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MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018

Chapter 9: Resource Allocation Grade:_____/ 10

Please answer only 10 of the following 14 Multiple Choice questions by selecting the best answer, from
among other possible “good” answers, by CIRCLING the letter next to it.

1. In CPM, __________ are specified.

a) exact levels of uncertainty associated with activities
b) an expected time, a crash time, and the standard deviation time
c) three costs
d) two activity times and two costs

Ans: d
Section Reference: 9.1 Critical Path Method – Crashing a Project
Level: intermediate
Bloom’s: Comprehension

2. The standard practice with AOA and AON is to estimate activity times under the assumption
of resource loadings that are __________.
a) probabilistic
b) crashed
c) normal
d) dynamic

Ans: c
Section Reference: 9.1 Critical Path Method – Crashing a Project
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge
MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018

3. If deterministic time estimates are used, and if project deadlines are firm, there is a high
likelihood that it will __________.
a) not be necessary to crash any activities in projects
b) be necessary to crash the last few activities of most projects
c) be completed on time and within budget
d) be completed as per schedule

Ans: b
Section Reference: 9.1 Critical Path Method – Crashing a Project
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension

4. The formula for computing the cost/time slope for each activity that can be crashed is
a) (crash cost + normal cost) / (crash time + normal time)
b) (crash cost - normal cost) / (crash time - normal time)
c) (normal cost + crash cost) / (normal time + crash time)
d) (normal cost - crash cost) / (normal time - crash time)

Ans: b
Section Reference: 9.1 Critical Path Method – Crashing a Project
Level: intermediate
Bloom’s: Knowledge

5. Economically speaking, crashing a project creates a technology change in the __________

for an activity.
MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018
a) deliverable demand function
b) production function
c) audit function
d) deliverable supply function

Ans: b
Section Reference: 9.1 Critical Path Method – Crashing a Project
Level: advanced
Bloom’s: Comprehension

6. The __________ technique overlaps the design and builds phases of a project to expedite its
a) crashing
b) fast-tracking
c) leading
d) blitzing

Ans: b
Section Reference: 9.1 Critical Path Method – Crashing a Project
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension

7. The points between the extreme points of the relationship between time use and resource
use represent __________.
a) time constrained projects
b) resource constrained projects
c) alternative trade-offs between time and resources
MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018
d) a non-feasible solution space of trade-off alternatives related to time and resource use

Ans: c
Section Reference: 9.2 The Resource Allocation Problem
Level: advanced
Bloom’s: Comprehension

8. The two fundamental approaches to constrained allocation problems are __________.

a) heuristic approaches and rules of thumb
b) linear programming approaches and optimization models
c) heuristic approaches and optimization models
d) goal programming and trial and error

Ans: c
Section Reference: 9.5 Constrained Resource Scheduling
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension

9. The __________ approach to constrained resource scheduling problems is the only feasible
method of attacking large, nonlinear, complex problems that tend to occur in the real world of
project management.
a) goal programming
b) heuristic
c) optimization modeling
d) linear programming

Ans: b
MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018
Section Reference: 9.5 Constrained Resource Scheduling
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge

10. Most heuristic solution methods start with the __________ and analyze resource usage
period by period, resource by resource.
a) GERT schedule
b) Gantt chart
c) PERT/CPM schedule
d) Master schedule

Ans: c
Level: intermediate
Bloom’s: Comprehension

11. If a contradiction or conflict between constraints is detected, __________ should always

take precedence.
a) technological necessities
b) time constraints
c) resource constraints
d) managerial preferences

Ans: a
Section Reference: 9.5 Constrained Resource Scheduling
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension
MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018

12. The __________ heuristic provides a general solution for critical path and time and is
usually the default rule for a schedule.
a) as soon as possible
b) as late as possible
c) minimum slack first
d) shortest task first

Ans: a
Section Reference: 9.5 Constrained Resource Scheduling
Level: easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge

13. The usual purpose of the __________ scheduling heuristic is to delay cash outflows as long
as possible.
a) minimum slack first
b) shortest task first
c) most successors
d) as late as possible

Ans: d
Section Reference: 9.5 Constrained Resource Scheduling
Level: intermediate
Bloom’s: Comprehension

14. Which of the following effects will be observed in a network if a date-constrained project is
MGO634 F10/PM1 Quiz 9 Fall 2018
scheduled from the ending date constraint using the “as late as possible” heuristic?
a) Each activity will make use of all the slack available to it.
b) The network will not have any critical activities.
c) It would never be possible to override the “as late as possible” heuristic with a “must start no
later than” date constraint.
d) Many of the activities will be scheduled prior to the start date of the project.

Ans: a
Section Reference: 9.5 Constrained Resource Scheduling
Level: advanced
Bloom’s: Comprehension

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