of these
bad smells

6.In a family we try to

(a)help each (b)fight with (c)only do our (d)non of
other each other own work these

7.Mother and father help the family by

(a)working to (b)cooking (c)helping me (d)all of these
earn money with

8.Grandfather helps out by

(a)telling (b)cooking (c)studying (d)playing

9.We also help out at home by

(a)keeping (b)getting (c)watering (d)all of these
our room tidy ready for the plants
school on our

10.In school, we do many things together, such as

(a)cooking (b)mending (c)learning (d)working to
things earn money

11.We can be safe by

(a)doing (b)never (c)following (d)none of
whatever we leaving the some rules these
want house

12.At home we should

(a)Play with (b)throw (c)touch the (d)not let
electric wires waste all electric heater strangers in
13.We should get out of a bus or car when
(a)it is about (b)It has (c)It is moving (d)None of
to stop stopped these

14.We should cross the road when the traffic light is

(a)green (b)yellow (c)red (d)blue

15.We should play

(a)on the road (b)in a (c)in the (d)on the
playground market footpath

16.Inside the house, we should play

(a)football (b)cricket (c)badminton (d)indoor

17.Which of these is a big animal?

(a)An (b)A cat (c)A dog (d)A frog

18.Which of these animals lives on land?

(a)A fish (b)An octopus (c)A Whale (d)A tiger

19.Which of these animals flies in the air?

(a)A bird (b)A fish (c)A bear (d)A dog

20.We keep pets

(a)in school (b)at home (c)in the (d)with our
market neighbours

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What is your favourite activity?

2. What is an identity card?

3. What are some of the things written on an identity


4. How are our body parts useful to us?

5. Name of the five senses we have?

6. Name of the five sense organs we have.
7. What is nuclear family?

8. What is a joint family?

9. How do your mother and father help you?

10. How do you spend time with your siblings?

11. How do you help out at home?
12. Name three habits that help us to keep ourselves clean?


13. Write the magic words you learned in the chapter Good

14. What does safety means?

15. Write two safety rules we should follow at home.

16. Write two safety rules we should follow while playing.


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