Dan Harlan - Hover Card

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Hover Card
By Dan Harland

EFFECT: Have a card selected from an ordinary deck. Place the selected card
face-up on top of the deck. Now, while you are holding the deck with the
selected card facing the audience, the card begins to float gently off of the
deck!! The selected card hovers mysteriously above the deck, then slowly comes
to rest, balanced upon one corner. You motion to the card, and it slowly floats
back onto the deck. Show the card on both sides, then hand it out! Hover
Card looks absolutely amazing. The card appears to float at least two inches
from the deck! Hover Card uses no threads or wires; there are no body
connections of any kind. The gimmick is very small, so it comes and goes with

Secret: Ordinary card is switched for a gimmicked duplicate which floats by

means of a 'mechanical parallel hinge'. the gimmick consists of two cards; a
double back card and a floating card. they are connected by the plastic
rectangular hinge, hinged at its corners, this is what is needed to float the card,
the rectangle is attached diagonally so that the floating card floats at an angle
and comes to rest upon one of the corners. You must learn how to hold the
gimmick carefully or it will snap you need to tilt and tip the gimmick so gravity
will cause it to swing out from the deck very slowly

Performing: hold deck in left hand dealing grip put gimmick on top and place
duplicate on top of that have gimmick face down on deck with pivot near left
index finger, show the duplicate ordinary card-get break under gimmick and
normal card, place duplicate face down, turn over all above the break so face of
gimmick shows, all that is left to do is
tilt the deck so the card floats



Explanation 2: Basically it works on the same principle as the levitating money.

You need a piece of plastic and this attaches two cards to each other. Take a
strip of roughly the same size as in the float note, and fold it a quarter of the
way in from each end. Now glue one end to the back of one card and the other
to the back of another card so that they will fold flat together. Now take another
card and glue it so the bottom card is double backed as in the diagram. This
sounds complicated but you will have to try it. Have this on top of the deck, with
the double backed card uppermost. To perform. Have the fake cards on top of
the deck. Have a spectator choose a card and place it face up on the deck. Now
turn the top three cards over so the gimmick card is the right way up. Tilt the
deck forward and the card will rise off, tilt it even more and it will come to rest
on the furthest edge of the deck, but this might expose the plastic if you leave it
there to long. Then simply reverse the procedure, do another triple lift and give
them back their card to keep.

© Dan Harland


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