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International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

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International Journal of Multiphase Flow

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j m u l fl o w

Characteristics of horizontal liquid–liquid flows in a circular pipe using

simultaneous high-speed laser-induced fluorescence and particle velocimetry
Rhys G. Morgan, Christos N. Markides ⇑, Ivan Zadrazil, Geoffrey F. Hewitt
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes a set of experiments on liquid–liquid flows in a horizontal circular tube. The liquids
Received 20 June 2012 used in the experiments were an aliphatic hydrocarbon oil (Exxsol D80) and an aqueous solution of glyc-
Received in revised form 25 September erol. The concentration of glycerol in the solution was adjusted so that the two liquids had the same
refractive index, and optical distortions due to the curvature of the (transparent) circular tube test section
Accepted 26 September 2012
Available online 16 October 2012
were corrected for with the use of a graticule technique. The test section was far downstream of an inlet
section that established an initially stratified co-current flow of the two immiscible liquids, with the Exx-
sol D80 oil flowing over the glycerol/water solution. The flows were investigated at the test section with
Horizontal liquid–liquid flow
the application of laser-based optical diagnostic methods, which included high-speed simultaneous Pla-
Flow regimes nar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Particle Tracking Velocimetry
Laser measurements (PTV). These techniques allowed the reliable evaluation of the nature of the investigated horizontal
Phase fraction liquid–liquid flows (i.e., the flow patterns from phase distribution information), together with the
Interface level detailed spatiotemporally resolved measurement of key flow characteristics such as phase and velocity
Droplet size distributions, and also of important parameters such as droplet size. The resulting PLIF images provide
Velocity profile a clear indication of the distribution of the phases within a plane that passed through the channel centr-
eline, and are used to obtain qualitative information about the arising flow patterns. The images were
also used quantitatively to generate data on phase distribution, in situ phase fraction, interface level
and droplet size distribution. Much of the PLIF data on in situ phase fraction and interface level agrees
well with predictions from a simple stratified laminar–laminar flow model. The particle velocimetry
methods (PIV and PTV) provide data on the velocity profiles in the investigated flows. Over the range
of superficial velocity conditions investigated, the velocity profile in the lower (heavier and more viscous)
glycerol/water solution phase was typically characteristic of laminar flow, whereas in the upper (lighter
and less viscous) Exxsol D80 oil phase the profile often showed a shape characteristic of turbulent flow.
Crown Copyright Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for the closure of multiphase models for predicting the flow behav-
iour, particularly the pressure drop and flow pattern transitions,
The co-current flow of two immiscible liquids is encountered in both of which are dependent on the in situ phase fraction.
wide variety of industrial applications. The investigation described The importance of liquid–liquid flows led to a number of studies
here arose in the context of liquid–liquid flows in subsea pipelines of such flows (see for example Russell and Charles, 1959; Arirachak-
in petroleum production facilities, where the fluids are oil and water. aran et al., 1989; Soleimani, 1999). However, these studies concen-
The water can either occur naturally in the reservoir (this is known trated on measurement of overall parameters such as pressure
as ‘‘connate water’’) or result from water injection into the reservoir gradient and phase holdup; the objective of the study described
to increase pressure and in turn enhance oil recovery (EOR). here was to obtain much more detailed information about the li-
An ability to characterise liquid–liquid flow behaviour accu- quid–liquid flow behaviour using modern optical techniques. By
rately is of fundamental importance. For example, the accurate matching the refractive index of the two liquids and adding a fluo-
prediction of the in situ phase fraction in two-phase flows allows rescent dyestuff to one of the phases, it is possible to determine the
the determination of numerous other flow parameters, such as phase distribution using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF).
the two-phase density and viscosity, which are key requirements Liu (2005) reports a study of vertical downflow of liquid–liquid flow
mixtures using PLIF and, more recently, Morgan et al. (2012) re-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 20 759 41601.
ported the application of the technique to horizontal liquid–liquid
E-mail addresses: (R.G. Morgan), c.markides
flows. Though the studies of Liu (2005) and Morgan et al. (2012) re- (C.N. Markides), (I. Zadrazil), g.hewitt vealed a number of interesting new phenomena, they were both (G.F. Hewitt). carried out with channels which had a square cross-section in order

0301-9322/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
100 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

to avoid optical distortion of the image by the curved (transparent) the image processing, data analysis and related calculations per-
tube wall; this is clearly not typical of the real applications in which formed on the raw images generated from the laser techniques
tubes of circular cross-section are the norm. In the present study, in order to obtain the final results is given in Section 2.3.
circular tubes were used together with an automated method for
correcting the images for distortion. 2.1. Flow facility, procedure and conditions
One of the most powerful tools for the study of fluid flow and
mixing is laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Liu (2005) employed 2.1.1. Flow facility and experimental procedure
PLIF to visualise co-current liquid–liquid downward flows and pro- The experiments were carried out in the Two-Phase Oil–Water
duced images with a strong and clear distinction between the two Experimental Rig (TOWER), which is a multiphase flow facility at
phases. Liu (2005) used these images to study the phase inversion Imperial College London. This facility was designed and built for
phenomena that arose in the investigated flows and found an the detailed investigation of flow phenomena occurring in co-cur-
ambivalent range over which the identity of the continuous phase rent horizontal liquid–liquid flows. A schematic diagram of the
alternates in time between the one fluid and the other. This was facility is shown in Fig. 1. The main test section of the rig comprises
extended to the more practical case of horizontal liquid–liquid a 7.30 m long and 1-in. (D = 25.4 mm) nominal bore stainless steel
flows in an original study by the present authors (Morgan et al., circular pipe. The same facility was also used in our earlier related
2012). However, phase information on its own lacks the ability study with a square section visualisation section (Morgan et al.,
to provide a full insight into the numerous facets of these multi- 2012), making comparisons between the two sets of results highly
phase flows. The current work is a development of that described appropriate.
in Morgan et al. (2012), not only in the use of a circular cross-sec- The test fluids used in the present effort are also the same as
tion tube (a square cross-section tube was used in the work de- those used in the earlier study by Morgan et al. (2012), namely:
scribed in Morgan et al. (2012), and also in the work by Liu (i) Exxsol D80 oil, a kerosene-like aliphatic hydrocarbon and (ii)
(2005)), but also in the extension of the laser measurement tech- a homogeneously mixed solution of glycerol in water. Details of
niques to include, in addition to PLIF, Particle Image Velocimetry the test fluids and their selection can be found in Section 2.2.2.
(PIV) and Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). To the best of the The flows were provided by two Grundfos CRN 10-5 pumps with
author’s knowledge, the results described in the present paper three-phase supplies, one for each fluid. The pumps each have a
are the first obtained in liquid–liquid systems using simultaneous maximum rated flow-rate of 2.8 L s1 and a maximum rated pres-
PLIF and PIV/PTV. This enhanced measurement capability, and spe- sure of 3.60 bar. The flow-rates were measured by means of four
cifically the use of PIV/PTV, enables the detailed diagnostic inspec- NB liquid turbine flow-metres, fitted with a Fluid Well FllQ-X
tion of the co-current liquid–liquid flow velocity profiles. In LCD digital display. The flow-rates were time-logged onto a com-
addition, the use of a tube with a circular cross-section is more rep- puter by means of a 4–20 mA linear current output. Each fluid
resentative of industrial pipeline systems, although it is optically was directed through one of two turbine flow-metres. The orienta-
more challenging. The provision of detailed data in the circular tion of this arrangement is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. The
pipe section has been made feasible by the utilisation of an image two flow-metres for each fluid have different measurement flow-
correction technique involving the use of a graticule (printed target rate ranges, these being: 2–20 L min1 and 14–140 L min1, de-
screen), as described in detail in Section 2.3.1. noted by FMlow and FMhigh respectively in Fig. 1. The reason for
The analysis performed on the data (i.e., images) generated by adopting this approach is that it facilitates experimental runs to
the laser-based techniques, and the associated results presented be conducted over a broader range of flow-rates and phase frac-
in this paper, are similar to those used to characterise the square tions, while minimising the overall experimental uncertainty in
section flows presented in Morgan et al. (2012). However, herein the setting and measurement of the flow-rates. The accuracy of
the quantitative analysis is extended to include results for the the NB liquid flow turbines (both FMlow and FMhigh in Fig. 1) is
velocity profiles in the flow. A qualitative analysis of the results, ±0.5%, while their repeatability is ±0.1% of full scale.
including images of the flow regimes observed and a flow regime The inlet to the test section is configured such that either of the
map constructed from the flow regime classifications, is presented test fluids can be introduced into the test section on top of the
first in Section 3.1. Following this, the subsequent sections present other. In the experimental campaign detailed in this paper the oil
the results from the quantitative analyses of the flow images, as phase was introduced on top of the glycerol/water solution phase.
follows: (i) vertical phase distribution profiles (in Section 3.2); In addition, a 1.5 mm K-type thermocouple, positioned directly be-
(ii) in situ phase fractions (in Section 3.3); (iii) interface level data fore the inlet to the test section, was used to monitor the temper-
(in Section 3.4); (iv) droplet size distribution results (in Section 3.5), ature of the flow. In the experimental campaign described in this
and (v) velocity profiles (in Section 3.6). Finally, the main conclu- paper the temperatures of the flows were within a maximum devi-
sions from this work can be found in Section 4. ation of 2 °C from ambient, i.e., 21 °C.

2.1.2. Flow conditions

2. Experimental methods The flow conditions are defined via two independent parame-
ters: (i) the superficial mixture velocity Um, defined as the total
This section presents the experimental flow facility, test liquids, volumetric flow-rate of both liquids (oil and aqueous glycerol) in
measurement procedure and post-processing analysis, and in- the pipe section QT = Qoil + Qgs divided by the cross-sectional area
cludes a description of the apparatus (inlet, main test section, visu- of the pipe A = pD2/4 and (ii) the inlet (volumetric) phase fraction
alisation section), optical measurements (laser system, camera, of oil in the pipe /in, defined as the volumetric flow-rate of oil Qoil
synchronisation system) and the image processing methodology divided by the total volumetric flow-rate of both liquids QT at the
used in the present study. Specifically, the flow facility, related inlet of the pipe section. The two independent flow parameters
experimental procedures and flow conditions are presented in Sec- Um and /in were varied independently in 48 test runs. The two
tion 2.1. Section 2.2 discusses the rationale behind the selection of parameters were kept constant for the duration of each run (i.e.,
the two test fluids (based on refractive index matching), along with set of conditions). The parameters were set by the volumetric
a presentation of the equipment and techniques employed for the flow-rates of each phase (i.e., the oil Qoil and aqueous glycerol
optical flow measurements, including a detailed description of the Qgs) being fed into the pipe at the inlet that were adjusted by
circular cross-section visualisation section. Finally, a description of means of suitable valves. The investigated experimental conditions
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 101

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the TOWER multiphase flow facility.

spanned a range of Um from 0.11 to 0.84 m s1 and /in from 0.1 to refractive index within the flow. Because, in the experiments de-
0.9. The aim has been to focus on the flow regime transition from scribed here, the test section tube was circular, matching the
stratified to dual continuous flow, in order to enhance our under- refractive indices is a necessary but not sufficient requirement to
standing of the flow characteristics in the regimes between strati- eliminate the effects of distortion. It was necessary to further cor-
fied and dispersed flow. The matrix of experimental conditions was rect the images to account for the effect of the tube and the meth-
selected based upon consultation of previous flow regime maps, odology used for achieving this is described in Section 2.3.1.
most notably those by Soleimani (1999) and Hussain (2004), and PIV and PTV are optical methods for the measurement of veloc-
is largely the same as that in Morgan et al. (2012). ity fields based on either elastic Mie scattering (when particles
with diameters of the order of the wavelength of the incident light
2.2. Optical methods and test fluids are used) or geometric reflection (when particles with diameters
an order of magnitude, or more, greater than the incident light
2.2.1. Optical measurement techniques wavelength). In our experiments these techniques were used to
A multitude of optical diagnostic techniques for non-intrusive measure the axial and radial components of velocity within a 2-
flow visualisation and/or measurement can be adopted for the dimensional illuminated plane normal to the flow axis. The laser
study of multiphase flows (e.g., Hewitt et al., 1990; Barbosa light source used to create the sheet for the illumination of this
et al., 2001; Liu, 2005). Of these, there are two main categories: plane had a wavelength of 510.6 nm (see Section 2.2.4), while
optical methods and tracer methods, of which PLIF, as employed the particles (in fact, micro-bubbles and micro-droplets; refer to
in the current investigation, falls into the former category, whereas Section 2.3.7) used for the PIV/PTV analysis were selected to be
PIV and PTV both fall into the latter. of the order of a few tens to 100 lm. Both techniques can be used
PLIF is a spectroscopic technique that was applied in the present to provide instantaneous vector maps of flow velocity within the
work to visualise the complex interfacial configurations which oc- illuminated flow plane. The main difference between PIV and
cur in the flow of two immiscible liquids. In PLIF it is necessary to PTV concerns the recovery of velocity information from correla-
provide a means of distinguishing between one liquid phase and tions of the positions of groups of particles within defined win-
the other within the plane of illumination, and this was achieved dows (in the case of PIV) or, correlations of individual particle
in the present experiments by adding a fluorescent dyestuff (Eosin positions (the case of PTV), between successive images. The ability
Y) to the aqueous glycerol solution (see Section 2.2.2). Eosin Y to use these techniques depends on the density of the seeded par-
emits light (fluoresces) following excitation by the laser light sheet. ticles in the flow; with optimal PIV requiring higher densities than
This allows an unequivocal identification of the aqueous glycerol PTV. In the present work the density of the micro-bubbles and mi-
phase, and consequently of the position of the interfaces between cro-droplets was such that it was possible to apply PIV, in a first
the phases. By using high-speed imaging (see Section 2.2.4), the stage of processing, in order to assess reference vectors, followed
temporal development of the interfacial structure in the illumina- by PTV in a second stage of processing. Pairs of successive images
tion plane was achieved. are taken with a small delay that depends on the flow velocity (and
A key requirement in the application of this technique was the in the case of PIV, the size of the PIV window). The correlation cal-
matching of the refractive indices of the two liquids. This allowed culations are done by post-processing algorithms for the recovery
the viewing of a fixed illuminated plane through the flow, without of velocity vector maps.
distortions of the incident laser sheet, and also eliminated distor- Accurate optical PLIF and PIV/PTV measurements demand a
tions of the collected light in the line-of-sight of the camera. In fixed and known illumination plane, a lack of distortions within
both cases the distortions would arise due to changes in the the imaging line-of-sight (or an ability to correct reliably for these
102 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

distortions), a clear distinction between the two fluids and a clear tion and emission peaks of the Eosin Y fluorescent dye are found at
and well-timed observation of particles (here, micro-bubbles) that 524.8 nm and 544 nm, respectively, though the emitted fluores-
faithfully follow the surrounding flow. A number of key factors cence spectrum is broadband, such that the fluorescence emission
have to be accounted for in order to achieve this. These factors lar- signal drops to 10% of its peak value at about 630 nm and 1% of its
gely pertain to: (i) the experimental arrangement (flow geometry, peak value at about 710 nm (Du et al., 1998). The physical proper-
test fluids, optical paths); (ii) the choice of the selected light source ties of the two selected liquids are presented in Table 1.
(beam energy and excitation wavelength), and (iii) the choice of Direct measurements were made of the interfacial tension be-
the fluorescent compounds and tracers. So as to ensure improved tween the glycerol/water solution and oil phases at varying con-
measurement quality, this study employs two fluids with matched centrations of Eosin Y dye in the glycerol/water solution phase.
refractive indices, as well as a specially constructed visualisation This was done in order to ascertain whether, and if so to what de-
section at the immediate location where the laser measurements gree, the addition of the Eosin Y dye (whose addition was neces-
were performed, whose purpose was to reduce laser light intensity sary for the fluorescence measurements) affected this important
non-uniformity and image distortion in the measurement plane property of the two-phase system. A significant modification of
due to the curved walls of the containing circular duct. The selec- the interfacial tension can lead to altered observations of interfa-
tion of the fluids and dyes is discussed in Section 2.2.2, while the cial phenomena and, consequently, a non-representative analysis
visualisation section is presented in Section 2.2.3. Finally, informa- of the system. The results from these measurements were pre-
tion on the laser system is provided in Section 2.2.4. sented in Morgan et al. (2012), and showed that the interfacial ten-
sion is not altered significantly from its value at zero dye
2.2.2. Test fluid selection concentration, making the present results directly relevant and
As mentioned previously, the two immiscible liquids employed transferable to generic two-phase oil–water systems.
are a kerosene-like aliphatic hydrocarbon, specifically Exxsol D80 Finally, it is noted that the two liquids under investigation are
oil, and a homogeneously mixed solution of glycerol in water. immiscible and that there is no diffusion of one phase into the
The two liquids are the same as those used in our earlier study other, something that is confirmed by the measurements. As such,
of horizontal liquid–liquid flows in a square duct (Morgan et al., the purpose here is not the recovery of instantaneous concentra-
2012), while the oil has identical physical properties to the oils tion information that would be necessary in diffusive flows (as
used by Soleimani (1999), Hussain (2004), and Liu (2005), and sim- done, for example, by Markides and Mastorakos (2006)). In the cur-
ilar property values to those used by Angeli (1996) and Angeli and rent flows the normalised concentration of the two phases is at all
Hewitt (2000a,b). The density ratio of the test fluids (aqueous glyc- times either locally zero or unity. Instead, the key measurement of
erol solution to oil) is 1.5, which is comparable to the density ratios interest relates to the correct identification of the interface be-
found in many oil–water systems, usually in the range 1–1.5 (Rus- tween the phases, where this exists in the flow. The PLIF measure-
sell et al., 1959; Charles and Lilleleht, 1966; Simmons and Azzop- ment methodology employed is only concerned with the on/off
ardi, 2001; Ioannou et al., 2005). In addition, the fluids have a presence/absence of fluorescent dye, which (given that the dye is
viscosity ratio (aqueous glycerol solution to oil) of approximately only soluble in the aqueous glycerol phase and insoluble in oil) sig-
20, which is comparable to the viscosity ratios found in the work nifies the local, unique presence of the aqueous glycerol solution.
by Charles and Lilleleht (1966) and Guzhov et al. (1973). However, Details of the procedure used to determine the local presence/ab-
in much of the previous experimental work the oil is the less dense sence of the aqueous glycerol phase are given below in
and more viscous fluid, while in the current study the oil is the less Section 2.3.2.
dense and also the less viscous fluid.
In order to obtain clear and accurate data from the planar laser- 2.2.3. Circular cross-section visualisation section
based imaging techniques, any out-of-plane refraction, reflection Although the data generated with the square cross-section duct
or scattering into the camera of the incident light needs to be elim- were useful in the general understanding of these flows (Morgan
inated as much as possible. This allows the successive illumination et al., 2012), it is obvious that a duct of circular cross-section would
of a known and invariant measurement (interrogation) plane by be more representative of industrial pipeline systems. A problem
the incident laser sheet and also an undistorted line-of-sight image that arises is that of image distortion by the (circular) walls of
of the light coming from the measurement plane onto the camera. the flow tube. This problem was addressed by identifying a solid
In the current study this was achieved by the use of a specially de- transparent material with a refractive index that is identical to
signed visualisation section featuring flat outside windows for light the (matched) refractive indices of the liquids, and constructing
delivery and imaging (as described in detail in Section 2.2.3) and by the (circular cross-section) observation/measurement section from
having refractive index matched liquids that were transparent to this material. Considerable effort was placed on establishing a tri-
both the incident light (excitation peak at 510.6 nm) and the gen- ply refractive index matched system, i.e., one in which both test
erated broadband fluorescence light (with an emission peak at fluids and the pipeline wall material have the same refractive indi-
544 nm). The refractive indices were measured using an Abbe 60 ces. However, this task is particularly challenging due to the added
Refractometer manufactured by Bellingham and Stanley. A solu- constraint of establishing a wall material of suitable characteris-
tion of 80% by weight glycerol in 20% water at 20 °C was found tics, i.e., transparent to both the laser light and the fluorescence
to match the refractive index of Exxsol D80 oil to 3 decimal points, light, sufficient strength and rigidity, and chemically compatible
with a refractive index of 1.444. with the test fluids. It was found that the material most closely
The composition of the final glycerol/water–dye solution (glyc- matching these requirements was borosilicate glass; however,
erine, water and seeded fluorescent dye mix) was optimised to the refractive index of this material is 1.474, which although being
maximise the brightness of the fluorescent phase and hence the a close match to that of the fluids used in the square cross-section
contrast between the phases, while minimising the absorption of duct studies (1.444), was not a perfect match.
incident light by the added dye. This required the addition (seed- The alternative approach was to accept that the images pro-
ing) of 0.4 mL of fluorescent dye solution (containing 5% by weight duced would be distorted to a small (but, constant) degree due
Eosin Y dye in 95% water) to each litre of aqueous glycerol solution, to the small (and constant) mismatch between the refractive index
i.e., 0.4  103 (v/v). The resulting mass fraction of pure dye in the of the fluids and that of the tube walls, and to correct for this
glycerol/water-dye mixture is 1.7  105 and the corresponding distortion using an image processing technique. As a precursor to
molar fraction is 1.4  105, to two significant figures. The absorp- the experiments, a graticule with a printed target of known dimen-
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 103

Table 1 video cameras produced by Olympus. The camera has a maximum

Table of test liquid physical properties. resolution of 1280  1024 pixels at which the maximum attainable
Oil Exxsol Glycerol solution 80 wt.% with 0.4 mL of frame-rate is 2000 fps. The actual imaging frequency employed in
D80 5 wt.% solution of Eosin Y per litre (L) the current measurements was set by the laser repetition fre-
Density (kg m3) 796 1205 quency, which was either 1 or 2 kHz, as mentioned in the previous
Viscosity (Pa s) 2.3  103 47  103 paragraph. A Macro 105 mm F2.8 EX DG medium telephoto lens
Refractive index 1.444 1.444 produced by Sigma Imaging Ltd. was used. The suitability of the
lens was confirmed from evaluation of its MTF (Modulation Trans-
fer Function) characteristic. The aperture was optimised to a set-
sions was mounted inside the visualisation pipe section such that ting of f/8 (where f is the focal length of the camera) to maximise
its flat surface was in the same position as that traversed by the image sharpness. The resulting spatial pixel resolution was
planar laser sheet. The known positions of points on the graticule 33 lm per pixel.
could then be related to their apparent position in the generated The copper vapour laser delivers a pulsed output and it was nec-
(distorted) images. This allowed the images to be corrected for essary to synchronise this with the camera system to ensure that
the distortion. Details of the image correction method are given the laser produced pulses during the exposure of the camera and
in Section 2.3.1. that the camera captured the resulting laser-induced fluorescence.
The circular cross-section visualisation section adopted is A trigger box employing TTL (transistor–transistor logic) signals
shown in Fig. 2 and consists of an LS = 100 mm long (or, 3.6 equiv- was used to synchronise the laser with the camera. The trigger
alent diameters, LS/HT = 3.6) borosilicate glass pipe with an internal box was driven by a frame-rate signal outputted from the camera.
diameter of HT = 27.6 mm. The visualisation section was housed From the trigger box a signal was then sent to the laser. The signal
within a Perspex box. The void between the pipe section and the reduced the pulse repetition frequency of the laser from its internal
internal walls of the box was filled with the test fluid that is not clock frequency of 10 kHz to the frequency the camera was set to,
seeded with fluorescent dye (i.e., Exxsol D80). The section was lo- for as long as the camera was allowed to capture images.
cated LE = 6.20 m downstream of the inlet of a horizontal
D = 25.4 mm diameter stainless steel pipe (such that LE/D = 244). 2.3. Image processing
The small difference in diameter between the stainless steel pipe
and the test section tubing and the effects of this were minimised 2.3.1. Graticule correction technique
by arranging a smooth transition between the respective tubes. As The graticule calibration target (see Fig. 3) contains a flat planar
was stated above, the difference in refractive index between the surface onto which crosses of known size and spacing were
wall material and the fluids causes a distortion of the image; this printed. During the calibration this surface was orientated so that
distortion was minimised by the choice of wall material and the it aligned with the central vertical plane of the visualisation sec-
use of a planar fluid-filled volume outside the tube. tion; i.e., the same plane as that which the laser light sheet pene-
trated the visualisation section during normal measurement
operation. It should be noted that during the calibration no laser
2.2.4. Laser system, camera and synchronisation
light was used; only ambient light was used to illuminate the visu-
An Oxford Lasers LS20-10 pulsed copper vapour laser with a
alisation section.
nominal output power of 20 W and an internal clock frequency
Prior to, and after each set of experimental runs the graticule
of 10 kHz was used as the green light source for the experimental
calibration piece was inserted into the visualisation section. This
campaign. The output light spectrum exhibits a peak at 510.6 nm,
was done by detaching the downstream connection between the
has a pulse duration of 2 ns and a pulse energy of approximately
visualisation section and the main pipeline. Once the graticule
2 mJ. Various pulse repetition frequencies can be achieved with
had been inserted, the test section was filled with Exxsol D80. Con-
the use of an external frequency source. The flows presented here-
siderable care was taken to immobilise the test section and the
in were recorded at either 1 or 2 kHz, depending on the flow-rate
adjoining visualisation section (see Fig. 2) during this process. A
(and thus, flow velocity). A dedicated light sheet generator pro-
limit of 1 pixel was imposed on the movement of the visualisation
duced by Oxford Lasers was connected to the copper vapour laser
section when compared with the calibration images. As the size
by means of a fibre optic cable. The resulting laser sheet had a
and spacing of the crosses on the graticule are known, one can
thickness of less than 1 mm. The arrangement of the laser light
use the values to measure the displacement and distortion of them
sheet and related details are similar to those described in detail
when it is imaged by the camera through the visualisation section.
in Morgan et al. (2012).
Fig. 3a shows a raw image of the graticule when viewed through
The fluorescent images resulting from the laser illumination of
the visualisation section. Based on the discrepancy between the
the test section were video recorded using an iSpeed3 high-speed
generated image and the known position of the crosses, one can
determine the manipulation that needs to be performed on the im-
age of the graticule to restore the crosses to their actual size and
spacing. The operation was performed using existing algorithms
in the DaVis software package produced by LaVision. The resulting
correction was based upon the average of 500 instantaneous
images. Fig. 3b shows Fig. 3a after it has undergone correction.
Since all of the images of the liquid–liquid flows obtained using
the laser-based techniques undergo the same distortion, the same
manipulation as that used for the graticule images can be applied
to all of the flow images to remove the distortion.
Fig. 3c shows an example of a raw image and Fig. 3d shows the
corresponding image after the correction has been undertaken.
Though the correction is a necessary one, it is noted that the distor-
tion is small; this reflects the small discrepancy in the refractive in-
Fig. 2. Circular cross-section visualisation section. dex of the liquids and that of the solid material of choice for the
104 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

Fig. 3. Demonstration of the graticule image correction technique: (a) a raw image of the graticule; (b) the image in the figure (a) after it has undergone correction; (c) a raw
PLIF image and (d) the image in the figure (c) after it has undergone correction.

walls of the visualisation section (i.e., borosilicate glass), as well as 2.3.3. Vertical oil phase fraction profiles
the practice of filling a compartment with a flat outer wall, sur- The instantaneous phase fraction profile in the ith image, taken
rounding the visualisation section, with Exxsol D80. at time t, is denoted by /(y, t)  /(y)i, where y is the height inside
the visualisation section from the bottom of the pipe along a verti-
cal axis perpendicular to the flow direction and pipe orientation,
2.3.2. LIF image processing and / is the corresponding phase fraction evaluated at that height
The phase distribution analysis, the results of which are pre- over the length available in that image Lx in the horizontal/flow
sented in Section 3.2, has been performed by first converting the direction x,
PLIF images of the flow into binarised black and white equivalents Z Lx
I(x, y, t)  I(x, y)i (I taking a value between zero and unity depend- 1
/ðy; tÞ ¼ Iðx; yÞi dx; ð1Þ
ing on the local, instantaneous phase) by using a thresholding ap- Lx x¼0

proach discussed in detail in Morgan et al. (2012), and then where I(x, y, t)  I(x, y)i represents the binarised instantaneous, local
processing the pixel information of the resulting image I(x, y, PLIF signal at time t (or, in image i) and position (x, y).
t)  I(x, y)i using an in-house code in MATLAB. The threshold value The vertical phase fraction profiles /ðyÞ  reported in this paper
was chosen as a compromise between smaller values that were refer to aggregated (i.e., time-averaged) phase profiles over a num-
more sensitive in identifying the exact location of the interface ber of instantaneous images n for a given flow condition,
and larger values which were less sensitive to noise. The resulting
relative (systematic) uncertainty that is introduced by the final 1 X

/ðyÞ ¼ /ðyÞi : ð2Þ
choice of the threshold value in the result for the interface loca- n i¼1
tions and consequently the instantaneous vertical phase fraction
profiles has been estimated from direct measurements to be about At least 1000 frames were used to evaluate the time-averaged
±10% at a 95% confidence level, with a corresponding (systematic) 
vertical profile of (oil) phase fraction /ðyÞ from Eq. (2) for each con-
uncertainty in the result for the instantaneous phase fraction of dition. As with all other flow parameters calculated from the raw
±4%. The result from the procedure was an image with dark regions images, the number of pixels was converted to a length by using
representing the oil phase and white regions representing the glyc- the known dimensions of the height of visualisation section. The
erol/water solution phase (which contained the fluorescent dye). phase fraction profiles are presented in Section 3.2. The relative
All of the data has been taken along the centreline of the circu- experimental uncertainty in the estimation of the time-averaged
lar cross-section duct. A key assumption of the phase fraction anal- profiles amounts to less than ±1% at a 95% confidence level.
ysis that has been conducted (for the phase distribution profiles
and the associated in situ phase fractions) is that the interface be- 2.3.4. In situ phase fraction
tween the two phases is flat. The validity of this assumption has The instantaneous in situ oil phase fraction h/iy ðtÞ  h/iyi in a
been assessed using the previous work by Ng (2002). This study re- single image is defined as the measured instantaneous volumetric
vealed the interface to be flat along most of the cross-section of the ratio of oil, which is equal to the fraction of dark area in a single
pipe, to within close proximity of the wall. image. Thus, it is noted that the in situ oil phase fraction h/iy;t is
Based on the binarised PLIF images I(x, y, t)  I(x, y)i, instanta- an area fraction, unlike the input oil phase fraction /in which is a
neous and time-averaged oil phase fraction profiles (Section 2.3.3), volumetric flow-rate fraction. The in situ phase fraction data
in situ phase fractions (Section 2.3.4), oil–glycerol/water solution h/iy;t has been acquired by employing the same initial steps as
interface levels (Section 2.3.5) and droplet sizes (Section 2.3.6) those detailed for the phase distribution analysis, and then by
were evaluated. The approach employed was identical to that de- time-averaging the resulting vertical phase profiles to obtain a
scribed by Morgan et al. (2012), which allows a direct comparison mean oil content in the measurement section for each flow condi-
of the two sets of results. tion, such that from n images:
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 105

Z y¼HT qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
4 applied to each data set. Although these particle velocimetry pro-
h/iy ðtÞ ¼ /ðy; tÞ H2T  ðHT  2yÞ2 dy; ð3Þ
p H2T y¼0
cesses ordinarily require the presence of seeded particles, the
determination of the velocity profiles was made possible in the
present data from the presence of a broad range of micro-bubbles
1X n
h/iy;t ¼ h/iyi : ð4Þ of air, and also of micro-droplets of one liquid phase in the other.
n i¼1
The largest diameter of the micro-bubbles of air in our flows was
The in situ oil phase fraction data h/iy;t are presented in Sec- 150 lm, by direct observation. Nevertheless, only micro-bubbles
tion 3.3. The uncertainty in the instantaneous in situ oil phase frac- and micro-droplets of a certain size in the resulting images were
tion amounts to ± 4%. selected for use in particle velocimetry computations; specifically,
2–5 pixels in diameter. This was in order to prevent over sampling
of individual micro-bubbles, and to ensure that these were small
2.3.5. Interface level
enough to closely follow the flow and low enough to eliminate
The instantaneous interface level H(x, t) is defined as the height
‘‘peak locking’’ quantization errors.
of the oil–glycerol/water solution interface from the bottom of the
The PIV/PTV calculation procedure first involved the correction
pipe. The interface level analysis was performed by selecting thirty
of the raw images for optical distortions, in a similar way to that
PLIF images from the recorded sequence. The selected images were
used on the raw PLIF images, as described in Section 2.3.1; e.g.,
100 frames apart to ensure sample independence. The height H
see Fig. 4a. The corrected images were then pre-processed by an
was recorded at five points (x positions) in each image. Thus, for
algorithm that subtracted off a sliding minimum over time, where-
each flow condition 150 interface height values were generated.
by the intensity of each pixel within a given image was compared
The experimental uncertainty in the instantaneous interface level
with the intensity of the same pixel in the images immediately be-
H(x, t) is the same as that for the instantaneous interface location,
fore it and after it, and the minimum value of the three was sub-
i.e., ±10%.
tracted from that pixel. This improved the signal-to-noise ratio in
The mean lH (from Eq. (5)) and the standard deviation rH (from
the resulting images, i.e., the contrast between the ‘‘particles’’ (in
Eq. (6)) of the oil–glycerol/water solution interface height H data
this work, micro-bubbles or micro-droplets) and the background.
has been determined for each run (i.e., set of conditions):
A result of this procedure is shown in Fig. 4b.
1X n
On completion of the pre-processing, the velocity vectors were
lH ¼ Hi ; ð5Þ then calculated via a multi-step PIV/PTV procedure in DaVis which
n i¼1
employed a series of cross-correlation functions; firstly in a multi-
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pass PIV algorithm and finally a PTV algorithm. This process was
u 1 X n
performed on successive images, which were taken at 1 or 2 kHz,
rH ¼t ðHi  lH Þ2 : ð6Þ
n  1 i¼1 i.e., with a spacing of 0.5 or 1 ms. Over this time, the typical dis-
placement of the particles in the flows (recall that Um = 0.11–
The results from the interface level analysis are presented in 0.84 m s1) was between 3 and 20 pixels. In the first two PIV passes
Section 3.4, where the mean interface levels lH are presented to- (the initial estimation of the velocity vectors), estimated velocity
gether with the l + 2r and l  2r values. Assuming a normal dis- vectors within 128  128 pixel interrogation windows within the
tribution, these values represent the upper and lower limits of the image were calculated. The third and final PIV pass was performed
95% confidence interval. The resulting relative uncertainties in the on 64  64 pixel PIV windows. An example of a velocity vector map
statistical estimation of the mean lH and standard deviation rH of calculated by the PIV algorithm is presented in Fig. 4c. Based on the
the interface level height H are both less than ±1% (0.8% and 0.6%, intermediate PIV results, the final velocity vectors were calculated
respectively). using a PTV approach in which individual particles within 8  8
pixel interrogation windows were tracked by employing the
2.3.6. Droplet size knowledge of the interrogation window displacement (from the
Finally, a droplet size analysis was performed by measuring the intermediate velocity field) calculated previously by the PIV steps.
area Ad of a number of droplets as they appeared in the PLIF Fig. 4d presents an example of the instantaneous velocity vector
images, after converting the images to black and white binarised map that was generated between two successive images.
equivalents. For each set of conditions approximately 20 images Finally, for each given run, i.e., time-sequence of images, the
and 100 droplets were selected, based on which Eqs. (7) and (8) instantaneous PTV velocity vector maps were time-averaged. Any
were then used to evaluate a mean effective droplet diameter ld: obviously spurious vectors (i.e., vectors pointing in the opposite
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi direction to the flow) within the time-averaged vector map were
d ¼ 2 Ad =p; ð7Þ removed by employing a permissibility range on the velocity vec-
tors, and in addition, the quality of the remaining vectors was fur-
1X n
ther improved by applying a 3  3 median filter. The spurious
ld ¼ di : ð8Þ
vectors were either removed or replaced by a secondary or ternary
n i¼1
cross-correlation peak. The resulting time-averaged PTV velocity
The droplet size data can be found in Section 3.5. The relative vector map was then spatially averaged in the streamwise direc-
uncertainty in the statistical estimation of the mean of the droplet tion and filtered, which yielded a velocity profile (such as those
size d is ±1%. presented in Fig. 20). The resulting velocity profiles are presented
Note that the mean effective droplet diameter that results from in Section 3.6.
this calculation is in fact a mean droplet chord length. In Section 3.5
this is used to estimate a mean spherical droplet diameter, under
the assumptions of uniformly spaced, spherical drops. 3. Results

2.3.7. PIV and PTV processing The PLIF and PIV/PTV measurements presented in this section
The velocity profiles within the oil and glycerol/water solution have provided a wealth of new insights into the flow structure of
phases were evaluated by using the DaVis software package liquid–liquid horizontal flows, as well as unique information con-
supplied by LaVision. Both the PIV and the PTV algorithms were cerning interfacial behaviour and the underlying velocity fields in
106 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

(a) (b)

0.5 m/s 0.5 m/s

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. The PIV/PTV process for acquiring velocity vectors between two images separated by a known time interval: (a) a distortion-corrected image; (b) the image in the
figure (a) after it has undergone sliding minimum subtraction; (c) a velocity vector map calculated using the PIV technique between two successive images, and (d) a PTV
vector map which is calculated from the PIV vector map shown in the figure (c). In the figures (c) and (d) the size of the vectors (arrows) refers to the velocity.

the investigated flows. Characteristic images from the flow regimes this being 0.27 m s1 higher than the highest superficial mixture
observed are presented in Section 3.1, which also includes a flow velocity (i.e., Um = 0.07 m s1) at which the stratified regime was
regime map constructed from the observations. In the succeeding observed for the square cross-section visualisation section (see
sections the results of the quantitative analysis of the generated Morgan et al. (2012)). However, above a superficial mixture veloc-
data is presented. Specifically, Section 3.2 presents oil fraction dis- ity of Um = 0.17 m s1 stratified flow is only observed at low oil in-
tribution profiles along a vertical axis perpendicular to the flow put phase fractions /in < 0.4.
centreline and Section 3.3 presents the results for time-averaged Above a superficial mixture velocity of Um = 0.34 m s1 droplets
phase fraction. Sections 3.4 and 3.5 present the results for interface are found at all oil input phase fractions and the flow is different
level and droplet size respectively. Finally, Section 3.6 presents the forms of stratified flow with droplets, i.e., above Um = 0.34 m s1
data on vertical velocity profiles. the flow has transitioned to dual continuous flow for all oil input
The investigated flow conditions are defined via the two inde- phase fractions. Examples of dual continuous flow can be seen in
pendent parameters defined in Section 2.1.2, namely: (i) the super- Fig. 5c and d. As the superficial mixture velocity increases, the
ficial mixture velocity Um and (ii) the inlet volumetric phase range of oil input phase fractions covered by dual continuous flow
fraction of oil in the pipe /in. These parameters were varied inde- diminishes and dispersed flows begin to form at the oil input phase
pendently in 48 runs and kept constant for the duration of each fraction extremes, i.e., very low (near zero) and very high (near
run. The flow regime map that is presented in Section 3.1 has been unity) oil input phase fractions.
constructed using the full matrix of experimental conditions up to At a superficial mixture velocity of Um = 0.84 m s1 the flow
superficial mixture velocities of Um = 0.84 m s1, whereas the changes to three-layer flow (see Fig. 5e) at an oil input phase frac-
quantitative analysis that follows in Sections 3.2–3.6 focuses on tion of /in = 0.5 and to dispersed flows (see Fig. 5f–h), at higher oil
the lower superficial mixture velocities, in the range Um = 0.11– input phase fractions. Oil dispersions begin to form at an oil input
0.42 m s1. In addition, /in was varied between 0.1 and 0.9. phase fraction of /in = 0.1 and glycerol/water solution dispersions
begin to form at an oil input phase fraction of /in = 0.9. Comparing
3.1. Flow phenomenology and regime maps Fig. 6 with the flow regime map for a square cross-section channel
(presented by Morgan et al., 2012) it is seen that the flow regime
Eight distinct flow regimes have been observed in the current transitions occur at higher superficial mixture velocities for the cir-
study. These have been identified using the same classification sys- cular tube case. For all the oil input phase fractions investigated,
tem as used in Morgan et al. (2012). Instantaneous images of each dual continuous flow was not seen for superficial mixture velocity
of the flow regimes are presented in Fig. 5. Once again, the flows below Um = 0.34 m s1 whereas; this transition occurred at a
can be grouped into four more general flow regimes, namely: (1) superficial mixture velocity of Um = 0.07 m s1 in the case of the
stratified flow; (2) mixed flow, which is characterised by two dis- square cross-section duct.
tinct continuous phase regions with droplets in each; (3) two-layer Furthermore, dispersions were observed at a superficial mixture
flow, which comprised of a dispersed region and a continuous, un- velocity of Um  0.6 m s1 when using the square cross-section
mixed region, and (4) dispersed flows. These are the same as those duct, whereas the transition to dispersions is first seen at a super-
identified in Morgan et al. (2012); the generalised grouping is pre- ficial mixture velocity of Um  0.8 m s1 in the circular cross-sec-
sented in Table 2. tion duct.
A flow regime map relating the flow classifications to the input As was the case with the PLIF study presented in Morgan et al.
oil fraction /in and the superficial mixture velocity Um, and based (2012), the flow regimes are in good general agreement with those
on images such as those in Fig. 5, is presented in Fig. 6. From this from previous studies (Soleimani, 1999; Lovick and Angeli, 2004;
flow regime map it can be seen that the stratified flow regime is Hussain, 2004), yet some flow regimes identified by previous
observed up to a superficial mixture velocity of Um = 0.34 m s1; researchers were not observed in the present study. Neither,
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 107

(a) Stratified flow (b) Stratified flow with droplets

(c) Oil droplet layer (d) Glycerol solution droplet layer

(e) Three layer flow (f) Oil dispersion over glycerol solution

(g) Oil flow over glycerol solution dispersion (h) Glycerol solution dispersion
with glycerol solution film with glycerol solution film

Fig. 5. Typical instantaneous PLIF images of the eight distinct flow regimes observed in the experimental campaign.

Table 2 oil-slugs-in-water (Charles et al., 1961; Hasson et al., 1970) nor

Categorisation of observed flow regimes. annular flows (Russell et al., 1959; Charles et al., 1961; Hasson
Flow regime categories Flow regimes et al., 1970; and, Arirachakaran et al., 1989) were observed in the
Stratified flow Stratified flow
current study. This absence of annular flows is consistent with
Stratified flow with droplets the observations of Angeli (1996), Nädler and Mewes (1995), Solei-
Mixed flow Oil droplet layer
mani (1999) and Hussain (2004). The absence of annular flows
Glycerol solution droplet layer might be attributed to the fact that the oil phase was not dense
Three-layer flow and viscous enough to sustain an oil core.
Two-layer, dispersed over/under Oil dispersion over glycerol The regime transitions observed with the circular pipe section
continuous flow solution flow relate much more closely to the transitions observed by Soleimani
Oil flow over glycerol solution (1999) than did the results for a square cross-section duct (Morgan
et al., 2012). Three-layer flow was identified in the present cam-
Dispersed flow Oil continuous dispersed flow paign, however its onset was not seen until much higher superfi-
Glycerol solution continuous
cial mixture velocities when compared with the flow regime map
dispersed flow
of the previous study, i.e., at Um  0.8 m s1 for the circular duct
108 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

1 From Fig. 7d it can be seen that as the height of the mixed zone
Superficial Mixture Velocity, Um (m.s )

increases with superficial mixture velocity for a given oil input

phase fraction. As the superficial mixture velocity is increased, it
is seen that the height of the mixed zone increases monotonically
with oil input phase fraction. The rate of the increase in the height
0.6 of the mixed zone with oil input phase fraction is higher at higher
superficial mixture velocities. These effects may reflect the ten-
dency of higher turbulence levels (at the higher superficial mixture
velocities) to promote mixing of the two initially separated flows.

0.2 3.3. In situ phase fraction

This section presents the results for in situ oil phase fraction
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 h/iy;t . The in situ oil phase fractions have been calculated using
Input Oil Fraction, φin the phase distribution profiles coupled with a numerical integra-
tion technique to account for the curvature of the visualisation sec-
Stratified Flow
tion wall. For a given image, the instantaneous phase fraction
Stratified Flow with Droplets
Oil Droplet Layer
h/iy ðtÞ is calculated via the integral in Eq. (3). For a given run
Three Layer Flow (i.e., a fixed combination of Um and /in) the average in situ oil frac-
Glycerol Solution Droplet Layer tion h/iy;t is calculated using Eq. (4).
Oil Dispersion over Glycerol Solution Fig. 8 shows that the in situ oil fraction h/iy;t is lower than the
Oil Flow over Glycerol Solution Dispersion with Film input oil fraction /in for almost all flow conditions (as was the case
Glycerol Solution Dispersion with Film for the square cross-section duct; see Fig. 11 in Morgan et al.
(2012)). For a completely mixed flow (i.e., a homogeneous flow)
Fig. 6. Flow regime map constructed from series of flow images such as those in the two phases travel at the same velocity, such that the slip ratio
Fig. 5.
S, which is the ratio of the velocity of the lighter phase to that of
the heavier phase, is unity. The homogeneous model is represented
compared to Um  0.4 m s1 for the square duct. The present circu- by the line S = 1 in Fig. 8. Clearly, from Fig. 8, the flows cannot be
lar duct data align much more closely with the transition to three described in terms of the homogeneous model, and therefore,
layer flow observed by Soleimani (1999) for Um  1 m s1, and two alternative models are investigated in the present paper,
Hussain (2004) for Um  0.8 m s1. Hussain (2004) reported strati- namely a laminar drag model and a differential momentum bal-
fied-wavy flow with droplets at superficial mixture velocities up to ance model. The results from these models being presented in
Um  3 m s1; this is considerably higher than the limit found in Fig. 8 as /mod,1 and /mod,2, respectively.
the current study, in which stratified-wavy flow with droplets The ‘‘laminar drag model’’ for prediction of the in situ phase
was only observed up to mixture velocities of Um  0.67 m s1. fraction was developed by equating the frictional pressure drop
However, the current value more closely relates to the limit re- in a two layer flow, i.e., by considering an equilibrium between vis-
ported by Soleimani (1999), which was a mixture velocity of cous drag due to laminar flow and pressure drop in the pipe. This
Um  0.7 m s1. model is denoted by /mod,1 in Fig. 8. It has been derived using
the same basis as /mod,1b in Morgan et al. (2012). A full derivation
is provided in Appendix A of Morgan et al. (2012); the following
3.2. Vertical phase distribution profiles details and the modifications necessary to account for the new test
section geometry (i.e., a circular cross-section opposed to a square
Fig. 7 shows vertical phase profiles /ðyÞ for superficial mixture cross-section). Firstly, the dimensionless pressure drop is related to
velocities Um in the range 0.11– 0.42 m s1 at selected input oil the Reynolds number through a Fanning friction factor f,
fractions /in of: (a) 0.25, (b) 0.50 and (c) 0.75, and (d) shows the
height of the interface (or, mixed) zone as a function of superficial Dp Di 16
fi ¼ 1 ¼ : ð9Þ
mixture velocities Um for constant input oil fraction /in. Fig. 7 q U 2 4L
2 i i
shows similar vertical distribution characteristics to those ob-
Once written for each phase ‘i’ and after equating pressure
served in the experimental study for square cross-section ducts
drops Dp/L, Eq. (9) reduces to,
(Morgan et al., 2012). Specifically, the flow has three distinct re-
gimes: (i) an oil region at the top of the pipe; (ii) a glycerol/water loil /in
solution region at the bottom of the pipe, and (iii) a mixed region F ¼ 1; ð10Þ
lgs 1  /in
separating them.
For stratified flows, such as for the Um = 0.22 m s1 and where
/in = 0.75 case presented in Fig. 7c, the mixed region covers a nar-
row vertical band. As the oil input fraction increases for a given  2
h  sin h 2p  h
superficial mixture velocity, two observations are made: (i) the F  f ðhÞ ¼ ; ð11Þ
2p  sin h h
height of the aqueous glycerol solution at the bottom of the pipe
decreases and (ii) the vertical range covered by the mixed region and
increases, as the gradient of the transition from the glycerol/water
solution region to the oil region increases. From inspection of Q oil /in di U i Di 4Ai
¼ ; Rei ¼ ; Di ¼ : ð12Þ
Fig. 7a–c it is seen that the gradient of the transition from the glyc- Q gs 1  /in li Pi
erol/water solution region to the oil region (i.e., the height of the
mixed region) also increases as the superficial mixture velocity in- Here, Pi is defined as the periphery of each layer in contact with
creases for a given oil input fraction. These findings concur with the wall; the parameters used to construct Eqs. (9)–(12) are de-
the findings for a square cross-section duct by Morgan et al. (2012). fined in Fig. 9.
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 109

Visualisation Section Height, HT (%)

Visualisation Section Height, H (%)

100 100

90 90
80 80
70 70
Um=0.11 m/s
60 60
50 Um=0.17 m/s 50
40 Um=0.22 m/s 40
30 Um=0.28 m/s 30
20 Um=0.34 m/s 20
10 Um=0.42 m/s 10
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Oil Fraction, φ Oil Fraction, φ
(a) (b)
Visualisation Section Height, H (%)

100 100
φ =0.25

Mixed Zone Height, Hmz (mm)


90 90 in
φ =0.50
80 in
φ =0.75
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Oil Fraction, φ Superficial Mixture Velocity, Um (m/s)
(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Vertical time-averaged oil phase fraction profiles /ðyÞ for different superficial mixture velocities Um at an input oil fraction /in of: (a) 0.25, (b) 0.50, (c) 0.75, and (d)
interface zone height as a function of superficial mixture velocities Um for constant input oil fractions /in.

et al., 2001) and is applicable to the special case in which the

1 in situ oil fraction h/iy;t ¼ 0:5 and when the interface level H is at
Um=0.11 m/s the midpoint of the pipe, i.e., Yoil = Ygs = H = HT/2 in Fig. 8. This form
In-Situ Oil Phase Fraction, 〈 φ 〉 y, t

Um=0.17 m/s of prediction is also in excellent agreement with the experimental
Um=0.22 m/s results. Therefore, the same conclusions can be drawn as were
0.7 Um=0.28 m/s made for the study using a square cross-section visualisation sec-
0.6 Um=0.34 m/s tion (Morgan et al., 2012). Specifically, that the interface level is
0.5 Um=0.42 m/s adjusting in order to satisfy the increased viscous drag caused by
φ the higher viscosity of the aqueous glycerol solution.
0.4 mod,1
φ The input oil fraction /in that results in this value of in situ oil
0.3 mod,2
S=1 fraction (i.e., h/iy;t ¼ 0:5) is given by:
0.1 /mod;2 ¼ /in ¼ ; ð14Þ
y2 þ 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
where y2 = Qoil/Qgs. Now, bearing in mind that Yoil = Ygs = HT/2 we
Input Oil Phase Fraction, φ in
Fig. 8. In situ oil phase fraction h/iy;t as a function of input oil fraction /in for
different superficial mixture velocities Um.

Finally, the modelled in situ oil phase fraction h/iy;t presented in

Fig. 8 is defined as:

Aoil h  sin h
/mod;1 ¼ h/iy;t ¼ ¼1 : ð13Þ Aoil
Aoil þ Ags 2p Yoil
In Eqs. (11) and (13), h is in radians. It should be noted that the HT
contact area between the fluids has not been included in the calcu- r θ r
lation of /mod,1.
There is very good agreement between /mod,1 and the experi-
mental results, particularly at lower input oil fractions (typically,
0.1 < /in < 0.5) and lower superficial mixture velocities. Ags Ygs
The second means of comparison, denoted by /mod,2 in Fig. 8,
has been derived from a differential momentum balance (Bird Fig. 9. Stratified liquid–liquid flow model construction.
110 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

8 After substituting Eqs. (16) and (17) into Eq. (15) we obtain,
Um=0.80 m/s (Lovick and Angeli, 2004)  oil  !
7 ux lgs 7loil þ lgs
Um=3.00 m/s (Lovick and Angeli, 2004)
y2 ¼  gs  ¼ ð18Þ
Um=0.11 m/s ux loil 7lgs þ loil
Um=0.17 m/s
Um=0.22 m/s and finally from Eq. (14):
Slip Ratio, S

Um=0.28 m/s
Um=0.34 m/s mþ7
4 /mod;2 ¼ ; ð19Þ
Um=0.42 m/s m þ 14 þ m1
where m ¼ lgs =loil is the ratio of the dynamic viscosities of the two
2 fluids.
In the homogenous model of two-phase flow the central tenet
1 and key assumption is that the slip ratio S, i.e., the velocity ratio
of the fluids (defined in Eq. (20)) is unity. In what follows an assess-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ment is made of the suitability of a homogenous flow model ap-
Input Oil Phase Fraction, φin proach, based on the slip ratio criterion, compared with
separated flow models which account for the existence of slip be-
Fig. 10. Slip ratio S as a function of input oil fraction /in for different superficial tween the phases,
mixture velocities Um.
S¼ ; ð20Þ
where uoil and ugs are the average velocities of the oil and aqueous
 oil  glycerol solution. This can be utilised to obtain an expression for the
Q oil u
y2 ¼ ¼  xgs  : ð15Þ in situ oil phase fraction h/iy;t as a function of the input oil fraction
Q gs ux /in,
Hence, /mod,2 = /in can be evaluated from the ratio of the aver-    !, !
uoil Q oil Q gs U oil U gs
age/bulk velocities of each liquid in the co-current flow, which is S¼ ¼ ¼
ugs Aoil Ags h/iy;t 1  h/iy;t
derived from differential momentum balances:
Z ! U oil 1  h/iy;t
  2 HT =2
DpH2T 7loil þ lgs ¼ ; ð21Þ
x ¼ uoil
x dy ¼ ; ð16Þ U gs h/iy;t
HT 0 48loil L lgs þ loil
Z !   
  2 0
DpH2T 7lgs þ loil U oil Q oil Q gs Q Q oil =Q T /in
x ¼ ugs
x dy ¼ : ð17Þ ¼ ¼ oil ¼ ¼ : ð22Þ
HT HT =2 48lgs L lgs þ loil U gs A A Q gs ð1  Q oil Þ=Q T 1  /in

μ >μ
0.9 oil water

0.8 Stratified Flow

y, t
In-situ Oil Phase Fraction, 〈 φ〉

0.6 Continous
Flow Region
0.5 Dual
0.4 Flow Region



Stratified Flow μ <μ
oil water
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Input Oil Phase Fraction, φin

φ (LIF Data) Um=0.80 m/s (Lovick and Angeli, 2004)

φ (Lovick and Angeli, 2004) Um=0.30 m/s (Lovick and Angeli, 2004)
φ (Russell et al. 1959) Um=0.22 m/s (Russell et al. 1959)
Um=0.17 m/s Um=0.55 m/s (Russell et al. 1959)
Um=0.34 m/s S=1
Fig. 11. In situ phase fraction h/iy;t as a function of input oil fraction /in for different superficial mixture velocities Um, compared with data from Lovick and Angeli (2004) and
Russell et al. (1959).
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 111

28 28
μ μ
24 a 24

Interface Level, H (mm)

Interface Level, H (mm)

μ -2σ μ -2σ
20 b μ +2σ 20 μ +2σ
16 16
12 12

8 8

4 4

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Oil Input Fraction, φin Oil Input Fraction, φin
(a) (b)

Fig. 12. The mean l, upper l + 2r and lower l  2r limits for the interface level H as a function of input oil fraction /in for superficial mixture velocities Um of: (a) 0.11 m s1
and (b) 0.28 m s1. Points a, b and c correspond to the instantaneous images a1 ? c1 and probability histograms a2 ? c2 in Fig. 14. Points x, y and z correspond to the
instantaneous images x1 ? z1 and probability histograms x2 ? z2 in Fig. 15.

Hence, the following expression is obtained for the slip ratio,


24 /in 1  h/iy;t
Interface Level, H (mm)

S¼ : ð23Þ
1  /in h/iy;t
Um =0.11 m/s One can see that under homogenous flow conditions, i.e., when
Um =0.17 m/s S = 1, Eq. (23) reduces to /in h/iy;t . The homogenous flow model is
12 Um =0.22 m/s denoted by the thin sold line labelled S = 1 in Fig. 8.
Um =0.28 m/s It is seen that this approach over-predicts the in situ phase frac-
8 Hmod,1 tion, with the extent of the over-prediction increasing with an
4 Hall & Hewitt (1993)gas-liquid increasing oil input fraction (this will be accounted for and ex-
Hall & Hewitt (1993)liquid-liquid
plained to a large extent for in the further analysis below). Hence,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a slip ratio of S = 1 does not adequately characterise the experi-
Oil Input Fraction, φ in mental results contained herein.
Fig. 10 examines the effect of the input oil phase fraction /in on
Fig. 13. Interface level H as a function of input oil fraction /in for different the slip ratio S at constant superficial mixture velocities Um and in-
superficial mixture velocities Um featuring interface level models presented by Hall cludes a comparison with experimental data acquired by Lovick
and Hewitt (1993) for stratified liquid–liquid flow, stratified gas–liquid flow and the
and Angeli (2004) for an oil–water system. From Fig. 10 it is seen
laminar drag model, Hmod,1.
that for a given oil input phase fraction, as the superficial mixture

(a1) (b1) (c1)

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8




0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Interface Level, H (mm) Interface Level, H (mm) Interface Level, H (mm)
(a2) (b2) (c2)

Fig. 14. Flow images with input oil fraction /in of: (a1) 0.25, (b1) 0.50, and (c1) 0.75, all at superficial mixture velocities Um = 0.11 m s1; (a2), (b2) and (c2) show the probability
histograms for the same conditions respectively. Data corresponds to points a, b and c, as labelled in Fig. 12.
112 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

velocity increases the slip ratio decreases. It can be deduced that as ciently well mixed (i.e., it is in the dispersed flow regime) that it
the superficial mixture velocity increases beyond a critical point, can be adequately characterised by the homogeneous flow model,
the flow is sufficiently well mixed (i.e., dispersed) that it can be i.e., S = 1, hence h/iy;t ¼ /in .
adequately described via the homogenous flow model.
Finally, Fig. 11 compares the in situ phase fraction results with 3.4. Interface level
the experimental results of Lovick and Angeli (2004) and Russell
et al. (1959) and with the predictions from the laminar drag model Fig. 12 presents the results for the mean lH and standard devia-
/mod,1 (Eq. (13)). The same conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 11 tion rH of the interface level H as a function of input oil fraction /in
as from the square cross-section duct results of Morgan et al. for fixed superficial mixture velocities of: (a) Um = 0.11 m s1 and
(2012); namely that at low superficial mixture velocities the lam- (b) 0.28 m s1. The results reveal that, for a given superficial mixture
inar drag model provides excellent agreement with the experimen- velocity Um, the interface level H generally decreases on average as
tal results. However, as the superficial mixture velocity increases, the oil input fraction /in increases. This trend is seen to be more
mixing in the flow increases leading to the entrainment of one li- prominent for higher superficial mixture velocities. Furthermore,
quid as drops into a continuum of the other; when such entrain- at the lower superficial mixture velocity case, Um = 0.11 m s1, the
ment occurs, the laminar drag model breaks down. However, for interfacial disturbances (characterised by the standard deviation
sufficiently high superficial mixture velocities (see the data of Lov- rH) seem to be enhanced at the higher /in; however, this trend can-
ick and Angeli (2004) for Um = 3.00 m s1) the flow becomes suffi- not be seen at the higher mixture velocity case.

(x1) (y1) (z1)

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8



0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Interface Level, H (mm) Interface Level, H (mm) Interface Level, H (mm)
(x2) (y2) (z2)

Fig. 15. Flow images with input oil fraction /in of: (x1) 0.25 m s1, (y1) 0.50, (z1) 0.75, all at a superficial mixture velocities Um = 0.28 m s1; (x2), (y2) and (z2) show the
probability histograms for the same conditions respectively. Data corresponds to points x, y and z, as labelled in Fig. 12.

6 5
Mean Droplet Diameter, μd (mm)

Mean Droplet Diameter, μd (mm)

b y
4 3.5 x
c z
a 3
3 2.5
μ 1 μ
1 d,chord d,chord
μ 0.5 μ
d,sphere d,sphere
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Input Oil Phase Fraction, φ in Superficial Mixture Velocity,Um (m.s-1)
(a) (b)

Fig. 16. Mean glycerol solution droplet diameter ld,gs for: (a) varying input oil fraction /in and constant superficial mixture velocities Um = 0.22 m s1 and (b) varying
superficial mixture velocity Um and a constant input oil fraction of /in = 0.25. Points a, b and c correspond to the instantaneous images a1 ? c1 and probability histograms
a2 ? c2 in Fig. 17. Points x, y and z correspond to the instantaneous images x1 ? z1 and probability histograms x2 ? z2 in Fig. 18.
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 113

Fig. 13 shows the interface level H as a function of oil input Um = 0.11–0.28 m s1 it is seen that the rate of decrease in interface
phase fraction /in and shows the predicted results for the modified level increases as the superficial mixture velocity Um is increased.
form of the laminar drag model (Eq. (13)), denoted by Hmod,1 and The laminar drag model Hmod,1 predicts the lowering of the
the predictions from the stratified models presented by Hall and interface level H as the oil input fraction /in increases and is in very
Hewitt (1993). The results reveal that, for a given superficial mix- good agreement with the experimental data points relating to low-
ture velocity Um, the interface level decreases as the oil input frac- velocity stratified flows (Um = 0.11–0.17 m s1) in which the flow
tion increases. This trend is seen to be more prominent for higher contains no droplets. As the laminar drag model does not account
superficial mixture velocities. From comparison of the results for for phase break-up and droplet formation the model fails to predict

(a1) (b1) (c1)

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8



0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Droplet Diameter, μd (mm) Droplet Diameter, μd (mm) Droplet Diameter, μd (mm)

(a2) (b2) (c2)

Fig. 17. Flow images with a superficial mixture velocity Um = 0.22 m s1 at oil input fractions /in of: (a1) 0.25, (b1) 0.50 and (c1) 0.87; (a2), (b2) and (c2) show the glycerol
solution droplet size distribution probability histograms for the same conditions respectively. Data corresponds to points a, b and c, as labelled in Fig. 16(a).

(x1) (y1) (z1)

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8



0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Droplet Diameter, μd (mm) Droplet Diameter, μd (mm) Droplet Diameter, μd (mm)

(x2) (y2) (z2)

Fig. 18. Flow images with an oil input fraction fractions /in = 0.25 at superficial mixture velocities Um of: (x1) 0.22, (y1) 0.28 and, (z1) 0.42; (x2), (y2) and (z2) show the glycerol
solution droplet size distribution probability histograms for the same conditions respectively. Data corresponds to points x, y and z, as labelled in Fig. 16(b).
114 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

that the interface level decreases for a given oil input phase frac- phase fraction for a given superficial mixture velocity. The model
tion as the superficial mixture velocity increases. for gas–liquid systems shows excellent agreement with the pres-
The Hall and Hewitt (1993) model for liquid–liquid flows gener- ent experimental data. The breakdown in the ability of the Hall
ally over-predicts the data. However, the liquids in the present and Hewitt (1993) liquid–liquid model to accurately predict the
study are such that the oil phase is less dense than the aqueous interface level as the superficial mixture velocity increases can be
phase, but also less viscous. This is similar to the case of a gas–li- attributed to the model assuming a flat interface between the
quid flow and the Hall and Hewitt (1993) model for this case is two liquids. However, and particularly at higher mixture velocities,
compared with the present data in Fig. 13. It is seen that both pre- the interface is not flat and is covered with waves. The Hall and He-
dictive techniques capture the lowering of the interface level with witt (1993) gas liquid flow model takes account of such waves by
an increasing oil input phase fraction. However, the liquid–liquid assigning an enhanced interfacial friction.
model over-predicts the interface level for all flowing conditions Figs. 14 and 15 present instantaneous images and interface le-
investigated; the difference increases with an increasing oil input vel probability histograms for the points that have been used to

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chord Length, μ ch (mm) Droplet Diameter, μd (mm)
(a) (b)

Fig. 19. Droplet size probability histogram distributions for a flow with a superficial mixture velocity Um = 0.22 m s1 and at oil input fraction /in = 0.25 for: (a) chord length
and (b) droplet diameter.
Visualisation Section Height, HT (mm)

Visualisation Section Height, HT (mm)

28 28
Um=0.11 m/s Um=0.11 m/s
24 24
Um=0.17 m/s Um=0.17 m/s
20 Um=0.22 m/s 20 Um=0.22 m/s

16 Um=0.28 m/s 16 Um=0.28 m/s

Um=0.34 m/s Um=0.34 m/s
12 12
Um=0.42 m/s Um=0.42 m/s
8 Um=0.50 m/s 8 Um=0.50 m/s

4 Um=0.56 m/s 4 Um=0.56 m/s

Um=0.83 m/s
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, 〈 Ux 〉 /Um Normalised Streamwise Velocity, 〈 Ux 〉 /Um

(a) (b)
Visualisation Section Height, HT (mm)

Um=0.11 m/s
Um=0.17 m/s
20 Um=0.22 m/s

16 Um=0.28 m/s
Um=0.34 m/s
Um=0.42 m/s
8 Um=0.50 m/s

4 Um=0.67 m/s

0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, 〈 Ux 〉 /Um

Fig. 20. Normalised velocity profiles hU x i=U m for different superficial mixture velocities Um at an input oil fraction /in of: (a) 0.25; (b) 0.50, and (c) 0.75.
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 115

construct the mean interface level plots shown in Fig. 12. From (a2 ? c2 and x2 ? z2) for the droplet chord diameter (direct mea-
inspection of the instantaneous images (a1 ? c1 and x1 ? z1) and surement) points labelled a ? c and x ? z in Fig. 16.
the histograms (a2 ? c2 and x2 ? z2), one can easily see that the In particular, Fig. 16a indicates that for a fixed superficial mix-
mean interface level lH decreases with an increasing oil input oil ture velocity Um, the average glycerol/water solution droplet diam-
fractions /in for a given superficial mixture velocity Um. From eter ld,gs increases at a constant rate with an increasing oil input
inspection of the images (a1 ? c1 and x1 ? z1) and the histograms fraction up to /in = 0.5. However, as the oil input fraction /in is in-
(a2 ? c2 and x2 ? z2), one can conclude that the mean interface le- creased further, the average glycerol/water solution droplet diam-
vel lH decreases for an increasing superficial mixture velocity Um eter decreases monotonically, i.e., the mean droplet diameter is
while at the same time the interface level fluctuation range wid- shown to peak at an oil input fraction of /in = 0.5 with a value of
ens. We would expect that at a low superficial mixture velocity ld,gs = 4.1 mm, at a superficial mixture velocity of Um = 0.22 m s1.
Um, when the flow is stratified, that the interface level would be As was seen with the PLIF study presented in Morgan et al. (2012),
flat and stable H (Shaha, 1999). this result is consistent with the fining of Pal (1993) who observed
The widening of the interface height range with increasing a peak in the droplet size at the phase inversion point,
superficial mixture velocity is a manifestation of the corresponding /in,water = 0.3. This is also consistent with the findings of Liu
increase of the amplitude of the waves on the interface, and thus to (2005) who also observed a maximum in the droplet size at the
the onset and increase of turbulence in the flow as the superficial phase inversion point.
mixture velocity increases. Increased turbulence can lead to droplet Fig. 16b shows results for mean glycerol/water solution droplet
formation and the entrainment of one phase into a continuum of the size as a function of superficial mixture velocity Um for a given
other which can further widen the range of interface level heights. (fixed) input oil fraction of /in = 0.25. The mean glycerol/water
solution droplet diameter ld,gs increases slightly (by about 6%)
3.5. Droplet size distribution and then decreases (by about 14%) as a result of the increase in
the superficial mixture velocity Um from 0.22 m s1 to 0.28 m s1,
Fig. 16 shows the effects of: (a) oil input fraction /in and (b) and then to 0.42 m s1.
superficial mixture velocity Um, on the mean glycerol/water solu- Figs. 17 and 18 show probability histograms of glycerol/water
tion droplet sizes ld,gs. Fig. 16 presents mean chord lengths, as well solution droplet size and instantaneous images for the points
as equivalent spherical diameter values that correspond to the di- a ? c and x ? z in Fig. 16a and b, respectively. From Fig. 17 it
rect measured droplet chord lengths, calculated in MATLAB based can be seen that as the oil input fraction is increased for a given
upon an assumption of a uniform distribution of droplets in the superficial mixture velocity (in this case, Um = 0.22 m s1) the glyc-
flow and a spherical droplet shape. Figs. 17 and 18 present instan- erol/water solution droplets occupy the same diameter range
taneous images (a1 ? c1 and x1 ? z1) and probability histograms though the distribution becomes more uniform with increasing
Visualisation Section Height, H (mm)






0 1 2 3 4
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, U x U m

Fig. 21. (a) Velocity profile and (b) instantaneous image, for Um = 0.28 m s1 and /in = 0.38.
Visualisation Section Height, HT (mm)


24 3


4 1
0 1 2 3 4
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, U x U m
(a) (b)

Fig. 22. (a) Velocity profile and (b) instantaneous flow image, for three-layer flow with droplets at Um = 0.84 m s1 and /in = 0.50.
116 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

Visualisation Section Height, H (mm)






0 1 2 3 4
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, U x U m
(a1) (b1)
Visualisation Section Height, H (mm)






0 1 2 3 4
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, U x U m
(a2) (b2)

Fig. 23. Velocity profiles (a1 ? a2) and instantaneous images (b1 ? b2) for: (1) Um = 0.67 m s1 and /in = 0.75 and (2) Um = 0.56 m s1 and /in = 0.75.

oil input fraction. Fig. 18(x2) shows that, at a low superficial mix- dependence can be attributed to the transition through the differ-
ture velocity of Um = 0.22 m s1, there is a clear preference for ent flow regimes that are encountered as the superficial mixture
droplets of a certain size. The preference for this size is maintained velocity is increased.
as the superficial mixture velocity is increased (firstly to Though the velocity of the two phases must be close to being
Um = 0.28 m s1and then onto Um = 0.42 m s1), however, the prob- the same at the interface, there may be thin boundary layers in
ability for smaller droplets decreases as the superficial mixture the interface region in either or both phases in which the velocity
velocity is increased. may change significantly. These changes may manifest themselves
Fig. 19 presents probability histograms for the point labelled ‘‘a’’ as an apparent step change in velocity from one phase to the other
in Fig. 16a, i.e., for a flow with a superficial mixture velocity as the interface region is traversed. The ‘‘step-change’’ at the inter-
Um = 0.22 m s1 and oil input fraction of /in = 0.25 (these are the face is seen to be most prominent for the lowest superficial mix-
same flow conditions for the point labelled ‘‘x’’ in Fig. 16b). Fig. 19a ture velocities investigated, Um = 0.11–0.22 m s1. As previously
presents a probability histogram distribution of the direct measure- discussed in Section 3.3 (see in particular, Fig. 10), the slip ratio S
ments of droplet chord length, whereas Fig. 19b presents the equiv- between the two liquid phases is highest for these conditions.
alent probability histogram distribution of the associated droplet Comparing Fig. 20a and b, the ‘‘step-change’’ at the interface is seen
diameters back-calculated from the chord measurements, and the to increase with oil input phase fraction. Ultimately, if there is suf-
assumptions of uniform and spherical droplets mentioned above. ficient shear (i.e., a sufficient velocity difference) across the inter-
The histograms in Fig. 19 show that, once the droplet chord data is face, this will give rise to an instability which can cause waves at
processed to provide droplet diameters, the operation leads to a shift the common interface and the onset of a transition to other flow
in probability towards larger droplet size values, as expected. regimes, first dual continuous flow and ultimately dispersed flow
which have their own characteristic velocity profiles.
3.6. Velocity profiles Fig. 21 presents a normalised velocity profile in relation to a
corresponding instantaneous image of a stratified flow with the
Fig. 20 shows velocity profiles for superficial mixture velocities following input conditions: Um = 0.28 m s1 and /in = 0.38. Inspec-
in the range Um = 0.11– 0.42 m s1 at oil input fractions /in of (a) tion of the velocity profile (a) in relation to the flow image and (b)
0.25; (b) 0.50; and (c) 0.75. For a given run (i.e., a fixed superficial shows that, from the bottom of the test section, the velocity profile
mixture velocity Um and fixed oil input fraction /in) the velocity follows a parabolic curve up to the interface, characteristic of a
profile has been divided by the superficial mixture velocity of that velocity profile for laminar flow. The velocity profile in the upper
run, i.e., it has been normalised. From inspection of Fig. 20 it can be region is more representative of a turbulent flow.
seen that once normalised, the velocity profiles for a given oil input The results shown in Fig. 21 are consistent with the Reynolds
fraction /in collapse to a ‘generic’ profile that is largely indepen- numbers of the individual phases which can be calculated using
dent of the superficial mixture velocity (though with some excep- a combination of the volumetric flow-rates (Qi) of the individual
tions). However, there is a region that retains dependence to the phases coupled with the respective in situ phase fractions, such
superficial mixture velocity, namely the interface region. This that,
R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118 117

Visualisation Section Height, HT (mm)






0 1 2 3 4
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, U x U m
(a1) (b1)
Visualisation Section Height, H (mm)






0 1 2 3 4
Normalised Streamwise Velocity, U x U m
(a2) (b2)

Fig. 24. Velocity profiles (a1 ? a2) and instantaneous images (b1 ? b2) for dispersed flows, at: (1) Um = 0.84 m s1 and /in = 0.25 and (2) Um = 0.83 m s1 and /in = 0.90.

qi U i Di Um = 0.56 m s1 and /in = 0.75, respectively. In both cases, there

Rei ¼ ; ð24Þ
li is a thin layer (up to H  2 mm) of glycerol-solution on the pipe
where wall. Above H  2 mm there is a second layer arising from the flow
Qi of a glycerol-solution droplet region above the glycerol-solution
Ui ¼  ð25Þ
pD2i film, travelling at a different velocity to that of the film. Fig. 24 pre-
h/iy;t 4 sents a normalised velocity profiles (a1 ? a2) and instantaneous
and images (b1 ? b2) for dispersed flows. Fig. 24(1) (Um = 0.84 m s1
pD2i and /in = 0.25) shows results for a dispersion of oil droplets in
h/iy;t A ¼ Ai ¼ ; ð26Þ
4 the glycerol/water solution phase, and Fig. 24(2) (Um = 0.83 m s1
where A is the total cross-sectional area of the pipe and Ai is the and /in = 0.90) shows results for a dispersion of glycerol/water
cross-sectional area occupied by phase i. solution droplets in oil. Inspection of the velocity profile in
Fig. 21 indicates that the aqueous glycerol solution is still trav- Fig. 24(a1) in relation to the instantaneous flow image shown in
elling as laminar flow (Regs = 55); this is supported by the shape of Fig. 24(b1) shows that the step changes in the velocity profile ob-
the velocity profile for the aqueous glycerol solution in Fig. 21a. served at H  24 mm and H  20 mm are due to discrete layers
However, the Reynolds number for the oil phase is not in the lam- of oil droplets flowing at different velocities.
inar region (Reoil = 3414). This is in line with the shape of the veloc-
ity profile of the oil phase in Fig. 21a, which is steeper closer to the 4. Conclusions
pipe wall and so more characteristic of a turbulent flow. It should
be emphasised that the results presented in Fig. 21 and the associ- The experimental campaign that is the subject of this paper is a
ated calculations of the Reynolds numbers of the individual phases development of the square duct section study presented in Morgan
were for runs in which the two phases remained separated and et al. (2012). However, the current investigation makes use of a test
there are no droplets present, i.e., for stratified flow only. section with a geometry more representative of practical/industrial
Fig. 22 presents a velocity profile and an instantaneous flow im- pipeline systems (i.e., with a circular cross-section). In addition, the
age for Um = 0.84 m s1 and /in = 0.50. Here the flow regime is characterisation of the investigated flows has been developed
three-layer flow. Three distinct regions to the profile are identifi- herein to include both phase information and velocity profiles.
able, these being: (i) a single-phase glycerol/water solution region The following main conclusions can be drawn from this work:
(i.e., up to H  10 mm); (ii) a highly dispersed region (i.e., from
H  10 mm up to H  20 mm), and (iii) a single phase oil region (1) A non-intrusive, spatiotemporally resolved optical measure-
up to the top of the channel. From the shape of the velocity profile ment technique, incorporating planar laser-induced fluores-
it is deduced that all three regions are turbulent. cence (PLIF) simultaneously with particle velocimetry (PIV/
Figs. 23 and 24 show velocity profiles and corresponding instan- PTV), was developed and used to measure co-current
taneous flow images for various flow conditions. In Fig. 23 we ob- liquid–liquid flows in a horizontal circular pipe section.
serve results for: (1) Um = 0.67 m s1 and /in = 0.75 and (2) The two liquid phases (Exxsol D80 oil and an aqueous glyc-
118 R.G. Morgan et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 49 (2013) 99–118

erol solution) had matched refractive indices. The borosili- References

cate glass test section wall had a different refractive index
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