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MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

Name: ____________ __________________ Grade: _____/ 20

(PRINT): Last First

Part 1 of 2: Chapter 4: Negotiation and the Management of Conflict

Please answer each of the following 10 multiple choice questions by selecting the best
answer, from among other possible “good” answers, by CIRCLING the letter next to it.
1. Personality conflicts during project phase-out are often caused by __________.

a) the absence of deadlines

b) the influx of newer technology

c) pressure to complete the project and anxiety about leaving the project

d) distribution of expenses charged to the project

Ans: c Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

2. Identify the category of conflict that is NOT included in the categories used by
Thamhain and Wilemon in their study of project conflict.

a) differences about goal/expectations

b) uncertainty about authority

c) interpersonal problems

d) discipline/problem-orientation differences

Ans: d Section Reference: 4.2 Conflict and the Project Life Cycle

3. According to the authors, the nature of negotiation as it applies to project

management is the realization that few of the conflicts arising in projects have to do with

a) whether or not the task will be done

b) the precise design of the deliverable

c) how the design will be achieved

d) who will do the work, when, and at what cost.

Ans: a Section Reference: 4.6 Some Requirements and Principles of Negotiation

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

4. When dealing with conflict between parties, it is recommended that one __________ in
order to avoid the conflict becoming interpersonal.

a) avoid the situation

b) define the substantive problem

c) leisurely discuss the issue

d) focus on interests

Ans: b Section Reference: 4.6 Some Requirements and Principles of Negotiation

5. There are probably more opportunities for __________ in handling conflicts and
negotiations than in any other aspect of project management.

a) errors in judgment

b) ethical missteps

c) project team strife

d) project manager burnout

Ans: b Section Reference: Introduction

6. The authors mention three situations where the highest level of negotiating skill is
required by the project manager. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

a) getting personnel from the functional manager

b) using sub-contractors

c) changing project deliverables in midstream

d) using input from multiple functional units in developing the project mission

Ans: a Section Reference: 4.5 Partnering, Chartering, and Scope Change

7. Which of the following is NOT included in the authors’ four part agreement for

a) continuous senior management support

b) a method for resolution of problems and disagreements

c) joint evaluation of the project’s progress

d) a set of team building exercises

Ans: d Section Reference: 4.5 Partnering, Chartering, and Scope Change

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

8. According to the authors; which of the entities below is NOT a party to the chartering

a) the project manager

b) the customer

c) senior management

d) functional managers

Ans: b Section Reference: 4.5 Partnering, Chartering, and Scope Change

9. There are several words that are synonyms for negotiate. Which of the following is
NOT quoted by the authors?

a) arbitrate

b) bicker

c) conciliate

d) haggle

Ans: b Section Reference: 4.4 The Nature of Negotiation

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the four points of principled negotiation?

a) Insist on using objective criteria.

b) Focus on interest not positions.

c) Invent options for mutual gain before trying to reach an agreement.

d) Separate people from the problem.

Ans: c Section Reference: 4.6 Some Requirements and Principles of Negotiation

Part 2 of 2: Chapter 5: The Project in the Organizational Structure

Please answer ONLY 10 of the following 12 multiple choice questions by selecting the best answer,
from among other possible “good” answers, by CIRCLING the letter next to it.

1. Identify the statement that is NOT a major advantage of placing a project within a
functional element of the parent organization.

a) The flexible use of staff increases.

b) Expertise is easily shared across multiple projects.

c) The functional division tends to be oriented towards activities particular to its function.

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

d) The functional division serves as a base of technological continuity.

Ans: c Section Reference: 5.1 Projects in a Functional Organization

2. Identify the statement that is NOT a major disadvantage of placing a project within a
functional element of the parent organization.

a) There is a tendency to suboptimize the project.

b) The project’s client is not the primary focus of activity in the function.

c) The motivation of people assigned to the project tends to be weak.

d) The functional division contains the normal path of advancement for individuals whose
expertise is in the functional area.

Ans: d Section Reference: 5.1 Projects in a Functional Organization

3. Identify the statement that is NOT a major advantage of placing a project within the
pure project organization.

a) The functional manager retains full line authority over project team members.

b) The lines of communication are shortened in regards to the project’s resources.

c) Centralized authority tends to increase the speed of decision-making.

d) A holistic approach to performing the project is supported.

Ans: a Section Reference: 5.2 Projects in a Projectized Organization

4. Identify the statement that is NOT a major disadvantage of placing a project within the
pure project organization.

a) The project manager has full line authority over the project.

b) Projects duplicate effort because resources are not shared across projects.

c) Projects attempt to stockpile resources.

d) Policies and procedures of the organization are inconsistently used and enforced.

Ans: a Section Reference: 5.2 Projects in a Projectized Organization

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

5. If the project manager controls when and what people do while the functional
managers control who will be assigned to the project and what technology will be
used, the __________ organizational form is probably being used.

a) projectized

b) pure project

c) matrix

d) weak project

Ans: c Section Reference: 5.4 Projects in Composite Organizational Structures

6. In the systems approach to design, one organization would have to take

responsibility for __________.

a) manufacturing everything in the system

b) the integrity of the project design

c) the integrity of the subcontractors

d) product warranties

Ans: b Section Reference: 5.3 Projects in a Matrixed Organization

7. Identify the statement that is NOT a major advantage of placing a project in the
matrix approach.

a) A single individual, the project manager, takes responsibility for managing the project.

b) The project will have access to representatives from the administrative units of the parent

c) The division of authority between the project manager and the functional managers is

d) There may be less anxiety among team members about what will happen to them when
the project is completed.

Ans: c Section Reference: 5.3 Projects in a Matrixed Organization

8. Identify the statement that is NOT a major disadvantage of placing the project in the
matrix approach.

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

a) The balance of power between stakeholders is delicate.

b) Balancing the demands of competing projects using shared resource pools is


c) The principle of unity of command is violated.

d) The project manager takes responsibility for managing the project.

Ans: d Section Reference: 5.3 Projects in a Matrixed Organization

9. When a project requires the integration of inputs from several functional areas and
involves reasonably sophisticated technology, but does not require all the technical
specialists to work for the project on a full-time basis, the __________ organizational
form should be used.

a) functional

b) matrix

c) pure project

d) mixed

Ans: b Section Reference: 5.5 Selecting a Project Form

10. The process of dealing with uncertainties in projects that may affect the project
for better or for worse has come to be known as __________.

a) scope management

b) risk management

c) quality management

d) procurement management

Ans: b Section Reference: 5.6 The Project Management Office

11. A common objective of an organization’s PMO is often created by organizations to


a) establish consistent project management standards and methods

b) deal with technological obsolescence

c) train process managers

d) administer application software

Ans: a Section Reference: 5.6 The Project Management Office

MGO 634 F20 Quiz 5 of 10 Fall 2015

12. A major purpose of the project management office should be to serve as


a) the central location for all clerical support

b) the critical disaster recovery support

c) a link between strategic management and project management

d) maintenance for the project management library

Ans: c Section Reference: 5.6 The Project Management Office

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