MGO 634 作業4

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Chang/Shang-Jen/Oct 4 chapter 4/page 155/ 5, 18


a. Buildup: conflicts about project priorities, schedules, administrative procedures,

technical conflicts: Functional Manager - Project Manager (specialist vs. generalist=

conflict about best technical approach)

b. Main program: schedules are a major source of conflict: no punctual completion=further

tasks depending on these activities are also delayed= entire project may be delayed;

Catching up only under pressure=Personality conflicts; managing the increasing number

of interfaces=technical conflicts

c. Phaseout: Main conflict: schedule: problems of the main stage are carried over (e.g.,

delay); deadline should be met= hectic = stress =causes personality conflicts; Conflict

between Project that phases out and new project (about resources,..)

Work-Experience Application: I often saw that many functional department managers had

conflicts with project managers when I was in CTCI company in Taiwan. Sometimes, they

would argue about technique and schedule problems. Functional managers cared about the

technical issues more, but project managers cared about schedule more. Functional

department managers mocked at those project managers who didn't know real technical
problem privately. Project managers usually said those functional managers have no big

picture in their mind. However, those conflicts are unavoidable for any company. The only

thing we can do is understand those potential conflicts and know what SOP we could do

when we encounter those conflicts. Avoiding those conflicts is becoming worse.


Principled negotiation is an approach to conflict resolution outlined in the book, "Getting

to Yes." This can be seen in separating people from the problem, help focus on interests, it

can also help generate options for possible solutions.

Work-Experience Application: Due to many conflicts happened in my company, a senior

manager asked project managers and functional managers have to learn to replace

thinking when a conflict is becoming worse. This way is so useful. Those managers can

provide different solutions when they began to replace thinking. As long as they changed

their positions, they could realize what is the point they have to solve. At that moment,

they just discussed how to solve those problems.

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