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Chang/Shang-Jen/Nov 29 chapter 11/page 495/ 1, 11


The two fundamental objectives of control are:

a. The regulation of results through the alteration of activities.

b. The stewardship of organizational assets.

Most discussions of the control function are focused on regulation. The PM needs to be

equally attentive to both regulation and conservation. Because the main body of this

chapter (and much of the next) concerns the PM as regulator, let us emphasize the

conservationist role here. The PM must guard the physical assets of the organization, its

human resources, and its financial resources. The processes for conserving these three

different kinds of assets are different.

Work-Experience Application: In my past experience, control is the most important thing

in project management. For project managers, they have to know what type of resource is

limited or how many resources they could use. Especially in financial, human and our

company asset, project managers should know how to efficiently use these resources.

Without control, project managers might not know how many resources we could use or

might abuse our limited resources in trivial things.


• review all requested changes to the project (both content and procedures)

• identify all task impacts

• translate these impacts into project scope, cost, and schedule.

• evaluate the benefits and costs of the requested changes

• identify alternative changes that might accomplish the same ends

• accept or reject the requested changes

• communicate the changes to all concerned parties

• ensure that the changes are implemented properly

• prepare monthly reports that summarize all changes to date and their project impacts

Work-Experience Application: This reminds me why my supervisor should meet with our

project manager many times before they decided to make a change. Especially, they wanted

to cut down some budget, they would meet many times. They might discuss how many

resources we could use, how many manhours we could use, and how many times we could

use. And that's why my supervisor always asked me to do some graphs and some excel

form for him to join a meeting. He needed those data to show the project manager.

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