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11 —19 PROGRESSION endorsed for edexcel 32 Edexcel AS and A level Further Mathematics Core Pure Mathematics Book 1/AS Toa Teese Cuesacitia Authors: Greg Att Pern Kester ae, Tectia Vc een Re AVC ORSON SO Meat ce Joe Petran, Keith Pledger, Harry Smith, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins jack Barraclough, Ian Bettison, Lee Cope, Charles Garnet Cox, SOB ese Contents Published by Pearson Education Limited, 60 Strand, London WC2R ORL. ‘wiv pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.couk Copies of official specications for al Pearson qualifications may be found onthe website: ‘qualifications pearson com Text © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Eaited by Tech-Set Lid, Gateshead “Typeset by Tech-Set Ltd, Gateshead (Original ilustrations © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Cover ilustration Marcus@kja-artists| ‘The rights of Greg Attwood, ack Barraclough, lan ettison, Lee Cape, Charles Gamet Cox, Daniel Goldberg, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Su Nicholson, Laurence Pateman, Joe Petran, lth Pledger, Harty Smith, Geof Staley, Dave Wikins tobe identified as authors ofthis work have been asserted by them in accordance wit the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2017 20191817 10987654321 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ‘Reatalogue recor! for this Book fs availabe from the British Library ISBN 978 1 252 18323.6 Copyright notice Allrights reserved, No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not ‘ransiently or incidentally to some othe: use ofthis publication) without the written permission ofthe copyright owner except in accordance withthe provisions ofthe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the tems of a icence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Bama Inn 86 Fetter Lane, London EC&A TEN (wwwclacouk) Applications forthe copyright ‘owner's written permission should be addressed tothe publisher Printed in the UK by Bell and Bain Lid, Glasgow Acknowledgements ‘The authors and publisher would ke to thank the following for thei kind permission to reproduce their photographs: (Key: b-bottom: centre; Heft right; top] ‘Alamy Stock Photo: Eric Robison 155,209 (0, Paul Fleet 126, 209 (), Photol2 9%, 209 (a), Sclence History Images 17,89 (t), Zoonar Gmbl 43, 89 (c; Getty Images: Henrik Sorenson 1,89 (a John Foxx 167,209 (8); Paul Nylander: 54,89 (@); Shutterstock-com: Marc Sithin 71,89 (e) All other images © Pearson Education ‘Anote from the publisher In order to ensure that this resource offers high-quality suppor forthe associated Pearson qualification, ithas been through a review process by the awarding body. Ths process confirms that this resource fully covers the teaching ane learning content of the specifeation or part ‘of a specication at which tis aimed It alsa confers that it demonstrates an appropiate balance between the development of subject sils, knowledge and understanding, in addition to preparation for assessment Endorsement doesnot cover any guidance on assessment activities or processes (eg practice {questions or advice on how to answer assessment questions), included inthe resource nor does It prescribe any particular approach tothe teaching or delivery ofa related course. While the publishers have made every attempt to ensure that advice onthe qualification and its assessment is accurate, the offal specification and associated assessment guidance ‘mateials are the only authoritative source of information and should always be referred to for definitive guidance. Pearson examiners have not contributed to any sections inthis resource relevant to ‘examination papers for which they have responsiblity Examiners wll not use endorsed resources asa source of material for any assessment set by Pearson, Endorsement of a resource does not mean thatthe resource i required to achieve this Pearson 4ualifiation,nor does it mean that isthe only suitable material availabe to support the ualifiation, and any resource lists produced by the awarding body shall include this and ‘other appropriate resources, Pearson has robust editorial processes, including answer and fact checks to ensure the accuracy of the content in this publication, and every effort is made to ensure this publication 's free of errors. We are, however, only human, and occasionally errors do occu Pearson isnot lable for any misunderstandings that arise asa result of erorsin this publication, butts ‘ur priority to ensure that the cantent is accurate. If you spot an eror, please do contact usat so we can make sute its cowected e@ Contents Overarching themes Extra online content 1 Complex numbers 1.1 _ Imaginary and complex numbers 1.2 Multiplying complex numbers 1.3. Complex conjugation 14 — Roots of quadratic equations 1.5. Solving cubic and quartic equations Mixed exercise 1 2 Argand diagrams 2.1 Argand diagrams 2.2 Modulus and argument 23 Modulus-argument form of complex numbers 2.4 Lociin the Argand diagram 2.5 Regions in the Argand diagram Mixed exercise 2 3 Series 3.1. Sums of natural numbers 3.2 Sums of squares and cubes Mixed exercise 3 4 Roots of polynomials 4.1 Roots of a quadratic equation 4.2 Roots of a cubic equation 43 Roots of a quartic equation 44 Expressions relating to the roots of a polynomial 4.5 Linear transformations of roots Mixed exercise 4 5 Volumes of revolution 5.1 Volumes of revolution around the x-axis 5.2. Volumes of revolution around the y-axis 53 Adding and subtracting volumes 5.4 Modelling with volumes of revolution Mixed exercise 5 Review exe! vi 10 1 VW 18 20 23 28 36 39 43 47 51 55 57 59 62 65 68 Contents 6 — Matrices 94 6.1 Introduction to matrices 95 6.2 Matrix multiplication 99 63 Determinants 104 6.4 —Inverting a2 x 2 matrix 108 6.5. Inverting a3 x3 matrix 12 6.6 Solving systems of equations using matrices 116 Mixed exercise 6 qi 7 Linear transformations 126 7.1 Linear transformations in two dimensions 127 7.2 Reflections and rotations 131 7.3 Enlargements and stretches 136 7.4 Successive transformations 140 7.5 Linear transformations in three dimensions 144 7.6 The inverse of a linear transformation 148 Mixed exercise 7 151 8 Proof by induction 155 8.1 Proof by mathematical induction 156 8.2 Proving divisibility results 160 8.3 Proving statements involving matrices 162 Mixed exercise 8 165 9 Vectors 167 9.1 Equation of a line in three dimensions 168 9.2 Equation of a plane in three dimensions 175 9.3 Scalar product 178 9.4 Calculating angles between lines and planes 184 9.5 Points of intersection 189 9.6 Finding perpendiculars 193 Mixed exercise 9 202 Review exercise 2 209 Exam-style practice: Paper 1 215 Answers 217 Index 249

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