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Research Method (Fall-2018)

Research Project

Deficiency of Vitamin D among UAE Students

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Research Questions ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Primary research questions ................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Secondary questions ............................................................................................................. 4
3. Research Background .............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Causes ............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Outcomes ........................................................................................................................ 5
4. Result ....................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Finding & conclusion ............................................................................................................. 16
6. Recommendations................................................................................................................. 16

1. Introduction

This research report we will prove a hypothesis study that is based on studying and
analyzing one of the primary factors for the Prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency among
UAE students i.e. Lengthy Summer vacations. This research is an attempt to prove and
convince the authorities to change the academic summer vacations calendar to winter due
to it negative and prolong effect on health conditions of students such as deficiency of
Vitamin D. The asked questions would help us to analyze the realistic role of lengthy
vacation on student’s life style and health especially during summer. Later on,
Questionnaire findings would be used as realistic evidence by the researcher to prove his
hypothesis and to aware the environment in order to further allow the related authorities to
take appropriate decisions for the affected part the UAE community.

Therefore, that title of the research is to conduct a research study about the relationship that
exists between the academic summer vacations and the Prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency
among UAE Students.

2. Research Questions

2.1 Primary research questions

 Is summer vacation (vacation calendar) is the result of Prevalence of Vitamin D

deficiency among Students?

2.2 Secondary questions

 What is major reason why students in UAE are deficient in Vitamin D?

 Why students spend most of their time sleeping or staying at home in Summer
Vacations due to weather condition of UAE?
 Are the impacts of lengthy winter vacations are healthier for students than length
of summer vacation?
 Why students wants to go out in winter more than in summer?

3. Research Background

Despite abundant, year-long sunshine in the Middle East, vitamin D deficiency and
inadequacy is prevalent due, in large part, to traditional clothing covering most of the body
and the lack of foods rich in, or fortified with, vitamin D.As we know that UAE is on head
of losing the energetic feature of its residents due to lack of necessary nutrients from the
body. It is some time due to the temperate as the humidity level is high in UAE atmosphere
or sometime due to the diversion of interest toward other activities more. For example

3.1 Causes

Unhealthy eating Habits: Fast Food lovers would prefer fast food in-store eating instead
of healthy food habits they will later on will develop dietary irregularities or eating

Inorganic Food: Similarly, in organic food have less constituents of necessary nutrient but
people are using it due to it less price.

Humidity level: A part from this, due to high humidity level people prefers to stay inside
their homes or visits places that are enclosed and do not get directs sun shine.

Unhealthy attitudes: Furthermore, today our lives are bizarre due to unusual attitudes of
both parents and kids spending most of their time watching television and kids playing I-
pad, computers etc.

3.2 Outcomes

Deficiency of vitamin D and insufficiency: Due to all these and more other reasons
prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency (serum 25(OH)D < 50 nmol/L) in
UAE by age and gender as shown in below figure

The highest prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency among children and
adolescents in UAE with a range of 40%–45%. Another study examined 138 Emirati
women aged 20.8 +- 4.0 years and found the level of mean serum 25(OH)D to be higher
in summer than in winter, showing that seasonal change plays a vital role in the status of
vitamin D.

A cross-sectional research of 315 healthy adolescents in the UAE was conducted suggested
that 45.4% had vitamin D insufficiency (serum 25(OH)D 50 nmol/L). Adolescent girls
were also more likely to have a serum 25(OH)D level of 37.5 nmol/L than boys .

Not just this but all these micronutrients deficiencies cause many other illness in babies,
child, Adolescent, Adult, Pregnant women and Elderly. The main illness caused by the
deficiency of micro nutrients can be seen in the below figure

4. Result

1. Have you received a suntan in the past 12 months?

A total of 96 respondents answered this question 68 of them replied yes and 13 of them
says No and 15 of them were not sure of applying suntan in the past 12 months

2. Do you use sunscreen?

A total of 98 respondents answered this question 24 of them replied yes and 52 of them
said no and 20 of them used sun screen sometime.

3. On average, how much sun exposures have you had in the past week?

For 100% of the respondents 18.8% answered None i.e. 5 mins/day. 27.1% of the
respondents answered 5 to 15 mins/day, 21.9% answered 15 to 30 mins/day, 13.5%
answered 30 to 60 mins/day and 18.8% of respondents answered more than 1hr/day.

4. How many servings of milk do you get weekly?

For 100% of the respondents 42.7% reported less than 2 serving of milk/week, 30.2%
reported 2 to 4 servings of milk/week, 18.8 % reported 4 to 6 servings of milk/week
whereas 8.3% of respondents reported 7 or more servings of milk/week.

5. Do you take vitamin D supplements or calcium with vitamin D?

From total of 96 respondents 39 reported to be taken vitamin D supplements whereas 57
respondents shows no usage of Vitamin D supplements

6. Do you follow a healthy diet; one that includes all required vitamins and nutrients

A total of 96 respondents answered from which 40 respondents follow a healthy diet

whereas 56 were not following healthy diet.

7. What type of diet do you follow?

A total of 96 respondents disclosed about the diet they used. 78 respondents said they
used all kinds of food types, 2 respondents said they follow only vegetables whereas the
16 respondents said they follow vegetarian diet along with eggs and milk.

8. Do you, or did you ever have deficiency in vitamin D?

A total of 96 respondents answered the questions. 57 reported to have deficiency, 15

respondents were not, 9 were not sure and 15 were unaware about the vitamin D

9. What is major reason why students in UAE are deficient in Vitamin D?

A total of 181 respondents tells their opinion about the reason of Vitamin D deficiency
among UAE students. 53 respondents held lifestyle responsible for Vitamin D deficiency
among UAE students, 42 held hot weather conditions responsible for Vitamin D deficiency
among UAE students, 27 said they don’t like sunlight. 42 respondents held unhealthy food
responsible for Vitamin D deficiency among UAE students, 15 respondents held spending
day hours in class responsible for Vitamin D deficiency among UAE students whereas 2
respondents reported other reason for this deficiency.

A total of 96 respondents disclosed about how they spend summer vacations. 57
respondents said they spend most of their summer vacations indoor, 34 respondents replied
no whereas the 2 respondents said they do other things in summer vacations.

A total of 96 respondents disclosed about their view of changing the school study calendar
to winter study calendar. 72 respondents agreed, 22 respondents disagreed whereas the 2
respondents said they don’t have any opinion.

A total of 96 respondents disclosed about their view of changing the summer vocational
calendar to winter calendar. 75 respondents agreed, 20 respondents disagreed whereas the
12 respondents said they don’t have any opinion.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 69 respondents agreed, 27 respondents
disagreed to distribute the summer vacations throughout the year.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 33 respondents strongly satisfied, 21

respondents satisfied whereas 42 respondents unsatisfied with the.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 70 respondents considered summer

vacation useful for students whereas 23 disagreed and 3 respondents have other opinion.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 19 respondents spent their summer
vacation always aboard whereas 24 respondents sometime spent their summer vacation
aboard and 53 respondents spent their vacation at homeland.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 46 respondents prefer to travel in summer

vacation inside the country whereas 47 respondents does not prefer in country travel during
summer vacations and 3 respondents have other view.

43.85 of the respondents agreed with the reason while 56.3 disagree with the mentioned

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 70 respondents considered visiting open
places healthy in summer vacation whereas 24 respondents does not considered visiting
open places healthy in summer vacation and 2 respondents have other view.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 79 respondents prefer long winter

vacations whereas 15 respondents do not prefer long winter and 2 respondents have other

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 52 respondents agreed with reason whereas
23 said they managed the events, only 1 respondents reported of going out, 2 reported to
use internet for this purpose and 10 respondents agree with the reason without any excuse
and 3 respondents have other views.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 64 respondents agreed with statement

whereas 32 disagreed with the above statements

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 78 respondents agreed with statement

whereas 14 disagreed with the above statements and 4 have other opinions.

A total of 96 respondents attended the question. 67 respondents agreed with statement
whereas 26 disagreed with the above statements and 3 have other opinions.

5. Finding & conclusion

It is to be concluded from above results that majority of respondents are in the favor of
changing the summer vacation calendar into winter vacation calendar as they considered it
one of the primary factor that cause the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among UAE
students. If we considered the results of above mentioned questions than we will come to
know that changing the calendar would affect the Vitamin D deficient factor greatly due to
reasons such as favorable weather conditions, outdoor occasions and parties in day time,
travelling in day time etc.

6. Recommendations

Depending on the results and finding of the study that we conducted, we would like to
recommend some of the factors regarding vitamin D deficiency among UAE students.
These initiatives could improve the status of vitamin D among students

 Defining Model of the Health literacy program for UAE students

 Delivery of Health literacy program to UAE students using Lesson plans in a
separate lectures and meetings arranged for this purpose.

 Potential survey to be conducted for evaluation from UAE students using the
approved health literacy assessment tool such as newest vital sign instrument.
 Creating the awareness among the UAE student about the level of obtaining,
processing and understanding fundamental health information and services;
perform proper health care decisions, or proceed according to health information
and precautions; and the potential to reach or search the health care system.

7. References

 Newman, I. & Redenour, C. (1998). Qualitative-Quantitative Research

Methodology: Exploring the Interactive Continuum. Department of Educational
Leadership. Available at
 Hawalla at al. (2017). The Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiencies and
Inadequacies in the Middle East and Approaches to Interventions. Available at
 Vitamin D deficicency. (n.d). Vitamin D deficiency. Available at


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