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Peripheral Simulation

For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — A/D Converter (6 Channels)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
 VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

A/D Converter 0 Dialog

The A/D Converter dialog displays the status registers for all of the A/D converters
supported by this device. The Analog Input Channels, listed at the bottom of the dialog,
allow you to specify the voltage for each analog input.
A/D Control

 ADnC R (A/D n Control Register) contains the follow ing control bits for the A/D
 CLKS (Conversion Clocks)selects the number of clocks used for each conversion in
Burst mode and the bit accuracy.
 START controls when and if the an A/D conversion is started.
 SEL selects which pins of the analog input (AINn) are to be sampled and converted.
 CLKDIV (Clock Divisor) is the value (minus 1) d ivided into the VPB clock to produce the
A/D Rate.
 A/D Clock displays the A/D clock rate.
 PDN (Power Down) is set if the A/D is operational. When reset, the A/D is in power
down mode.
 BURST is set to use the number of clocks specified in BURST. If reset , conversions are
software controlled and requires 11 clocks.
 EDGE is set to start the conversion on a rising edge. If reset, conversion starts on a
falling edge.

A/D Global Data & Status

 ADnGDR (A/D n Global Data Register) contains the following bits for controlling A/D
data conversion:
 RESULT (Result Value) when DONE is set, contains the voltage input divided by the
voltage reference.
 CHN (Channel) is the channel containing the converted bits.
 DONE is set when the A/D conversion completes.
 ADINT is set when an A/D interrupt occurs.
 OVERRUN is set if one or more conversions were overw ritten before the current
conversion completed.

A/D Channe l Data

 ADnDR 0-7 (A/D n Channel Data Registers 0-7) contain the RESULT, DONE and
OVERRUN status for each of the eight channels.

A/D Inte rrupt Enable

 ADnINTEN 0-7 (A/D n Channel Interrupt Enable 0-7) contains the interrupt enable bit
for each of the eight channels(ADINTEN0 - ADINTEN7).
 ADGINTEN (A/D Global Interrupt Enable) is set to allow only the DONE flag to trigger
and ADC complete interrupt. When reset, each channel enabled in ADnINTEN can
trigger and ADC complete interrupt.

Analog Inputs

 ADn (Analog Data Input Channels n) are used for setting voltage input to the ADC.
These inputs are alternate functions for Port pins. The text box displays the analog
voltage value for each input channel.

Data Type: float
The ADx VTREGs set the analog input voltages for simulated A/D converters. The ADx
VTREGs represent the inputs to the analog input pins of the MCU for analog input 0, 1, 2,
and so on. AIN0 sets the input voltage for analog input #0, ADC1 sets the input voltage for
analog input #1, etc. If you have properly configured the analog inputs, the follow ing
commands (typed in the debugger's Command Window) inp ut the voltages specified.

AD0 = 0.000 /* Analog Input 0 = 0.000 volts */

AD1 = 2.500 /* Analog Input 1 = 2.500 volts */
AD2 = 4.999 /* Analog Input 2 = 4.999 volts */

You may create a debugger signal function to periodically change the value of the A/D input.
The following signal function increases the A/D Channel 1 input voltage by 0.1 volts each

signal void AD1_sig (void) {

float f;

for (f = 0.0; f < 5.0; f += 0.1)

swatch (1.0); // Delay 1 second
AD1 = f; // Set AD1 Voltage
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — D/A Converter

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

D/A Converter Dialog

The DAC Converter dialo g displays and configures the
Digital/Analog converter. The controls in this dialog are separated
into several logical groups.

D/A Control

 DAC R (D/A Control Register) contains the following settings:

 VALUE (Digital Data Velue) contains the value to be
converted to analog voltage on the AOUT pin.
 BIAS (BIAS Option) changes the maximu m current and
settling time for the analog voltage produced.
Voltage Re ference

 VREF (VREF Value) contains the voltage refernece value.

Analog Output

 AOUT (Analog Output) contains the D/A converted analog voltage.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — External Interrupts

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configura tion.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

External Interrupts Dialog

The External Interrupts Dialog controls the interrupt support for triggering interrupts from
an external source. You may use the following controls to select and configure the external
interrupt settings.

Selected External Inte rrupt Group

 EINTx (External Interrupt Flag 0-3) is set when an external interrupt (0-3) occurs.
 EXTWAKEx (External Interrupt 0-3 Wake-Up Enable) when set allows an external
interrupt to wake up the processor from Power Down mode.
 EXTMODEx (External Interrupt Mode 0-3) is set to configure the EINTx pin to be edge-
sensitive. If reset, the EINTx pin is level-sensitive.
 EXTPOLARx (External Interrupt Polarity 0-3) in level-sensitive mode, is set to indicate
the corresponding pin is high-active. In edge-sensitive mode, this bit is set to indicate
rising-edge sensitivity.
 EXTINT (External Interrupt Flag Register) contains the EINTx interrupt flags that set
when an external interrupt occurs.
 INTWAKE (Interrupt Wake-Up Register) contains the EXTWAKEx bits that allow
external interrupts to wake up the MCU from Power Down mode.
 EXTMODE (External Interrupt Mode Register) contains the external interrupt mode bit
settings for all EINT pins.
 EXTPOLAR (External Interrupt Polarity Register) contains the polarity settings for all
EINT pins.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO0-1)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
 VTREGs (Virtual Target Reg isters) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

General Purpose Input/Output 0 (GPIO0) Dialog

The General Purpose Input/Output 0 (GPIO 0) Dialog controls the direction of the general
purpose port 0 pins. You may use the follow ing controls to select and configure the external
interrupt settings.

GPIO0 Group

 IO0DIR (Input Output Direction Register) contains the direction assignments for each
I/O port bit. The checkboxes are checked for output and unchecked f or input.
 IO0SET (Input Output Set Register) bits are checked to force a high level for a that
port bit during output.
 IO0CLR (Input Output Clear Register) bits are checked to force a low level for a that
port bit during output.
 IO0PIN (Input Output Pin Value Register) contains the current condition of the GPIO 0
 Pins is used to manually control a pin value.

General Purpose Input/Output 1 (GPIO1) Dialog

The General Purpose Input/Output 1 (GPIO 1) Dialog controls the direction of the general
purpose port 1 pins. You may use the follow ing controls to select and configure the external
interrupt settings.

GPIO1 Group

 IO1DIR (Input Output Direction Register) contains the direction assignments for each
I/O port bit. The checkboxes are checked for output and unchecked for input.
 IO1SET (Input Output Set Register) bits are checked to force a high level for a that
port bit during output.
 IO1CLR (Input Output Clear Register) bits are checked to force a low level for a that
port bit during output.
 IO1PIN (Input Output Pin Value Register) contains the current condition of the GPIO 1
 Pins is used to manually control a pin value.

Data Type: unsigned long

The PORTx VTREGs represent the I/O pins of the simulated MCU for Port A, Port B, and so
on. PORTA represents Port A, PORTB represents Port B, etc. You may read PORTx to
determine the state of the output pins of that port. For example, in the command window
you may type,


to obtain value corresponding to the set pins of Port A. You may a lso change the input
values of port pins by changing the value of the VTREG. For example,


sets the upper four port pins of Port A to a value of 1 and all other port pins to a value of 0.
You may use the bitwise operators AND(&), OR(|) and XOR(^) to change individual bits of
the PORTx VT REGs. For example:

PORTA |= 0x00000001; /* Set PA0 Pin */

PORTB &= ~0x00000200; /* Clr PB9 Pin */
PORTA ^= 0x00800000; /* Toggle PA23 Pin */
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — I2C Interfaces: (I2C0-1)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
 VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

I2C Communication Dialog

The I2C Communication dialog d isplays the I2C communication activity on the I2C bus. The
message Mode, Address, Direction and data message content are displayed for each
message. To clear the message display, double-click anywhere in the message display area.

I2C Hardware Dialog

The I2C Hardware dialog configures one of the on-chip I2C controllers. Each I2C controller
fully supports master or slave operations. The follow ing groups control the simulation of the
I2C Interfaces:

I2C Control Group

 I2CnCONSET (I2C Control Set Register) is used to set bits in the I2C control register.
A bit value of zero in this register has no effect on the I2C control register. It contains
the following control bits:
 I2EN (Enable ) is set to enable this I2C interface.
 STA (Start) is set to enter master mode and send a START condition.
 STO (Stop) is set to send a STOP condition in master mode, and recover from an error
in slave mode.
 AA (Assert AC K) is set to request an acknowledge be returned f rom the slave device.
 SI (Inte rrupt) is set to indicate a state change in the I2C controller.
 I2CnCONCLR (I2C Control Clear Register) is used to clear bits in the I2C control
register. A bit value of zero in this register has no effect on the I2C control register. It
contains the following control bits:
 I2ENC disables the I2C controller.
 STAC clears the START flag.
 AAC clears the Assert ACK flag.
 SIC clears the I2C interrupt flag.

Clock Rate Group

 I2CnSC LL (I2C SCL Low Duty Cycle Register) contains the SCL Low Duty Cycle count.
 I2CnSC LH (I2C SCL High Duty Cycle Register) contains the SCL High Duty Cycle count.
 Master Cloc k displays the serial clock.

Status Group
 I2CnSTAT (Slave Status Register) contains I2C interface status code. The Device Mode
and Status display a decoded description of the interface status register value.

Address Group

 I2CnADR (I2C Slave Address Register) contains the value of the I2C slave address
register. This register is only valid in Slave mode.
 Device Address contains the slave device address.
 GC is set to respond to a General Call address(0x00).

Data Group

 I2CnDAT contains the data byte to be sent or the last data byte received.

Data Type: unsigned short

Data Type: unsigned short

Data Type: unsigned short

Data Type: unsigned short
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Memory Accelerator Module (MAM)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Memory Accelerator Module Dialog

The Memory Accelerator Module (MAM) dialog configures the
on-chip Memory Accelerator Module. The MAM is useful in
improving ARM processor performance when running program
from Flash memory. The follow ing groups control the
simulation of the MAM:

MAM Control Group

 MAMC R (MAM Control Register) controls the operating

mode of the MAM.
 Mode displays the current MAM mode.

MAM Timing Group

 MAMTIM (MAM Timing Register) sets the number of processor clocks(CCLK) for each
MAM fetch cycle.
 Fetch displays the current MAM timing setting.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Memory Mapping Control

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Memory Mapping Control Dialog

The Memory Mapping Control (MAM) dialog configures the
on-chip Memory Mapping Control logic. Memory Mapping
Control remaps the interrupt vectors to different memory
locations. The Memory Mapping Control settings are:

Memory Mapping Control Group

 MEMMAP (Memory Mapping Control Register) contains the Memory Mapping Control
register value.
 MAP determines the area of memory the processor should use for interrupt vectors.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Phase Locked Loops (PLL0-1)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configurat ion.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Phase Locked Loop 0 Dialog

The Phase Locked Loop 0 Dialog controls
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) function of the
ARM controller. Using this dialog, you can
configure the MCU clock frequency by
changing the multiplier and divider values
that control the MCU clock.

Control Registe r

 PLL0CON (PLL Control Register)

contains the PLL Enable bit (bit 0), and
the PLL Connect bit (bit 1).
 PLLE (PLL Enable) is set to activate the
PLL and allow it to lock to the requested
 PLLC (PLL Connect) is set to connect
the PLL as the clock source. A
successful connect requires the PLLE bit

Configuration Register

 PLL0CFG (PLL Configuration Register) contains the PLL Multiplier (MSEL) and PLL
Divider (PSEL) values.
 MSEL (PLL Multiplier Value) is the multiplier value used in calculating the PLL clock
 PSEL (PLL Divider Value) is the divider value used in calculating the PLL clock

Status Register

 PLL0STAT (PLL Status Register) contains the following PLL status bits:
 MSEL (PLL Multiplier Read-Back Value) is the multiplier value currently used by the PLL.
 PSEL (PLL Divider Read-Back Value) is the divider value currently used by the PLL.
 PLLE (PLL Enable Read-Back Value) is set when the PLL is active. If reset, the PLL is
turned off.
 PLLC (PLL Connect Read-Back Value) is set when the MCU uses the PLL as the clock
source. If reset, the MCU uses the oscillator clock as the source.
 PLOC K (PLL Lock Status) is set when the PLL is locked on the reques ted frequency.

Feed Registe r

 PLL0FEED (PLL Feed Register) contains the 8-bit value last written to this register. To
set the clock configuration, this register must be stored with consecutive values of 0xAA
and 0x55, while the PLLE and PLLC bits are enabled.

Crystal Osc illator & Processor Cloc k

 XTAL (Crystal Oscillator Frequency) the frequency (in MHz) of the crystal oscillator.
 CLOCK (Processor Clock) is the computed processor clock frequency (CCLK) in MHz.

Phase Locked Loop 1 Dialog

The Phase Locked Loop 1 Dialog controls
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) function of the
ARM controller. Using this dialog, you can
configure the MCU clock frequency by
changing the multiplier and divider values
that control the MCU clock.

Control Registe r

 PLL1CON (PLL Control Register)

contains the PLL Enable bit (bit 0), and
the PLL Connect bit (bit 1).
 PLLE (PLL Enable) is set to activate the
PLL and allow it to lock to the requested
 PLLC (PLL Connect) is set to connect
the PLL as the clock source. A
successful connect requires the PLLE bit

Configuration Register

 PLL1CFG (PLL Configuration Register) contains the PLL Multiplier (MSEL) and PLL
Divider (PSEL) values.
 MSEL (PLL Multiplier Value) is the multiplier value used in calculating the PLL clock
 PSEL (PLL Divider Value) is the divider value used in calculating the PLL clock

Status Register

 PLL1STAT (PLL Status Register) contains the following PLL status bits:
 MSEL (PLL Multiplier Read-Back Value) is the multiplier value currently used by t he PLL.
 PSEL (PLL Divider Read-Back Value) is the divider value currently used by the PLL.
 PLLE (PLL Enable Read-Back Value) is set when the PLL is active. If reset, the PLL is
turned off.
 PLLC (PLL Connect Read-Back Value) is set when the MCU uses the PLL as the clock
source. If reset, the MCU uses the oscillator clock as the source.
 PLOC K (PLL Lock Status) is set when the PLL is locked on the requested frequency.

Feed Registe r

 PLL1FEED (PLL Feed Register) contains the 8-bit value last written to this register. To
set the clock configuration, this register must be stored with consecutive values of 0xAA
and 0x55, while the PLLE and PLLC bits are enabled.

Crystal Osc illator & Processor Cloc k

 XTAL (Crystal Oscillator Frequency) the frequency (in MHz) of the crystal oscillator.
 CLOCK (Processor Clock) is the computed processor clock frequency (CCLK) in MHz.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Pin Connect Block

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Pin Connect Block Dialog

The Pin Connect Block Dialog allow the user to
configure pins P0.0 - P0.31 of the MCU based
on functions required. Selecting a pin allows
you to change the function for that pin.

Selected Pin

 P0.x (Pin Name) lists the function choices

available for the selected pin.

Pin Select

 PINSELx (Pin Selection Registers 0-1)

contain the composite bit settings for the
32 Port 0 bits.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation

For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Power Control

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
These simulation capabilities are described below.

Power Control Dialog

The Power Control Dialog controls the power saving mode
of the ARM controller. With this dialog, you can selectively
enable or disable unused peripherals to save power.

Selected Pe riphe ral

When checked, this box indicates that the selected

peripheral is disabled. The checkbox name changes based
on the peripheral selected.

Power Control Group

 PCON (Power Control Register) contains the Idle

Mode bit (bit 0), and the Power Down mode bit (bit
 PCONP (Power Control Peripheral Register) contains
the individual power control bits for all the peripherals
in the list.
 IDL (Idle Mode) if set, stops the processor clock, but
leaves the other peripherals active. Any interrupt
starts the processor clock again.
 PD (Power Dow n Mode) if set, stops the oscillator and
all on-chip clocks to stop. A wakeup condition starts
the oscillator and clocks again and resets this bit.
 PDBOD (Power Down Brown-Out Detect Mode) if set, forces the processor into power-
down mode when a brown-out condition is detected.
 BODPDM (Brown Out Detect Power Down Mode) if set, the BOD circuitry will go into
power down mode when chip power down is asserted.
 BOGD (Brown Out Global Disable) if set, fully disables the BOD circuitry at all times.
 BORD (Brown Out Reset Disable) if set, prevents the second stage of low voltage
detection (2.6 V) from causing a chip reset.

Interrupt Wakeup Group

 INTWAKE (Interrupt Wakeup Register) contains following bit settings:

 RTC WAKE (Real-Time Clock Wakeup Enable) if set, wakes up the processor from power
down mode.
 BODWAKE (Brown-Out Detect Wakeup Enable) if set, wakes up the processor from
power down mode.
 USBWAKE (USB Wakeup Enable) if set, USB activity wakes up the processor from
power down mode.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Pulse Width Modulator (PWM)
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) Dialog

The Pulse Width Modulator dialog configures Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) simulation. When
configured for PWM mode, the Timers (0 or 1) provide a basis for PWM outputs. Pulse
period, pulse width, single and double edge controlle d outputs are supported.

Prescale r

 PR (PWM Prescaler Register) contains the number of times (minus 1) PCLK must cycle
before incrementing the PWM Timer Counter (TC).
 PC (PWM Prescaler Counter) contains the incrementing counter value. When this value
equals the PR value plus 1, the PWM Timer Counter (TC) is incremented.


 TC R (PWM Timer Control Register) contains the Counter Enable, Counter Reset and the
PWM Enable control bits.
 TC (PWM Timer Counter) contains the current value of the incrementing PWM Timer.
When the Prescaler Counter (PC) reaches the Prescaler Register (PR) value plus 1, this
counter is incremented.
 Counter Enable is set to enable the PWM Timer Counter and PWM Prescale Counter.
 Reset is set to reset the PWM Timer Counter and the PWM Prescale Counter to zero.
 PWM Enable enables PWM mode. In this mode, writing to a Match Register does not
affect the the match result until a corresponding bit in Latch Enable Register (LER) is
set followed by a PWM Match event.

Interrupt Register

 IR (Interrupt Register) contains the interrupt flags for PWM Match Channels 0-6. An
interrupt flag is set when an interrupt occurs for that channel (MRx Interrupt).

Match Channels The Match Channel group allows simulation of 6 single-edge controlled or
3 double-edge controlled PWM outputs. You may modify the seven Match Channels to
configure these PWM outputs to suit your requirements. Selected Channel

 MRx (Match Register x) contains the value to be compared to the Timer Counter (TC)
value. When equal, a Match event occurs.
 Match x Latch is set to allow the last value written to a Match Register x to become
active on the next timer reset.
 MRx Inte rrupt (Match Register x Interrupt) is set when a interrupt occurs for Match
Channel 0-6
 Interrupt on MRx is set to allow an interrupt to occur on Match Channel 0-6 when
Match Register x (MRx) equals the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 Reset on MRx is set to reset the Timer Counter (TC) when the Match Register (MRx)
equals the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 Stop on MRx is set to stop the Timer Counter (TC) and Prescaler Register (PC) when
the Match Register (MRx) equals the Timer Counter (TC) value. This condition also sets
the Timer Counter Register (TCR) to zero.
 MC R (PWM Match Control Register) contains the Interrupt, Reset and Stop bits that
control the selected Match Channel.
 LER (Latch Enable Register) contains the Match x Latch bits for each Match Channel.
 PC R (PWM Control Register) contains the bits that enable PWM outputs 0-6 and select
single-edge or double-edge control for each output.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Real Time Clock

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Real Time Clock Dialog

The Real Time Clock Dialog shows the current state of the on-chip real-time clock (RTC).
You can change the RTC settings using the controls in this dialog.

Clock Control

 CCR (Clock Control Register) holds the following settings:

 CLKEN (Clock Enable) is set to enable one of the time counters. This bit must be reset
to initialize a time counter.
 CTC RST (Clock Tick Count Reset) is set to hold the Clock Tick Counter in a reset

Clock Tic k Counter

 CTC (Clock Tick Counter) contains the current value of the clock tick counter. 32,768
ticks of this clock equals 1 second.

Interrupt Location

 ILR (Interrupt Location Register) holds the follow ing settings:

 RTCC IF ()
 RTC ALF ()

Counter Increme nt Inte rrupt

 CIIR (Counter Increment Interrupt Register) holds the control bits for generating an
interrupt when a specific counter is incremented. The following control bits are
 IMSEC is set to generate an interrupt when the Second value increments.
 IMMIN is set to generate an interrupt when the Minute value increments.
 IMHOUR is set to generate an interrupt when the Hour value increments.
 IMDOM is set to generate an interrupt when the Day of Month value increments.
 IMDOW is set to generate an interrupt when the Day of Week value increments.
 IMDOY is set to generate an interrupt when the Day of Year value increments.
 IMMON is set to generate an interrupt when the Month value increments.
 IMYEAR is set to generate an interrupt when the Year value increments.

Alarm Mask

 AMR (Alarm Mask Register) allows you to disable the alarms function for the follow ing
time counters:
 AMRSEC is set to disable the Second alarm (ALSEC).
 AMRMIN is set to disable the Minute alarm (ALMIN).
 AMRHOUR is set to disable the Hour alarm (ALHOUR).
 AMRDOM is set to disable the Day of Month alarm (ALDOM).
 AMRDOW is set to disable the Day of Week alarm (ALDOW).
 AMRDOY is set to disable the Day of Year alarm (ALDOY).
 AMRMON is set to disable the Month alarm (ALMON).
 AMRYEAR is set to disable the Year alarm (ALYEAR).

Time Counte r

 SEC displays the current second (0-59).

 MIN displays the current minute (0-59).
 HOUR displays the current hour (0-23).
 DOM displays the current day of the month. This value will be 1-28, 29, 30 or 31
depending on the month and leap year.
 DOW displays the current day of the week (0-6).
 DOY displays the current day of the year (1-365 or 1-366 for a leap year).
 MONTH displays the current month (1-12).
 YEAR displays the current year (0-4095).

Alarm This group contains the alarm values for triggering alarm interrupts. The alarm mask
bits (AMR) must be reset for an alarm interrupt to occur.

 ALSEC is the Seconds alarm value.

 ALMIN is the Minutes alarm value.
 ALHOUR is the Hour alarm value.
 ALDOM is the Day of Month alarm value.
 ALDOW is the Day of Week alarm value.
 ALDOY is the Day of Year alarm value.
 ALMONTH is the Month alarm value.
 ALYEAR is the Year alarm value.

Consolidated Time

 CTIME0 (Consolidated Time Register 0) contains the current value of the Seconds
(SEC), Minutes (MIN), Hours (HOUR) and Day of Week (DOW) time counters.
 CTIME1 (Consolidated Time Register 1) contains the current value of the Day of Month
(DOM), Month (MON) and Year (YEAR) time counters.
 CTIME2 (Consolidated Time Register 2) contains the current value of the Day of Year
(DOY) time counter.
Prescale r

 PREINT contains the integer portion of the Prescale Value. This value equals int(PCLK /
32768) - 1.
 PREF RAC contains the fractional portion of the Prescale value. This value equals PCLK -
((PREINT + 1) x 32768)
 1s Tick (s) displays the resulting number of 1-second ticks for the Prescaler using the
PREINT and PREF RAC values.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — SPI Interface: SPI0

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
 VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the pe ripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Serial Peripheral Interface 0 Dialog

The Serial Peripheral Interface 0 Dialog allows you to
view and edit the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
simulator configuration. Simulation of this interface is
controlled by the follow ing groups:

Control Registe r Group

 SPC R (Serial Peripheral Control Register)

contains the following bits that control the
functions of the SPI:
 SPIE (SPI Interrupt Enable) is set to generate an
interrupt when either the SPI Transfer Complete
(SPIF) or Mode Fault (MODF) bits set.
 LSBF (LSB First) is set to transfer SPI data
starting with bit 0. If reset, SPI starts data
transfers with bit 7.
 MSTR (Master Mode) is set to configure the SPI
as a Master. If reset, the SPI operat es in Slave
 CPOL (Clock Polarity) is set when the serial clock
(SCK) is active low. If reset, SCK is active high.
 CPHA (Clock Phase) is set to sample data on the
second clock edge. If CPHA is reset, data
sampling starts on the first clock edge, and Slave Select (SSEL) signal determines the
start and end of the data transfer cycle.

Status Register Group

 SPSR (SPI Status Register) monitors the SPI status. It contains the following read-only
 SPIF (Data Transfer Complete) is set when the SPI completes a data transfer
operation. This bit clears after this register and the data register (SPDR) are read.
 WCOL (Write Collision) is set when data is written to the SPI data register while a SPI
data transfer is in progress.
 ROVR (Read Overrun) is set when the SPI receives data before it's read buffer is
 MODF (Mode Fault) is set when the Slave Select (SSEL) goes active and the SPI is
configured as a master.
 ABRT (Slave Abort) is set when the Slave Select (SSEL) signal goes inactive before a
data transfer completes.

Clock Counter Group

 SPCC R (SPI Clock Counter Register) controls the SPI clock rate when the SPI is
configured as a master. This value is the number of PCLK cycles that make up 1 SPI
 Master Cloc k is the SPI clock value (SCK) based on the SPCCR setting.

Data Register Group

 SPDR (SPI Data Register) contains the either the data to be transmitted or the data
received. In Master mode, writing to this register starts data transfer.

Slave Select Group

 SSEL# Pin (Slave Select) is the signal level at the slave select pin.

Interrupt Register Group

 SPINT (SPI Interrupt Register) contains the SPI interrupt flag setting.
 SPI Interrupt (SPI Interrupt Flag) is set by the SPI interface to generate an SPI

Data Type: unsigned char

The SPIx_IN VTREG (where x indicates the SPI port 0, 1, 2, and so on) contains a byte
which is received via the MCU SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) port on the next SPI transfer.
You may use this VT REG in a simulation script. For example:

signal void spi_func (void) {

while (1) {
wwatch (SPI0_OUT);
printf ("SPI0_OUT: %2.2X\n", (unsigned) SPI0_OUT);
SPI0_IN = SPI0_OUT + 1;

This signal function returns the SPI byte send plus 1 on the next SPI transfer.
Data Type: unsigned char

The SPIx_OUT VT REG (w here x indicates the SPI port 0, 1, 2, and so on) contains a byte
output via the MCU SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) port. When your simulated program
sends a byte via SPI, the SPIx_OUT VT REG is set with the value output. You may monitor
this VTREG in a simulation script. For example:

signal void spi_watcher (void) {

while (1) {
wwatch (SPI1_OUT);
printf ("SPI1_OUT: %2.2X\n", (unsigned) SPI1_OUT);
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — SSP Interface

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
 VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

SSP (Synchronous Serial Port)

The Synchronous Serial Port dialog displays
and allows you to edit the configuration of the
Synchronous Serial Port. The controls in this
dialog are separated into several logical


 SSPC R0 (SSP Control Register 0)

contains the SSP control register settings.
 SSPC R1 (SSP Control Register 1)
contains the SSP control register 1
 SSE (SSP Enable) is set to enable the
Synchronous Serial Port.
 LBM (Loop Back Mode Control) is set to
connect received input to transmitted
 FRF (Frame Format) selects SPI, TI ot
Microwire frameing format.
 DSS (Data Size Selection) selects the transfer data widths from 4-bits to 16-bits.
 SC R (Serial Clock Rate) is the number of prescaler output clocks per bit, minus 1.
 MS (Master/Slave Mode) is set to generate shift clocking from SCLK.
 SOD (Slave Output Disable) is set to prevent the SP controller f rom transmitting data.
 SPH (Clock Out Phase Control) is set to latch receive data on the leading clock edge
and shift on the trailing edge. If reset, Shift receive data on the leading clock edge and
latch on the trailing edge.
 SPO (Clock Out Polarity Control) is set make the clock line low -active and the leading
clock edge is a high-to-low transition.


 BSY (Busy Flag) indicates data transfer is in progress.

 RFF (Receive FIFO Full Flag) indicates the receive FIFO is full.
 RNE (Receive FIFO Not Empty Flag) indicates the receive FIFO contains unread data.
 TNF (Transmit FIFO Not Full Flag) indicates the transmit FIFO can accept data.
 TFE (Transmit FIFO Empty Flag) indicates that all data previously sent has been


 SSPDR (SSP Data Register) contains data to be sent or received.

Clock Prescale r

 SSPCPSR (SSP Clock Prescale Register) contains the PCLK divisor value (2-254) used
to generate the prescaler output clock.


 SSPIMSC (SSP Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register) contains the bits that enable the
follow ing four interrupts in the SSP controller:
 TXIM (Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the transmit FIFO is at
least half empty.
 RXIM (Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO is at least
half full.
 RTIM (Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO
is not empty and nothing has been read for a predetermined time.
 RORIM (Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO
is full and another frame is received.
 SSPRIS (SSP Raw Interrupt Status Register) contains the SSP control register 0
 TXRIS (Raw Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the transmit FIFO is
at least half empty.
 RXRIS (Raw Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO is
at least half full.
 RTRIS (Raw Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the receive
FIFO is not empty and nothing has been read for a predetermined time.
 RORRIS (Raw Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the
receive FIFO is full and another frame is received.
 SSPMIS (SSP Masked Interrupt Status Register) contains the following SSP masked
 TXMIS (Masked Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the transmit
FIFO is at least half empty.
 RXMIS (Masked Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO
is at least half full.
 RTMIS (Masked Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the
receive FIFO is not empty and nothing has been read for a predetermined time.
 RORMIS (Masked Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt when the
receive FIFO is full and another frame is received.
 SSPIC R (SSP Interrupt Clear Register) is used by software to clear SSP interrupt
 RORIC (Receive Overrun Interrupt Clear) clears a Receive Overrun interrupt.
 RTIC (Receive Timeout Interrupt Clear) clears a Receive Timeout interrupt.

Master Cloc k

 Clock The SSP clock rate.

Frame Sync/Slave Select

 FS/SSEL1 pin Displays the status of the Frame Sync/Slave Select signal.

SSP Data Input VTREG

Data Type: unsigned short

SSP Data Output VTREG

Data Type: unsigned short
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Timers: (Timer0-1)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Timer 0 Dialog
The Timer 0 Dialog displays and changes the settings associate d with Timer 0. Timers
perform various event timing, capture and measurement tasks.

Prescale r Mode

 PR (Prescale Register) contains the number of MCU clocks (PCLK) required to increment
the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 PC (Prescale Counter) contains the current prescale counter value. When this value
equals the Prescale Register (PR), the Timer (TC) value is incremented.

Timer Control

 TC R (Timer Control Register) contains Timer Enable and Reset control bits.
 TC (Timer Counter) is the timer counter value. It is incremented when the Prescale
Counter (PC) equals the Prescale Register (PR).
 Enable is set to enable the Timer.
 Reset is set to reset the Timer.

Interrupt Register
 IR (Interrupt Register) contains the interrupt flags for the seven match channels. When
a match channel interrupt is generated, the flag bit in the IR for that match channel is
set. Storing a 1 in any of the IR bits resets that match channel interrupt.

Match Channels

 MC R (Match Control Register) controls the Timer reset and interrupt generat ion when a
Match Register (MRx) value equals the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 EMR (External Match Register) enables and configures the behavior of the MAT0/1
output signal.
 MRx (Match Register 0-3) contains a match value that is compared to the Timer
Capture value. When they are equal, depending on the Match Control Register (MCR),
the MCU may suspend the Timer or Prescaler counting, or generate an interrupt.
 Interrupt on MRx is set to generate an interrupt when the value in MRx matches the
Timer Counter (TC) value.
 Reset on MRx is set to reset the Timer Counter value (TC) when the value in MRx
matches the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 Stop on MRx is set to stop the Timer Counter value (TC) and the Prescale Counter
(PC) when the value in MRx matches the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 EMCx (External Match Control x) defines how the output level is set when an external
match occurs on MRx.
 External Match x reflects the state of the output MAT0/1 when a match on MRx
 MRx Inte rrupt is set when an MRx matches t he value in TC.

Capture Channels

 CCR (Capture Control Register) controls which edge of the capture inputs trigger
loading the Capture Registers.
 CRx (Capture Register x) contains the Timer Counter (TC) value when the last capture
event occurred for this register.
 Rising Edge x is set to trigger a when a rising edge occurs on the capture event pin
 Falling Edge x is set to trigger a when a falling edge occurs on the capture event pin
 Interrupt on Event x is set to trigger an interrupt when the capture register (CRx) is
 CAP0.x (Capture Signals) are signal levels that can be configured to load a Capture
Register or generate an interrupt.
 CRx Inte rrupt is set to trigger a Capture Register (CRx) interrupt.

Count Control

 CTC R (Count Control Register.) enables either Timer and Counter mode.
 Mode (Current Mode) display and selects either Timer and Counter mode.
 Counter Input displays and selects the pin to use as input to the counter.

Timer 1 Dialog
The Timer 1 Dialog displays and changes the settings associated with Timer 1. Timers
perform various event timing, capture and measurement tasks.

Prescale r Mode

 PR (Prescale Register) contains the number of MCU clocks (PCLK) required to increment
the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 PC (Presc ale Counter) contains the current prescale counter value. When this value
equals the Prescale Register (PR), the Timer (TC) value is incremented.

Timer Control

 TC R (Timer Control Register) contains Timer Enable and Reset control bits.
 TC (Timer Counter) is the timer counter value. It is incremented when the Prescale
Counter (PC) equals the Prescale Register (PR).
 Enable is set to enable the Timer.
 Reset is set to reset the Timer.

Interrupt Register
 IR (Interrupt Register) contains the interrupt flags for the seven match channels. When
a match channel interrupt is generated, the flag bit in the IR for that match channel is
set. Storing a 1 in any of the IR bits resets that match channel interrupt.

Match Channels

 MC R (Match Control Register) controls the Timer reset and interrupt generation when a
Match Register (MRx) value equals the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 EMR (External Match Register) enables and configures the behavior of the MAT0/1
output signal.
 MRx (Match Register 0-3) contains a match value that is compared to the Timer
Capture value. When they are equal, depending on the Match Control Register (MCR),
the MCU may suspend the Timer or Prescaler counting, or generate an interrupt.
 Interrupt on MRx is set to generate an interrupt when the value in M Rx matches the
Timer Counter (TC) value.
 Reset on MRx is set to reset the Timer Counter value (TC) when the value in MRx
matches the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 Stop on MRx is set to stop the Timer Counter value (TC) and the Prescale Counter
(PC) when the value in MRx matches the Timer Counter (TC) value.
 EMCx (External Match Control x) defines how the output level is set when an external
match occurs on MRx.
 External Match x reflects the state of the output MAT0/1 when a match on MRx
 MRx Inte rrupt is set when an MRx matches the value in TC.

Capture Channels

 CCR (Capture Control Register) controls which edge of the capture inputs trigger
loading the Capture Registers.
 CRx (Capture Register x) contains the Timer Counter (TC) value when the last ca pture
event occurred for this register.
 Rising Edge x is set to trigger a when a rising edge occurs on the capture event pin
 Falling Edge x is set to trigger a when a falling edge occurs on the capture event pin
 Interrupt on Event x is set to trigger an interrupt when the capture register (CRx) is
 CAP1.x (Capture Signals) are signal levels that can be configured to load a Capture
Register or generate an interrupt.
 CRx Inte rrupt is set to trigger a Capture Register (CRx) interrupt.

Count Control

 CTC R (Count Control Register.) enables either Timer and Counter mode.
 Mode (Current Mode) display and selects either Timer and Counter mode.
 Counter Input displays and selects the pin to use as input to the counter.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — UARTs: (UART0-1)
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
 VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

UART 0 Dialog

The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART 0) Dialog configures UART 0. A

UART transfers serial data to and from external devices and the ARM controller. The UART
can be configured in a variety of ways to suit the external serial device.

Line Control Group

 LC R (Line Control Register) displays the combined control information for the follow ing:
 Word Le ngth selects the data character length of 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits per character.
 Stop Bits (Number of Stop Bits) selects the number of stop bits to be sent with each
 Parity selects odd, even or no (forced "0" or "1") parity.
 DLAB (Divisor Latch Access Bit) is set to calculate the baud rate based on the Divisor
Latch register (DLL and DLM) values.
 Break Control is set to enable transmission of a Break.
 Parity Enable is set to enable parity generation and checking.

Line Status Group

 Rece iver Data Ready (RDR) set when the UART 0 receives at least 1 character and
the receiver hold register is not empty.
 Overrun Error (OE) set if the controller detects an overrun condition since the last
status reset command.
 Parity Error (PE) set if the controller detects at least 1 false parity bit since the last
status reset command.
 Framing Error (FE) set if the controller detects a framing error since the last status
reset command.
 Break Interrupt (BI) is set when a Break condition occurs while receiving data.
 Tx Holding Register Empty (THRE) is set when the transmission hold register is
 Transmitter Empty (TEMT) set if there are no characters in the t ransmitter.
 Error in Rx F IFO (RXF E) is set when the receiver detects any error (parity, framing,
overrun or break).

Interrupt Enable Group

 IER (Interrupt Enable Register) contains the RBR, THRE and Line Status Enable bits.
 RBR IE (Receive Buffer Register Interrupt Enable) is set to enable the Receive Data
Available interrupt.
 THRE IE (Transmit Hold Register Empty Interrupt Enable) is set to enable the
Transmitter Empty (THRE) interrupt.
 Rx Line Status EI (Line Status Interrrupt Enable) is set to enable Line Status

Interrupt ID & F IFO Control Group

 IIR/FC R (Interrupt Identif ication/FIFO Control Register)

 Interrupt displays the interrupt type(Line Status, THRE, RDA, Character Time -out).
 FIFO Enable (FIFO Enable) is set to clear and enable the receive and transmit FIFOs.
 Rx Trigger (Rx Trigger Level Select) sets the number of characters required to trigger
a receive interrupt.
 Rx F IFO Reset clears the receive FIFO buffer.
 Tx F IFO Reset clears the transmit FIFO buffer.

Divisor Latch Group

 DLL (Divisor Latch LSB Register) contains the lower 8-bit value that the MCU divides
into the MCU clock (PCLK) to generate the UART baud rate.
 DLM (Divisor Latch MSB Register) contains the upper 8-bit value that the MCU divides
into the MCU clock (PCLK) to generate the UART baud rate.
 Baudrate is the computed UART baud rate.
Rece iver & Transmitte r Registe rs Group

 RBR/THR (Receiver Buffer Register/Transmitter Hold Register) when receiving, is the

oldest character received. When transmitting, it is the newest character to be

Scratch Pad Group

 SC R (Scratch Pad Register) has no effect on the UART operation. It can be used for
general purpose storage.

UART 1 Dialog
The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART 1) Dialog configures UART 1. A
UART transfers serial data to and from external devices and the ARM controller. The UART
can be configured in a variety of ways to suit the external serial device.

Line Control Group

 LC R (Line Control Register) displays the combined control information for the follow ing:
 Word Le ngth selects the data character length of 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits per character.
 Stop Bits (Number of Stop Bits) selects the number of stop bits to be sent with each
 Parity selects odd, even or no (forced "0" or "1") parity.
 DLAB (Divisor Latch Access Bit) is set to calculate the baud rate based on the Divisor
Latch register (DLL and DLM) values.
 Break Control is set to enable transmission of a Break.
 Parity Enable is set to enable parity generation and checking.

Line Status Group

 Rece iver Data Ready (RDR) set when the UART 1 receives at least 1 character and
the receiver hold register is not empty.
 Overrun Error (OE) set if the controller detects an overrun condition since the last
status reset command.
 Parity Error (PE) set if the controller detects at least 1 false parity bit since the last
status reset command.
 Framing Error (FE) set if the controller detects a framing error since the last status
reset command.
 Break Interrupt (BI) is set when a Break condition occurs while receiving data.
 Tx Holding Register Empty (THRE) is set when the transmission hold register is
 Transmitter Empty (TEMT) set if there are no characters in the transmitter.
 Error in Rx F IFO (RXF E) is set when the receiver detects any error (parity, framing,
overrun or break).

Interrupt Enable Group

 IER (Interrupt Enable Register) contains the RBR, THRE and Line Status Enable bits.
 RBR IE (Receive Buffer Register Interrupt Enable) is set to enable the Receive Data
Available interrupt.
 THRE IE (Transmit Hold Register Empty Interrupt Enable) is set to enable the
Transmitter Empty (THRE) interrupt.
 Rx Line Status EI (Line Status Interrrupt Enable) is set to enable Line Status
 Modem Status EI (Modem Status Interrrupt Enable) is set to enable modem

Interrupt ID & F IFO Control Group

 IIR/FC R (Interrupt Identif ication/FIFO Control Register)

 Interrupt displays the interrupt type(Line Status, THRE, RDA, Character Time -out).
 FIFO Enable (FIFO Enable) is set to clear and enable the receive and transmit FIFOs.
 Rx Trigger (Rx Trigger Level Select) sets the number of characters required to trigger
a receive interrupt.
 Rx F IFO Reset clears the receive FIFO buffer.
 Tx F IFO Reset clears the transmit FIFO buffer.

Divisor Latch Group

 DLL (Divisor Latch LSB Register) contains the lower 8-bit value that the MCU divides
into the MCU clock (PCLK) to generate the UART baud rate.
 DLM (Divisor Latch MSB Register) contains the upper 8-bit value that the MCU divides
into the MCU clock (PCLK) to generate the UART baud rate.
 Baudrate is the computed UART baud rate.

Rece iver & Transmitte r Registe rs Group

 RBR/THR (Receiver Buffer Register/Transmitter Hold Register) when receiving, is the

oldest character received. When transmitting, it is the new est character to be

Scratch Pad Group

 SC R (Scratch Pad Register) has no effect on the UART operation. It can be used for
general purpose storage.

Modem Control Group

 MC R (Modem Control Register) contains the DTR, RTS and Loobback modem controls.
 DTR Control (Data Terminal Ready Control) is the DTR modem output level.
 RTS Control (Request To Send Control) is the RTS modem output level.
 Loopbac k Mode is set to perform diagnostic loopback testing.

Modem Status Group

 MSR (Modem Status Register) contains the follow ing status from the modem input
 Delta C TS (Delta Clear to Send) is set when the state of modem input CTS changes.
 Delta DSR (Delta Data Set Ready) is set when the state of modem input DSR changes.
 Trailing Edge RI (Trailing Edge Ring Indicator) is set when a low-to-high transition
occurs on the RI input.
 Delta DC D (Delta Data Carrier Detect) is set when the state of modem input DCD
 CTS (Clear To Send) is the complement of the CTS input signal.
 DSR (Data Set Ready) is the complement of the CTS input signal.
 RI (Ring Indicator) is the complement of the CTS input signal.
 DC D (Data Carrier Detect) is the complement of the CTS input signal.

Modem Lines Group This group displays the follow ing modem signal levels.

 RTS1 Request To Send

 CTS1 Clear To Send
 DTR1 Data Terminal Ready
 DSR1 Data Set Ready
 DC D1 Data Carrier Detect
 RI1 Ring Indicator

Data Type: unsigned int

The SxIN VTREG represents the serial input of the simulated microcontroller. Values you
assign to SxIN are input to the serial channel 0, 1, 2, and so on. You may assign input using
the command window. For example,

causes the simulated microcontroller serial input 0 to receive the ASCII character A. If you
want to use the SxIN VRTEG to simulate reception of multiple characters, you must be sure
to delay for at least one character time between successive assignments to SxIN. This may
be done using a signal function. For example:

signal void send_cat (void) {

swatch(0.01); /* Wait 1/100 seconds */
S0IN='C'; /* Send a C */

You may use the SxIN VTREG to input data (5-8 bits), parity, frame error and break
condition. SxIN Format (16-bit Registe r)

 Bits 0-7: Data (5, 6, 7, or 8 bit)

 Bit 8: Parity bit Value
 Bit 9: Parity bit Presence (0=Not present, 1=Present)
 Bit 10: Invalid Stop bit (0=Normal, 1=Invalid)

For example:

S0IN=0x0074 // Data = 0x74, No Parity bit

S0IN=0x0274 // Data = 0x74, Parity bit = 0
S0IN=0x0374 // Data = 0x74, Parity bit = 1
S0IN=0x0474 // Data = 0x74, No Parity bit
// Invalid Stop bit - Frame Error
S0IN=0x0400 // Break Condintion

In addition to the SxIN VRTEG, the serial window allows you to input serial characters by
simply typing. Serial characters that are transmitted byt the simulated microcontroller
appear in the serial window.

Data Type: unsigned int

The SxOUT VTREG represents the serial output from the simulated serial port 0, 1, and so
on. Whenever the simulated serial port transmits a c haracter, the value transmitted is
automatically assigned to SxOUT (which is read-only). You may read the value of SxOUT to
determine the character transmitted by your simulated program. For example,


outputs the value of the last character transmitted by serial port 0.

SxOUT Format (16-bit Register)

 Bits 0-7: Data (5, 6, 7, or 8 bits)

 Bit 8: Parity bit Value
 Bit 9: Parity bit Presence (0=Not present, 1=Present)
 Bit 10: Invalid Stop bit (0=Normal, 1=Invalid)

For example:

S0OUT & 0x00FF // Data

S0OUT & 0x0200 // Parity bit is present
S0OUT & 0x0100 // Parity bit value (0=0, 0x0200=1)

Note that you cannot assign values to the SxOUT VTREGs. You may use the SxOUT VTREG
in a script to process transmitted data. For example,

signal void s0out_sig (void) {

while (1)
wwatch(S0OUT); /* wait for something in S0OUT */
printf ("Transmitted a %2.2X\n", (unsigned) S0OUT);

Data Type: unsigned char

The SxTIME VTREG allows you to control the timing of the simulated serial port 0, 1, and s o

 A value of 1 (which is the default) indicates that the serial port timing is identical to the
target hardware. Use this value when you want to see the effects of baud rate on the
serial port I/O.
 A value of 0 indicates that all serial input and output occur instantaneously. Use this
value when you don't care about any baud rate effects or when you want serial output
to be fast.

For example:

S0TIME = 0 /* Set Serial Port 0 for FAST timing */

S0TIME = 1 /* Set Serial Port 0 for accurate timing */
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Vectored Interrupt Controller Dialog

The Vectored Interrupt Controller Dialog displays the status of all simulated MCU interrupts.
The source, channel, type, vector and interrupt state for each interrupt is displayed. You
may select and configure each interrupt using the following control groups:

Selected Inte rrupt

The checkboxes in this group control or reflect the highlighted interrupt.

 IntSe lect is set if the highlighted interrupt is an FIQ interrupt. If reset, it is a vectored
IRQ interrupt.
 SoftInt is set to trigger a software interrupt for the highlighted interrupt.
 IntEnable Enables the highlighted interrupt.
 RawInt is set if any interrupt request occurs for the highlighted interrupt, whther
enabled or not.

Vectored IRQ

 Slot (Slot Number) selects a Slot Number to be assigned to a Channel when the Enable
box is checked.
 Channel (Channel Number) selects the Channel number that receives the Slot Number
 Enable when set, assigns the current Slot Number to the selected Channel. Resetting
this checkbox unassigns a Slot.
 VICVectCntlx (Vector 0-15 Control Register) contains the interrupt request slot
number assigned to vectored IRQ x and the the IRQ enable bit.
 VICVectAddrx (Vector Address 0-15 Register) contains the address of the interrupt
service routine for the vectored interrupts 0-15.
 VICVectAddr (Vector Address Register) contains the address of the interrupt service
routine for the highest priority vectored IRQ.
 VIC De fVectAddr (Default Vector Address Register) is the interrupt service routine for
non-vectored IRQ interrupts.
 VIC Protection (Protection Enable Register) if set, software must be in Privileged mode
to access the Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC).
 VIC SoftInt (Software Interrupt Register) forces an interrupt if the corresponding bit is
 VIC SoftIntC lear (Interrupt Clear Register) releases the forced software interrupt if the
corresponding bit is set.
 VIC IntSe lect (Interrupt Select Register) contains the type of interrupt. Bits that are
set represent non-vectored FIQ interrupts. Bits that are reset represent vectored IRQ
 VIC IntEnable (Interrupt Enable Register) enables IRQ or FIQ interrupts if the
corresponding bit is set.
 VIC IntEnClr (Interrupt Enable Clear Register.) resets an enabled IRQ or FIQ interrupts
if the corresponding bit is set
 VIC RawIntr (Raw Interrupt Status Register) displays the state of all interrupts,
enabled or not.
 VIC IRQStatus (IRQ Status Register) displays the state of enabled IRQ (vectored)
 VICF IQStatus (FIQ Status Requests) displays the state of enabled FIQ (non-vectored)
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — VPB Divider

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

VPB Divider Dialog

The VPB Divider Dialog controls the VLSI Peripheral Bus Divider
control register. This register controls the VBP clock rate (PCLK)
based on the MPU clock rate (CCLK). You may display or change the
settings using this dialog.

VPB Div ider

 VPBDIV (VPB Divider Control Register) contains the bit settings

that determine the MPU clock (CCLK) divisor for calculating the peripheral clock (PCLK).
Use the list box to select the clock divider.
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 — Watchdog

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

 Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Watchdog Timer (WDT) Dialog

The Watchdog Timer Dialog shows the current state of the
on-chip Watchdog Timer. You can change the Watchdog
Timer settings using the controls in this dialog.

Mode Register

 WDMOD (Watchdog Mode Register) contains the

Watchdog Timer mode (Debug or Operate) and status
bits of the Watchdog Timer.
 WDEN (Watchdog Timer Enable)is set to enable the
Watchdog Timer interrupt.
 WDRESET (Watchdog Timer Reset) is set to reset the
Watchdog Timer.
 WDTOF (Watchdog Timer Time-Out Flag) is set when
the Watchdog Timer times out.
 WDINT (Watchdog Timer Interrupt Flag) is set when a Watchdog Timer interrupt

Time Constant and Value

 WDTC (Watchdog Timer Constant Register) contains the time-out value used to reload
the Watchdog Timer.
 WDTV (Watchdog Timer Value Register) contains the current value of the Watchdog

Feed Registe r

 WDFEED (Watchdog Timer Feed Sequence Register) is used to reload the Watchdog
Timer. Writing 0xAA followed by 0x55 to t his register reloads the Watchdog Timer to its
preset value.
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.

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