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Q15: What are the main Determinants of Demand?


.returns to scale

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Q3: Explain the concept of Extension, Contraction, Increase and Decrease in Demand.

Q4: What do you mean by Elasticity of Demand? Explain Price Elasticity of Demand.

Q5: What is production probability frontier? Explain.


Q: What is micro economics? Explain its importance.

Q: Distinguish between economic cost and accounting cost. Which should be taken in to account for calculating
the economic profits of the firm?

Q: Explain the concepts of average revenue, Marginal Revenue, and total revenue. Show how they are related to
each other
Q: Define firm’s equilibrium. Show that equality of marginal revenue with marginal Cost is the necessary
condition for the firm’s equilibrium regarding price and output. Illustrate with a diagram.

Q4: What is Short Run Production Function? Explain Law of diminishing Return.

Q5: What do you mean by Cost Analysis? Explain different type of cost with the help of examples.

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