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MGO 634 F20 Quiz 4 of 10 Fall 2015

Name: ____________ __________________ Grade: _____/ 20

(PRINT): Last First

1 of 2: Chapter 3 - The Project Manager

Please answer each of the following 10 multiple choice questions by selecting the best answer, from
among other possible “good” answers, by CIRCLING the letter next to it.

1. Identify the attribute that is NOT normally associated with the job of functional

a) The functional manager is usually a generalist in the area being managed.

b) The functional manager is responsible for deciding what resources will be devoted to
accomplishing the task.

c) The functional manager is administratively responsible for deciding how something will be

d) The functional manager is responsible for deciding who will do the work.

Ans: a Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

2. According to the authors, the analytic method, when applied to systems, focuses on

a) assembling the components of a system into an integrated package

b) building an array of individually designed and manufactured components

c) calculating the cost and schedule requirements

d) dividing the components of a system into smaller and smaller elements

Ans: d Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

3. The ideal project manager should be __________.

a) a direct, technical supervisor knowledgeable in the technology of the process being used

b) both generalist/facilitator and have a high level of technical competence in the science of the

c) a facilitator and specialist with technical credibility

d) a technical specialist competent in principles of robust design

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 4 of 10 Fall 2015

ans: b Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

4. According to the authors, three major questions face the project manager with respect
to synthesizing the requirements of a project. Identify the item that is NOT listed as one
of the three major questions.

a) What needs to be done?

b) Who will actually do the work of the project?

c) When must it be done?

d) How will the required resources be obtained?

Ans: b Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

5. When managing a project, the project manager is responsible for __________.

a) auditing the project

b) executing the project

c) budgeting the project

d) designing the project

Ans: c Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

6. The project manager's responsibilities are broad and fall primarily into three separate
areas. Responsibilities to _____________ is NOT one of these.

a) the parent organization

b) the project and the client

c) the members of the project team

d) special-interest groups

Ans: d Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

7. The project manager must make trade-offs between project progress and process.
Conceptually, this involves trade-offs between the __________ functions.

a) technical and managerial

b) schedule and cost

c) performance and schedule

d) cost and performance

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 4 of 10 Fall 2015

Ans: a Section Reference: 3.2 Special Demands on the Project Manager

8. During the __________ stage of the project lifecycle, there is no significant difference
in the importance that project managers place on the three goals of cost, time, and

a) main

b) formation

c) buildup

d) phaseout

Ans: b Section Reference: 3.2 Special Demands on the Project Manager

9. According to the authors the project manager should be more skilled at __________.

a) general management

b) technology

c) synthesis

d) analysis

Ans: c Section Reference: 3.1 Project Management and the Project Manager

10. According to the authors, of all the characteristics desirable in a project manager,
__________ is the most important.

a) availability

b) a strong technical background

c) ability to keep the project team happy

d) drive to complete the task

Ans: d Section Reference: 3.3 Attributes of Effective Project Managers

2 of 2: Chapter 4 - Negotiation and the Management of Conflict

Please answer ONLY 10 of the following 12 multiple choice questions by selecting the best answer,
from among other possible “good” answers, by CIRCLING the letter next to it.

1. A party to a conflict will usually be satisfied when the level of frustration has been

a) increased by the domination of the other party

b) lowered to the point where no action against the other party is contemplated

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 4 of 10 Fall 2015

c) lowered because the party realizes the hopelessness of continuing the conflict

d) eliminated because the party has surrendered to the other party

Ans: b Section Reference: Introduction

2. Most of the conflicts that involve the organization and outsiders have to do with

a) interpersonal differences

b) cultural differences and status differences

c) technical differences

d) property rights and contractual obligations

Ans: d Section Reference: 4.4 The Nature of Negotiation

3. Conflicts within the organization typically differ from conflicts with outsiders in one
important way. As far as the organization is concerned, these conflicts are __________.

a) conflicts between opponents

b) conflicts between allies

c) conflicts between microcultures

d) conflicts between subcultures

Ans: b Section Reference: 4.4 The Nature of Negotiation

4. Which one of the following choices was NOT identified by the authors as one of the
reasons why organizations enter into partnership arrangements with each other?

a) avoidance of litigation

b) diversification of technical risk

c) reducing internal conflict

d) avoidance of capital investment

Ans: c Section Reference: 4.5 Partnering, Chartering, and Scope Change

5. If a resource conflict arises between two high-priority projects, precedence is typically

given to the project with the __________.

a) earliest due date

b) fastest completion time

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 4 of 10 Fall 2015

c) biggest revenue stream

d) lowest cost to complete

Ans: a Section Reference: 4.5 Partnering, Chartering, and Scope Change

6. During project formation, the organizational structure selected will have a major
impact on the ways in which conflicts are handled. Lack of clarity about the relative
power/influence/authority of the PM and the functional managers is a major component
of all conflicts involving __________.

a) contractual obligations

b) property rights

c) budgeting

d) resource allocation and scheduling

Ans: d Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

7. During project build-up, the project should move from a general concept to

a) implementation of plans

b) a highly detailed set of plans

c) a project charter

d) a project contract

Ans: b Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

8. During project build-up, if the project is independent and standalone, the project
manager seeks a commitment of __________ from the functional departments.

a) work

b) materials

c) people

d) budgets

Ans: c Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

9. During project build-up, if the project is functionally tied down, the project manager
seeks a commitment of __________ from the functional departments.

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 4 of 10 Fall 2015

a) work

b) materials

c) people

d) budgets

Ans: a Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

10. The need to manage interfaces and to correct incompatibilities is likely to create
technical conflicts during the __________ phase of the project lifecycle.

a) project formation

b) project buildup

c) main program

d) project phase out

Ans: c Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

11. __________ problems are comparatively rare during project phaseout because most
have been solved or bypassed earlier.

a) Resource

b) Schedule

c) Authority

d) Technical

Ans: d Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

12. Personality conflicts during project phase-out are often caused by __________.

a) the absence of deadlines

b) the influx of newer technology

c) pressure to complete the project and anxiety about leaving the project

d) distribution of expenses charged to the project

Ans: c Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

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