Derwinski Op-Ed PDF

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TO: Tom Driscoll - Journal Star


Dii·ector of Media Relations and Planning

Here is the op-ed piece by

Counselor Derwinski.

I would appreciate it if you would

let me know if you are interested
in using this. My direct line
here is (202) 456-2755.

Many thanks.



D,rector of Med',a Relations and Plannmg

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Jo'l- 30 7 J'
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3 Joq -lo~~ - 311-3


TO: Torn Driscoll - Journal Star

Director of Media Relations and Planning

Here is the op-ed piece by

Counselor Derwinski.

I would appreciate it if you would

let me know if you are interested
in using this. My direct line
here is (202) 456-2755.

Many thanks.
t ni1rd StatH ~panment al State
. :- :
rt·'cuAi~ton. D. C 20520
·: ·

'.! . • -

~ o~~ Goai i~ Maintaining world Peace

. Aac•a fil• •Th• Day.·,• aired on November 20,
.· c;raphically depicted • ·•ii:aulated nuclear attack on Kanaaa City
· and the devaat~tion and auffering of •~rvivora in nearby
· - . ·: t.avrence, . Kan•••~-- It · reminded all of 11a of the · immediate and· .
- _:J ong~t•rm devastating , eff~cta of · ·n uclear war. · · .lt underacored .
-=:: . t he tealiiation that·: our ·:·iiajor 9011 •• • people- and •• a nation:
· _· a1aat be to p\lr • u• a policy _that will maintain world peace and : -•
C .prevent nuclear ·' war fro• ever occurrin·g • . Every American
_· · - , . .:.:::·
· · ·_::·--. Pre • ident ai11c• the nucl•"~r age began ha• ·committed the Onited
<--'_' _;·s tat•• to th• goal of ·a 1table and ••cure · peace with freed011. · · ·_
:·.-_·\ : No ·objective ~••· a higher -pri~rity; for thi~ Administratio,.. ··
_ ·_:~-·th• Pr:e•1dent : ba• often :aaid, ·· •Nuclear war cannot be won and ·. · · ·
·A• ·
-·.. auat never be ,:!ought.• ~-.::"·-:~Y ·i · ...·,.. . .... · . .. , .
; :::_~-~ ~. -. ·. . ··~, . .'· . -~ · :,~ ., ·. ·.. . •· . .-~·-.- •.: '• ·... . ,t:>_:~. . -...?;:-.-..:.. . ~~·-;
.-_._ . . N•int.ainin9 -:world . peace~ hov•·v er, takea ~ore ' than good
.:...· - intentiona.: It. require•: • aound progra• for 11aintainin9 ·-our----~
., :·: ovn atten9th, to avoid the danger• that veaknes1 invitee, ·- ·
-__- ··:vi cj.oroue pur au 1 t of ~ · co11prehena i ve effort to .reduce araenala ·
· - : of _cdnv~ntional and nuclear w~apona in a balanced aa4 . .· · ·.. ··•
·,·:_.-: verifiable •ann_er.: agreeir:': nta vith .other nuclear_ povera oft ·· . \· :,.._
. _: ~:.. •ffective . '.ways to reduce -:the riaka of .accide_n tal var, and an :·:-_.· · -
· :_·,- active ·role in achievin9 ---·peaceful ~eaolution of ·.regional ... _· , ·-•~,.-·.·
-~- ~> :di•putea. · Pin•lly, . ·1t--·requi.cea tbat . all nation•, great and ··-' _?.'.! ·
· :.. .<_a11all, _co-it th••••lv••:· unre•ervedly to peace and· to -.· . ·. .\ :-:.::·
~--· cooperat~on .in makin9 _that _goal a reality. :--
: ·-: i The ~~liciea ~i ~ation~l atre~;~h, deterr~nce, and
·_ ·. ·neqotiationa .that we, :-supported by out friend• &nd Alli•• ,._. .
·:. :;-.:a:tound th• world; have followed for alaoat four decadea h•••
·_·:•~~c•••fully prevented: nuelear var. But we are not .
·._;c_o aplacent. we are aware of the very urgent ne•d to dial.Diab
·the t1ak of war, and to create an international atnoaphere to ·d urab·le · peace.
t~ ~h• ~••t
ivo year• we have undertaken major nev
initiative• to reduce nuclear and conventional araenala. 1in ·
the START negotiation• with the soviet ·Union in Geneva" ha••
propoaed . d••P reduction• in •strategic• (intercontinental)
nuclear 1r1enal1, and offered• guaranteed build-down o! .
nuclear forces • .Also in G~neva, in the INF negotiations, we
p~opoaed to the soviet Union the elimination of an entire · .
c•te9ory of intecmediat• land-baaed nuclear miaaile• or their
reduction and limitation to the love • t poaaible levels Oft a
9lobal :baai• . .
·-·- In · the Mutual and Balanced rorce Reduction• (MBPlt)
ne9otiationa in Vi·enna we have proposed the reduction of SGYiet
. .... :
•. ·..·!
.·a·nd NATO· conv~•ntfon&l . fore•. in Central Europe, in other
-. _n•g.0 ttat'1on1 ve have propoied a verifiable ban on chemical
_weapon•/ ·•nd tinprovinc; th• v•t if ication p.rovision• of nuclear
test fn·g ·agreem~nt• · · W• :· are . r~ducinq nuclear arsenals vherever
,!ea~ible. On October 27 tl~ NATO Nuclear Planning Group
announced its deciaion to reduce NATO's stockpile in turop• by
an ~dditlonal 1400 ~•apon• b•yond the 1000 nuclear weapon1
wi~hdrawn in 1980. In the ~uclear arm• reduction talks and at
ath~ Conference on Diaarna~ent · in Europe, we are seeking
. agr••••nta wit~ ~the soviet · Union to reduce the ri•k of
:_ ;~ ~accidental -var by incr•a•i~g •conf1dence-buildin9 measurea•,
. _-:/ auch •• advanced ·notif ic&tion of aajor weapon• te1ta, and
_· ·· ·. improved eomm.u nic•t ion• and consultation• in tii1e1 of criaia. -
• . • •• ~~~!._·:,.:_._:-:' • : • .. •• •• : • • • .· I • • ·• I • • • • •, •

. ··_>.i{O:-: Ttieae e·ffort1 to mai.ntain and aaaure global-.peace &ftd

·-:~t~bility can ••k•· a differenc~. Tbil ia not th• tim• for
de • pair and hop•l•••n•••· Nor ia peace aerved by the viev that
:· b~cau•• ~ucl••r var i • ao horrible, any hastily ••ized :· .
. alternative to ••rioua negotiation• i • better. By Maintaining
.. 1>ur 1tren9th and • stable veapona balance at the lowe•t
po• • lbl• level• with the soviet Union, and devoting our •Hl"ff
and · lntelli9ence to negotiation• for peace, ve and our All1ea -
_can aucceaafully maintair. the thing • ve moat cherish •
. •i" ' . ..
:_. . : ·... <'. •-~-:::',w. :h•v• 90Od rea1ona '-0 be optiaiatic about the fllture, if
· · · :··. .ve· have th• -patience to persevere in the pur1uit of peace. -
. .: . . ··' J•eace ia a primary huun n••d and our paraaaount politic:.l .
- · -..· :·_. ·-..:. : <,goal. . W• auat all dedicate ouraelvea to helpinCJ achi••• it.
_-~--:~:' · · ·: .\-A•. Franklin D. Roosevelt prophetically vrote in April lt4S ju,
·- · · ·before th• dawn of th• nuclear ac;e, •11ore than an end to war,
_ · · ve vant an end to the b•ginning• of all var •.• Ma-intainlDt
. . . . . . . . . _peace
· ·. ...:-world
..... - .
, .- . 1•. the end w~ •••k.
- ..
.. ..·.
·~. : •. . _. . ;!:.,._:',.~-.
. _: .. : . .":·.: -.">-: .

-: . ~ .. ·-· . . . . . . ...; .: :,:;_: .~•: •..

. . ' ::·. . . .,-_~..
., ' ; ~- ~
Edward Derwinski·
Counselor of the .
~ .-
.. . . Department of State
- .

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