Between Closed Sets and G-Closed Sets: M.K.R.S. Veera Kumar

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Department of Mathematics, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510,


1991 AMS classification : 54 A 05, 54 D 10.

Key words and phrases : g-closed sets; g*-closed sets; g*-continuous maps; g*-

irresolute maps; T1/2* spaces; *T1/2 spaces; aTc spaces and Tc spaces.

In this paper we introduce a new class of sets namely, g*-closed sets, which

settled properly in between the class of closed sets and the class of generalized closed

sets. Applying these sets, the author introduced four new class of spaces, namely

T1/2 * spaces, *T1/2 spaces (both classes contain the class of T1/2 spaces), aTc spaces

and Tc spaces. The class of Tc spaces is properly placed in between the class of Tb

spaces and the class of Td spaces. It is shown that dual of the class of T1/2* spaces to

the class of aTb spaces is the class of aTc spaces and the dual of the class of *T1/2

spaces to the class of T1/2 spaces is the class of T1/2* spaces and also that the dual of

the class of Td spaces to the class of Tc spaces is the class of aTc spaces. Further we

introduce g*-continuous maps and g*-irresolute maps.


Levine [16] introduced the class of g-closed sets, a super class of closed sets in

1970. N.V.Velicko [26] defined two subclasses of closed sets namely, d-

closed sets

and q-closed sets in 1968. Maki [18] defined ag-closed sets and a**g-closed

sets in 1994. S.P.Arya and T.Nour [4] defined gs-closed sets in 1990, which were

used for characterizing s-normal spaces. Dontchev [11], Gnanambal [15] and

Palaniappan and Rao [24] introduced gsp-closed sets, gpr-closed sets and r-g-
closed sets respectively. We introduce a new class of sets (using new technique)

called g*-closed sets, which is properly placed in between the class of closed sets and

the class of g-closed sets. We also showed that this new class is properly contained in

the class of ag-closed sets, the class of gs-closed sets, the class of gsp-closed sets, the

class of gpr-closed sets, the class of r-g-closed sets and the class of a**g-closed sets

and properly contains the class of d-closed sets and the class of q-closed sets.

Levine [17], Mashhour[21] Njastad [23] and Abd-El-Monsef [1]

introduced semi-open sets, preopen sets, a-sets and b-sets respectively. Andrijević

[2] called b-sets as semi-preopen sets. The complement of a semi-open (resp.preopen,

a-open, semi-preopen) set is called a semi-closed (resp.preclosed, a-closed, semi-

preclosed) set. Maki [19] and Bhattacharya and Lahiri [6] introduced and

studied ga-closed sets and sg-closed sets respectively. We proved that g*-closedness

is independent from semi-closedness, pre-closedness, a-closedness, semi-

preclosedness, sg-closedness and ga-closedness.

Applying g*-closed sets, four new spaces namely, T1/2* spaces, *T1/2 spaces, Tc

spaces and aTc spaces are introduced. Levine [16], Devi[8] and Devi[7]

introduced T1/2 spaces, Tb (Td) spaces, and aTb( aTd) spaces respectively. Tc(aTc) is

properly placed in between Tb( aTb) and Td(aTd). It is shown that T1/2* (*T1/2) is

strictly weaker than Tb, aTb and T1/2 ( aTc) and T1/2. We also found that aTc ness is the

dual of T1/2* ness to aTb ness and *T1/2 ness is the dual of T1/2* ness to T1/2 ness. We

also get a tri-decomposition for Tb ness.


Throughout this paper (X, t), (Y, s) and (Z, h) represent non-empty topological

spaces on which no separation axioms are assumed unless otherwise mentioned. For

a subset A of a space (X, t), cl(A) and int(A) denote the closure and the interior of A

respectively. The power set of X is denoted by P(X).

DEFINITION 2.1 - A subset A of a topological space (X, t) is called

(1) a pre-open set [21] if A Í int(cl(A)) and a preclosed set if cl(int(A)) Í A.

(2) a semi-open set [17] if A Í cl(int(A)) and a semi-closed set if int (cl(A)) Í A.

(3) an a-open set [23] if A Í int(cl(int(A))) and an a-closed set [22] if cl

(int(cl(A))) Í A.

(4) a semi-preopen set [2] (= b-open[1]) if A Í cl(int(cl(A))) and a semi preclosed

set [2] (= b-closed [1]) if int(cl(int(A))) Í A.

(5) a d-closed set [26] if A = cld(A), where cld(A) = {xÎX : int(cl(U)) Ç A

¹ f,UÎt and x ÎU}.

(6) a q-closed set [26] if A = clq(A), where clq(A) = {xÎX : cl(U)ÇA ¹ f, UÎt

and x ÎU}.

The class of all closed (resp.semi-preclosed, a-open) subsets of a space (X,t) is

denoted by C(X,t) (resp.SPC(X,t),ta). The intersection of all semi-closed (resp.pre-

closed, semi-preclosed and a-closed) sets containing a subset A of (X,t) is called the

semi-closure (resp.pre-closure, semi-pre-closure and a-closure) of A and is denoted

by scl(A)(resp.pcl(A),spcl(A) and acl(A)).

DEFINITION 2.2 - A subset A of a topological space (X, t) is called

(1) a generalized closed set (briefly g-closed)[16] if cl(A) Í U whenever A Í U

and U is open in (X, t).

(2) a semi-generalized closed set (briefly sg-closed) [6] if scl(A) Í U whenever A

Í U and U is semi-open in (X, t).

(3) a generalized semi-closed set (briefly gs-closed) [4]if scl(A) Í U whenever A

Í U and U is open in (X, t).

(4) a generalized a-closed set (briefly ga-closed) [19] if acl(A) Í U whenever A

Í U and U is a-open in (X, t).

(5) an a-generalized closed set (briefly ag-closed) [18] if acl(A) Í U whenever

A Í U and U is open in (X, t).

(6) an a**-generalized closed set (briefly a**g-closed) [18] if acl(A)

Í int(cl(U)) whenever A Í U and U is open in (X, t).

(7) a ga*-closed set [19] if acl(A) Í int(U) whenever A Í U and U is a-open in

(X, t).

(8) a generalized semi-preclosed set (briefly gsp-closed [11] if spcl(A) Í U

whenever A Í U and U is open in (X, t).

(9) a regular generalized closed set (briefly r-g-closed) [24] if cl(A) ÍU

whenever A Í U and U is regular open in (X, t).

(10) a generalized preclosed set (briefly gp-closed) [20] if pcl(A) Í U whenever A

Í U and U is open in (X, t).

(11) a generalized preregular closed set (briefly gpr-closed) [15] if pcl(A) Í U

whenever A Í U and U is regular open in (X, t).

(12) a q-generalized closed set (briefly q-g-closed) [13] if clq(A) Í U whenever A

Í U and U is open in (X, t).

(13) a d-generalized closed set (briefly d-g-closed) [12] if cld(A) Í U whenever A

Í U and U is open in (X, t).

The class of all g-closed sets (gsp-closed sets) of a space (X, t) is denoted by

GC(X, t)(GSPC(X, t)).

DEFINITION 2.03 - A function f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) is called.

(1) a semi-continuous [17] if f -1(V) is a semi-open set of (X, t) for every open set V

of (Y, s).

(2) a pre-continuous [21] if f -1(V) is a preclosed set of (X, t) for every closed set V

of (Y, s).

(3) an a-continuous [22] if f -1(V) is an a-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V

of (Y, s).

(4) a b-continuous [1] if f -1(V) is a semi-preclosed set of (X, t) for every open set V

of (Y, s).

(5) a g-continuous [5] if f -1(V) is a g-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V of

(Y, s).

(6) an ag-continuous [15] if f -1(V) is an ag-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V

of (Y, s).

(7) a gs-continuous [9] if f -1(V) is a gs-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V of

(Y, s).

(8) a gsp-continuous [11] if f -1(V) is a gsp-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V

of (Y, s).

(9) a rg-continuous [24] if f -1(V) is a rg-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V of

(Y, s).

(10) a gp-continuous [3] if f -1(V) is a gp-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V of

(Y, s).
(11) a gpr-continuous [15] if f -1(V) is a gpr-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V

of (Y, s).

(12) a gc-irresolute [5] if f -1(V) is a g-closed set of (X, t) for every g-closed set V of

(Y, s).

(13) a gs-irresolute [9] if f –1(V) is a gs-closed set of (X, t) for every gs-closed set V

of (Y, s).

(14) a ag-irresolute [7] if f -1(V) is a ag-closed set of (X, t) for every ag-closed set V

of (Y, s).

DEFINITION 2.4 - A topological space (X, t) is said to be

(1) a T1/2 space [16] if every g-closed set in it is closed.

(2) a semi-T1/2 space [6] if every sg-closed set in it is semi-closed.

(3) a semi-pre-T1/2 space [11] if every gsp-closed set in it is semi-preclosed.

(4) an aT1/2 space [19] if (X, t a) is a T1/2 space.

(5) an aT1 space [19] if (X, t a) is a T1 space.

(6) a Tb space [8] if every gs-closed set in it is closed.

(7) a Td space [8] if every gs-closed set in it is g-closed.

(8) an aTd space [7] if every ag-closed set in it is g-closed.

(9) an aTb space [7] if every ag-closed set in it is closed.

(10) a T3/4 space [12] if every d-generalized closed set in it is d-closed.

Further we call a function f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) as a**g-continuous if

f -1(V) is an a**g-closed set of (X,t) whenever V is a closed set of (Y,s).


We introduce the following definition.

DEFINITION 3.1 - A subset A of (X, t) is called g*-closed set if cl(A) Í U

whenever A Í U and U is g-open in (X, t).

The class of g*-closed subsets of (X, t). is denoted by G*C (X, t).
THEOREM 3.2 - Every closed set is a g*-closed set.

The following example supports that a g*-closed set need not be closed in general.

EXAMPLE 3.3 - Let X = {a, b, c} and t = {f, X, {a}, {a,c}}. Let A = {a, b}. A is

a g*-closed set but not a closed set of (X, t).

So the class of g*-closed sets properly contains the class of closed sets. Next we

show that the class of g*-closed sets is properly contained in the class of g-closed sets.

THEOREM 3.4 - Every g*-closed set is a g-closed set.

The converse of the above theorem is not true in general as it can be seen from the

following example.

EXAMPLE 3.5 - Let X = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {a}, {b, c}} and B = {b}. B is not a

g*-closed set since {b} is a g-open set of (X, t) such that B Í {b} but cl(B) = cl({b})

= {b, c} Í {b}. However B is a g-closed set of (X, t).

The following theorem shows that the class of g*-closed sets is properly contained

in the class of ag-closed sets, the class of gs-closed sets, the class of gsp-closed sets,

the class of gp-closed sets, the class of gpr-closed sets, the class of a**g-closed, the

class of r-g-closed sets.

THEOREM 3.6 - Every g*-closed set is an ag-closed set and hence gs-closed,

gsp-closed, gp-closed, gpr-closed set and also a**g-closed set and r-g-closed set but

not conversely.

PROOF: Let A be a g*-closed set of (X, t). By the theorem 3.4, A is g-closed. By the

implications (2.4) in Maki[18], A is ag-closed, and a**g-closed. From the

investigations of Dontchev [11] and Gnanambal [15], we know that every g-closed set

is gs-closed, gsp-closed, gp-closed, gpr-closed and r-g-closed. Therefore again by the

Theorem 3.4, every g*-closed set is gs-closed, gsp-closed, gp-closed, gpr-closed and

r-g-closed. The set B = {b} in the example 3.05, is ag-closed, gs-closed, gp-closed,

gpr-closed, a**g-closed and r-g-closed but not a g*-closed set.

THEOREM 3.7 - Every d-closed set is a g*-closed set.

The converse of the above theorem is not true as we see the following example.

EXAMPLE 3.8 - Let X = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {a, b}} and D = {a, c}. D is not a d-

closed set, in fact, it is not even a closed set. However D is g*-closed.

So the class of g*-closed sets not only contains the class of closed sets properly but

also properly contains the class of d-closed sets. Next we see that the class of g*-

closed sets properly contains the class q-closed sets also.

THEOREM 3.9 - Every q-closed set is a g*-closed set.

The following example shows that the converse of the above theorem is not true in


EXAMPLE 3.10 - Let X = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {a}, {a, b}, {a, c}} and E = {c}.

Clearly E is closed and hence g*-closed. E is not a q-closed set of (X,).

REMARK 3.11 - g*-closedness is independent from a-closedness, semi-

closedness preclosedness, semi-preclosedness, sg-closedness, ga-closedness and ga*-


PROOF : Let (X, t) be as in the example 3.3. Let B = {a, b} and D = {c}. B is g*-

closed. B is neither a-closed nor semi-closed, in fact, it is not even a semi-preclosed

set. Also C is not preclosed. D is a-closed and hence semi-closed, preclosed and

semi-preclosed but it is not a g*-closed set. Also D is sg-closed, ga-closed and ga*-

closed. Moreover B is not a sg-closed set.

REMARK 3.12 - If A and B are g*-closed sets, then A B is also a g*-closed set.

PROOF: Follows from the fact that cl(A B) = cl(A) cl(B).

THEOREM 3.13 - If A is both g-open and g*-closed set of (X, t), then A is


THEOREM 3.14 - A is a g*-closed set of (X, t) if and only if cl(A)-A does not

contain any non-empty g-closed set.

PROOF : Necessity-Let F be a g-closed set of (X, t) such that F Í cl(A)-A. Then A Í

X-F. Since A is g*-closed and X-F is g-open, then cl(A) Í X-F. This implies F Í X-

cl(A). So F Í (X-cl(A)) Ç (cl(A)-A) Í (X-cl(A)) Ç cl(A) = f. Therefore F = f.

Sufficiency- Suppose A is a subset of (X, t) such that cl(A)-A does not contain any

non-empty g-closed set. Let U be a g-open set of (X, t) such that A Í U. If cl(A) Í U,

then cl(A) Ç C(U) = f . Since cl(A) is a closed set, then by the Corollary 2.7 of [16],

f = cl(A) Ç C(U) is a g-closed set of (X, t). Then f = cl(A) Ç C(U) Í cl(A)-A. So

cl(A)-A contains a non-empty g-closed set. A contradiction. Therefore A is g*-closed.

The converse of the above theorem is not true as we see the following


THEOREM 3.15 - If A is a g*-closed set of (X,) such that A Í B Í cl(A), then B

is also a g*-closed set of (X, t).

PROOF: Let U be a g-open set of (X, t) such that B Í U. Then A Í U. Since A is

g*-closed, then cl(A) Í U. Now cl(B) Í cl(cl(A)) = cl(A) Í U. Therefore B is also a

g*-closed set of (X, t).

3.16- Thus we have the following diagram.

q-closed d-closed r-g-closed gpr-closed

closed g*-closed g-closed gp-closed

a-closed ga-closed ag-closed

semi-closed sg-closed gs-closed

semi-preclosed gsp-closed a**g-closed


, where A®B (resp.A«B) represents A implies B but not conversely (resp.A and B

are independent).


As applications of g*-closed sets, four new spaces namely, T1/2* spaces, aTc spaces,

*T1/2 spaces and Tc spaces are introduced.

We introduce the following definition.

DEFINITION 4.1 - A space (X,) is called a T1/2* space if every g*-closed set is

Levine [16] introduced T1/2 spaces as an application of g-closed sets. Dunham [14]

proved that a space (X, t) is T1/2 if and only if for each x Î X, {x} is either open or

closed. R.Devi [8] proved that a space (X, t) is T1/2 if and only if for each x Î

X, {x} is either closed or semi-open and in a T 1/2space, every gs-closed set is semi-

closed. Dontchev [10] showed that in a T1/2space, every ag-closed set is a-

closed.Dontchev and Maki [13] proved that in a T1/2 space, every q-g-closed set is

We prove that the class of T1/2* spaces properly contains the class of T1/2 spaces.

THEOREM 4.2 - Every T1/2 space is T1/2* space.

A T1/2*space need not be T1/2 in general as it can be seen from the following


EXAMPLE 4.3 - Let X = {a, b, c} and t = {f, X, {a}}. G*C(X, t) = {{b, c}, f, X}
= C(X, t). So (X, t) is not a T1/2 space since {b} is a g-closed set but not a closed set

of (X, t).
Bhattacharya and Lahiri [6] introduced semi-T1/2spaces as an application of sg-

closed sets. Sundaram[25] proved that a space (X, t) is semi-T1/2 if and only if

for each x Î X, {x} is either semi-open or semi-closed. Dontchev [11] introduced

semi-pre-T1/2spaces as an application of gsp-closed sets. He observed that semi-
T1/2ness and semi-pre-T1/2ness are independent from each other and proved that semi-

pre-T1/2ness is the dual of semi-T1/2ness to T1/2 ness.

We show that T1/2*ness is independent from semi-T1/2ness and semi-pre-T1/2ness.

REMARK 4.4 - T1/2*ness and semi-T1/2ness are independent as it can be seen from

the next two examples.

EXAMPLE 4.5 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.3. (X, t) is not a T1/2* space

since {a, b} is a g*-closed set but not a closed set of (X, t). However (X, t) is a semi-
T1/2 space.

EXAMPLE 4.6 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.5. (X, t) is not a semi-T1/2

space since {b} is neither a semi-open nor a semi-closed set of (X, t). However (X, t)
is a T1/2* space.

REMARK 4.7 - T1/2*ness is independent from semi-pre-T1/2ness also as it can be

seen from the next two examples.

EXAMPLE 4.8 - Let (X, t) be as in the example 3.8. (X, t) is not a T1/2* space

since {a, c} is a g*-closed set but not a closed set of (X, t). (X, t) is a semi-pre-T1/2

space since SPGC(X, t) = P(X)-{{a, b}} = SPC(X, t).

EXAMPLE 4.9 - Let (X, t) be as in the example 4.3. (X, t) is not a semi-pre-T1/2

space since {a, b} is a gsp-closed set but not a semi-preclosed set of (X, t). However
(X, t) is a T1/2*space.

Devi[8] and Devi[7] defined Tb spaces and aTb spaces respectively and

showed that every Tb(aTb) space is a T1/2 space.

Now we prove that every Tb(aTb) space is an aTb(T1/2) space but the converses are

not true.

THEOREM 4.10 - Every aTb space is T1/2* space.

A T1/2* space need not be an aTb as we see the next example.

EXAMPLE 4.11 - Let X and t be as in the example 4.3. Already we have seen
that (X, t) is a T1/2*space. (X,) is not an aTbspace since {b} is an ag-closed set but not

a closed set of (X, t).

THEOREM 4.12 - Every Tb space is an aTb space but not conversely.

PROOF: The first assertion follows from the fact that every ag-closed set is also a gs-
closed set. Let X = {a, b, c} and t = {f, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. (X, t) is not a Tb space

but an aTb space since aGC (X, t) = C(X, t).

THEOREM 4.13 - Every Tb space is a T1/2* space.

The converse of the above theorem is not true in general as the following example


EXAMPLE 4.14 -Let (X, t) be as in the example 4.3. Already we have seen that
(X, t) is a T1/2 * space. (X, t) is not a Tb space since it is not even a T1/2 space.

The following theorem gives a characterization of T1/2* spaces.

THEOREM 4.15 - For a space (X, t), the following conditions are equivalent:
(1) (X, t) is a T1/2* space.

(2) Every singleton of X is either g-closed or open.

PROOF: (1) Þ (2). Let x Î X and suppose {x} is not a g-closed set of (X, t). Then X

- {x} is not g-open. This implies X is the only g-open set containing X-{x}. So X-{x}
is a g*-closed set of (X, t). Since (X, t) is a T1/2* space, then X-{x} is closed or

equivalently {x} is open in (X, t).

(2) Þ (1). Let A be a g*-closed set of (X, t). Trivially A Í cl(A).

Let x Î cl(A). By (2), {x} is either g-closed or open.

Case (i) - Suppose {x} is g-closed. If xÏ A, then cl(A)-A contains a non-empty g-

closed set {x}. But this is not possible according to the theorem 3.14 as A is a g*

closed set. Therefore x Î A.

Case (ii) - Suppose {x} is open. Since x Î cl(A), then {x} Ç A ¹ f. So x ÎA.

Therefore x ÎA. So in any case cl(A) Í A. Thus A = cl(A) or equivalently A is a

closed set of (X, t).

We introduce the following definition.

DEFINITION 4.16 - A space (X, t) is called an aTc space if every ag-closed set

of (X, t) is g*-closed.
We show that the class of aTc spaces properly contains the class of aTb spaces and

is properly contained in the class of aTd spaces. We also show that the class of aTc

spaces is the dual of the class of T 1/2* spaces to the class of aTb spaces. Moreover we

prove that aTc ness and T1/2*ness are independent from each other.

THEOREM 4.17 - Every aTb space is an aTc space but not conversely.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be an aTb space. Let A be an ag-closed set of (X, t). Since (X, t) is

an aTb space, then A is closed. By the theorem 3.2, A is g*-closed. Therefore (X, t) is

an aTc space. The space (X, t) in the example 3.8 is an aTc space but not an aTb space.

THEOREM 4.18 - Every aTc space is an aTd space but not conversely.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be an aTc space. Let A be ag-closed set of (X, t). Then A is g*-

closed. By the theorem 3.4, A is g-closed. Therefore (X, t) is an aTd space. The space

in the example 4.3 is an aTd space but not an aTc space.

THEOREM 4.19 - A space (X, t) is an aTb space if and only if it is aTc and T1/2*.

PROOF: Necessity - Follows from the theorem 4.10 and 4.17.

Sufficiency - Suppose (X, t) is aTc and T1/2*. Let A be an ag-closed set of (X, t).

Since (X, t) is an aTc space, then A is a closed set of (X, t). Therefore (X, t) is an aTb

REMARK 4.20 - aTcness is independent from T1/2*ness, as we see the next two

EXAMPLE 4.21 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.8. (X, t) is not a T1/2* space,

as already we have seen in the example 4.08. However (X, t) is an aTc space.
EXAMPLE 4.22 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.5. G*C(X, t) = C(X, t).

So (X, t) is a T1/2 * space. (X, t) is not an aTc space since {b} is an ag-closed set but

not a g*-closed set of (X, t).

DEFINITION 4.23 - A subset A of a space (X,) is called a g*-open set if it's

complement is a g*-closed set of (X, t).

THEOREM 4.24 - If (X, t) is an aTc space, then for each x Î X, {x} is either ag-

closed or g*-open.

PROOF: Let x Î X and suppose that {x} is not an ag-closed set of (X, t). Then {x}

is not a closed set since every closed set is an ag-closed set. So X-{x} is not an open

set. Therefore X-{x} is an ag-closed set since X is the only open set which contains
X-{x}. Since (X, t) is an aTc space, then X-{x} is a g*-closed set or equivalently {x}

is g*-open.

REMARK 4.25 - The converse of the above theorem is not true as it can be seen

from the following example.

EXAMPLE 4.26 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.5. The space (X, t) satisfies
the conclusion of the above theorem 4.24. (X, t) is not an aTc space as already we

have seen in the example 4.22.

We now introduce the following definition.

DEFINITION 4.27 - A space (X, t) is called a *T 1/2 space if every g-closed set of

(X, t) is a g*-closed set.

First we show that the class of *T1/2 spaces properly contains the class of T1/2

spaces and the class of aTc spaces.

THEOREM 4.28 - Every T1/2 space is a *T1/2 space but not conversely.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be a T1/2 space. Let A be a g-closed set of (X, t). Since (X, t) is a

T1/2 space, then A is closed. By the theorem 3.2, A is a g*-closed set of (X, t).

Therefore (X, t) is a *T1/2 space. The space (X, t) in the example 3.3 is a *T 1/2 space

but not a T1/2 space.

THEOREM 4.29 - Every aTc space is a *T1/2 space but not conversely.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be an aTc space. Let A be a g-closed set of (X, t). Then A is also

an ag-closed set. Since (X, t) is an aTc space, then A is a g*-closed set of (X, t).

Therefore (X, t) is also a *T1/2 space. The space in the example 3.3 is a *T 1/2 space but

not an aTc space.

Thus the class of *T1/2 spaces is the dual of the class of T1/2* spaces to the class of

T1/2 spaces. Now we show that *T 1/2ness and T1/2*ness are independent from each

THEOREM 4.30 - A space (X, t) is a T1/2 space if and only if it is *T1/2 and T1/2*.

PROOF: Necessity - Follows from the theorems 4.2 and 4.28

Sufficiency - Suppose (X, t) is both T1/2* and *T1/2. Let A be a g-closed set of (X, t).

Since (X, t) is *T1/2, then A is g*-closed. Since (X, t) is a T1/2* space, then A is a

closed set of (X, t). Thus (X, t) is a T1/2space.

REMARK 4.31 - T1/2*ness and *T1/2ness are independent as we see the next two

EXAMPLE 4.32 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.5. (X, t) is not a *T1/2 space

since {b} is a g-closed set but not a g*-closed set of (X, t). However (X, t) is a T1/2*

EXAMPLE 4.33 - Let X and t be as in the example 3.3. (X, t) is not a T1/2* space

as already we have seen in the example 4.5. However (X, t) is a *T1/2space.

THEOREM 4.34 - If (X, t) is a *T1/2space, then for each x Î X, {x} is either

closed or g*-open.
PROOF: Suppose (X, t) is a *T1/2space. Let x ÎX and assume that {x} is not a closed

set. Then X-{x} is not an open set. This implies X-{x} is a g-closed set since X is the
only open set which contains X-{x}. Since (X, t) is a *T1/2 space, then X-{x} is a g*-

closed set or equivalently {x} is g*open.

Now we introduce the following definition.

DEFINITION 4.35 - A space (X, t) is called a Tc space if every gs-closed set of

(X, t) is g*-closed.
We show that the class of Tc spaces properly contains the class of Tb spaces, the

class of aTb spaces and is properly contained in the class of T1/2 spaces, the class of aTc

spaces, the class Td spaces, the class of aTd spaces.

THEOREM 4.36 - Every Tb space is a Tc space but not conversely.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be a Tb space. Let A be a gs-closed set of (X, t). Since (X, t) is

Tb, then A is closed set. By the theorem 3.2, A is also a g*-closed set. Therefore

(X, t) is a Tc space. The space (X, t) in the example 3. 8 is a Tc space but not a Tb


THEOREM 4.37 - Every Tb space is a Td space but not conversely.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be a Tcspace. Let A be a gs-closed set of (X, t). Since (X, t) is Tc,

then A is g*-closed. By the theorem 3.4, A is also a g-closed set. Therefore (X, t) is
also a Tdspace. The space (X, t) in the example 3.5 supports the second assertion.

THEOREM 4.38 - Every Tc space is an aTc space.

PROOF: Let (X, t) be a Tc space. Let A be an g-closed set of (X, t). Then A is also

gs-closed set. Since (X, t) is Tc, then A is a g*-closed set of (X, t). Therefore (X, t) is

an aTc space.

The converse of the above theorem is not true as can be seen from the following


EXAMPLE 4.39 - Let X = {a, b, c} and t = {f, X, {a}, {b},{a, b}}. (X, t) is not a
Tc space since {b} a gs-closed set but not a g*-closed set of (X, t). However (X, t) is

an aTc space.

PROPOSITION 4.40 - If (X, t) is a Tc space, then for each x Î X, {x} is semi-

closed or g*-open in (X, t).

PROOF: Let (X, t) be a Tc space and suppose that {x} is not semi-closed for some x Î

X. Then by the proposition 6.4(ii) of [8], X-{x} is a sg-closed set. By (2.5) of [8], X-
{x} is gs-closed. Since (X, t) is a Tc space, then X-{x} is g*-closed or equivalently,

{x} is g*-open.

REMARK 4.41 - The following example shows that the converse of the above

Proposition is not true in general.

EXAMPLE 4.42 - Let X and t be as in the example 4.39. Each singleton {x} of
X is semi-closed. Already we have seen that (X, t) is not a Tc space.

Next we prove that the dual of the class of T d spaces to the class of Tc spaces is the

class of aTc spaces.

THEOREM 4.43 - A space (X, t) is Tc if and only if it is a Td and an aTc.

PROOF: Necessity - Follows from the theorem 4.37 and 4.38.

Sufficiency - Suppose (X, t) is both Td and aTc. Let A be a gs-closed set of (X, t).

Since (X, t) is Td, then A is g-closed. Then A is also an ag-closed set of (X, t). Since

(X, t) is an aTc, then A is a g*-closed set of (X, t). Therefore (X, t) is a Tc space.

The following theorem shows that the dual of the class of Tc spaces to the class of

Tb spaces is the class of T1/2* spaces.

THEOREM 4.44 - A space (X, t) is a Tb space if and only if it is a Tc and a T1/2*


PROOF: Necessity - Follows from the theorem 4.13 and 4.36.

Sufficiency - Suppose (X, t) is both Tc and T1/2*. Let A be a gs-closed set of (X, t).

Since (X, t) is a Tc space, then A is a g*-closed set. Since (X, t) is a T1/2* space, then A

is a closed set of (X, t). Therefore (X, t) is a Tb space.

By considering three classes, namely the class of aTc spaces, the class of Td spaces

and the class of T1/2* spaces, in the next theorem we have that the intersection of any

two of these three classes is the dual of the other class to the class of Tb spaces.
THEOREM 4.45 - A space (X, t) is a Tb space if and only if it is aTc, Td and T1/2*.

PROOF: Follows from the theorems 4.43 and 4.44.

4.46 T1 aT1 aT1/2


Tb aTb T1/2 T3/4

Td Tc

aTc T1/2* semi-pre-T1/2



, where A ® B (resp.A « B) represents A implies B but not conversely (resp. A and B

are independent).

THEOREM 4.47 - For a topological space (X, t), the following conditions are

(1) (X, t) is a T1/2 space.

(2) Every singleton of X is either open or closed.

(3) Every singleton of X is either semi-open or closed.

(4) Every ag-closed set of (X, t) is a-closed.

(5) Every gs-closed set of (X, t) is semi-closed.

(6) Every q-generalized closed set of (X, t) is closed.

(7) (X, t) is a semi-T1/2 space and a semi-pre-T1/2 space.

(8) (X, t) is a T1/2* space and *T1/2 space.

PROOF: (1) Û (2) is nothing but the theorem 2.5 of [14]. From the theorem 6.5 of

[8], we have (1) Û (3) Û (5). By the theorem 2.3 of [10], we have (1) Û (4).

(1) Û (7) is nothing but the theorem 4.5 of [11].

By the theorem 4.30, we have (1) Û (8). (1) Û (6) follows from [13].


We introduce the following definition.

DEFINITION 5.1 - A function f :(X, t) ® (Y, s) is called g*-continuous if

f -1(V) is a g*-closed set of (X, t) for every closed set V of (Y, s).

THEOREM 5.2 - Every continuous map is g*-continuous.

The following example supports that the converse of the above theorem is not true

in general.

EXAMPLE 5.3 - Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {a}, {a, c}} and s = {f, X, {a},

{b}, {a, b}}. Define f :(X, t) ® (Y, s) by f(a) = a, f(b) = c and f(c) = b. f is not

continuous since {a, c} is a closed set of (Y, s) but f -1({a, c}) = {a, b} is not a closed

set of (X, t). However f is g*-continuous.

Thus the class of all g*-continuous maps properly contains the class of all

continuous maps. Next we will observe that the class of all g*-continuous maps is

properly contained in the classes of g-continuous maps, ag-continuous maps, a**g-

continuous maps, gs-continuous maps, gsp-continuous maps, gp-continuous maps,

r-g-continuous maps and gpr-continuous maps.

THEOREM 5.4 - Every g*-continuous map is g-continuous and hence an ag-

continuous, a**g-continuous, gs-continuous, gsp-continuous, gp-continuous, r-g-

continuous and gpr-continuous.

PROOF: Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be a g*-continuous map. Let V be a closed set of

(Y, s). Since f is g*-continuous, then f -1(V) is a g*-closed set of (X, t). By the

theorem 3.4 and 3.6, f -1(V) is g-closed, ag-closed, a**g-closed, gs-closed, gsp-

closed, gp-closed, r-g-closed and gpr-closed set of (X, t).

The following example supports that the converse of the above theorem is not ture

in general.

EXAMPLE 5.5 - Let X = {a, b, c} and t = {f, X, {a}, {b, c}}. Define g :(X,t) ®

(X, t) by g(a) = b, g(b) = a and g(c) = c. GC(X, t) = P(X, t) and G*C(X, t) =

C(X, t). g is g-continuous and hence ag-continuous, a**g-continuous gs-continuous,

gsp-continuous, gp-continuous, r-g-continuous and gpr-continuous. But g is not g*-


REMARK 5.6 - g*-continuity and b-continuity are independent as the next two

examples show.

EXAMPLE 5.7 - Let X, Y, t, s and f be as in the example 5.3. Then C(Y, s) =

{f, Y, {c}, {a, c},{b, c}}. G*C(X, t) = {f, X, {b}, {a, b},{b, c}}. f is not b-continuous

since {a, c} is a closed set of (Y, s) but f -1 ({a, c}) = {a, b} is not a b-closed set of

(X, t). However f is g*-continuous.

EXAMPLE 5.8 - Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {b}, {a, c}} and s = {f, Y, {a},

{a, b}, {a, c}}. Let i : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be the identity map. C(Y, s) = {f, Y, {b}, {c},

{b, c}} = SPC(X, t). i is not a g*-continuous map since {c} is a closed set of

(Y, s) but i -1({c}) = {c} is not a g*-closed set of (X, t). However i is b-continuous.

THEOREM 5.9 - g*-continuity is independent from semi-continuity, a-continuity

and pre-continuity.

PROOF: The function f in the example 5.7 is g*-continuous. f is neither semi-

continuous nor pre-continuous. So f is not an a-continuous map. The function i in

the example 5.8 is a-continuous and hence it is both semi-continuous and pre-

continuous. But already we observed that i is not g*-continuous.

The following example supports that the composition of two g*-continuous map

need not be g*-continuous map again.

EXAMPLE 5.10 - Let X = Y = Z = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, {a, c}}, s

= {f, Y, {a}, {a, c}} and h = {f, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. Let f be the identity map from

(X, t) onto (Y, s). Define g :(Y, s) ® (Z, h) by g(a) = a, g(b) = c and g(c) = b .

Clearly f and g are g*-continuous. {a, c} is a closed set of (Z, h) but (f o g) -1 ({a, c})

= f -1 (g -1 ({a, c})) = f -1 ({a, b}) = {a, b} is not a g*-closed set of (X, t). Therefore f o g

: (X, t) ® (Z, h) is not g*-continuous.

DEFINITION 5.11 - A function f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) is called g*-irresolute if

f -1(V) is a g*-closed set of (X, t) for every g*-closed set of (Y, s).

THEOREM 5.12 - Every g*-irresolute function is g*-continuous.

The following example supports that the converse of the above theorem is not true.

EXAMPLE 5.13 - Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, t = {f, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, {a, c}} and s

= {f, Y, {a, b}}. Define h : (X, t) ® (Y, s) by h(a) = b, h(b) = c and h(c) = a. h is not

a g*-irresolute map since {b, c} is a g*-closed set of (Y, s) but h-1 ({b, c}) = {a, b} is

not a g*-closed set of (X, t). However h is g*-continuous.

THEOREM 5.14 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) and g :(Y, s) ® (Z, h) be any two

functions. Then

(1) g o f is g*-continuous if g is continuous and f is g*-continuous.

(2) g o f is g*-irresolute if both f and g are g*-irresolute.

(3) g o f is g*-continuous if g is g*-continuous and f is g*-irresolute.

THEOREM 5.15 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be a g*-continuous map. If (X, t) is

T*1/2, then f is continuous .

THEOREM 5.16 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be an ag-continuous map. If (X, t) is

Te, then f is g*-continuous.

THEOREM 5.17 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be a g-continuous map. If (X, t) is *T1/2,

then f is g*-continuous.
THEOREM 5.18 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be a gs-continuous map. If (X, t) is Tc,

then f is g*-continuous.

THEOREM 5.19 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be a gc-irresolute and closed map.

Then f(A) is a g*-closed set of (Y, s) for every g*-closed set A of (X, t).

PROOF: Let A be a g*-closed set of (X, t), Let U be a g-open set of (Y, s) such that

f(A) Í U. Since f is gc-irresolute, then f -1 (U) is a g-open set of (X, t). Since A Í f-1

(U) and A is a g*-closed set of (X, t), then cl(A) Í f-1 (U).

Then f(cl(A)) Í f (f-1 (U)) Í U. Since f is closed, then f(cl(A) = cl(f(cl(A)). This

implies cl(f(A) Í cl(f(cl(A))) Í f(cl(A) Í U. Therefore f(A) is a g*-closed set of

(Y, s).

THEOREM 5.20 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be onto, g*-irresolute and closed. If (X,
t) is T1/2*, then (Y, s) is also a T1/2* space.

DEFINITION 5.21 - A function f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) is called a pre-g*-closed if

f(A) is a g*-closed set of (Y, s) for every g*-closed set of (X, t).

THEOREM 5.22 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be onto, gc-irresolute and pre-g*-

closed. If (X, t) is *T1/2, then (Y, s) is also a *T1/2 space.

THEOREM 5.23 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be onto, ag-irresolute and pre-g*-

closed. If (X, t) is an aTc space, then (Y, s) is also an aTc space.

THEOREM 5.24 - Let f : (X, t) ® (Y, s) be onto, gs-irresolute and pre-g*-

closed. If (X, t) is a Tc space, then (Y, s) is also a Tc space.


I am thankful to Professor J.Umehara for his valuable comments and

suggestions. I am also thankful to Professors J.Dontchev(Finland), H.Maki(Japan) and

M.Ganster(Austria) for sending many of their reprints as soon as I requested.


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