Pre Participation Lab

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FOR EACH MEMBER OF YOUR GROUP, COMPLETE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING TASKS, RECORD YOUR OBSERVATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS IN YOUR DATA CHART. STATION 1: HEIGHT AND WEIGHT HEIGHT: HAVE ATHLETE STAND WITH BACK AND HEELS AGAINST THE WALL COVERING THE ‘TAPE MEASURE. RECORD THE MEASUREMENT ON THE TAPE MEASURE THAT CORRESPONDS ‘TO THE TOP OF THE ATHLETE'S HEAD. WEIGHT: HAVE ATHLETE STAND ON THE SCALE. RECORD WEIGHT (LBS.) STATION 2: HEART RATE AND BLOOD PRESSURE HEART RATE: PLACE YOUR 1",2"° AND 3" FINGERS ON THE ATHLETE'S RADIAL ARTERY. FEEL ‘THE PULSE. COUNT THE NUMBER OF BEATS FOR 30 SECONDS. MULTIPLY THAT NUMBER BY 2 TO COMPUTE BEATS PER MINUTE (bpm). BLOOD PRESSURE: HAVE THE ATHLETE SIT COMFORTABLY RESTING THE LEFT ARM ON A DESK. USE THE SPHYGNOMOMETER AND STETHESCOPE. RECORD BLOOD PRESSURE RESULTS. (SYSTOLIC/DIASTOLIC) STATION 3: PATELLAR TENDON REFLEX HAVE THE ATHLETE SIT WITH KNEES BENT OVER THE EDGE OF THE TABLE. USING THE REFLEX HAMMER, TAP THE PATELLAR TENDON. RECORD YOUR OBSERVATIONS (+ IF THE KNEE EXTENDS, - IF THE KNEE DOES NOT EXTEND) STATION 4: FLEXIBILITY HAMSTRINGS: HAVE THE ATHLETE LIE SUPINE, ASK HIM/HER TO PERFORM A STRAIGHT LEG RAISE WITH THE RIGHT LEG WHILE THE LEFT LEG STAYS ON THE GROUND. RECORD OBSERVATIONS. REPEAT WITH THE LEFT LEG. (+ IF THE LEG RAISE IS 90 DEGREES ABOVE THE FLOOR OR MORE, - IF LESS THAN 90 DEGREES SHOULDERS: To test your left shoulder flexibility, stand and raise your right arm straight up overhead. Bend your right elbow and let your right palm rest on the back of your neck and slide it down your back and between your shoulder blades. Reach behind you with your left hand so the back of your hand rests on the middle of your back. Now slide your right hand down and your left hand up to try to touch the fingers of both hands. Measure the minimum distance between the fingertips of the right and left hand. Record any overlap as well. Switch your hands to perform the test on the opposite shoulder. Shoulder Flexibility Test Results Excellent = Fingers overlap Good = Fingers touch Average = Fingers are less than two inches apart Poor = Fingers are more than two inches apart STATION 5: VISION. (SNELLEN CHART) Stand at the twenty foot line and cover your left eye, so you can only see out of your right eve. Starting from the top, read each row from left to right for as far down as you can still make out the letters. Note the last line on which you could correctly identify every letter. Have an assistant verity that you are reading the letters correctly. Repeat the test with your left eye, covering your right eye this time. Note the last row you could read with complete accuracy. The row for each eye will not necessarily be the sam« Take note of the fraction shown to the left of each row: It identifies how your vision rates. For example, if you could read to the fifth line, you have 20/40 vision; if you could read to the seventh line, you have 20/25 vision. Look at your results to determine the quality of your eyesight. For example, someone with 20/60 vision can read at 20 feet away what a person with normal vision could read at 60 feet away. In the United States, a score of 20/40 or better is required to drive a car without corrective lenses, vision of 20/200 or worse qualifies an individual as legally blind. STATION 6: VISION (PEARL) HAVE THE ATHLETE CLOSE BOTH EYES. HOLD A PENLIGHT 4-6 INCHES FROM THE ATHLETE'S RIGHT EYE. ASK THE ATHLETE TO OPEN ONLY THE RIGHT EYE. OBSERVE THE MOVEMENT OF THE PUPIL. REPEAT THE PROCEDURE WITH THE LEFT EYE. RECORD YOUR OBESERVATIONS. name_A wath TITLE: PREPARTICIPATION EXAM LAB PURPOSE: TO DEMONSTRATE SKILLS USED IN A PREPARTICIPATION EXAM BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ‘SHOULD INCLUDE AN EXPLANATION OF ALL SKILLS BEING PERFORMED IN THE LAB. HYPOTHESIS: STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATE IN AN ATHLETIC ACTIVITY WILL HAVE A LOWER PULSE AND BLOOD PRESSURE THAN THOSE WHO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN AN ATHLETIC ACTIVITY. PROCEDURE: SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT DATA: Sample chart wry ts eh Test #1 #2 #3 ‘#4 #S Hi : io les jeight wr (ey |e 54 Weight 106 8 |) 30 153 Pulse 1c | 66 | To 164 Blood iW | po fay fio Pressure 70 7 | | 34 Reflex t - 1. « Flexibility: Hamstrings | ~ ~ |e . Flexibility: Shoulders | pee Wenge je vcellet} er Pupil Response a dod fale | tne Visual 20 Acuity a 10. v0 (SNELLEN CHART) ra 30

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