Sims Memo For McFarlane Gergen

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ACTION November 9, 1983



SUBJECT: The Day After

These actions are underway, or contemplated:

White House:

--Talking Points. Action: Sims, based on interagency

draft. Baroody to distribute.

--Pamphlet. Describing, in the President's words from his

speeches, the Administration's commitment to deterring a nuclear
war and reducing nuclear armaments. Action: Al Myer. Baroody
to print. Distribution to White House, FEMA and ACDA for use in
response to people who call or write after the film.

--Op-ed article. Kevin Hopkins, with Jim Jenkins' approval,

has written one for distribution to publications with conserva-
tive readerships.

--Outside individuals and or · anizations. Karna Small ±o

contact interested groups for examp e, American Security Coun-
cil) to ensure their knowledge of _white House position. Will
provide talking points to friendly organizations, and query them
as to whether or not they will be contacting others, for example
PTA or children's TV groups who may not think children should
watch the film.

--RR viewing.- If appropriate, Gergen (or Deaver) let it be . ~

known that the President has seen the film, describe his personal

--RR speech. Presidential speech on status of arms nego-

tiations could be made between end of Far East Trip and_November
19. Saturday radio talk, November 19, is last good opportunity
before film airs. Speech would deal with status of negotiations,
not be a commentary on the film. If done as a major TV talk,
would have to be based on a substantive policy initiative.
Otherwise, would probably be unsettling to the public.

Need decision early next week. McFarlane/Gergen/Ron Lehman/Al

Myer action.

--ABC "Viewpoint•. Program to air immediately after the

film Sunday, November 20. ABC (Joanna Bistany) has officially

requested the Vice President for a brief segment to open this

program. Would be Ted Koppel asking the VP for his thoughts
about the film, then short Q and A with Koppel. After that, they
would do a panel: Kissinger, McNamara, Carl Sagan, Bill Buckley.
They plan to ask Jeane Kirkpatrick to be on the panel. Need a
decision on the Vice President (his office turned ABC down
earlier1 I understand from Don Gregg there is still reluctance on
Dan Murphy's part). Also, need to recommend pro or con to Jeane
Kirkpatrick. FYI, the interagency working group thought both
should participate. Action: McFarlane/Gergen.

--ABC "War Games" series. Set to air Tuesday-Friday nights

after the film. Four one-hour programs based on a 20-hour war
game exercise to be played this weekend. Muskie, Clark Clifford,
Richard Holbrook, Schlesinger, Antonia Cheyes, General Shy Meyer,
Bill Hyland, Winston Lord, Richard Pipes and Hedding Carter are
players. Les Gelb a consultant. Control group is General
William Y. Smith, retired Army Deputy CINCEUR, Barry Bleckman,
Leonard Garment, Arnold Horelick, Walter Slocombe, Richard
Steadman, Robert Tucker. Simulation exercise based on Rand
technique, modified by MIT: non-machine, realistic, non-
theoretical. ABC would possibly be willing to have someone from
government comment at end of the entire series, Friday night.
Would not accept someone each night. This series was to have
been called "The Last Game", but the control group objected .. It
is now titled "The Crisis Game". ABC says it is designed to
"calm people down" after "The Final Day" and "let them se~ a
decision process in action". Need to decide who, if anyone, to
offer ABC for commentary on behalf of the government after the
final part of the series. (I would like to know how the game
comes out before volunteering commentary.)

McFarlane/Gergen action.

--Responses to Calls and Letters. Karna Small will ~ontact -

Ann Higgins re additional operators on phones after show, talking
points, and letter -responses.

--Conservative C~lumnists and Commentators. Karna Small

will contact.

--Former Presidents and Former Assistants for ~ational

Security Affairs. Should consider providing them our views.
Action: McFarlane/Ron Lehman.


--Plans to offer "The Final Day", via Ambassador -Hartman, to

_ the Soviet Union on behal-f of ABC, with request it be - shown on -
Soviet TV. USIA preparing Russian subtitles. Assuming Soviets
do not show the film, the Ambassador would have it available for
Embassy showings.

--Coordinate public affairs strategy and talking points with

Allies. Film will be available for European viewing through
syndication. No air date available.

--Take lead with ACDA in providing Administration spokesmen.


--Provide Administration views to outsiders, including

members of Congress, who may be asked for public comment on the


--Will prepare letter response ·to citizens who ask questions

about emergency plans.

--Has developed new brochure ("What you should know about

nuclear preparedness") for prompt responding to requests for
information after the film.

--Will have extra phones available to handle next day calls.

--Has conference of key regional officials Monday fo~

briefings, including a briefing on Administration's arms control

--Has under consideration ABC-TV news request to interview

Director Giuffrida for news segment (to air Monday, November 2)
on Civil Defense. Interagency group's recommendation that he
decline has been passed to FEMA. Expect ABC to do a Civil
Defense news spot anyway.

--FEMA officials will not engage in public or media -debate

on the film or _on the subject of Civil Defense.


--Providing public affairs guidance to commanders in the

field. __ ____ __ _ __ -=

We need your guidance on the items listed above. Any actions in

progress you want to stop? Additional actions:

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